Glossary – J


J: 1: Scott Catalogue prefix for Postage Due. 2: Peru-Yca overprint, 1884. 3. international postal code for Japan
JAC: Joseph A. Clark, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Jack & Enterprise Agt.: Florida marking in R.P.O. grouping, c 1883
Jackass mail: 1: name given to mail carried by mules from San Antonio, Texas to San Diego, CA in 1857-58. 2: name given to mail carried by mules to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Jackn.T.: Jacksonville, Tenn. pre-adhesive postmark
Jack Rabbit Courier: local, Vancouver, Canada, 1987
Jackson & Co.’s Express: private mail and parcel delivery serviced Boston, Mass., Portsmouth and Dover, N.H.; used labels; 1865-95
Jackson, James A. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Jackson, Miss.: Confederate States of America; 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jackson, Miss. Paid 5 cents: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jackson’s Express & Van Co.: private parcel delivery serviced unknown area; used stamp, year unknown
Jacksonville, Ala., Paid 5 WTA: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jacksonville, Fl. Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jaffa: 1: Egypt, Interpostal Seals 1868. 2: now the Israel city of Yafo, near Tel Aviv
Jaffa: overprint on stamps of Russia, commemorate 50th anniversary of Russian Offices in Turkish Empire, 1909
Jaguar Express: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Jahanbecam: India, Bhopal State
Jahre: (Ger.) year
Jahrestag: (Ger.) anniversary
Jahreszahl: (Ger.) date, year only
Jahrgangswerttabelle: (Ger.) list of year sets
Jahrhundertfeier: (Ger.) centenary
Jahrlich: (Ger.) anniversary
J.A. Jesurum & Zoom: local, private for Curacao
Jail mail: term used by celebrities for mail received from prison inmates
Jaipur: India Feudatory State; formerly Rajputana, British India; 1904: No.1, 1/2 anna ultramarine, first local stamps, 1929: first official stamp, 1931, Mar.14: first stamp, 1948: joined with other states to form Rajasthan, 1949: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of Indian Union of Rajasthan, 1950, April: uses stamps of Republic of India
Jakarta: formerly Batavia, Indonesia
Jakobstad: formerly Pietarsaari, Finland
Jalapa: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883
Jaliva: (Sp.) San Felipe de Jaliva, pre-adhesive postmark
Jaluit Company: Pacific mailboats
Jamahiriya: (Arab) a state of the masses, used in official name of Libya
Jamaica: island of British West Indies, Caribbean Sea; first British colony to establish a post office; official name of postal administration: Post and Telecommunications Department currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1969) 1655: postmaster of London placed in charge of postal affairs, after conquest from Spain, 1671: local men appointed postmasters, 1696: postmaster of New York made postmaster of the West Indies, 1755-1860: British Post Office controlled external mail, 1805: Jamaica with straight line marking appeared, 1858, May 8: postage prepayment made mandatory, British stamps cancelled “A O1,” ‘A 27’ to ‘A 78,’ used to 1860, 1860, Aug. 1: No.1, 1 penny blue, colony took over operation from Colonial office, first stamps, 1890: first official stamp issued, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1944: became self-governing, 1958: member Federation of the West Indies, 1962, Aug. 6: independent member of the British Commonwealth, 1963, Aug. 29: joined the UPU
Jamaica: 1: marihuana inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 2: “no, she went of her own accord” inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Jamaica used: Jamaican stamps used in the Cayman Islands
Jamaique: (Fr.) Jamaica
Jamajka: (Czech.) Jamaica
Jamajsky: (Czech.) Jamaican
James Cook Land: Antarctic fantasy
Jamestown (N.Y.) School and Collegiate Institute: 1867, used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter
Jamhuri: (Swahili) means Republic; 1963, Dec. 10: Zanzibar became independent, 1964, Feb. 28: overprint on stamps of Zanzibar, for formation of republic. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir: India Feudatory State; 1866, Mar.: No.1, 1/2 anna gray-black, first local stamps for the two states, 1867-77: joint and separate stamps issues, 1878: first official stamp, 1894, Nov. 1: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of India, 1947: partition of India incorporated into India, but claimed by Pakistan, 1960: Pakistan issued map stamps showing disputed territory
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir: India Feudatory State; 1866, Mar.: first local stamps for the two states, 1866-77: joint and separate stamps issues, 1878: first official stamp, 1894, Nov. 1: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of Republic of India, 1947: partition of India incorporated into India, but claimed by Pakistan, 1960: Pakistan issued map stamps showing disputed territory
Janina: located in northern Greece, Offices in Turkish Empire for Janina, Turkey, 1902: No.1, 10 paras green, surcharge on stamps of Italy, used at Italian post office at Janina, Turkey, 1913: occupied by Greece, now known as Ioannina, 1941: occupied by the Axis, 1944: liberated by allies
Jantar: Donald Evans fantasy issue, Portuguese
Január: (Hung.) January
Januar: (Dan., Nor.) January
Januari: (Swed.) January
J. A. Nutter Boston: inscription for a stamp dealer, who worked with S. Allan Taylor
Japan: Eastern Asia, North Pacific Ocean; official name of postal administration: Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications currency: 1,000 mon = 10 sen, 100 sen = 1 yen, 10 rin = 1 sen 1630, government posts, not open to the public, 1871, April 20: No.1, 48 mon brown, issued first stamp, imperforate and square, 1877, June 1: joined the UPU, 1914, Nov. 7:-Feb. 7, 1922: controls Shantung Peninsula, 1919, Oct. 3: first air mail stamp, 1937, June 1: first semipostal stamp, 1945: stamps of Japan overprinted for use in Taiwan (Formosa), 1946, Oct. 11 and May 8, 1947: stamps of Australia overprinted B.C.O.F. Japan 1946 (British Commonwealth Occupation Force), 1947: constitutional monarchy, 1989: prefecture issues started; Prefecture, 2000, Nov. 15: first prefecture semipostal stamps
Japan: local post for Sutherland and Co., 1870
Japan: British Offices in Japan; 1859: opened at Yokohama, closed in Dec. 1879, 1860: opened at Nagasaki, closed in Dec. 1879, 1864: used stamps from Hong Kong, 1869: opened at Hyogo (Kobe), closed in Dec. 1879. Japanese “Chops”: used as overprints and cancels on the stamps of occupied territories, 1942-45
Japan, Airmail to: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Japanese “Chops”: used as overprints and cancels on the stamps of occupied territories, 1942-45
Japanese Dependencies: Mariannes, Marshall and Caroline Islands; 1922, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, 1947, Apr. 2: became part of the U.S. Trust Territories
Japanese Fish Auction: a simultaneous auction, whereby each bidder for a specific lot states their bid at the same moment, with the highest bidder getting the lot
Japanese Naval Control Area: Netherlands Indies, 1942, July 15: all Netherlands Indies stamps under Japanese naval control were overprinted with “Dai Nippon,” and an anchor
Japanese Occupation of British Borneo: 1942, June: stamps of Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo and Sarawak were overprinted in Japanese
Japanese Occupation of Brunei: Brunei
Japanese Occupation of Burma: Burma
Japanese Occupation of China: 1941, June 5-1945: North China, 1941, July 1-1945: Mengkiang (Inner Mongolia), 1945: Nanking, 1945: Shanghai, 1942, June 12- Sept. 1945: Kwangtung
Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong: 1942, Jan. 22: post office reopened by Japanese, 1942, Jan. 22-April 1945: used stamps of Japan, 1945, Aug. 28: Japanese post offices closed, 1945, Sept. 5: British post office reopened, used Postage Paid handstamps, 1945, Sept. 28: stamps available
Japanese Occupation of Java and Sumatra: 1943, March 9: first occupation stamps
Japanese Occupation of Johore, Kedah, Kelatan, Perak, Trenggano; 1942: stamps of Johore, Kedah, Kelatan, Perak and Trenggano overprinted in Japanese
Japanese Occupation of Malacca, Penang 1942: stamps of Straits Settlements overprinted
Japanese Occupation of Malaya: 1942: stamps of Japan overprinted for postage due, 1943: stamps of all states, Straits Settlements overprinted; stamps, postage due stamps
Japanese Occupation of Negri Sembilan: 1942: stamps of Negri Sembilan overprinted
Japanese Occupation of Netherlands Indies: 1942: first postage due stamp, 1943: first commemorative, air mail stamps
Japanese Occupation of North China: 1923: first stamps
Japanese Occupation of the Philippines: 1942: first commemorative, semi-postal, postage due stamps
Japanese Occupation of Selangor: 1942, Apr. 3: stamps of Selangor overprinted
Japanese Occupation of Straits Settlements: 1947, Mar. 16: stamps of Straits Settlements handstamp reads, ” Seal of Post Office of Malayan Military Department.”
Japanese Occupation of Sumatra: 1943, Aug. 1: first stamps, previously administered from Malaya
Japanese paper: native-made silky paper, used for Japanese early issues
Japanese Offices in China: 1876, Apr. 15- 31 Dec.1899: overprint on stamps of Japan with Chinese characters, 1900, Jan.: stamps of Japan overprinted for Offices in China, 1910-24: military overprint on stamps of Japan, 1922, Nov. 30: Offices in China closed, 1945: stamp issue for Offices in Taiwan
Japanese Offices in Korea: 1876-99: first stamps of Japan used in Pusan, 1876, Nov. 10: Wonsan 1880, April: Chemulpo 1883, Dec.: Seoul, 1888, July: Mokpo, 1900: stamps of Japan overprinted
Japanese Offices is Taiwan (Formosa): 1945: three values issued; six additional values prepared but not issued, entire set of nine values overprinted by China after WW II and issued for use in Taiwan
Japan, French post offices: 1865: opened in Yokohama, closed March 1880
Japansk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Japanese
Japan, United States post offices: 1867-Dec. 1874: Yokohama and Nagasaki, 1868-Dec. 1874: Hiogo, 1871-Dec. 1874: Hakodate
Japón: (Fr., Sp.) Japan
Japonez: (Rom) Japanese (adj.)
Japonsko: (Czech.) Japan
Japonsky: (Czech.) Japanese
Jasdan: India Feudatory State; 1942: first and only local stamp, 1948, Feb. 15: merged with Kathiawar as part of the United States of Saurashtra, 1948-50: used stamps of Sorouth, now uses stamps of Republic of India
Jason Island: Falkland Islands nature preserve, label
Jaunâtre: (Fr.) yellowish
Jaune: (Fr.) yellow (color)
Java: Malay Archipelago, East Indies; 1864: stamps issued as Netherlands Indies, 1908: overprint “Java” on stamps of the Netherlands Indies, used on islands of Java and Madura. 1943, Mar.3: overprints on stamps of Netherlands Indies and stamps of Japan used as
Java and Madura: anti-Dutch nationalists for Indonesia Republic, 1945-50, Oct.: first stamps
Java and Sumatra: 1943, March 9: stamps of Japan for Japanese occupation
Jayne, Dr. D. & Son: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Jay’s Dispatch: unofficial carrier service; Jay’s and Richwood’s Dispatch stamp, LaHoyt, Iowa, 1887-88
JBRS: James Brook Raja Sarawak, initials on the first stamp of Sarawak
J. C. Bruun Local Post: Christianssund – J. C. Bruun Local Post
JCF: James C. Filgate, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JCR: John C. Rout, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J.D. Soomaaliya, Soomaaliveed: Somalia Democratic Republic Jeia-Marke: (Ger.) Joint Export and Import Agency; labels issued for firms licensed to export; used on airmail letters from Oct. 1,-19, 1948
Jedda: Hejaz Railway Tax 1925 overprint; printed in anticipation of its fall to forces of Ibn Sa’ud of Nejd., not used
Jednoduchá Frankatura: (Czech.) franking
Jedraejow: city in former Austrian-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20
Jeend State: overprint on stamps of India for Jind, 1885-1913; Jind
Jefferson: territory created Oct. 24, 1859, never recognized and ceased to exist when Colorado Territory created Feb. 28, 1861
Jefferson Market Co.: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1850
Jeffries balloon mail: Dr. John Jeffries and Pierre Blanchard dropped mail from a balloon after crossing the English Channel, Jan. 1, 1874
Jeind: Jind
J.E.L.Co.: overprint on U.S. Proprietary revenue issue for J. Elwood Co. of Pennsylvania, 1898
Jemen: (Ger.) Yemen
Jemen (Dél): (Hung.) South Yemen
Jemen (Észak): (Hung.) North Yemen
Jemen (Királyság): (Hung.) Kingdom of Yemen
Jenkins’ Camden Dispatch: U.S. local post, Camden, N.J., 1853, reprinted in new colors
Jenkins’ Express: railroad parcel delivery firm service area between Boston and Lynn, Mass.; used a label, year unknown
Jenk’s Express: baggage delivery firm serviced Newport and Providence, R.I.; used a label, year unknown
Jenny invert: U.S. 24¢ airmail stamp with its center inverted
JEP: John E. Posey, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J. Eriksen Local Post: Drammen – J. Eriksen Local Post
Jerkonia: Canada fantasy issue
Jermend: Donald Evans fantasy issue
Jernbane: (Dan., Nor.) railroad, railway; railroad line, railway line; Jernbanelinie; Bane, Tog
Jernbanefrimærke: (Dan.) Jernbanemærke
Jernbanefrimerke(r): (Nor.) railroad stamp(s), railway stamp(s)
Jernbanelinie: (Dan., Nor.) railroad line, railroad line, railway line
Jernbanemærke: (also Jernbanefrimærke ) (Dan.) railroad stamps, railway stamps. The first Danish railway stamps were issued by the Jydsk-Fyenske Railways in 1865, with several other issues produced previous to the railroad being absorbed into the DSB-Danske Statsbaner (q.v.) in 1875. “Danske Statsbaner” local stamps appeared in 1875
Jernbanemerke(r): (Nor.) railroad stamp(s), railway stamp(s)
Jernbanepakkemærke: (Dan.) railroad parcel post stamps, railway parcel post stamps
Jernbanepakkemerke(r): (Nor.) railroad parcel post stamp(s), railway parcel post stamp(s)
Jernbanepost: (Dan., Nor.) railroad post (mail), railway post (mail)
Jernbanepoststempel: (Dan., Nor.) railroad post cancellation, railway post cancellation
Jernbanepostvogn: (Dan., Nor.) railroad mail coach, railway mail coach
Jernbanestasjon: (Dan. Nor.) railroad station, railway station
Jernbanetillægsmærke(r): (Dan.) railroad postal surtax stamp(s), railway postal surtax stamp(s)
Jernbanetillægsmærke: (Dan.) railroad postal surtax stamp, railway postal surtax stamp
Jernbanetillægsmerke(r): (Nor.) railroad postal surtax stamp(s), railway postal surtax stamp(s)
Jernbanetjenestemærke: (Dan.) railroad mail service stamp, railway mail service stamp
Jernbanetjenestemærke(r): (Dan.) railroad mail service official stamp(s), railway mail service official stamp(s), ralway ar
Jernbanetjenestemerke(r): (Nor.) railroad mail service official stamp(s), railway mail service official stamp(s)
Jernbanetog: (Nor.) railroad train, railway train
Jernbanevogn: (Nor.) railroad coach, railway coach
Jerome & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass. and Bangor, Maine; used labels, 1844-48
Jersey: English Channel Island, Jersey (Bailiwick) Dependency; official name of postal administration: Jersey Post currency: 100 pence = 1 pound sterling 1940, June 30: occupied by Germany, British stamps used, 1940, Dec. 27- Feb. 22, 1941: bisects of the 2d stamp allowed, 1941, April 1: German local issue “Jersey Postage,” 1945, May 10: British reclaimed island, local issues valid for one year, 1958, Aug. 18: British regional issues for Jersey, 1964: No. 1, 2 1/2 pence rose-red, 1969, Oct.1: Jersey issued own stamps, 1969, Oct. 1: postage due stamps
Jersey Postage: issued under German occupation, 1941-44
Jerusalem: 1: overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkey, 1909-10. 2: French Consulate Post office, 1948. 3: overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Post Office, Feb. 1909. 4: also called Gerusalemme and lerusalem
JES: John E. Schaeffer, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Jetersville, Va. 5 AHA: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jethou: Great Britain local carriage label, Channel Island, 1960
Jetons: small circular transparent cases containing stamps used as currency during American Civil war
Jet press: term for offset printing of stamps; first used by the USPS for the 33¢ blue Lincoln envelope issued June 5, 1999
Jet silhouette: the US 7-cents air mail issue showing the silhouette of a plane
Jeu complete: (Fr.) complete set
Jeugdzorg 1930: (youth care) inscription on semi-postal stamp of Netherlands Indies
Jeweler’s Parcel Delivery Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Chicago area; used a stamp; year unknown
Jewish Autonomous Region: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; local post overprint and stamps, not valid for postage
Jewish National Fund (J.N.F.): founded in1901, when British evacuated their Palestine Mandate in May 1948, the Jewish government overprinted J.N.F. receipt coupons and used these for postage
Jewish Republic: Russian Republic; bogus overprint and stamps, not valid for postage
JF: 1: John B. Fischer 2: Joseph F. Fitzgerald, Jr., BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JFH: John F. Hardy, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Jhalawar: India Feudatory State; 1887: first local stamps, 1900, Nov. 1: post office taken over by the Imperial government; now uses stamps of Republic of India
Jhind: Jind
JHK: James H. Kates, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Jibuti: Djibouti
Jiddah: formerly Jedda, Saudi Arabia
Jiffy bag: padded mailing envelope sold in various sizes
JIG: Joseph I. Griffith, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Jih: (Czech.) South
Jihoafrická: (Czech.) South Africa
Jihoafrická Republika: (Czech.) Republic of South Africa.
Jihovychod: (Czech.) Southeast.
Jihozapadni: (Czech.) Southwest
Jiji: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Jil: (Czech.) clay
Jim’s Emergency Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Jind, Jhind: India Feudatory and Native State, North Punjab; 1874: first local stamps, 1885: became a Convention State, 1885: first official stamp, issued overprinted stamps of India, 1951, Jan.1: stamps invalidated, now uses stamps of Republic of India
Jinian feng (FJ): (Chin.) commemorative cover
Jiziya: Indian States term for a tax imposed on non-Muslems
Jizni: (Czech.) South
Jizni Amerika: (Czech.) South America
Jizni Cinské More: (Czech.) South China Sea
Jizni Korea: (Czech.) South Korea (the Republic of Korea).
Jizni Vietnam: (Czech.) South Vietnam
JJM: James J. Murray, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JJMcD (JJMacD): John J. McDonald, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JKAL: The Jack Knight Air Log, USA
JLH: Joseph L. Heffern, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J. M.: Jerusalem municipality 1917: British overprint for Mid-East occupation forces
JMB: James M. Butle, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JMcF: Joseph McFate, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JMH: John M. Hackley, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JMW: James M. Walsh, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J.N.F.: Jewish National Fund
Jøde: (Nor.) Jew
Jødisk: (Nor.) Jewish
Jog: to hit or shake a handful of mail pieces against a hard surface to align their edges
Jogue: overprint on stamps of India to prevent employee theft, 1892
Johan Lund Local Post: Tromsø – Johan Lund Local Post
Joh Enschedé Security Printers: printers of stamps of South Africa; formerly Enschedé & Sons
John Paul Jones: label for training school in Texas, about 1910
Johnson & Co.’s City Despatch Post: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1848
Johnson & Co’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced New York City and Albany, N.Y. via railroad; used a label, year unknown
Johnson & Johnson: inscription on Medicine stamp; Private die proprietary stamps
Johnson & Keyes Express: private parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Auburndale, Mass.; used a stamp, year unknown
Johnson Chicago & Suburban Express Co.: private parcel firm serviced Chicago area; used a stamp, 1898
Johnson Express Co.: private parcel firm serviced Chicago area; used a stamp, 1904?
Johnson Grover: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Johnson, I.S. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Johnson, J.P.: postmaster, Pittsylvania Court House, Va., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional
Johnson, M.F.: postmaster, Tellico Plains, Tenn., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional
Johnson’s Box: label to advertise private post office delivery
Johnston Dienstag Company: 1906; inscription on adhesive stamp after San Francisco earthquake
Johnston Holloway & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Johore: Malay Peninsula; 1876, July: stamps first issued, No. 1, 2 cents brown, Malaysian State; 1884-91: “Johore” overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements with crescent and star, 1916-pre: used stamps of Straits Settlements for overseas postage, 1938, Jan. 1: first postage due stamp, 1942-45: Japanese occupation, Johore postage due stamps and ordinary stamps overprinted by Japanese for revenue purposes only, 1957: stamps of Malayan Federation used along with those of Johore, 1963, Sept.: became part of Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: inscription “Malaysia Johor” on stamps of Malaysia
Joi: (Rom.) Thursday
Joined paper: two different paper sheets affixed together by overlapping after manufacture with stamps printed on the paper so that part of the stamp appears on both pieces of paper
Joint issue: two or more countries issuing and releasing a stamp or set of stamps with a similar design on the same day, or within a few days of reach other
Joint line: printed line between two coil stamps caused by inky deposited in the seam of adjoining curved plates on rotary presses
Jointly addressed mail: mail addressed to more than one addressee (Mr. and Mrs. John Doe) neither of which can control mail delivery addressed to the other
Jomfruøerne: (Dan.) the Virgin Islands
Jones & Russell’s Pikes Peak Express Co.: U.S. local post handstamp, Denver, Colo. 1859-60
Jonesboro, Tenn Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Jones’ City Express: U.S. local post, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1845
Jones, Eadie & Berrick: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Jones’ paper: chalk-surfaced paper used for New Zealand stamp in 1924-25
Jonische Inseln: (Ger.) Ionian Islands
Joniska Öarna: (Swed.) Ionian Islands
Joniske øer: (Dan.) the Ionian Islands
Jordan: kingdom of western Asia; formerly known as Transjordan in the Near East; official name of postal administration: Ministry of Post and Communications currency: 10 millienes = 1 piaster, 1,000 mils = 1 pound (1930, 100 fils, piasters = 1 dinar 1918, Feb. 10: first stamps, E.E.F. (Palestine), 1920-pre: stamps of Britain and Turkey used, 1920, April: mandated to the British as an autonomous emirate, 1920, Nov.: No. 1 1 millieme dark brown, stamps of Palestine overprinted “East of Jordan” in Arabic, considered first stamps, 1923-27: stamps of Hejaz overprinted “East of Jordan” in Arabic, 1923: first postage due stamp, 1923: became independent state with British advisers, 1924, Jan: first official stamp,1927-47: first specially designed stamps for Jordan, inscribed Transjordan, 1930, April 1: first semipostal stamp, 1946: became independent kingdom when British mandate ended, 1947, May 16: joined the UPU, 1948-49: issued stamps overprinted for use in Palestine during period when Israel gained its independence, 1950, Sept. 16: first air mail stamp
Jordanian Occupation of Palestine: 1948, Dec. 2-April 24, 1950: first stamp overprinted Palestine in English and Arabic, 1948: first postage due stamp,
Jordania: (Sp.) Jordan
Jordanie: (Fr.) Jordan
Jordanien: (Ger., Swed.) Jordan
Jornaes: (Port.) inscription; journals, newspaper stamps, Portugal and colonies, Brazil
Josef Karl, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850-60s, for middle or upper Danube lines
Joseph Kennedy and Family: Philippine cinderella label
Joslyn’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston and North Bridgewater, Mass.; used a label, year unknown
Jour d’Emission: (Fr.) day of issue. Journal stamps: stamps that have been issued for the express purpose of prepaying postage on journals, newspapers, magazines, etc
Journaux: (Fr.) inscription on stamps of France, journals, newspapers, 1868
Journaux Dagbladen: bilingual inscription, overprint on stamps of Belgium, Parcel Post issue for newspaper stamp, 1928-32
Journée du Timbre: (Fr.) Day of the Stamp
J P A: Junior Philatelists of America
JPL: Joseph P. Lennon, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J P S: 1: Junior Philatelic Society. 2: Japan Philatelic Society
JQ: Scott Catalogue prefix for Parcel Post Postage Due (US)
JR: John Reding, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J.R.B.Pst.Exp.: Jerbane Post Expedition (Dan.) Railway Post Office
J.R.G. Aereo Vale 1946: Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno; overprint for air mail, Venezuela
J. R. MacLean Trucking & Despatch: local, Vancouver, Canada, 1968
J.S.D., J. St.D.: (Fr.) ÃŽle Saint-Domingue (Island of Saint Domingo); pre-adhesive postmark
J S D A: Japan Stamp Dealers Association
JSS: Jake S. Seitz, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JTF: John T. Ford, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JU: auction abbreviation for topical Judaica
Juan de Fuca: local, Victoria, Canada, carrier service operated between Victoria, B. C. to Port Angeles in Washington State, USA
Juan Fernandez Islands: group of islands in the Pacific, part of Chile; 1910: Chile overprint “Islas de Juan Fernandez,” used throughout Chile
Jubaland: Oltre Giuba (It.), former Italian territory in East Africa, currently Somali; 1896: first stamps, British East Africa, used, 1925, June 29: first stamps issued, 1925: ceded to Italy from being part of British colony of Kenya, became part of Italian Somaliland, overprint on stamps of Italy, “Oltre Giuba,” 1925, July: stamps overprinted “Oltre Giuba,” first commemorative, postage due stamps, 1926: first postage due, semipostal stamp, 1926, July 1: incorporated in Italian Somaliland, now part of Somali Democratic Republic, 1942, April 13: used stamps of Britain overprinted M.E. F
Jubile de L’Union Postale Universelle: Switzerland for the Universal Postal Union, 1900
Jubilee: a special anniversary, usually divisible by 25; the Jubilee stamps refer to the 1935 Silver Jubilee issue of King George V
Jubilee Exhibition: stamp/label issued by the Romanian postal authorities for use within the exhibition hall, October 1906
Jubilee line: line around the sheet margins first used during Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1887, broken it is called the Co-Extensive line, unbroken the Continuous line
Jude: (Swed.) Jew
Judea, State of: Palestine proposed state by Rabbi Meir Kahane in the 1980’s
Judenpost: (Ger.) local stamps issued for the use of Jews interned in concentration camps, but known in Lodz (or Litzmannstadt) in 1944
Judgements: court judgement fees; French Colony revenue inscription
Judisk: (Swed.) Jewish
Juego: (Sp.) complete set
Juegos Olimpicos: inscription on stamps of Costa Rica for semipostal, Olympic Games
Jugendmarken: (Ger.) youth stamps; usually semi-postals
Jugoslavia: Yugoslavia
Jugoslávie: (Czech.) Jugoslavia (Yugoslavia)
Jugoslavien: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Jugoslavia
Jugoslaviensk: (Dan.) Jugoslavien (Yugoskavien)
Jugoslavija: Jugoslavia
Jugoslavisk: (Den., Nor., Swed.) Jugoslavian (Yugoslavian)
Jugoslávsky: (Czech.) Jugoslavian (Yugoslavian)
Jugoslawien: (Ger.) Yugoslavia
Jugoszláv: (Hung.) Jugoslavian, Yugoslavian
Jugoszlávia: (Hung.) Jugoslovia, Yugoslavia
Jul: (Dan.) Christmas
Julen: term for Christmas on Scandinavian seals
Juli: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) July
Julio 1936: overprint on stamps of Spain marking the start of the Franco regime
Július: (Hung.) July
Június: (Hung.) June
Julmarke: (Ger.) Christmas seal issued by private organizations
Julmærke(r): (Dan.) Christmas stamp(s)
Julmärke: (Swed.) Christmas stamp
Julmerke: (Nor.) Christmas stamp
Jumbo pouch: name given to unlabeled pouches for miscellaneous matter on R.P.O. routes
Jumbo stamps: stamps with wide margins; should have even margins on all sides; also referred to as Boardwalk Margins
Jumelle press: web-fed press that combines two printing methods, photogravure and intaglio
Jummo et Cachemire: (Fr.) Jammu and Kashmir
Jump bidding: the principle that all participants at a public auction must engage in competitive bidding, even if they are represented by a common agent. If an auction agent receives two bids for the same lot, one at $500 and one at $1,000, and the bidding is in $50 increments, then if the bidding reaches $400, the auction agent calls out $550, the amount his $1,000 client would have needed to bid to win the bid if the $500 bid was entered
Jump pair: two adjacent coil stamps where the design is not in alignment with each other
Junagarh: Sorouth
Junagarh: India Feudatory State of Soruth
Jungferninsein: (Ger.) Virgin Islands
Jungfruöarna: (Swed.) the Virgin Islands
Juni: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) June
Junk box: 1: refers to a box of assorted low value stamps or covers being offered or sold as one lot. 2: Box of same priced material such as a box of 50¢ covers. 3: box of low-priced material being sold individually
Junk mail: term used for third-class advertising mail
Junta: (Sp.) council, governing body
Junta de Defensa Nacional: (Sp.) National Defense Council; formed by Spanish Nationalists in 1936 to administer the regions they controlled
Junta Provisional Revolucionaria: (Sp.) Provisional Revolutionary Council; formed during revolution of 1868; authorized “Habilitado por la Nacion” overprints
Jury: judges of a stamp exhibition
Jusqu’a: name of marking on air mail covers to discontinue conveyance by air at designated location
Justice, Dep’t. of: inscription, U.S. officials, all stock of remaining stamps were burned in February 1885
Justice Françoise: tax on judicial court papers; French Colony revenue inscription
Justice Indigene: local court fees; French Colony revenue inscription
JWB: Joseph W. Butler, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
JWG: James W. Gessford, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
J.W. Scott & Co.’s Monthly price list: earliest Scott catalog, June 1867
JX: 1: Scott Catalogue prefix for Porte de Mar (Mexico). 2: (Fr.) journaux (newspapers)
Jylland: (Dan, Nor.) Jutland

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