StampEd: The APS Launches New On-Line Magazine

A Modern Outlook on a Traditional Hobby

The American Philatelic Society (APS) has just launched a new digital magazine, StampEd, aimed at inspiring a new generation of stamp collectors. StampEd will be released on a quarterly basis, online-only, and is completely free, easy to access (no log-in required), and sharable.

Growing our hobby means attracting new, younger collectors, and the APS says:

StampEd’s mission is to reach a new generation of stamp collectors – online, community-oriented, curious, and engaged with stamp collecting in new and exciting ways. The magazine will share entry-level practical collecting advice, explore the many ways people come to collecting, and how stamp collecting intertwines and intersects with other interests and hobbies. Finally, StampEd embraces the future of stamp collecting and celebrates the existing and growing online stamp collecting community.

StampEd is the result of many conversations the APS has been having over the years – familiar ones, about how to grow the hobby, reach people other than our current audience of members, and build a strong next generation of collectors. We realized that the APS’s current benefits and services aren’t providing the answer to the questions: “What do younger generations of collectors want? Why should they become APS members?” So, we decided that the time was ripe to build something new, as an investment into the future and that community of younger collectors.

Check it out and simply sign up with your email address to receive future editions of StampEd.

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