The Victoria Stamp Club has an extensive library of philatelic books which may be borrowed by club members. The following list shows the contents of the library. If you wish to make arrangements to borrow something, send an email to .
1. Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia, 3rd Ed., A.A. Rosenblum (1928)
9. Canadian Revenue Catalogue (loose leaves), Odell & French, (1942)
11. Canada 17¢ 1859, The Identification of its Printings Through the Use of Comparative Colour Charts, J. A. Calder, (1941)
17. Wells, Fargo & Co's Handstamps and Franks (1926)
24. Handstruck Postage Stamps of the Empire, 1st Edition, Robson Lowe, (1943)
26. Masterpieces of Engraving on Postage Stamps, Robson Lowe, (1943)
37. Hawaiian Stamp List, (1937)
39. A Guide to Philatelic Literature, (1939)
40. A Glossary of Philatelic Terms, (1912)
45. Blue Book of Philately, (1938)
46. Postmarked Alaska, Joseph A. Cavagnol, (1957)
47. A History of Canadian Railway Post Offices, 1853 to 1967, (1967)
49. Post Offices of British Columbia, 1858 to 1970, Melvin, (1973)
56. Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, Volume 5, North America, Robson Lowe, (1973)
57. Edward V11 Issue of Canada, George C. Marler, (1975)
59. Maltese Cross Cancellations, Alcock & Holland, (1959)
61. Colonial Postal Systems & Postage Stamps of Vancouver Island & British Columbia, Deaville, (1928), "Original Annotated"
61A. Colonial Postal Systems & Postage Stamps of Vancouver Island & British Columbia, Deaville, (1928), "Quartermain Reprint"
62. Canada Post Offices, 1755 to 1895, Frank W. Campbell, (1972)
63. Shanghai Postal System, The Stamps & Postal History, (1981)
63A. Shanghai Postal System, The Stamps & Postal History, (1981) (copy 2)
64. Canada Postal Act & Post Offices, 1878, & The Canada Split Ring Proofs
65. The Admiral Issue of Canada, George Marler
66. The Admiral Era: A Rate Study, Allan L. Steinhart, (1981)
67. Rhodesia Stamp Catalogue, (1978)
69. 1967/73 Definitive Issue, 1st Ed.
72. British Postage Stamps of the 19th Century, Robson Lowe, (1968)
74. Great Britain Specialized, Volume 1, Queen Victoria, 4th Ed., (1973)
75. Great Britain Specialized, Volume 2, King Edward VII to King George VI, 2nd Ed., (1970)
75A. Great Britain Specialized, Volume 3, Queen Elizabeth 11, Pre Decimal Issues, 3rd Ed., (1976)
75B. Great Britain Specialized, Volume 4, Queen Elizabeth 11, Decimal Issues, 4th Ed., (1985)
80. Printing Postage Stamps by Line Engraving James 11. Baxter
81. British Columbia Post Offices, Bill Topping (1983)
82. Perkins Bacon Records, Volume 1, Percy De Wonns, (1953)
82A. Perkins Bacon Records, Volume 2, Percy De Worms, (1953)
83. Canadian Stamp Handbooks
86. Large Dragons
87. Stamps of Great Britain, 1911 to 1921
90. Philatelic History of Hong Kong, Number 1, The Adhesives
92. Large Queen Stamps of Canada and Their Use, 1868 to 1872
102. Postage Stamps & Postal History of Colonial Vancouver Island & British Columbia, The Gerald Wellburn Collection
104. Whatcom County, Post Offices & Postmasters, 1857 to 1985, (1986)
106A. Eastern Arctic Mail Service Book
110. Canadian Map Stamp of 1898, a Plating Study, W. L. Bradley, (1989)
116. Care & Preservation of Philatelic Materials, (1989)
117. Small Queens of Canada, John Hillson, 2nd Ed., (1989)
118. Canadian Military Posts, Volume 1, Bailey & Toop
120. Mas Illustrated Catalogue of the Stamps of China, (1947)
123. Air Mail, An Illustrated History, 1793 to 1981
125. Postage Stamps & Postal History of Canada, Volume 1 & 2, W. S. Boggs
126. Handbook & Catalogue of Canadian Transportation Postmarks, T. P. G. Shaw, (1963)
127. Catalogue of Canadian Railway Cancellations, L.M. Ludlow, (1982)
135. Fundamentals of Philately, L. N. Williams
140. Dictionary of Stamps in Colour, J.A. Mackay, (1973)
156. 1967/78 Postage Due Issue of Canada, A Chung, (1980)
159. R. Lowe Encyclopedia of the British Empire, Volume 2, Africa, (1949)
160. R. Lowe Encyclopedia of the British Empire, Volume 3, Asia, (1951)
161. R. Lowe Encyclopedia of the British Empire, Volume 4, Australasia, (1962)
162. Australasian Stamp Catalogue, 25th Ed., (1992)
163. Caricatures and Landscapes Definitives of Canada, D. Gronbeck-Jones, (1979)
164. 1977/78 Definitives of Canada, A Listing of Paper Varieties, A. Chung, (1978)
165. Official Catalogue of Canada Precancels, H.G. Walburn, (1976)
166. Philatelic Pathways and Heritage of the Nations, K. Bileski
167. American Issue of the U. S. Postage Stamp, 1842 to 1869, (1984)
168. List of Three Dimensional (Stereo) Stamps, (1994)
169. Auction Catalogues of Baden, Prussia, Danzig & German Colonies
170. Slogan Postmarks of Canada, C. Coutts, (1996)
171. Concordance & ID Tips, Stamps of Great Britain, (1984)
172. King George VI Stamp Catalogue, (1968)
173. Wrigley Checklist, (1970)
174. Collect First Day Covers, (1984)
175. Skandinavien Frimaerkekatalog, (1985)
176. Post-og Telegraf Handboger, (1982)
179. Dr. Robert Bell of the Geological Survey of Canada, Gray Scrimgeour,(1997)
218. Canada Constant Precancel Varieties, Hans Reiche, (1962)
219. Canada Standard Precancel Catalogue, Kramer, Reiche and Walburn, (2000)
224. Channel Islands Stamps and Postal History, Stanley Gibbons, (1979)
225. Musson Stamp Dictionary, Douglas & Mary Patrick (exhibit by Robert Traquair)
227. Watermarks & Postage Stamp Paper
233. Canadian Revenue Stamp Catalogue with current price update
234. History and Place Names of B.C., Paul Parizeau
235. The Half-Cent Small Queen Issue of 1882 - 1887
242. James Chalmers - Inventor of the Adhesive Postage Stamp
243. Untold Wealth - An Exhibit by Ken Kurtz
244. Untold Wealth - The Book by Ken Kurtz
246. British Columbia Express Covers 1858 - 1900 (Exhibit by Dr. R. Carr)
247. Canada's Transpacific Maritime Mails (Exhibit by Alec Unwin)
248. Canadian Participation in the Anglo-Boer War 1899 - 1902 (Exhibit by William Robinson)
249. British Columbia Post Offices (1991 Revised Edition), William Topping
251. Canadian Perfins Used on Cover (Exhibit by Robert Traquair)
252. Catalogue of Money Order Office Number (MOON) Cancellations of B. C.1950-1973
253. Slogan Postmarks of Canada by Cecil C. Coutts (2000)
255. Victoria Revisited -- Victoria thru Postcards by Leo Beinder
258. Stampin' Around - Life of a Stamp Collector by Fred Jarrett
260. Canadian Revenues, Volume 1 - Federal Bill and Law Stamps
261. Canadian Revenues, Volume 2 - Federal Inspection, Unemployment Insurance
262. Canadian Revenues, Volume 3 - Federal War, Excise, Customs, Consular Fee, Postal Currency and War Savings
263. Canadian Revenues, Volume 4 - The Prairie Provinces
264. Canadian Revenues, Volume 5 - The Atlantic Provinces
265. Canadian Revenues, Volume 6 - Ontario and Quebec
266. Canadian Revenues, Volume 7 - B.C. and Yukon, Stamps, Most Federal Franks, Seals and Labels
267. Intercontinental Airmails Vol. 1, Transatlantic and Pacific by Edward B. Proud
268. Seychelles, Postage Stamps & Postal History by H.V. Farmer
269. British Columbia & Vancouver Island - an Exhibit by John M. Wallace
270. Color in Philately by R.H. White
271. Cumulative Index to BNA Topics 1944-1997
272. Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1874 to 1954 an Exhibit by Gary W. Steele
273. The Dead Letter Office in Canada 1830 - 2002 Illustrated Postal History by Brian C. Plain
276. Intercontinental Airmails Vol. 2. Asia and Australasia
277. The Large Queen Stamps of Canada Second edition by Harry Duckworth
278. Stamp Perforations with Emphasis on Canadian Stamps by R. A. Johnson
281. The Postal Markings of Shropshire by Brian Atkins
282. Canada's Small Queen Era 1870-1897 by George B. Arfken see also 117. Small Queens of Canada, John Hillson, 2nd Ed., (1989)
283. Canada's Postage Stamps of the Small Queen Era, 1870-1897 by John Hillson and J. Edward Nixon
284. Postal History of Prisoners of War. Vol 1 – Singapore & Malaya
285. Postal History of Prisoners of War. Vol 2 – Dutch East Indies
286. Intercontinental Airmails. Vol 3 – Africa
287. British Empire Civil Censorship Devices – WWII – Canada & Colonies
291. Postal History of Prisoners of War. Vol 6 – Japan, Korea, Manchuria & Borneo
293. Canadian Military Postal Markings. V1&2 (Bailey & Toop)
294. Gerald E. Wellburn. A B.C. Philatelist (Newroth)
295. The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland (1997)
296. The Environment Definitive Series 1977 - 1987, D. Robin Harris
VIPS Journals
Auction Catalogues: Kohler Sales. (1994-1995) for Baden, Preussen, Danzig and German Colonies (5 Volumes).
BNA Topics: Vol. l (1944) to Vol. 23 (1966) (incomplete)
Canadian Forces Philatelic Society Bulletin: Vol. 2 (1977) to- Vol. 7 (1981) XX No.4
Collectors Club; Philatelist: Vo1. XIII to Vol. XXII (various issues)