I: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Italy, San Marino and Vatican City, such as I-39100 Bolzano, Italy. 2: with eagle and United States of America: New York Custom House revenue seal. 3: Peruvian monetary unit symbol, started in 1985. 4: Scott Catalogue prefix for Late Fee (Panama, Denmark, etc.). 5. Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Italy
IA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Iowa. 2: address written in ink
Ia. : early territorial postmark refers to Indiana, not Iowa
I. A.: Immigration Agent, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
Ianuarie: (Rom.) January
Iasi: formerly Jassy, Romania
I.B.: 1: West Irian, 1970; on stamps inscribed “Republik Indonesia..” 2: Republik Indonesia. 3: Inland Branch
I. Balear: (Sp.) Islas Baleares, Balearic Islands pre-adhesive postmark, located in Mediterranean Sea
I B B: postmark indicting Industrial Building Branch, New York City; used in late 1800s
IBC: Irving B. Cohen, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Iberia: Iberian Peninsula; Spain and Portugal
Ibero-Amerika: (Ger.) Latin America
Ibi: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937
IBIP: Information Based Indicia Program, printed designs indicating prepayment of postage, tested in the U.S. starting in1999; with the franking indicia containing information that is encrypted to make each imprint a unique postage frank that cannot be duplicated
Ibiza: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937
Ibiza y Formentera: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1936-37
Ibolya: (Hung.) violet (color)
Ibros: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937
I C: Iron Curtain
ICAO: United Nations inscription for International Civil Aviation Organization
Icaria (Ikaria, Nicaria): Aegean Island captured by Greece from Turkey; 1912, July: independent from Turkey and declared a free state, 1912, Oct. 8: provisional government issued stamps under a Greek military administration, 1912, Nov. 4: occupied and annexed by Greece, 1913: overprint on stamps of Greece, 1913, June: Greek stamps used
ICC: Indo China, Laos, Vietnam overprint on stamps of India for International Control Commission; for Indian forces stationed in Laos and Vietnam beginning in 1965 until 1968
ICCR: label; International Council of City Republics
Iceland: island in the North Atlantic Ocean; official name of postal administration: Ãslandspóstur hf currency: 96 skillings = 1 rigsdaler, 100 aurar = 1 krona (1876) 1776: postal system declared by royal decree, 1778: mail-boat service between Reykjavik and Copenhagen started, 1870, March: first stamps from Denmark, 1873, Jan. 1: No. 1, 2 skillings ultramarine, official stamp issued, 1875: joined UPU as a Danish possession, 1918, Nov. 30: independent constitutional monarchy under the Danish crown, 1919, Nov. 15: joined the UPU, 1928, May 31: first air mail stamp issued, 1933, April 28: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940, May: British forces used Field Post Offices, 1941, July 7: U.S. takes over military bases, 1944, June 17: declared a republic, independent from Denmark
Ichang: China Treaty Port local stamp, 1895-97
Ichkeria: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps
I-Chun: Central Chinese local post; 1949
I.C.O.N.U.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
ICY: United Nations inscription for International Cooperation Year
ID: USPS abbreviation for Idaho
Idaho: U.S. Territory March 3, 1863; state July 3, 1890; cut from Dakota, Nebraska and Washington territories
Idar: India Feudatory State; 1939, Feb. 21: first local stamps as booklet panes, called Idar State, 1948: local stamps discontinued, 1950, Apr.30: separate stamps discontinued, uses stamps of Republic of India
IDC: Interrupted Die Cut
Ideal Stamp: British Post Office contest held in conjunction with the Jubilee International Stamp exhibition in 1912, but winning design was not accepted by post office
I de Cuba: (Sp.) Isla de Cuba, pre-adhesive postmark
I del Carmen: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883
Idem: This word, when printed on top of a stamp issue indicates that it has all the indications of the previous issue
Identique: (Fr.) identical
Ideogram: pictures or symbols used to represent a word or a concept in Chinese, but which are not pictures of the things in questions
Idrovolante: (It.) (by Hydroplane) overprint on stamps of Italy for air mail, 1917
I. E.: Intestate Estates, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
I.E.F.: 1: “Indian Expeditionary Forces” overprint on stamps of India for British occupation of German East Africa, 1914-22. 2: Troops in Iraq in WW I used stamps of India overprinted I.E.F
I.E.F. ‘D’: overprint on stamps of Turkey during British occupation of Mosul (Iraq); 1919; used by Indian troops pf the Mesopotamia Force
Ierusalem: 1909-10 overprint on stamps of Russia for Offices in Turkish Empire; commemorated the 50th anniversary of Russian post offices in the Turkish Empire
I Fiera di Tripoli: overprint on stamps of Libya for 11th Sample Fair, April 24, 1937
I. Filips: (Sp.) Islas Filipinas; pre-adhesive postmark used in the Philippines
Ifni: located on southern coast of Morocco; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1860: ceded by Morocco, Spain obtained title to area but did not take possession until 1934, 1934: Spanish settlement established, 1941: No.1, 1 centimo green, first stamps were Spanish issue overprinted “Territorio de Ifni,” 1943: first air mail (C 30), definitive issue, Note: C-1-29 were privately overprinted, 1950, Oct. 19: first semipostal issue, 1958, Jan. 12: became a maritime province of Spain, 1969, June 30: ceded to the Kingdom of Morocco
Ifor-Bosnia: Ukraine Forces in Bosnia, unofficial
IFSDA: International Federation of Stamp Dealers Association
I.G.: inconnu, inspection garde (Fr.) unknown, on undelivered, retained letters, 1790
I Gildi ’02-’03: (Ice.) (Valid ’02-’03) overprint on stamps of Iceland
Iglesia: (It.) church
IGPC: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation
Igualada: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937
Igualeja: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937
1914 Iguirnne Aiséirge 1916: (Gaelic) in memory of the rebellion of 1916
I.G.Y.: International Geophysical Year, July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958
I. J. P. O.: Imperial Japanese Post Office, Japanese Offices Abroad, postmark used in China and Manchuria mail
Ikapiae: Greece-Icaria (Nicaria)
Ikaria: Icaria
Ikke Udgivet: (Dan.) unissued, not issued
IL: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Israel, such as IL-68021 Tel Aviv. 2: USPS abbreviation for Illinois
Ilaka: Indian States term for a territory, a subdivision
Ilavoamena: Madagascar local issue
Ile: (Fr.) island, isle
Ile Barbe: fantasy stamps of France by A. Bourdi
Ile de la Reunion: (Fr.) Reunion, early issues
Ile de Man: (Fr.) Isle of Man
Ile Maurice: (Fr.) Mauritius
Ile Prince Edouard: (Fr.) Prince Edward Island
Ile Rouad: located off the coast of Syria, 1916, Jan. 12: first stamps issued as military post office, overprint on officials of France in the Levant for Rouad
Ile Roy: French restaurant fantasy
Iles Anglo-Normandes: (Fr.) Channel islands
Iles Cook: (Fr.) Cook Islands
Iles de Comoro: (Fr.) Comoro Islands
Iles de la Manche: (Fr.) Channel Islands, mainly Jersey and Guernsey
Iles de Manu’a et de Tutuila: (Fr.) Samoa
Iles de la Mer Egee: (Fr.) Aegean Islands
Iles des Sourds: (Islands of the Deaf) Donald Evans issue, tropical archipelago
Iles Feroe: (Fr.) Faroes
Iles Ioniennes: (Fr.) Ionian Islands
Iles Salomon: (Fr.) British Solomon Islands
Iles sous le Vent: (Fr.) Leeward Islands
Iles Vier(t)ges: (Fr.) Virgin Islands
Iles Wallis et Futuna: (Fr.) overprint / inscription on stamps of New Caledonia for Wallis and Futuna Islands, 1920-40
Illetékbélyeg: (Hung.) revenue stamp
Ilha de Trinidade: (Port.) inscription on stamp of Brazil for Trindade; Trindade
ILHAS: islands (Port.) applied to mail from the Azores at Lisbon,1845
Ili Republic: located in Ili valley, north-west of Sinkiang, China; 1945: declared independence, issued stamps. 1949: rejoined China
Ili-Taching-Altal Area: Northwest China (Sinkiang) local, 1949
Ill.: abbreviation for Illinois prior to Zip Code usage
Illegal stamp: according to the UPU, an illegal stamp is one that carries the name of a legitimate country or territory, but was not produced or printed by the postal administration of that country, and is not valid for postage anywhere in the world
Illegal Use: an improper use of a postage stamp or other adhesive; may be intentional or unintentional
Illetékbélyeg: (Hung.)revenue stamp
Illinguellato: (It.) never hinged
Illinois: U.S. territory March 2, 1809; state Dec. 3, 1818; cut from Indiana Territory
Illinois Express Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Illinois; used stamps; year unknown
ILO: United Nations inscription for International Labor Organization
Illustrated covers: a cachet with an illustration, not just words
Illustrated Mail Division: APS term for exhibition classification to include advertising covers, patriotic covers, corner cards, first day covers (with focus on cachet) and maximum cards; note that post cards are not included
Ilmaposti: (Finnish) air post
IIoptp Ckpncopn: (looks like) first stamps of Moldavia, listed under Romania
Ilustrata maxima: (Rom.) maximum card
Illustrations de Timbre-Poste: (Fr.) first attempt to show illustrations of postage stamps, Belgian stamp dealer J.B. Moens, 1862
I M: India Mail; used as a pre-adhesive postmark.
Imadi: currency unit of Yemen Arab Republic
Image tagging: term used when only the design portion of a stamp is tagged
I. Man: Isle of Man; used as a pre-adhesive postmark
Imbros: fantasy military label sold during WW I
IMCO: United Nations inscription for Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
Im Fuerstentum Liechtenstein: inscription on stamps of Liechtenstein for Austrian administration
Imitation perforation: simulated perforation; used on the first issue of Simoor, reprinted and copied with perforations from a dealer’s catalog
Imitation watermark: mark pressed or printed on finished paper to imitate a watermark
Immediata: misspelling of Inmediata on special delivery stamps of Cuba under U.S. military occupation
Imp., Imperf.: abbreviation for imperforate
Imp: 1: (It.) impostazione, posting site. 2: (Fr.) imprimés, printed matter
Impeccabile: (It.) perfect
Imperfecto: (Sp.) defective, imperfect
Imperforate: stamps without separating holes; they are usually separated by scissors and are collected in pairs or strips
Imperforate between: refers to two attached stamps without perforations between the stamps, but with full perforations on all four sides
Imperforate Horizontally: two stamps, on one top of the other, without perforations between two stamps, leaving horizontal straight edges at top and bottom
Imperforate margin: edge without separation of a stamp from the outer margin, sometimes called “fantail.”
Imperforate printings: French-area, and other countries produce limited-edition of commemorative issues for sale to collectors
Imperforate Vertically: two stamps, side by side horizontally, without perforations between stamps and with vertical straight edges
Imperial British East Africa Company: inscription on stamps of British East Africa during 1890-91
Imperial Chinese Post: inscription used on stamps of China, 1897-1910
Imperial crown watermark: used on stamps of Great Britain in 1880, wider and flatter in shape with a prominent circular orb under the cross
Imperial Japanese Post: inscription used on stamps of Japan, 1876-1945
Imperial Korean Post: inscription used on stamps of Korea, 1900-01
Imperial reply coupons: see: International Reply Coupons
Imperio Colonial Portugues: inscription for Portuguese India postage due labels, 1945
Imperio do Brasil: inscription for Empire of Brazil, 1887-88
Imperio Mexicano: The Mexican Empire, 1866
Imperium proofs: special prints of the Q.V. and K.E. VII British colonial designs made by the printing firm of De La Rue from plates which were engraved “Imperium” at the head, exist in colors, imperforate and/or perforated and on paper with/without watermark
Imper. reg posta austr: inscription for Austrian Offices in Turkey, 1883-86
Imporeson en relieve: (Sp.) embossed
Imposta sull’entrata: (It.) income tax; inscription on Italian revenue stamps
Impôt Compre: (Fr.) tax included; French Colony revenue inscription
Impôt de Capitation: (Fr.) poll or head tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Impôt du Timbre: (Fr.) general stamp duty; French Colony revenue inscription
Impôt Personnel: (Fr.) personal tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Impôt Sur le Revenue: (Fr.) income tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Imprenta: (Sp.) imprint
Imprentilla: (Sp.) handstamp
Impresión doble: (Sp.) double impression
Impresión en relieve: (Sp.) embossed
Impresión offset: (Sp.) offset printing
Impresión rotativa: (Sp.) rotary printing
Impreso a mano: (Sp.) handstamped
Impresos: (Sp.) inscription for printed matter on stamps of the Philippines and Cuba, 1886
Impressed duty stamps: British term for revenue or fiscal stamps, evidence that a government fee has been paid; used in Great Britain as early as 1694
Impressed printing flaw: a constant variety with color missing
Impressed stamp: a stamp applied to any form of postal stationery by ordinary printing methods, usually excludes embossing
Impressed watermark: applied by a die or roller after the paper is made
Impression: 1: printing produced by one complete revolution of a rotary printing base; also known as the actual printed design of a stamp. 2: (Fr.) printing. 3: an imprint of stamp(s) taken from a die, plate or other printing base. 4: any stamped or embossed printing
Impressione a rilievo: (It.) embossed
Impression en offset: (Fr.) offset printing
Impression en relief: (Fr.) embossed
Impression par cylindre: (Fr.) rotary printing
Imprimatur: (Latin) “let it be printed” term for the first pane of a stamp produced after a printing plate was approved
Imprime: (Fr.) printed
Imprime: overprint on stamps of Iran, Turkey as newspaper stamps
Imprime en relief: (Fr.) embossed
Imprimer: (Fr.) to print, stamp or impress
Imprimerie des Timbres-Poste: (Fr.) printer’s inscription on deluxe presentation sheets by French-area countries
Imprimés: printed matter
Imprimés: overprint on stamps of Iran for newspapers
Imprimeur: (Fr.) printer
Imprimatur printing: (Latin) produced in some countries after the printing plate is finished and may or may not differ from the final issued stamps; usually have an imprint on the back to designate them, as imprimatur tests
Imprint: 1: any part of a stamp’s design printed at the time of the original stamp’s production; vs an overprint, which is added at a later time. 2: inscription with name, initials, etc., usually of the producers of the stamps; found in the margins of the sheets of the stamps
Imprint-Authority: Australian printing on bottom left hand corner of the sheet selvage preceded by name of printing firm. For example “Ash Imprint-Authority (of the Government) “In Dienst R.D.M. O.V.S.”: stamps issued to 1896 Orange Free State mounted police force for use in franking official correspondence
Imprint block: a block of stamps taken from a portion of the sheet where the printer’s name or imprint is located on the margin
Imprinted envelope: an envelope that has a printed stamp applied to it; also known as postal stationery
Imprints: U.S. stamps issued from 1851 until 1917 bore imprints in the margin of the panes to identify the manufacturer; the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing stopped putting imprints on panes in 1911, but they have appeared in later years when old plates with imprints were used to produce additional stamps
Impronta: (It.) imprint
Improperly returned: USPS term for mail erroneously returned to the sender
Improved perforations: where several perforations have been changed to enhance the appearance, such as punching out of previously unpunched perforations
Impto. de Guerra: (Sp.) Puerto Rico, Spain (1874-98) war tax stamp
Impuest de Encomiendas: parcel post stamps of Uruguay
Impuesto: (Sp.) tax, Chile revenues used as postage
Impuesto de la Deuda (de Cuba): (Sp.) tax on items relating to the Cuban debt
Impuesto de Encomiendas: overprint / inscription on stamps of Uruguay for parcel post
Impuesto de Guerra: (Sp.) 1: inscription/overprint on stamps of Spain to raise money to fight a war, 1874-98; known as war tax stamps. 2: Overprint on stamps of Puerto Rico for war tax, U. S. military administration
Impuesto de Timbre: (Sp.) general revenue stamp
Impuesto Patriotico: (Sp.) non-postage
Impuesto Sardinero-Murcia 1900: (Sp.) sardine tax, Murcia, Spanish town
Impuesto Sobre la Deuda del Estado: (Sp.) tax on the National Debt items
Impuesto Sobre Naipes: (Sp.) tax on playing cards
Impuesto Sobre Titulos de la Deuda de Ultramar: (Sp.) tax on bonds, certificates of the Overseas Debt
Impuesto Sobre Titulos de la Deuda Exterior: (Sp.) tax on bonds, certificates of the External Debt
Imputation: (Fr.) the identification of a philatelic item
IMS / Hasler / LEO Hasler / ACSOM Hasler: U.S. postage meter firm, 1981-to date
IN: USPS abbreviation for Indiana
Inaugural flight: initial flight of airline, route or aircraft with airmail aboard
Inauguration covers: covers postmarked on the day a new U.S. president is inaugurated and sworn into office; since 1957, the words “Inauguration Day” have been incorporated into the cancel
ÃŽnchis: (Rom.) dark (as referencing the color of a postage stamp)
ÃŽnchisoare: (Rom.) prison
Inchi ya Etat du Katanga: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo
Incisione: (It.) steel engraving
Inciso: (It.) engraved
iN Ci Yil Donumyu: Turkey, postal tax
Incl.: including, auction catalog abbreviation
Inclinados: (Port.) oblique numeral issues of Brazil of 1844-50
Inclus: (Fr.) included
Inclusions: any substances incorporated in the paper web during the manufacturing process and normally different in color from the stamp
Incollato: (It.) mounted
Inconnu: (Fr.) unknown
In corso: (It.) current
Ind.: abbreviation for Indiana prior to Zip Code usage
IND: international postal code for India
Inde: (Fr.) French India; 1859-92: used French Colonies General issue
Inde Française, Inde F’Çaise: (Fr.) inscription for French India, 1929
Indelebile: (Fr.) indelible, non-fugitive (ink)
Indemnity claim: USPS term for request for reimbursement filed for loss or damage to an item mailed by insured mail, collect of delivery, registered or Express Mail
Inde Néerlandaise: (Fr.) Dutch Indies
Indenlandsk Brevporto: (Dan.) inland postage
Independence, Tex. 10, Pd: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Independence / 11th November /1965: overprint on stamps of Southern Rhodesia to commemorate its independence
Independence / 3rd November /1978: overprint on stamps of Dominica to commemorate its independence
Independent Express: local parcel firm serviced New York City; used stamps; year unknown
Independent mail routes: private express companies in 1844-45 that initiated mail service along railroad and water routes between cities in the northeast and also to and from the Great Lakes region, in competition with the Post Office Department
Independent Messenger and Delivery Service: parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp; year unknown
Indes: (Fr.) India
India: sub-continent of southern Asia; official name of postal administration: India Post currency: 12 pies = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 naye paise = 1 rupee (1957), 100 paise = 1 rupee (1984) 1688: Company Dawk, exchange of mail established at Bombay/Madras by the East India Company, 1774: system opened to the public, with meal tickets or tokens issued to pay postal charges, 1837, Oct. 1: Indian Post Office Act provided for uniform rates, routes and apparel; declared all private posts illegal, 1852, July 1: adhesive stamps introduced in Sind Province (Scinde Dawk), now Pakistan, 1854, Oct. 1: No. 1, 1/2 anna red, adhesive definitive stamps were introduced, 1854-67: stamps used in Malacca, Penang and Singapore, 1854-76: used bar in diamond as cancel, stamps of East India Company used, 1855: inscribed East India Postage, but valid throughout India, 1858, Nov. 1: became a Crown Colony, 1860: government issues, 1866, Aug.1: “Service” overprinted on ordinary stamps for official government mail, 1876, July 1: joined the UPU, 1877: stamp inscription changed from East India Postage to India when Queen became Empress of India, 1882: stamps inscribed “India Postage,” 1888: mail passed through Suez Canal, 1900: stamps overprinted “C.E.F.” China Expeditionary Force, for use in China, 1911: experimental air mail flights started, 1914: stamps overprinted “I.E.F.” Indian Expeditionary Force, for use in Mesopotamia and German East Afrida, 1929: first air mail stamp issued, 1931, Feb. 9: commemorative stamp issued, 1947, Aug. 15: divided into India and Pakistan, 1950, Jan. 26: independent Republic of India within the British commonwealth, 1953: stamps overprinted “Indian / Korea Custodial Unit.” for use in China and Korea, 1954: stamps overprinted “International Commission Cambodia / Laos / Viet Nam,” 1965: stamps overprinted “UNEF.” United Nations Emergency Force, or use in Gaza, 1965, Jan.15: stamps overprinted “ICC” International Control Commission for use in Laos and Viet Nam, 1971: semipostal stamp issued
India: Jalopy inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
India 1931: inscription with “Comemorativo da Exposicao de S. Francisco Xavier” on stamps of Portuguese India issued in1931 for exhibition held in Goa
India, British: British East India Company acquisition of territory; 1887: areas of India not under direct British rule, were protected states under native rulers; known as convention and feudatory states, which issued their own stamps
India, Correio: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1898-1943
India, Crown Colony of: stamps of India overprinted with crown; 1867, Sept. 1: first issue of the Straits Settlement
India, East India Company: India
India, Estado da: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1946-60
Indiai: (Hung.) Indian
Indiai Óceáni: (Hung.) Indian Ocean
India Letter: a ship letter handstamp applied to letters arriving in England from parts of Africa and India
Indiana: U.S. territory July 5, 1800; state Dec. 11, 1816; cut from territory north-west of the Ohio River
Indian Classics: made up of the Scinde Dawks, the East India Company, and the Crown Colony stamps
Indian Convention States: Chamba, Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha, Patiala; stamps valid to prepay postage to any part of India
Indian Expeditionary Forces: stamps of India of the 1911-13 issue overprinted “I.E.F.” in 1914 for use by Indian military forces during World War I
Indian Feudatory States: Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor, Bijawar, Bundi, Bussahir, Charkhari, Cochin, Dhar, Duttia, Faridkot, Hyderabad, Idar, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu and Kashmir, Jasdan, Jhalawar, Jind, Kishangarh, Las Bela, Morvi, Nandgaon, Nowanuggur, Orchha, Poonch, Rajpipla, Sirmoor, Soruth, Travancore, Wadhwan; stamps valid for postage only within respective states. 1949, July 1: states of Travancore and Cochin formed a united state, 1950, April 1: all Feudatory States stamps replaced by issues of the Republic of India
Indian Forces in Congo: 1962, Jan. 15: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “U.N. Force (India) Congo” for use of Indian troops making up the United nations forces in the Congo
Indian Forces in Gaza: India Children’s Day stamp overprinted “UNEF” for use by the Indian forces with the United Nations in Gaza
Indian Forces in Indo-China: 1: India stamps overprinted “ICC” (International Control Commission) for use by the Indian forces in Indo-China in1954. 2: Indian stamps overprinted with three different sets of Hindu characters for use by Indian forces in Indo-China, in 1954. 3: issued commemorative stamps
Indian Forces in Korea: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces in Korea, 1953
Indian telegraph stamps: inscribed “Electric Telegraph and “Govt. of India Telegraph Department,” issued in 1860
Indian Territory: U.S., never formally recognized as a territory
Indian U.N. Forces in Congo: 1962, Jan. 15: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “U.N. Force (India) Congo” for use of Indian troops making up the United nations forces in the Congo
Indian U.N. Forces in Gaza: India Children’s Day stamp overprinted “UNEF” for use by the Indian forces with the United Nations in Gaza
Indian Forces in Korea: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces in Korea, 1953
India paper: a strong paper that is soft, thin and silk-like usually used for proof impressions; formerly called China paper
India, Port: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1871-83
India, Porteado: inscription used on Postage Due stamps of Portuguese India, 1904-14
India Portugueza: (Port.) inscription on stamps of Portuguese India, 1887-95
India Route: Via Brindisi; UPU permitted a surcharge on mail traveling this route in 1881-2
Indicia: stamped impression of the denomination indicating prepayment of postage
Indicium: plural is indicia:1: imprinted postage stamp on postal stationery. 2: description of meter stamp impression
Indicky: (Czech.) Indian
Indie: 1. French India. 2. (Czech.) India
Indien: (Dan., Ger.) India
Indigo: (Rom.) indigo-blue (color)
Indigoblå: (Dan., Swed.) indigo blue (color)
Indigofarvet: (Dan.) indigo (color)
Indirekter Druck: (Ger.) offset printing
Indirizzo: (It.) address; place to which mail can be sent
Indisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Indian
Indiske Stater: (Dan., Nor.) Indian States
Indklæbning: (Dan.) (stamp) mounting
Inklippt: (Swed.) cut into
Indleverer: (Dan.) consignor, owner, vendor
Indo-China: see: A&T, A and T
Indo-China: 1896, Oct. 1: joined the UPU with Cambodian and part of Indo-China, Laos and part of Indo-China, and Viet Nam, 1951, Oct. 20: UPU affiliation of Viet Nam changed to Republic of Viet Nam. 1951, Dec. 21: UPU affiliation of Cambodia changed to Khmere Republic, 1952, May 2: UPU affiliation of Laos changed to independent Laos. Iraq in Coalition Occupation: overprint / surcharge on stamps of Iraq; authenticity is unknown
Indo-China, French: south-eastern Asia; made up of Annam, Cambodia, Cochin China, Laos, Tonkin, Vietnam, and area of China leased to France as Kwangchown; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 cents = 1 piaster (1918) 1889: No.1, 5 centimes deep violet on orange-lilac, first stamps issued, issued of French Colonies overprinted and surcharged for use in Indo-China, 1904, June 26: first postage due stamp issued, 1914: first semipostal stamp issued, 1933: first air mail, official stamps issued, 1940: occupied by Japan, 1945-49: China, France, and Great Britain occupied most of area, 1949, June 14: Vietnam established from Cochin China, Annam and Tonkin, 1950: divided into Viet-Nam (North and South), Cambodia and Laos. 1954: stamps of India overprinted “International Commission Cambodia” for use in Indo-China
Indo-Chine: overprint on French Colonies for Indo-China; with surtax on French semipostal, 1892-1946
Indochinese peninsula: consists of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam
Indokina: (Dan., Hung., Swed.) Indochina
Indomalaysia: Punch magazine cover parody
Indonesia: East Indies, located between Australia, Singapore and Papua, formerly Netherlands Indies; official name of postal administration: PT Pos Indonesia currency: 100 sen = 1 rupiah 1864: first stamps were those of the Dutch East Indies, 1874: first postage due stamp issued, 1877, May 1: joined the UPU, 1911, Oct. 11: first official stamp issued, 1915, June10: first semipostal stamp issued,1928, Sept. 20.: first air mail stamp issued, 1943-44: Japanese occupation stamps issued for Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Malucca Archipelago, South Borneo, and Sumatra, 1945: issued pictorial, semipostal stamps, 1945, Sept.: British troops accepted surrender from local republic, 1946: Dutch troops took over, 1947, March 27: Indonesian Republic established, 1947: issued air mail stamps, 1948-50: inscription used on stamps of Indonesia, 1949, Dec. 27: former Netherlands East Indies, except New Guinea, became independent, named “United States of Indonesia,” 1950, Jan. 17: first stamp as Republik Indonesia Serikat, (overprint RIS-United States of Indonesia), 1950, Aug. 17: first stamps as Republic of Indonesia, 1950: issued postage due stamps, 1950: South Moluccas revolted, issued own stamps with overprint “Republik Maluku Selatan,” cinderellas, 1950: first postage due stamps issued, 1950, Aug. 15-Aug. 10, 1954: Republic of Indonesia formed until dissolved in 1954, 1951, Jan. 2: first semipostal issued, 1954, Jan. 1: Riau-Lingga Archipelago stamps issued, Indonesia overprint, withdrawn Dec. 1965
Indonesia: 1: preceded by “N.R.” Indonesia, Sumatra local. 2: preceded by “Republik,” Indonesia. 3: (not preceded by Republik) Netherlands Indies
Indonesia: (with Republik)1950, Aug. 17: overprint on stamps of Dutch East Indies for Indonesia, 1954, Aug. 10: dissolved as part of Netherlands-Indonesia Union
Indonesia: (without Republik) Netherlands Indies overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies
Indonesie: (Fr.) Indonesia
Indore: India Feudatory State, known as Holkar; 1886: first local stamps, 1950, Apr.30: separate stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India
Indore State: inscription used on stamps of Indore, India, 1904-47
Indorsement: inscription on the back of a postage stamp
Indstiksalbum: (Dan.) stockbook
Ind. T: Indian Territory, when used in a postmark
Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft: Switzerland overprint on 1918 issue as official stamps for War Board of Trade
Infantes: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937
Inflation issue: stamps issued during periods of highfinancial instability
Inflationsmarke: (Ger.) inflation stamp
Inflation Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society group focused on inflation caused by reparations paid after World War I, caused mail rates to increase from 12 Mk. to 100,000,000,000 Mk. in one year
Information-based Indicia: a postage imprint that features a two-dimensional bar code containing data necessary for revenue protection
Information sheetlet: Documents Philatelique Oficiel Official Philatelic Document; issued by France, include a copy of the issued stamp cancelled on the first day, a monocolor engraving of the stamp, descriptive text and a larger topical engraving with an embossed control seal
Inforum Private Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Ingermanland, North: Russian territory (Ingria) adjoining Finland declared its independence, 1920: issued stamps, part of Russia
Ingham, H. A. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Inglaterra: (Sp., Port.) England
Ingles: (It.) English
Ingleton Delivery Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Ingolf: overprints on U.S. stamps somewhere in the Atlantic, may be a ship marking
Ingrie: (Fr.) North Ingermanland
Ingushetia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage
ÃŽngust: (Rom.) narrow
Inhanbane: Portuguese colonial unit in Mozambique; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1913) 1895, July 1: No.1, 5 reis black, overprint on stamps of Mozambique, Portuguese colonial keytype, 1920: replaced by stamps of Mozambique
Inini, Arrondissement of: region in interior of French Guiana; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1930: separated from French Guiana, 1932, April 7: No.1,1 centime gray-lilac and green-blue, first postage due stamp issued, 1932: stamps of French Guiana overprinted “Territoire de L’Inini” 1939, July 5: first semipostal stamps issued, 1946: reunited with French Guiana as division of Overseas Department of France; French stamps used
Initials: used in sheet margins as identification of individuals working at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing who participated in the production of plates
I.N.K.E.R.I., Inkeri: Ingermanland, North
Ink fountain: a trough which holds ink and then supplies it to the press
Inkjet: postmark sprayed on envelopes during canceling process with postal code, date, time and various canceling symbols
Inklippt: (Swed.) cut into
Ink starvation: occurs when the printing press in underinked and parts of the stamp design may be printed faintly
Inlämnare: (Swed.) consignor, owner, vendor
Inland 3 Cents: inscription on Liberia 3-cent stamp, 1881
Inländisch: (Ger.) domestic
Inland Letter Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Inland mail stamps: stamps intended specifically for domestic use; used in Madagascar (1895) and Liberia (1897)
Inland Revenue: 1889; overprint and surcharge on stamps of British Guiana
Inlandsbrief: (Ger.) domestic letter
Innehåll: (Swed.) contents
Inner Mongolia: (Meng Chiang) currently an autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China; 1941, July 1-1945: issued own stamps
In Punkten Durchstochen: (Ger.) pin perforation
Inrikes Post: Sweden, discount postage
Innskrift: (Nor.) inscription
Inrikes försändelser: (Swed.) domestic covers, mail carried within the country
Inschrift: (Ger.) inscription
Inscriptie: (Rom.) inscription
Inscription: any letters, words or numbers on a postage stamp
Inscriptional pair: bi-lingual pair of stamps from the Union of South Africa with attached margin bearing printer’s inscription or imprint
Inscription block: a block of four or more stamps, with selvage attached, that carries an inscription
Insel: (Ger.) island
Inselngruppe: (Ger.) group of islands
Inseln unter dem Winde: (Ger.) Leeward Islands
Inselpost: (Ger.) “island post” overprint for mail by air or submarine, from the Hela peninsula, Crete, the Aegean Islands and Rhodes, March-May, 1945
Inselzähnung: (Ger.) perforations around a single stamps; such as in a souvenir sheet
Insert: an item placed in an envelope or mailpiece; usually used with a window envelope
Inspection Service: USPS law enforcement agency that investigates criminal acts for misuse of the postal system in all aspects
Inspector General: investigates and evaluates programs and operations of the USPS to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the postal system
Inspector of Dead Letters: postal position created by Congress in 1777 for head of Dead Letter Office
Instances Judiciares: court fees; French Colony revenue inscription
Instanta: perforation gauge invented by C.P. Rang for Stanley Gibbons Ltd
Institutos: (Sp.) fiscals for matriculation and degrees fees; 1878
Instrucao D.L. No.7 de 3-2-1934: overprint on Portugal India for Timor war tax semi-postal, 1934-35
Instrucción: (Sp.) (Education) Venezuela revenue inscription, 1879-82,1887, used for postage during shortage of regular stamps
Instructional Markings: Auxiliary Markings
Insufficiently Prepaid: Zanzibar postage due, 1931-33
Insula: (Rom.) island
Insurance cancellations: cancelled revenue stamps by insurance firms, 1862-71
Insurance Courier Services: local post, private by ICS Air, Canada, about 1980
Insurance stamps: stamps issued for use by a government’s life insurance department
Insured letter stamps: stamps issued to pay the insurance fee on a letter
Insured mail: any mail piece that has been inured against loss or damage (in some cases) upon payment of an extra fee by the sender
Intaglio: any type of printing in which the inked image is below the surface of the plate, used for the “Penny Black.”
Intaglio printing: method by which a print is made from a design of recessed lines engraved in a die or plate; Italian for “in recess.”
Intaille: (Fr.) intaglio, engraving
Intangible Value: price that cannot be quoted due to sentimenral value or personal reasons
Integrated Retail Terminals: post offices computers that weigh mailing pieces, calculate postage, print receipts and maintain records
Intelligent Mail: USPS term for a barcode that captures data about the individual mailpiece
Intelpost: electronic facsimile system for transmission of documents used between Toronto, Canada and Washington, D.C., postal administrations, 1980
Interazionale: (It.) international
Interessenten-Sonderpostamt: (Ger.) special post offices which only postmark stamps on request
Interinsular postage: inscription on first stamps of Bahamas indicating internal use only since external mails were under control of Great Britain; in effect June 10, 1859-May 1860
Interior: (Sp.) 1: inland mail, as opposed to foreign mail. 2: mail to be delivered to a city or local district in which it was posted
Interior: (Sp.) inscription of parcel post stamps of Uruguay, mercury design
Interior, Dep’t. of: inscription on U. S. Officials
Interior Service: stamps not valid for UPU service but may be the first stamps of several nations such as Cape of Good Hope, Reunion, Switzerland; also all the stamps of some other nations such as Shanghai and the small Indian states
Interleaves: translucent tissue placed between the pages of an album to prevent stamps from rubbing against each other
Intermediate flaw: lithographic flaw due to the transfer from the matrix stone to the intermediate stone or stones and therefore appears on the intermediate stone
Internal Postage: revenue stamps used as postage; see: British Central Africa
Internal Revenue: the revenue tax collected within the country
Internasjonal: (Nor.) international
International and Colonial Postage Association: formed in London in 1851, planted the concept of international postal reform
International Business Reply Service (IBRS): a service that permits mail pieces to be distributed in certain nations for return without postage prepayment to the original sender
International canceling Machine: can be identified on U.S. mail with the year date on the bottom of the circle
International Colonial Exposition: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1931
International Commission in Indo-China: 1954, Dec. 1: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces serving with the commission, with separate overprints for Cambodia, Laos and Viet-Nam
International Cooperation Year: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1965
International Court of Justice: 1934; overprint on Dutch stamps; located in The Hague; officially only available as used copies, 1947: stamps re-introduced
International Educational Office: 1944, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations, 1958: special issues
International Envelope Co.: manufacturer of U.S. stamped envelopes, started 1929
Internationaler Antwortschein: (Ger.) International Rely Coupon (IRC)
Internationale Seepoststation: (Ger.) international sea (mail) station post
Internationales Postzentrum: (Ger.) international postal center
International Exchange Office: a mail facility authorized to exchange international mail with another country
International Express: parcel delivery firm serviced New York City, New England and eastern Canada; used labels and stamps; late 1880s, bogus stamps exist
International Fair Brussels: triangular label for non-philatelic trade fair, year unknown
International Labour Office: Bureau International du Travail, 1923: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations, 1932: first commemorative stamp issued, 1950, Feb.: special issues
International (Letter) Express: bogus label, 1864
International mail: mail originating in one country and addressed to another
International Parcel Post: U.S. Post Office label for 5 cents fee, in addition to the postage, for the delivery of a parcel post item from a foreign country, 1913-31
International Philatelic Exhibition: seal to promote a stamp exhibition, looks like a stamp, considered a cinderella
International Postal Convention: 12 European nations met in Paris, 1863, to discuss the foreign mail confusion; became the Universal Postal Union in 1878
International Postal Supply Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1922-59, acquired by Friden Inc
International Postal Union: formerly the German-Austrian Postal Union which was formed in 1850; individual states were permitted to print their own stamps, with the fees being equal for all
International Refugee Organization: 1950, Feb. 1: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations
International Reply Coupon (IRC): a coupon that can be purchased from a post office and may be exchanged in any member country of the Universal Postal Union for the minimum postage payable on international unregistered letters
International Stamp Exhibition: see: Ideal Stamp
International Telecommunications Union: 1958: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations
International Vending Machine Co.: Baltimore, Md. manufacturer of stamp vending machines, 1906-09. Internee mail: mail from persons interned during time of war
Interneeringskampen: (Dutch) inscription on stamps of the Netherlands for use by foreign military personnel interned by the Dutch government during World War I
Internet dealer: a dealer who buys material at stamp shows in the expectation of selling it via the Internet
Internet-stamps: not stamps, but a postage paid indications with a bar-code
Intero: (It.) Entire
Intero Postale: (It.) postal stationery
Interpanel: (Sp.) gutter, space between stamps on full sheets
Interpanneau: (Fr.) gutter
Interphil ‘76: international stamp show held in Philadelphia, 1976
Interplanetary Essays-Created and Designed in Great Britain: 8 of the 32 designs from Interplanetary Postage by H.E. MacIntosh, Springfield, Mass., 1958
Interplanetary Postage: labels in 32 designs created by Lever Brothers. Soap Co. for subscribers to the British boy’s magazine, Eagle
Interplanetary Postal Essays-1962: labels made by Modern Publications, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada
Interpostal seals: circular adhesive labels used in Egypt to seal bundles of mail destined for one destination, may be considered a cinderella or label, 1864-90; also used in German states, Austria and the Netherlands
Inter-Provincials: stamps issued by provinces which later became federated; permitting the use of each territory’s stamps in other territories of the federation
Interrompu: (Fr.) broken
Interrotto: (It.) broken
Interrupted Die Cut : a die cut in which the continuous series of small peaks and valleys is interrupted by a wide valley or straight edge. This usually occurs on the shorter side of a rectangular stamp.Interrupted flight: in-flight problem resulting in unplanned landing; flight continued later by same aircraft or another aircraft to destination
Interrupted flight covers: crash covers
Interrupted mail: any form of mail that was not delivered as planned
Interrupted perforation: some of the perforated punched holes intentionally omitted; used on Dutch stamps and U.S. privately perforated coil stamps
Intersol, Kingdom of: stamps created to advertise book “Musrum.”
Interspazio: (It.) gutter
Intervalle: (Fr.) space, gap between two stamps
Intervalo: (Sp.) space, gap between two stamps
Intervencion: (Sp.) censorship (of mail)
Intervencion-Reembolsos: (Sp.) postmark for supervision of C.O.D. mail
Intl: abbreviation for international
Intra-city posts: served the local community by taking mail to and from the post office and delivering letters between correspondents in the same area; same as local posts
Introductory commission: British term for finders fee; a fee paid to an individual for referring philatelic material for direct sale to a philatelic dealer, or for consignment to a philatelic auctioneer
Intruccion: Venezuela
Intyg: (Swed.) certificate
Inutilizado a Pluma: (Sp.) pen cancelled
Inv.: auction catalog abbreviation for inverted
Invalidated: no longer valid for postal use
Invalidated stamps: stamp which is not longer valid for the prepayment of postage; in 1861 Congress declared all U.S. postage stamps obsolete to prevent them from being used by the Confederacy
Inventaire restant: (Fr.) remainder
Inverrgarry & Fort Augustus Railway: Scotland railway local post
Inversé: (Fr.) inverted
Invert: usually a multicolored stamp in which one of the colors or the design has been printed upside down; for example, the 24 cents air mail issue of 1918 in which the airplane, printed in blue, is upside down
Inverted center: stamp in which the central design is upside down in relation to the frame of the stamp
Inverted frame: a stamp in which the frame is upside down in relation to the rest of the design or the watermark
Inverted Jenny: U.S. 1918 24-cent air mail error, Scott C3a
Inverted overprint: an overprint that, when looking at a stamp in its normal position, the overprinted letters are upside down
Inverted surcharge: a surcharge that, when looking at a stamp in its normal position, the overprinted letters are upside down
Inverted Swan: Australia stamp with frame inverted issued in 1855
Inverted watermark: since the watermark is the first marking the paper receives, the watermark can not be inverted, only the printing can be inverted or sideways
Invertido: (Sp.) inverted
Invertito: (It.) tete-beche pair
Invio a scelta: (It.) on approval
Invisible gum: colorless and tasteless gum on the reverse of a stamp
Involute postmark: a flag cancel where the flag has three pronounced folds rather than the ordinary type
Invtd: auction abbreviation for Inverted
Ionian Islands: off the west coast of Greece, consists of Cephalonia, Corfu, Ithaca, Kythera, Lefkas, Paxos, and Zante; currency: 100 oboli – 1 penny, 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 lepta = 1 drachma, 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1800: known as the Republic of Seven Islands, 1807-14: French control, French postal service used various handstamps, 1809: protection of Great Britain, 1815: became the United States of Ionia, under British control 1859, May 15: No.1, 1/2 penny orange, set of three stamps issued; orange for letters, blue for inter-island mail, and lake for mail to the mainland Greece, 1864, June 28: ceded to Greece, Greek stamps used, 1923: Italy occupied Corfu, issued Italian stamps overprinted Corfu, 1941: Italians occupied Cephalonia and Ithaca; had Greek stamps overprinted “Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca,,” 1941: Greek stamps overprinted “Corfu,” 1941-43: Italian stamps overprinted “Isole Jonie” for other islands, 1943: Germans took over islands and used Greek stamps except for handstamp overprint for island of Zante, 1945: islands restored to Greece
Ioniennes (Iles): (Fr.) Ionian Islands
Ionikon Kpatoe: 1859; inscription for Ionian Islands under British administration
Ionische Inseln: (Ger.) Ionian Islands
Ioniske Øerne: (Dan.) the Ionian Islands
Ion. Pie.: inspection postale (Fr.) applied to undelivered letter opened to find sender’s name and address, 1790
I.O.V.R.: inscription/overprint Romania postal tax, 1948
Iowa: U.S. territory July 4, 1838, state Dec. 28, 1846; cut from Wisconsin Territory
IPM: International Postcard Market; postcard catalogue
I.P.N.: Indian Postal Note, fiscal commission on due notes
I.P.O.: Chinese post office security marking applied to the corner of foreign postage
I Polska Wystawa Marek: overprint on stamps of Poland for White Cross Society, semipostal
I P S A: Independent Postal System of America, founded on February 14, 1968, as an alternate to the USPS
I.P.S. Special Delivery: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
IPSJSIC: International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors
IPX International: local, strike post, Canada, 1979-83.:
Iquique: Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation
Ãr: (Hung.) Irish
I.R.: 1: Inland Revenue, Great Britain, 1882-1904. 2: Imperiale Reales, Imperial Royal, pre-adhesive postmark. 3: U.S. for Internal Revenue, 1898
I.R.A.: Irish Republican Army
Irak: (Sp., Swed.) Iraq
Irakisk: (Swed.) Iraqi
Iraklion: formerly Candia, Crete
Iran: western Asia on Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, formerly called Persia, aka Islamic Republic; currency: 20 shahis = 1 kran, 10 krans = 1 toman, 100 centimes = 1 franc = 1 kran (1881), 100 dinars = 1 rial (1933), 100 rials = 1 pahlavi, 100 rials = 1 toman 1867-1923: Indian post offices in Iran used Indian stamps, 1868: No.1, 1 shahi dull violet, first stamps issued, 1877, Sept. 1: joined the UPU, 1902: first official stamp issued, 1909-18: Russian post offices operated in northern Persia, 1927: first air mail stamp issued, 1935, March 21: became known officially as Iran, 1948, Jan. 30: first semipostal stamp issued, 1980, April 18-Feb. 24, 1981: U. S. embargo on Iranian imports, including stamps of Iran
Iraniennes: inscription used on stamps of Iran (Persia); 1935-37
Iraq: western Asia, former Turkish provinces of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, known as Mesopotamia; currency: 16 annas = 1 rupee, 1,000 fils = 1 dinar (1932) 8th and 9th centuries BC: Assyrian royal post operated, 1863: Turkish stamps used, 1868: British Indian post offices opened. 1917-18: stamps of India overprinted I.E.F. during British mandate, 1917: September 1, Stamps of Turkey overprinted “Baghdad / in British Occupation,” 1918, Sept. 1: stamps of Turkey overprinted “Iraq / in British Occupation” replacing previous overprints, 1919, February, fiscal stamps of Turkey overprinted “Postage / I.E.F. ‘D'” for joint British /Indian forces, 1920: mandated to Great Britain, mandate ended in 1932, first official stamp, 1921, August 23: became a kingdom under British mandate, but not fully independent, 1923: No.1, 1/2 anna olive-green, first official stamp under British mandate, 1929, April 22; joined the UPU with Kuwait, 1932: became independent from League of Nations mandate under British administration, named a kingdom, 1933: issued “Air Mail Letter Card,” 1949, Feb.1: first air mail, and semipostal stamps issued. 1958, July 14: “Republic of Iraq” overprint, monarchy overthrown, 1993: postal savings bank stamps used as regular stamps, 1993: first local post stamps issued in Kurdistan, 1997, June: “We Say Yes Saddam” overprint for referendum, 2003, March 19: U.S. invasion of Iraq, 2004, June 28: named Republic of Iraq
Iraq in British Occupation: 1918, overprint on stamps of Turkey, British occupation of Mesopotamia, Iraq issue
Iraq Railway Stamps: Baghdad-Basra Railway opened Jan. 15, 1920and is known to have used inscriptions “Label” which was changed to “Stamp.”
Irbit: local post, Russian Zemstvo,1874-1914
IRC: International Reply Coupon
Ir. du Nord: (Fr.) Northern Ireland
Ireland: island in North Atlantic ocean, west of Great Britain; Official name of postal administration: AN Post Currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 pence= 1 pound (1971), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1670: Dublin dated mark introduced, 1773-74: Dublin Penny Post started, 1784: Irish Post office separated from the British Post Office, 1831: combined with British Post office, 1840, 6 May: British first adhesive stamps used, 1921, 6 December: Irish Free State proclaimed, 1922-prior: used overprinted British stamps, 1922, 17 February: No. 1, 1/2 penny green, named Irish Free State (Eire), first stamps issues with “Rialtas Sealdac na Héireann 1922”, (Gaelic) Provisional Government of Ireland, 1922, December: first definitives appeared inscribed Eire, and overprint “Saorstat Éireann 1922” (Free State of Ireland 1922), 1923, 6 September: joined the UPU, 1924, May: first air mail service to Great Britain began as an experiment, 1925: first postage due stamp issued, 1948: withdrew from British Commonwealth, first air mail stamp issued, 1949: became Republic of Ireland, 2002: stamps in Irish pounds valid through 31 December 2002, then reverted to Euro
Ireland: see: Aer-Phost, Northern Ireland
Ireland: (Sinn Fein) bogus propaganda label, 1907
Ireland, Free: propaganda labels for a united Ireland produced by Price & Co. of Ireland
Ireland, Northern: 1840: used British adhesive postage stamps, 1875, 1 July: joined the UPU as a Great Britain Overseas Territory, 1921: six counties known as Ulster remained part of the United Kingdom, rest of Ireland became a Republic, 1958, 18 August-1969: No. 1, 3 pence dark purple, Great Britain regional stamps inscribed “Postage Revenue” except for Machin issues, 1971: Machin regional issues
Irian Barat: West Irian, Irian Barat, (West New Guinea); 1962, Oct. 1: former Netherlands New Guinea became a territory under UN Temporary Executive Authority, stamps of Netherlands New Guinea overprinted “UNTEA,” 1963, May 1: overprint and inscription on stamps of Indonesia, 1973: used stamps of Indonesia
Irian Jaya: also known as West New Guinea. Netherlands East Indies
Irlirsk: (Dan.) Irish
I.R. Iran: Iran
Irish Connection (Icon): United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Irish Republican Army (I.R.A.): 1922, July: three values issued for use in Cork
Irish Republic P.O.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Iris, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines
Irland: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Ireland
Irlanda: (It., Sp.) Ireland
Irlande: (Fr.) Ireland
Irländsk: (Swed.) Irish
IranQ: supposed federation of Iran and Iraq, spoof issue
I.R. Official: (Inland Revenue) 1882-1904; overprint on stamps of Great Britain for official use
Iron Curtain countries: nations considered by the military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe between 1945-1990
Iroquois Federation: parody or spoof from Punch magazine
Irország: (Hung.) Ireland
Irradiated: radiation process used in 2001 to sanitize mail due to possible contamination from anthrax spores
Irregolar: (It.) irregular
Irregular block: block, not square, but description must contain number of stamps in block
Irregular perforations: perforations where the holes are not aligned, are different sizes, are misplaced or are in any manner, abnormal
Irréprochable: (Fr.) perfect
Irsk: (Dan., Nor.) Irish
Irské more: (Czech.) Irish Sea
Irsko, irsky: (Czech.) Ireland, Irish (adj.)
I.S.: 1: Inspector of Sheep, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: Inland Section. 3: precedes the country code such as IS-128, Iceland
Isabella, Geo. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Iscrizione: (It.) inscription
Ishkeria, Republic of: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage
I.S.J.P.: International Society for Japanese Philately
Iskenderun: also known as Alexandretta, Turkey
Irské More: (Czech.) Irish Sea
Irsko: (Czech.) Ireland
Irsky: (Czech.) Irish
Isla Cristina: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937-38
Isla de Cuba: Cuba under Spanish administration
Isla de mas Afuera: (Sp.) Farther Away Island, Chile overprints for an island housing prisoners, 1909
Isla de Pascua: Chile, Easter Island
Islamique: (Fr.) Islamic
Islamique de Mauretanie: Mauritania. 1960: issued commemorative, air mail stamps, 1961: issued official, postage due stamps, 1962: issued semi-postal stamps
Islam Republic Chechnia: overprint on stamps of Russia for an unrecognized breakaway area
Island: Iceland
Islandia: (It., Sp.) Iceland
Islande: (Fr.) Iceland
Islandsk: (Dan, Nor.) Icelandic
Islas de Juan Fernandez: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Chile for Juan Fernandez Islands, 1910
Islas del Atlántico: (Sp.) Azores
Islas Galapagos: (Sp.) Ecuador; Galapagos Islands
Islas Malvinas: (Sp.) Argentine name for Falkland Islands
Islas Virgenes: (Sp.) Virgin Islands
Isle of Man: in Irish Sea, off Northwest coast of England; 1840, May 6: used stamps of Britain, 1958, Aug. 18: British Regional issues, 1973, July 5: Isle of Man (Bailiwick) Dependency issues, semi-autonomous, 1973: first commemorative, postage due issue
Isle of Man: (Poste Manninagh) British local, 1971
Isle of Man Authorized: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Isle of Wight: United Kingdom local for rocket mail, 1934
Isle of Wight Central Railway: British local post
Isle of Wight Railway: British local post
Isles of Shoals: Atlantic Ocean, off Portsmouth, N.H.; had a summer post office operating 1914-1917
Islington Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Ismailia: Egypt, Interpostal Seals, 1867-84
ISÖ: Sweden bogus local post for island in Baltic Sea, 1980?
ISO: International Standards Organization
Isola di Man: (It.) Isle of Man
Isola Italiana di Paxo Anno XIX: privately applied overprint on stamps of Greece, WW II
Isolé: 1: (It.) island. 2: (Fr.) single
Isole Italiane dell’Egeo: (It.) overprint on stamp of Italy for use in the Aegean Islands, 1930-40; Aegean islands
Isole Jonie: 1941-43; overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation for Ionian islands, 1943: occupied by Germany, used Italian overprints with additional marking “Ellas” (Greece)
I.S.P.P.: Italia Servizio Publico (It.) Italian Public Service
Israel: see: Agorot
Israel: western Asia, borders on Lebanon and Syria; official name of postal administration: Israel Postal Authority currency: 100 mils = 1 pound (1949), 1,000 prutot = 1 pound (1960), 100 agorot = 1 shekel (1980) 1948, May 14: nation established, 1948, May 16: No.1, 3 mils orange, first stamp issued, 1948, May 28: first postage due stamp issued, 1948, June 1-June 1967: stamps of Egypt overprinted Palestine, 1949, Dec. 24: joined the UPU, 1950, June 25: issued air mail stamps, 1951, Feb. 1: issued official stamps, 1965: Jan. 15: special stamp used by Indian contingent of UN forces in Gaza
Israël:(Fr.) Israel
Israele: (It.) Israel
Issue: 1: act of a new stamp, or series of stamps, being released by a postal authority. 2: (Fr.) commemorative (stamp). 3: term for a related group of stamps. 4: a released stamp. 5: the number of stamps in an “edition” may be called an issue of “x” amount
Issued (Non): a catalog term for a prepared stamp that has not been issued for various reasons
Istan: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937
Istanbul: formerly Constantinople, Turkey
Isthmus of Panama: UPU permitted a surcharge on mail traveling this route in 1881-2
Istra: Yugoslavia Croatia local overprint; c 1993
Istra Slovensko Primorje (Slov.) andIstria Littorale Sloveno (It.): bilingual inscription of stamps for the Istria and the Slovene Coast (It. Venezia Giulia) Occupation Zone “B,” 1945 – 47
Istria: at head of the Adriatic Sea; 1813 – 1918: Austria, 1918 – 20: Italian occupation, 1921 – 43: annexed to Italy, 1943 – 45: R.S.I., Repubblica di San Marino (It.) Italian Social Republic, 1945, June: occupied by Yugoslavia, stamps of Italy (RSI) overprinted by “ISTRA,” 1945, July 15: first stamps Ljubljana Printing, second Zagreb Printing, third Belgrade Printing, 1945 – 47: overprint on stamps of Italy “Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije” for the Slovene Coast and Istria, part of Zone B occupied by Yugoslavia, Istra Slovensko Primorje, 1945: AMG stamps used in Poland only, other stamps withdrawn, stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Porto” for postage due, 1945: became part of Yugoslavia
Istria Littorale Sloveno: Yugoslavia occupation, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast, 1945-47
Istrien: (Dan.) Istria
Istriensk: (Dan.) Istrian
ISWSC: International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors
I.T.: Idaho, Indian, Indiana or Iowa territory
Ita Karjala: “East Karelia Military Occupation” Eastern Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland, 1941-43
Italia: (It., Nor., Sp.) Italy
Italiana, Repubblica Sociale(RSI): inscription on stamps of the Italian Social Republic, 1944 – 45.inscription on stamps of the Italian Social Republic, 1944
Italian Austria: part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire taken by Italy during WW I; included Trentino (Venezia Tridentina), city of Trieste, Slovene Coast, the Istrian Peninsula, and part of Dalmatia (Italian name: Venezia Giulia); 1918-19: occupation stamps issued by Italy, 1918: stamps of Austria overprinted “Regno d’Italia Venezia Giulia 3.XI.18” for use in Venezia Giulia (including Trieste), 1919: stamps of Italy overprinted “Venezia Giulia,” 1919: stamps of Italy surcharged for general use
Italian Colonies: currency: 100 centesimi – 1 lira 1932, July 11: No.1, 10 centesimi gray-black, issued regular, air mail, semipostal stamps for general use in their colonies, stamps of Italy, but in different colors and overprinted “Poste Coloniali Italiane” and “Coloniali Italiane.” 1934: specialized stamps ceased
Italian East Africa: eastern Africa on Red Sea and Indian Ocean, Italian occupied territories, 1936: colony formed; included Ethiopia, former colonies of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, 1938-42: consisted of Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Italian Somaliland; replaced issues of three separate territories, 1938, Feb. 7: No.1, 2 centesimi red-orange, issued first stamps, air mail stamps,1940: issued semipostal stamps, 1941: issued postage due stamps, 1942; Ethiopia issued own stamps when British forces retook area; placed Eritrea and Italian Somaliland under military administration and restored Ethiopia, retook British protectorate of Somaliland; Afars and Issas, Benadir, Djibouti, Obock, Oltre Giuba, Italian Somaliland
Italiane dell’Egeo:(It.) Italian Aegean Islands
Italian lira: currency unit of San Marino and Vatican
Italian Occupation of Aegean Islands (Dodecanese); 1912: stamps of Italy overprinted “Egeo,” 1930: stamps of Italy overprinted “Isole Italiane Dell’Egeo.”
Italian Occupation of Austria: 1918-19: stamps of Austria, issued in Trieste, overprinted for use in Trentino; Austrian and Italian stamps for use in Calchi, Calino, Coo, Lero, Lisso, Nisiro, Patmo, Miscopi, Rhodes, Scarpanto, Simi, Stampalia and Venezia Giulia, 1919, Jan. 1: first postage due stamp issued, 1919-20: stamps of Italy surcharged for use in all areas, 1921-22: stamps of Italy surcharged for use in the Zara region of Dalmatia, which became an Italian enclave in Yugoslavia
Italian Occupation of Corfu: 1923, Sep. 30: stamps of Italy overprinted “Corfu,” 1941, June 5: stamps of Greece overprinted “Corfu,” also air mail, postage due
Italian Occupation of Dalmatia: 1919, May 1: stamps of Italy surcharged for occupation; later Zara annexed to Italy
Italian Occupation of Ethiopia: 1936: stamps issued inscribed “Etiopia,” Italian East Africa
Italian Occupation of Fiume – Kupa Zone: 1944: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Zona Occupata Fiumano Kupa” and “Zofk,” surcharged “Memento Audere Semper.”
Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands: 1941: stamps of Greece overprinted “Italia Occupazione Militare Italiana Isole Celefonia e Itaca” and “Isole Jonie.”
Italian Occupation of Ljubljana (Lubiana, Laibach); 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “CO.Ci” Commissariato Civile , Civil Commission, for western half of Slovenia
Italian Occupation of Montenegro: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Montenegro 17-IV-4-XIX.”
Italian Occupation of Saseno: island off the coast of Albania; 1923: “Saseno” overprint on stamps of Italy
Italian Occupation of Slovenia: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni Occupati Lubiana.”
Italian Occupation of Trans-Jubaland: 1925, July 29: stamps of Italy overprinted “Oltre Giuba” (Italian Trans-Jubaland)
Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca: 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece by Italians who occupied lonian Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca
Italian Offices in Africa: currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster, 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1910) 1901-11: first stamps issued at Italian post office, Ottoman Empire, 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Tripoli di Barberia,” 1910: stamps of Italy with surcharge “Bengasi” and 1 Piastra, 1912: Libyan issues used, now spelled Banghazi, Libya. 1912, Oct.: ceded by Turkey; known as Colony of Libia; later Libya
Italian Offices in Albania: 1902: stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged “Albania.”
Italian Offices in China: currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1901: Italian stamps used by legation protection troops after the Boxer Rebellion, 1917, Sept. 1: “Pechino” overprint on stamps of Italy for Peking, postage due stamp, 1917, Sept.: “Tientsin” overprint on stamps of Italy for Tien-Tsin, first postage due stamp issued, 1920, March 11: post offices officially opened for civilians; stamps of Italy used, 1922, Dec. 31: post offices closed
Italian Offices in Constantinople: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Constantinopoli,” 1922: stamps of Italy overprinted for postage due
Italian Offices in Crete: currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster, 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1906) 1900: stamps of Italy with surcharge “La Canea.”
Italian Offices in Durazzo: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Durazzo.”
Italian Offices in Janina: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Janina.”
Italian Offices in Jerusalem: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Gerusalemme.”
Italian Offices in Salonika: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Salonicco.”
Italian Offices in Scutan: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Scutari di Albania.”
Italian Offices in Smyrno: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Smirne.”
Italian Offices in Turkish Empire: (Italian Levant); currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster 1869: Tripoli post office opened 1874: first general issue stamps from Italy used in Tripoli, Estero overprints, 1901, March 15: Benghazi post office opened, 1901: July: first stamps for Benghazi issued, 1901-14, 1921-23: stamps of Italy overprinted for Ottoman Empire: Bengasi, Albania, Constantinopli (Constantinople), Durazzo, Janina, Gerusalemme (Jerusalem), Salonicco (Salonika), Scutari di Albania, Smirne (Smyrna), Valona. Tripoli de Barberia (Tripolitania), and Levant, 1902: stamps of Italy surcharged “Albania,” 1908, June 1: used stamps of Italian Post at Constantinople with surcharge, 1909, Dec. first stamps issued for Tripoli, 1912, Dec.: first stamps issued for Italian colony of Libya, 1922: first postage due stamp issued, 1923: Treaty of Lausanne ended post offices in Turkish Empire, 1923, Oct. 27: foreign post offices closed, 1923, Oct. 24: first stamps issued for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
Italian Post Offices Abroad: currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1874-89: Italian stamps overprinted “Estero” (Foreign) for use in Italian offices in Egypt, Eritrea, Tripolitania, Tunisia, Argentina, and Uruguay, 1924: Italian Offices in Crete, first postage due stamp issued
Italian Offices in Valona: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Valona.”
Italian Social Republic: 1943, Sep.15: formed new government for Northern area of Italy occupied by Germans; 1944: No.1, 25 centesimi deep green, stamps of Italy overprinted “Repubblica Sociale Italiana,” 1944: issued special delivery, postage due, and parcel post stamps
Italian Somaliland (Somalia Democratic Republic): former Italian colony in eastern Africa; currency: 4 besas = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 besas = 1 rupee (1922), 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1905, 1922), 100 centesimi = 1 somalo (1950), 100 centesimi – 1 somali shilling (1961), 1903, Oct. 12: first stamps of Italian protectorate issued named ‘Benadir’, issued by Benadir Company; also stamps of Italy overprinted ‘Somalia’ and ‘Somalia Italiana’, 1915: first semipostal issued, 1922: Benadir became Italian Somalia, 1926: Oltre Giuba added to Italian Somalia, 1934: first air mail stamp issued, 1936, June 1-1941: Ethiopia and Eritrea added to form Italian East Africa, 1938: stamps of Italian East Africa used, 1941: British control, administered by British until Nov. 21, 1949, 1942: M.E.F. (Middle East Forces) overprint on stamps of Great Britain, 1943: E.A.F.: (East Africa Forces) overprint on stamps of Great Britain, 1944: taken by British forces, 1945: placed under Italian administration as a United Nations Trust Territory, 1948, May 27: B.M.A. Somalia (British Military Administration Somalia), 1950, Jan.2: B.M.A. changed to B.A. 1950, April 1: U.N. Trust territory administered by Italy as the Trust Territory of Somalia, 1960, June 26: full independence, created independent Republic of Somalia; later became Somali Democratic Republic. 1960, July 1: former Italian colony merged with Somaliland Protectorate to form Republic of Somalia, 1969: after army coup, became Somali Democratic Republic
Italianske Kolonier: (Dan.) Italian Colonies
Italienske skibspost: (Dan.) Italian ship mail (ship post)
Italian States: issued their own stamps prior to unification in 1861; Modena, Parma, Romagna, Roman States (Papal States), Sardinia, Tuscany, and Two Sicilies (Naples and Sicily). Rome was originally part of the Roman States and was incorporated into Italy in 1870
Italian States-Lombardy-Venetia: see: Austrian Italy
Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca: 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece by Italians who occupied lonian Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca
Italia Repubblicana Fascista Base Atlantica: overprint on stamps of Italy for use in Bordeaux, France from June 1940 to 1944
Italic type: sloping type
Italie: (Czech., Fr.) Italy
Italien: (Dan., Ger., Swed.) Italy
Italienische Kolonien: (Ger.) Italian Colonies
Italienische Somaliland: (Ger.) Italian Somaliland
Italiensk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Italian
Italienske Kolonier: (Dan.) Italian Colonies
Italiensk Post i Ægæ Øerne: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in the Aegean Islands
Italiensk Post i Afrika: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in Africa
Italiensk Post i Kina: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in China
Italiensk Post i Tyrkiet: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire ( Levant)
Italiensk Post i Udlandet: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices Abroad
Italiensk Stater: (Dan.) Italian States
Italii: with “Poczta Polakich”, for use by Polish Corps and refugees in Italy, WW II
Italskie: (Czech.) Italian
Italy: southern Europe; official name of postal administration: Poste Italiane currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira (plural lire) (1861), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1st century AD: oldest postal guide engraved on four silver goblets with names of relay stations between Cadiz and Rome, 4th century AD: oldest postal map shows postal routes from the Indus Valley to Britain, earliest postal regulation of the Roman Imperial postal network, 1850, June 1: provinces issued own stamps on same day as Austrian Empire, two different currencies, 1851, Jan.1: first stamps from Sardinia and Tuscany, 1852, Jan. 1: first stamps from Papal States, 1852, June 1: first stamps by Modena, Papal States, and Parma, 1858, Jan. 1: first stamps issued by Naples, and Sicily 1859, June 1: first stamps from Romagna, 1860, March 6: Modena joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 18: Parma joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 22: Tuscany joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 25: Romagna joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, Sept. 7: stamps issued for Naples by the Garibaldi regime, 1861, Feb. 15: stamps issued for Neapolitan provinces of Naples and Sicily, 1862, Feb. 24: first stamps for all Italy, 1863: issued postage due stamp, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1875: issued official stamp, 1915: issued semipostal stamp, 1917, May: issued air mail stamp. 1917: special delivery stamps overprinted for air mail flights on two air mail routes; Turin and Rome and between Naples and Palermo, 1918: stamps of Austria with surcharge as occupation issue, 1943, Sept. 17: stamps for Allied Military Government issued for Sicily, 1943, Sept. 23: stamps for Allied Military Government issued for Naples, 1943, Sept. 23: Mussolini proclaimed the Italian Social Republic at Salo on Lake Garda, 1943: “A.M.G.” “Governo Militare Alleato” overprint on stamps of Italy for U.S. and G.B. military government, 1944-45: Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana) stamps for German-occupied north Italy, issued stamps, special delivery, parcel post and postage due stamps, 1944-52: stamps for territory of Campione used, 1946: named a republic; A.M.G. F.T.T, A.M.G., B.L.P
Italy: (c. Nazionaldi Liberazione) liberation local post, c1944
Italy: “Cor Allt” (Corrieri Alta Italia) local post, 1944-45
Italy: “GNR” (Guardia Nazional Repubblicana) overprint, local post, 1943-44
Italy-Greece-Turkey-Rhodes: (Aerospresso Co) Greek air semi-official, 1926
Ithaca: Ionian island occupied by Italians; 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece, 1943: German occupation “Zante” stamp issue
Itrabo: local post, Spanish Civil War Republican, 1937
ITS: Initian Training School
ITU: United Nations inscription for International Telecommunications Union; common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1965; common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1965
I-u-ka, Miss paid 5 cts: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Iulie: (Rom.) July
Iuni: (Rom.) Monday
Iunie: (Rom.) June
IUTS: local, Ontario, Canada, Inter-University Transit System, Canada, late 1970s
Ivano Frankovsk: formerly Stanislav, USSR
Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post
Iver Bucks: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Ives & Judd Match Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Ives Matches: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Ives, P. T.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Ivigtut: bogus local post from Greenland
Ivory Coast: (Côte d’Ivoire); formerly part of French West Africa, west coast of Africa. currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1862-71: French Colonies General issue as Assinie, 1892: No.1, 1 centime black on lilac-blue, 1904: stamps inscribed “Afrique Occidentale Francaise,” 1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1931: “Cote d’Ivoire” overprint, 1940: first air mail stamp, 1945-59: stamps of French West Africa used, 1958, Dec. 4: became an autonomous republic, 1959, Mar. 26: proclamation of independence, 1959, Oct. 1: inscription “Republique de Cote d’Ivoire,” 1961, May 23: joined the UPU, 1974, Jan. 1: first official stamp issued. Many new issues supposedly issued by the republic’s post office are illegal as reported by the UPU
Ivory Head: term for the 2-pence blue British stamps of 1847-1857where chemical action blued the paper under lightly inked portions. see: Blued, Blue safety paper
Ivory paper: glazed white paper
IWOG: auction catalog abbreviation for issued without gum
IWY: United Nations inscription for International Women’s Year
Ixtlahuaca: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883
Izbica: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20
Izmail: local overprint, Ukraine, 1993
Izmir: formerly Smyrna, Turkey
Izmir Enternasyonal Fuari: (Turk.) inscription for Izmir International Fair
Izmir Himayei Etfal Cemiyeti: Turkey, tax stamps, 1933
Ixnate: local post, Spanish Civil War Nationalist, 1937.