1540 Spelman letter wrapper – 1540 May 6 – Letter from London to Norfolk during postmastership of Sir Brian Tuke.

1540 Spelman letter content

1542 – Letter of the time when Sir Brian Tuke was Master of the Posts.

1544 – An important letter carried by Royal Messenger of Henry VIII

1544 – Cover of Letter on Military Matters sent from London to Hull.

1544 – Letter signed by Ministers of State, dated at Baynard’s Castell.

1545 – Letter from the Royal Palace Prague, signed by Ferdinand 1st, Emperor of Hungary and Bohemia, and brother of Charles V of Spain and Germany.

Edward VI intro

1548 – A letter carried by the Continental Posts to the Prince of Piedmont.

Reign of Queen Mary

1553 Regent of Scotland – 6 July 1553 letter addressed to our traist causing The Lord Graye. From James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran, Regent of Scotlans 1542 – 1554 after death of James Yth.

1553 James Hamilton info

1558-1603 Elizabethan Posts

1565 – Letter carried by Elizabethan Posts from ye Queens Commissioners, Dartforde.

1576 – Cover of letter bearing large seal of Queen Elizabeth.

1576 – Original letter signed by Queen Elizabeth” in the XIXth yere of my reigne”.