Censored Mail

RAF Ferry Command Mail

During the Second World War, supplying Britain with new aircraft built in North America was a significant logistical challenge for the Allies. This presentation explains the development of the RAF Ferry Command which eventually flew these aircraft to where they were needed. Not long after its formation, a semi-formal system of using these ferried aircraft

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Civil Censorship of the Mails During the Boer War and WWI

Censorship is the suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body. Postal Censorship Postal censorship is the inspection or examination of mail, most often by government, that can include the opening,

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Cover From China to New Hampshire in 1941

Sent via California but Censored in Vancouver Gray Scrimgeour brought this cover to Muffin Break a few months ago. Here is a registered cover from Shanghai (mailed October 10, 1941) mailed to New Hampshire. It was carried possibly by an American President liner to San Pedro, California (December 27, 1941) and sent to Vancouver, Canada

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