This month’s Victoria Stamp and Postcard Fair was a roaring success, featuring 10 regional stamp dealers and exhibitions by both school kids and experienced collectors. We welcomed new and familiar faces.

It was a great family event attended by many young people who are learning about the hobby and how to build and present their collection. Students from Grade 1 to Grade 5 at Hillcrest and Glenlyon-Norfolk schools joined in and created their first exhibits. Along the way, they were learning about history, biology, art, and many other subjects they found in their stamps.
Adult collectors browsed stamps, covers and other items for sale at the dealer tables.
The next Victoria Stamp and Postcard Fair takes place Sunday, June 23 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Greek Cultural Centre, 4648 Elk Lake Drive, next to the Saanich Commonwealth Pool. Free entry, free parking, free stamps for beginners. Bring the family.