This real-photo picture post card was purchased at VicTopical in early March 2020. The address side is a regular Warwick Brother & Rutter design. The card shows BC Electric Company’s interurban No. 1304 at Edmonds and Kingsway, stopped on its way to New Westminster.

The occasion was the visit to Vancouver of the Governor-General of Canada Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught. The event is described (and the card shown) by Fred Thirkell and Bob Scullion on pages 24 and 25 of their book Places Remembered (Heritage House, 1997). The Duke and Duchess and their daughter Princess Patricia were in Vancouver from September 18 to September 21, 1912.
The Royal interurban went to New Westminster on the Central Park line on the last day of their visit.
The interior of the car (called “Connaught”) was modified. The seats and partitions were removed and the interior converted into a well-appointed living room. The return trip from New Westminster was via Eburne.