Glossary – H


H: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Hungary, such as H-1031 Budapest. 2: Acknowledgment of Receipt; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 3: Flat plate imperf. coil; Scott Catalogue suffix to identify stamps other than standard postage; also called “V.” 4: auction abbreviation for heavy (cancel). 5: auction abbreviation for hinged. 6: Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Netherlands and Curacao. 7: Hospital, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 8: German abbreviation for hell, pale, light color. 9: inscription, weather vane, US nondenominated stamp, valued 1¢, placed on sale Nov. 9, 1998. 10: inscription, flag hat, US nondenominated stamp, valued 33¢, placed on sale Nov. 9, 1998
H.A.: 1: House of Assembly, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: overprint on stamps of Russia for Siberia
Haag: (Den., Nor., Swed.) the Hague
Habana: Havana, Cuba
H & B Penny Post: Atlantic City, US, local mail service by Hackney & Bolte, 1886
H & G: Higgins and Gage, worldwide postal stationery catalog
H & K Packet: 1860 postmark for Holyhead and Kingstown Packet, for mail sorted on board
Habilitado: (Sp.) 1: “Made good again” overprint confirming that a previous issue of the stamp has been re-authorized for current postal use. 2: overprint on stamps of Cuba for U.S. Administration, 1898-99
Habilitado Aero, Aereo: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico for air mail
Habilitado Correos: (Sp.) overprint on Philippines, Revenue and Telegraph stamps, Spanish Dominion
Habilitado para el Servicio Publico: (Sp.) 1: overprint on stamps of Honduras officials, making them valid for regular usage, 1941. 2: overprint on air mail officials of Honduras, making them valid for regular air mail usage, 1941
Habilitado para Franqueo: (Sp.) made valid for postage
Habilitado por la Junta Revolucionaria: (Sp.) overprint used only in Llanes (Oviedo) under the provisional government of 1868
Habilitado por la Nation (H.P.N.): (Sp.) “Validated for the Nation”overprint on stamps of Cuba, Porto Rico and Spain, Sept. 29, 1868, to mark a change of government, late 1860s to early 1870s
Habilitado Servicio Oficial Aereo: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico for air mail official
Habsbrug, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1890s, for upper or middle Danube lines
Hacienda: (Sp.) used on fiscal stamps to indicate The Treasury
Hackett’s City Post: label, possibly by Hugh W. Becket
Hackney & Bolte (H & B): U.S. local post, Atlantic City, N. J.,1886-87
Hadhramaut: southern Arabia, now part of Yemen; 1886: under British protection, as part of the crown colony of Aden; included Qu’aiti State in Hadhramaut, Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla, the Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra, and the Kathiri State of Seiyun, 1891: mails passed through forwarding agents in Aden, 1937, April 22: Post office opened at Mukalla, dependent on Aden, 1937-42: stamps of Aden used, 1939: postal union for protected states made any stamps valid in any of the countries, 1942, July: first stamps issued, Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla, 1955: inscription on the Aden protective state of Qu’Aiti, 1955; became Hadramaut
Hadi Segéli Özvegyeknek és árváknak két (2) fillér: (War subscription for the Widows and Orphans of Fallen Fighters) overprint on stamps of Hungary making it a semi-postal, 1914
Hadifogoly Posta: (Hung.) prisoner-of-war mail
Haditengerészeti Posta: (Hung.) marine fieldpost mail
Hadlow-Tonbridge Area: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hadra: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1879-82
Hadtap Postahivatal: (Hung.) Hungarian Base Post Office
Hæfte(r): (Dan.) unexploded booklet(s)
Hængsel: (Dan.) (stamp) hinge
Hængselrest: (Dan.) hinge remnant
Hængsel – Uden: (Dan.) without a (stamp) hinge
Haerhpin: formerly Harbin, People’s Republic of China
Hafnia: Copenhagen, Denmark
Häfte: (Swed.) unexploded booklet
Häftessamlingar: (Swed.) unexploded booklet collections
Haga Patria: inscription on stamps of Mexico for postal tax
Hagen:Hagen Local Post: Drammen – I. B. Hagen Local Post
Hagert, Md: Hagerstown, Md pre-adhesive postmark
Hague, The: now known as Gravenhage, The Netherlands
Hahamas: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Haiderabad: (Fr., Ger.) Hyderabad
Haik’ou: People’s Republic of China, formerly Hoihow; see: China, Indo-China Post offices
Hainan Island: island 15 miles off the southern coast of China, part of the South China Liberation Area, 1858: opened to foreign trade, 1939-45: occupied by Japan, 1950, April: came under Communist control
Hair lines : fine colorless scratches found on the 4, 6, and 9 pence British stamps of 1862-64 to identify certain plates
Hait Dahomey: postmark on stamps of Dahomey, 1899-1945
Haiti: West Indies; western part of island of Santo Domingo (Hispaniola) currency: 100 centimes = 1 piaster (1906), 100 centimes = 1 gourde 1804: Republic of Haiti founded, 1808-09: public mail service started, 1844: Dominican Republic became independent, and Haiti separated, 1869-81: British stamps cancelled “C 59” at Jacmel and “E 53” at Port-au-Prince, 1870-81: French stamps cancelled “C 59” at Jacmel and “E 53” at Port-au-Prince, 1881, July 1: No.1, 1 centime vermilion, stamps first issued, 1881, July 1: joined the UPU, 1898, May: first postage due stamp, 1915, July 9 -July 15, 1934: occupied by US, Marine post offices used American stamps in Cap Haitien and Port-au-Prince, 1929: first air mail stamps, 1939, Oct. 3: first semipostal stamp
Haïti: (Fr.) Haiti
Haiti, Republique d’: inscription, used on stamps of Haiti, 1881-
H.A.K.: (H. A. Killikelley) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guinea, 1850-51 issue
Hakasia: bogus Russian local overprint, cinderella, 1997
Halb: (Ger.) half
Halbamtich: (Ger.) semi-official
Halberstadt: Brief-Beforderung Courier, German local, 1896-1900
Halbiert: (Ger.) bisect; stamp cut in half which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut
Halbmond: (Ger.) crescent
Hale & Co: . U.S. local post, New York, N.Y. 1844, earliest mechanical separation of stamp by die cut adhesive in the U.S., first use of precanceled stamps
Haleb: see: Aleppo, Syria
Hale, Charles S.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps. Halfpenny tax: hand-struck marking; 1813-1839, mail from England to or from Scotland indicating that an extra 1/2d postage was chargeable as a levy paid to the Scottish Turnpike Trusts
Halfpenny: St. Christopher overprint
Halftone block: a printing surface for relief printing made by etching a zinc or copper plate through a halftone screen to light reflected from an original; ends with a grid of opaque lines crossing at right angles with the effect of being produced in dots
Halifax Detective Agency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Halifax Stamp Shop: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hall & Mills Despatch Post: 1: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1847. 2: S. Allan Taylor label
Hall & Ruckel: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Halle a.d. Saale: German local, post WW I
Halle/Salle: 1: Privatstadtbriefbeförderung Courier, German local, 1891-1900. 2: Stadtbrief-Beförderung Express, German local 1896-1900
Hallettsville, Tex Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Hall, J.V.: postmaster, Demopolis, Ala., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional envelope
Hall, Reuben P. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Halsingborg: 1. Swedish local, 1926-47. 2. (also Helsingborg) seaport in Malmöhus province in SW Sweden on the Øresund Strait opposite of Helsingør, Denmark, ca. 340 miles SSW of Stockholm. Several local posts established in the 1920s-1940s, to include Budcentralens Expresspost, Häsingborg Lokalposten, and Lokala Expressposte (q.v. individual Göteborg Local Post entries)
Hälsingborg – A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten: Local post established by A. Bergqvist, with individual 3 øre scarlet, dark red, and red, and 6 öre blue “Lokala Expressposten Hälsingborg” local stamps depicting the head of Mercury issued during 1937-1939, and additional stamps depicting a stylized Viking ship issued during 1946-1947
Hälsingborg – A. Thene Budcentralens Expresspost: Local post established by A. Thene, with lithographed (Hälsingborg Lithographic Co,) 4 öre red-lilac “Budcentr. Expresspost – Hälsingborg” local Stamp depicting a merchant ship at dock issued 21 June1926. The company was re-named, with a lithographed 4 øre dark blue “Budcentralens Expresspost Hälsingborg” local stamp depicting Mercury running issued later in 1926
Hälsingborg – E. S. Wester Local Post: Local post established by E. S. Wester, with lithographed (Sydsvenska Biljettryckeriet Landskrona Co.) 4 öre brown “Lokalposten / Hälsingborg” local stamp issued in 1929, an a modified design 4 öre deep purple issued in 1930. A second stamp series (Schmiths Boktryckeri Co., Hälsingborg) depicting a stylized Viking ship was issued in various colors with different 2 øre, 4 øre and 6 øre values during 1935-1947. From 1935-onwards, the service was managed by the office of the A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten (q.v.)
Halvány: (Hung.) pale, light (color)
Halványbarna: (Hung.) light brown (color)
Halványibola: (Hung.) pale violet (color)
Halványkék: (Hung.) pale blue (color)
Halványnarancs: (Hung.) pale orange (color)
Halványrózsa: (Hung.) pale rose (color)
Halványsárga: (Hung.) pale yellow (color)
Halverat: (Swed.) bisected
Halveret: (Dan.) bisected
Halvering: (Dan., Swed) bisect
Halvert: (Nor.) bisect, bisected
Halvfems: (Dan.) ninety (number)
Halvfjerds: (Dan.) seventy (number)
Halvtreds: (Dan.) fifty (number)
Ham (W.A.) & Co.’s Express: baggage firm serviced Boston & Maine Railroad; used labels, year unknown
Hamburg: German State, located in northern Germany; currency: 16 schillings = 1 mark 1615: had postal service via Thurn and Taxis, 1651-1806: several foreign post offices in Hamburg, 1806: foreign post offices closed during French occupation, 1811: France annexed Hamburg, gave it department number 128, 1859, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 schilling black, first stamps; Free City, 1867, Aug. 8: stamps of Hamburg used in Bergedorf, 1868, Jan.1: stamps of the North German Confederation, 1870: became part of the German Empire, 1871: stamps of the German Empire
Hamburg: German locals: 1: Hamburg,1945-48. 2: Boten-Marken, 1861-64. 3: Brief & Circulair-Beförderung Cito; 1896-1900. 4: Brief & Packetbeförderung H. Maack; 1872-74. 5: Brief, Packet & Guter-Expedition Charles van Diemen,186?. 6: Briefbeförderung Express; 1895-1900. 7: Circulairbeförderung von M. Laschick, 1889-1890. 8: Hamburg-Altonaer-Packetfahrt von Grell & Co., 1896-1925. 9: Hamburger Orts-Paket-Postgesellschaft, 1908-17. 10: Hamburger Packetfahrt F.W. Neukirch, 1912-17. 11: Hammonia/Stadtbriefbeförderung, 1886-89. 12: Privat-Beförderung Hammonia (II) 1888-1900
Hamburg/A: Hamburg – Amsterdam railway stamp, 1848
Hamburg American Packet Compay: Hamburg American Packet Company: Hapag, West Indies local postal issues, 1875-81, four reprints1897, 1938, 1955 and 1975
Hamburg, Free City of: on Elbe River in Northern Germany; 1806-1815: under French rule, became a member of the North German Confederation, later the German Empire
Hamburg Packet: marking on steamer mail from Hamburg to the U.S. that passed through the Hamburg Exchange Office, per postal convention effective July 1, 1857
Hamburgh, S.C. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Hamilton: Bermuda 1848-61
Hamilton Bank Note Co.: a stamp engraving firm known for its connection with the Seebeck issues, 1890-98; Seebeck
Hamilton counterfeit: postal forgery of the US 2-cent 1894 Washington stamp offered at a discount by a Canadian firm who had bought them from a printer in Hamilton, Ontario without knowing their being counterfeit
Hamilton Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hamisitvány : (Hung.) forgery
Hammarskjold invert: 1962 United Nations secretary U.S. stamp with the yellow color inverted, error reprinted by the USPS
Hammerfest: City in Finnmark county, N Norway, located on Kvaløy Island ca. 740 miles NNE of Oslo. Local post established by W. B, Bogh (see Stenkjær), and facilitated by the local postmaster of the Norwegian post office, with first “Hammerdest / Bypost” local issue set-of-4 depicting the North Cape rock formation being issued on 3 Jul 1888, and with overpint surcharges on these stamps being issued in December 1888. The local post closed in June 1895
Hammerfest Bypost: Norway local post, 1888-95
Hammer price: auction term for 1: final bid acknowledged and accepted by the auctioneer as the winning high bid. 2: knockdown price
Hammerstempel: (Ger.) hand cancel
Hampton, T. A. City Despatch: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa.1847
Hanau: displaced persons camp, 1947-48
Hanau: Privat-Brief-Verkehr, German Local, 1893-1900
Hancock, John postal card: United States non-denominated postal card, value 10¢, 1978
Hancock’s Express: local freight serviced Boston and North Bridgewater, Mass.; used a label, 1846?
Handback service: a canceled cover or other item returned directly to the postal customer instead of being processed through the mail
Handbat: USPS term for circle-date stamper (CDS), named that because handle is shaped like a baseball bat
Hand cancel: cancellation applied by hand to stamps or covers
Hand chop: overprint in Japanese characters applied to the stamps of nations occupied by Japan during WW II
Hand colored: a hand drawn or printed cachet to which hand coloring or painting has been applied
Hand drawn cachet: a cachet applied by hand by any media such as pen, pencil, brush, etc
Handelswert: (Ger.) net price
Hand engraving: printing plates produced entirely by handwork
H&G: Higgins & Gage, worldwide postal stationery catalog
Handgravyr: (Swed.) hand engraving
Hand gummed: gum manually applied with brush or roller, used until about 1880
H. & K. Pkt.: Holyhead & Kingston Packet, Britain
Händler: (Ger.) dealer
Hand made cachet: an original, individually made cachet
Hand made cover: folding a sheet of paper to act as an envelope
Handoverprint Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society focuses on one set of stamps issued in 1948 in East Germany
Hand painted: any stamp where coloring has been applied by hand; Russian Zemstvo in Tikhvin, 1878 had centers hand painted
Handschriftlich: (Ger.) manuscript
Handsiegel, handstempel: (Ger.) hand cancel
Håndskrevet: (Nor.) manuscript (cancellation)
Handstamp: 1: a hand-held device for printing that is struck on an ink pad, and then applied to paper. 2: to print with that type of device. 3: name given to the impression or postmark imprinted. 3: postmarked or canceled by hand, usually by a rubber stamp, may also be a steel device
Handstempel: (Dut., Ger.) handstamp
Håndstempel: (Dan.) handstamp, manual cancellation device
Handstempelüberdruck: (Ger.) (HOP) hand stamped overprint
Handstruck: 1: term for postal marking indicating postage had been prepaid or was due. 2: stamps printed by striking the printing base by hand upon paper. 3: term used in England referring to hand stamps for town and/or rate mark
Hanford’s Pony Express: inscription on local stamps for John Hanforth’s Williamsburgh Express, operating between New York City and Brooklyn, N.Y
Hang-Khong: Vietnam, airmail
Hangö-Hyv.Jernyag: (Fin.) inscription on stamps of Finland, Hangö-Hyvinge railway stamp
Hankow (L.P.O.): China, treaty port local, 1893-97; now known as Wuhan
Hanley’s City Express Post: S. Allan Taylor label
Hannover: see: Hanover, German State
Hannover: displaced persons camp local, 1949
Hannover: 1: Hannoversche Verkehrsanstalt, German local, 1906. 2: Privat-Stadtbrief-Expedition Merkur, German local, 1886-1900. 3: German States, 1850-66
Hanover: German State: located in northern Germany; 1814: became a kingdom, King of England was also King of Hanover, the Royal Great Britain Hanoverian Post Office was independent of any British involvement, 1850, Dec. 1: first stamps as a kingdom, 1866, Oct. 1: province of Prussia, Prussian stamps placed on sale, 1866, Oct. 31: Hanover stamps could no longer be used, 1868, Jan. 1: stamps of the North German Confederation
Hansa Danziger Privat-Stadtpost und Verkehrs-Anstalt: local, Danzig, Germany, 1886-87
Hansa Danziger Stadt-Brief Spedition: local, Danzig, Germany, 1890-97
Hansa Spedition Strucken & Co.: local, Dusseldorf, Germany, 1898-1900
Hanseatic League: operated municipal post in German cities about 12th century
Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern
Hanukkah stamp: joint issue between the USPS and the Israeli Postal Administration featured the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights
Hapag: “Hanburg-Amerikanische Paketfahrt-Aktien-Gesellschaft” The Hamburg American Line local stamp used to prepay charges on mail carried by their ships, 1870s
Harare: Zimbabwe; formerly Salisbury
Hardening: process of taking a soft die such asa transfer roller plate, and making it hard through a metallurgical process
Hardy’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced between Boston and Lawrence, Mass.; used a label, 1868?
Hareskov Demonstration Flight: Denmark – Hareskov Demonstration Flight, 1912
Harkara: Indian States (Hindi) term for postal runner
Harlem Express: baggage firm that serviced New York City, used a label, year unknown
Harling Group: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hármaslyukasztás: (Hung.) (stamp) with three holes
Härmed ett pakete: (Swed.) phrase denoting “herewith a parcel” noted on letters and postcards attached packages in Sweden, Adressbrev
Harmer’s Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Harminc: (Hung.) thirty (number)
Harnden Express Co.: private mail and parcel firm serviced eastern states; used corner cards and labels; 1839-54
Három: (Hung.) three (number)
Harper: Harper, seaport in Liberia, registration inscription “R” and names of postal center, 1893-1924
Harper, G.W.F.: postmaster, Lenoir, N.C., issued Confederate provisional adhesive and envelope
Härpil: (Swed.) carved wooden sticks with messages, carried by relays, stuck in posts for next man to pick up, 9th century
Harris Auto Parcel Delivery: parcel delivery firm, area unknown, used labels; year unknown
Harrisburgh, Tex Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.Harris, George S. City Despatch Post: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa. about 1847
Harris (S.J.) Express: baggage firm serviced New York City, used a label; year unknown
Harris’ Globe Delivery: parcel delivery serviced unknown area; issued a label; year unknown
Harris index: research index of British Commonwealth books and journals; available from APRL; see: APRL
Harrison and Sons: British stamp printers since 1911. known for the George V issues
Harrison & Sons Ltd.: watermark seen on Maldive Islands
Harrowgate and District: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Harrow perforation: method by which the entire sheet or pane of stamps was perforated at one time
Harter, Dr.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Harter, Dr. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp. Hartford Mail Route: U.S. local post, Hartford, Conn. 1844
Hartford Daily Mail: S. Allan Taylor label
Hartford Manufacturing Co.: maker of early 20th century stamped envelopes
Hartford Penny Post: U. S. local post handstamp, Hartford, Conn., 1852-61
Hartford Steamboat Express: private baggage firm serviced New York City; used a label; year unknown
Hârtie: (Rom.) paper
Hartman Parcel Delivery Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Cincinnati, Ohio, area; used stamps; year unknown
Hartman, S.B. (Dr.) & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hart, Samuel & Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp
Harvesters: name used for reaper designs of Hungary, 1916
Harvey’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Gloucester, Mass., used a label, 1883
Hashemite Kingdom: see: Jordan, 1949 to date
Haskins’ Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Pigeon Cove and Rockport, Mass.; used labels, 1870s?
Hassel: (Den., Nor.) hazel (color)
Hasselnøttbrun: (Den., Nor.) hazelnut-brown (color)
Haste, post Haste: written on envelopes in American Colonial period and England
Használatlan: (Hung.) unused, no gum
Használatlan Falcos: (Hung.) mint, hinged, ragasztönyommal
Használt (also bélyegzett): (Hung.) used, canceled
Hat: (Hung.) six (number)
Hatay: territory of northern Syria, on Mediterranean Sea; currency: 100 santims = 1 kurush, 40 paras = 1 kurish (1939) 1918: used stamps of Syria, 1938, April 16: first separate stamps, named Hatay, 1939: transferred to Turkey, first postage due stamps, included surcharge / overprint on stamps of Turkey “Hatay Devleti,” 1939: No. 1, 10 santims deep orange, Hatay formed; then annexed by Turkey from France; used stamps of Turkey; Turks renamed city Iskenderun; Alexandretta
Hatay-Devleti: overprint on stamps of Turkey for Hatay, 1939
Hatayin Anavatana Kavuginasi: (Turk.) overprint for annexation of Hatay by Turkey
Hat Cancel: obliteration, fancy cancel, 1865-70
Hatch & Company’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced towns in Mass., used labels, year unknown
Hatch, Gray & Co.’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and New Bedford, Mass., used labels, 1880s
Hatching: close, fine lines for shading a stamp design
Hatch’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Brant Rock and Marshfield, Mass.; used a label, 1886
Hattyu, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1880s, for middle Danube lines
Hatvan: (Hung.)sixty (number)
Hauptfeldpostamt: (Ger.) Austrian Head Field Post Office
Haut: (Fr.) upper, top, high
Haute: (Fr.) top
Haute Silesie: Upper Silesia, 1920-22
Haute Silesie Commission de Gouvernment: inscription for plebiscite of Upper Silesia
Haute-Volta, Republique de: overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger for Burkino Faso, 1920-84
Haute Volte: (Fr.) Upper Volta
Haut-Oubangui: African local, 1888
Haut Sénégal-Niger: inscription for Upper Senegal and Niger, 1914-17
Hatvan: (Hung.) sixty (number)
HAVAS: L’Agence Hava (Fr.) first French meter firm to produce a commercial postage meter machine, 1924
Hawaii: group of islands in the Pacific; 1819, Dec.: first letter from Hawaii recorded, written by Lucy G. Thurston, 1850: postal system created, 1851, Oct. 1: No.1, 2 cents blue, “missionary” stamps used, Kingdom, 1855: U.S. stamps supplied by San Francisco post office to Honolulu P.O., could be used alone or in conjunction with the stamps of Hawaii, 1870: U.S. and Hawaii signed a postal treaty with basic rate, 1893: Hawaiian stamps picturing royalty overprinted “Provisional Govt. 1893,” Kingdom ended, 1894: became a republic, 1896: first official stamp issued, 1898, Aug.12: formal transfer to the U.S., annexed by the U.S., 1899: provisional government ended, 1900, Apr. 30: became a territory, 1900, June 13: stamps no longer valid, 1900, June 14: admitted as a territory, began to use general stamps of USA, 1928: overprint on US stamps “Hawaii 1778-1928” marking the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the islands by Capt. James Cook, 1959, Aug. 21: became state, transferred to the United States; Hawaiian Missionaries
Hawaii: Pineapple Post, local, 1970s
Hawaiian Is.: inscription used on stamps of Hawaii, 1853-68
Hawaiian Missionaries: primitive early issues of Hawaii, 1851-52; name came from the fact that many were used by missionaries writing home, printed Oct. 1851 by Henry W. Whitney
Hawaiian Postage: inscription on Missionary stamps of Hawaii, 1851-52
Hawaiian remainders: Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards, and stamped envelopes surcharged “Prov. Govt” destroyed March 28, 1896
Hawaiian Steam Service: handstamp on mail from Hawaii carried by the California, Oregon and Mexico Steam Ship Co., COMSS, 1867
Hawaii’s Post: an express mail delivery firm on the island of Oahu that requires stamps to prepay postage
Hawaii, Republic of: inscription used on stamps of Hawaii, 1894
Hawid: manufacturer of Hawid Mounts, Hans Widmaier
Hawker: overprint on stamps of Newfoundland “First Trans-Atlantic Air Post” to carry mail by H. G. Hawker on his ill-fated flight attempt in April 1919
Hayti: Haiti
Hazeltine, E.T.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
HB: 1.: hibrite paper, 2: auction abbreviation for hardbound
H.B.: (Ger.) “Herzogtum Braunschweig,” Germany, pre-adhesive postmark
H.B.A.: overprint on stamps of Russia for Siberia, 1921
H-Blatt (Hbl.): (Ger.) booklet pane
H.B. Sanitats Stempel: health sanitary pre-adhesive marking
H C: auction abbreviation for hand cancel
H C B P: Hamilton’s Continental Balloon Post; Hamilton’s Excursions, carried between 1870-75; between Marseilles and Paris, stamp printed on cover
HCL: Herbert C. Leach, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Head cancellations: name given to fancy cancels, 1860-80
Head-out: USPS term for the starting point of a mail run or trip
Head plate: plate that prints the stamp’s central design; named for the monarch’s head
Heads of wheat: name given to pictorial overprints on 1919 stamps of Hungary
Health: inscription for semi-postal, New Zealand
Health stamp: stamps issued with a charity premium to raise funds for children health camps
Healthy India: India charity label
Heath, Charles: engraver commissioned in 1840 to engrave the original die for Great Britain’s Penny Black
Heaton stamps: the 50¢ stamp of the Columbian series and the 10¢ stamp of the Trans Mississippi series, named after paintings by A. G. Heaton
Heat sensitive stamps: use of a thermochromic ink permits color to change when it is touched; first stamp using this process was the 27-pence British issue of March 13, 2001
Heavy cancel: obliteration which spoils the appearance of the stamp by covering most its surface
Hebe, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle Danube lines
Hebraisk: (Nor.) Hebrew)
Hebré: (Swed.) Hebrew
Hebreer: (Nor.) Hebrew
Hebreisk: (Swed.) Hebrew
Hectograph: print made from a special ink held on a gelatine printing base which contains ink transferred from a drawing on special paper
Hedjaz & Nedje, Hejaz & Nejd: Nejd (Saudi Arabia), 1929-33
Heft: (Ger.) booklet (of stamps)
Heftchen: (Ger.) stamp booklet
Heftchenblatt: (Ger.) booklet pane; uncut block of stamps especially printed and cut for use in a booklet
Heftchenmarke: (Ger.) a stamp from a booklet
Hefte: (Dan., Nor.) unexploded booklet
Héfto: (Hung.) Monday
H.E.H. the Nizam’s Government: inscription for India, Feudatory State of Hyderabad, 1927-37
Hehza: Egypt, 1879-1880; Interpostal seals
Heidelberg : German locals; 1: Privatbriefbeförderungsanstalt Merkur, 1886-87. 2: Privat-Brief-Verkehr (Arnold), 1886-1900
Heidelberg-Neunheim: Brief & Packetverkehr, German local, 1887
Heijtz: specialized catalogue for Falkland Islands, dependencies and British Antarctic Territory
Heilbronn: Privat-Stadt-Brief-Verkehr, German local, 1896-1900
Heilungkiang: Kirin and Heilungchange
Heimatphilatelie: (Ger.) hometown philately; collecting philatelic materials only from your hometown and its environs
Heimbold’s: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Heimbold’s, A.L.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Heimreise Angetreten: (Ger.) return home has commenced, marking for German troops returning from China
Hejaz-Nejd: Saudi Arabia; c1865- Oct. 30, 1881: Egyptian post office operated at Jeddah, 1881: first stamps from Turkey, 1916, Aug. 20: became kingdom, first stamps issued, 1917: first postage due stamp, 1920, Aug. 10: Hejaz independence, 1923, Apr.: stamps of Hejaz overprinted, 1925, March 23: replaced stamps of Hejaz, 1926, Jan. 8: Nejd conquers Hejaz, 1926, Feb. 1926: became part of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd, 1932, Sept. 22: name changed to Saudi Arabia
Hela Peninsula: German local for military, 1945 inscribed “Deutsche durch Feldpost U-boot.”
Helark: (Dan., Swed) sheet (of stamps)
Hela Verden: (Dan.) all world
Hela Världen-Samlinger: (Swed.) worldwide collections
Helder: (Dut.) Bright color
Held for Postage: marking on early 1900 postcards with a divided line sent from overseas to the US. assessed for additional postage
Helena, Tex, 5 Postage: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Helera: currency unit in Montenegro
Helft den Ärmsten der Armen Spendet der Mainzer Winterhilfe: (Ger.) “Help the poorest of the poor, Donate to the Mainz Winter relief,” Germany machine cancel, 1933
Helicopter mail: first flight with mail took place in July 1946 in Los Angeles, CA. operated by the Air Transport Command and Air Rescue Service
Heligoland: island in the North Sea, near the northern coast of Germany; currency: 16 schillings = 1 mark, 100 pfennig = 1 mark = 1 schilling 1807: captured by Britain from Denmark, 1814-90: under British control, mails carried by steam vessels from Cuxhaven, 1859-June: stamps of the free city of Hamburg used, 1867, April 15: No. 1, 1/2 schilling blue-green and rose, stamps of Heligoland issued, 1868: joined the North German Confederation, 1879, July 1: joined the UPU, 1890, Aug. 9: ceded to Germany, became part of Schleswig-Holstein Province, stamps of German Empire used, 1945-52: British occupation, 1952: returned to Germany, stamps of Germany used
Heligoland 8th June 1946: inscription; same scene for Aden, Gozo, Hong Kong, Malayan Union, Northern Ireland, Sarawak, Scotland, Singapore, Zanzibar; unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001
Heliograbado: (Sp.) an early type of photogravure printing of postage stamps
Heliogravør : (Dan.) heliogravure printing, Tryk – Heliogravør.
Héliogravure (Helio): (Fr.) an early type of photogravure printing of postage stamps
Helipot Corp.: division of Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, Calif., 1950s fantasy issue using firm’s products as subjects
Hell: (Ger.) pale, light, thin (spot)
Hellas: Greece, 1966 to date
Hellblau: (Ger.) light blue (color)
Heller: currency unit in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Carinthia, German East Africa, Liechtenstein
Hellin: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Hellouan: Egypt, 1879-1884; Interpostal seals
Helmstedt: Displaced camp local post, 1945
Helpost: (Nor.) postal stationery
Helsag: (Dan.) postal stationery
Helsagbrevkort: (Dan.) postal card postal stationery
Helsak: (Swed.) postal stationery
Helsakssamlingar: (Swed.) postal stationery collections
Helsingfors A.A.: Finland local post, 1866-91; now known as Helsinki
Helsinki: capital of Finland; first Finnish stamp, 1917, is known as the Helsinki issue
Helvetia: (Ger.) Switzerland; Latin name used since nation has four official languages
Helyi Kiadások: (Hung.) local issues
Helyi Kidás: (Hung.) local issue
Helyi levél, Hl: (Hun.) local letter overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment
Helyi lev.-lap, Hlp: (Hun.) local postcard overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment
Henderson Island, Dependency of: bogus overprint of Pitcairn Island
Henkelspur: (Ger.) hinge mark on gum
Henning & Bonhack: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Henry, John F.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Henry’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced upstate New York, used a label, year unknown
Henry, W. E. & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Heraklion: Crete; British Post Offices, 1898-99; also known as Iraklion, Candia
Herald & Weekly Times: local, Australia,1920
Herausgeben: (Ger.) to issue (stamps, etc.)
Herbertshohe: now known as Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
Herceg Bosnia: Lipa and Kuna inscription on early Bosnia and Herzegovina (Croatian Administration), 1993
Herceg Bosnia: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Sept. 7, 1998 letter by Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UPU, not valid for postage; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croat Administration in Mostar
Hercegovina: (Czech.) Herzegovina
Hercock Simpson Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Herefordshire, etc.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Herisau: Switzerland, local airmail, 1913
Herm Island: island off the coast of Guernsey with local labels using its name; 1938: closed as a Guernsey sub-office, 1945: owner issued series of carriage labels for payment on letters carried from the island to Guernsey, 1949: pigeon post operated, 1949: Guernsey became postally independent, and sub-post office opened on island
Hermes Head: Greek stamps, first issued in 1861, featuring Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods; there are small Hermes and large Hermes portraits
Hermosillo: (Sp.) district in Mexico applied as an overprint on revenue stamps as authentication
Herrera Line: Cuban packet company carried closed British mails, 1860s
Herrick’s Pills: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Herrick’s Pills & Plasters: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Herringbone cancellation: a cut, sometimes inked, in the repeating pattern of a herringbone that ties the stamp to the document to prevent illegal reuse of the stamp
Herrmann, Dr. Emanuel: (1839-1902) credited with making a suggestion in 1869 that became known as the postal card
Herrnhut: German Democratic Republic local post, 1945
Hertugdømme: (Nor.) duchy
Herzegoliche Pose Fremarke: German States-Holstein
Herzogth Holstein: German States, Schleswig-Holstein, 1856-66
Herzogth Schleswig: German States, Schleswig-Holstein, 1864-65
Hesperio, Estado: bogus, State of Hesperio
Hess’sche Stadt-Brief-Beforderung: local, Darmstadt, Germany, 1895-96
Heston: island off the coast of Scotland with local labels using its name
Hét: (Hung.) seven (number)
Hetherington, J. E.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hetven: (Hung.) seventy (number)
Heychelles: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
HF high fluorescence
H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern
H H: auction term for “Heavily Hinged.”
H.H. Nawab Shah Jahanbegam: inscription, on Feudatory State of Bhopal. India, 1876-1901, name and title of native ruler
H H R: auction term for heavily hinged with hinge remnant(s) affixed
H.H.W. & Co. (H.H. Warner & Co.): U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
HI: USPS abbreviation for Hawaii, 1875-91
H.I. & U.S. Postage: inscription on 13-cent stamp of Hawaii, 1851
Hi-bright paper: paper that is impregnated with brighteners, that glow under longwave ultraviolet light
Hi-Brite: term used for papers that contain optical fluorescent material that causes the stamp to glow under longwave ultraviolet light
Hibernia: (Latin) Ireland
Hidalgos: early issues of Mexico featuring portrait of Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, first leader of Mexican independence movement
Hidden dates: the date of stamp manufacture hidden in the stamp design. Used in Canadian stamps since 1935
Hidden imagery: name given to encoded imagery used on U. S. stamps; Decoder, Encoded Designs; Stamp decoder
Hidden reserve: auction term for 1: non-stated minimum price the seller of the lot will accept, bids received below this figure will be ignored. 2: non-stated reserve
Hierspiel’s Express Co.: parcel firm serviced Jersey City, Lafayette, N. J., and New York City; used a label, year unknown
Higgins & Gage: catalog of global postal stationery
High-etch offset: offset printing from letterpress or typography, used for centers of the U.S. 1943-44 flag stamps
Highland Railway: Scotland local post
Highly reactive: enclosure made with a vinyl compound will interact with the other material it contacts; this interaction will, over time, permanently damage material; from: Preservation and Storage Library of Victoria
Highway Contract Route: (HCR) USPS term for postal contractor route to carry mail by highway between designated points
Highway Post Office (HPO): motor vehicles used for collection, sorting and distribution of mail operated by U.S. Post office between Washington, DC and Harrisburg, Va in 1941
Hiiumaa: bogus issue, not valid for postage
Hilbre: bogus, located in River Dee, British island local, 1961
Hildasay: tiny island in the Shetlands
Hildegarde, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines
Hildreth’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Brooklyn and New York City, N.Y.; used a label, year unknown
Hilera: (Sp.) row of stamps
Hill & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel serviced Boston and Manchester, Mass.; used a corner card and labels; 1860s
Hill, Clayton Courier: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hill, Pearson: father of the cancelling machine produced in 1857; operated by steam or foot treadle to automatically apply a duplex cancellation
Hillsboro, N.C.: see: Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals
Hillsboro, N. C. Paid: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Hill, Sir Rowland: the man who instituted the penny postage system in England, 1840, and is considered the “Father of the Postage Stamp.”
Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms: written by Thomas E. Hill in 1873 to help teach students to properly address, frank and post a letter
Hill’s Post: Oliver B. Hill, U.S. local post, Boston, Mass.,1849
Hilo de seda: (Sp.) silk thread
Hilos de trapo: (Sp.) cloth or rag threads found in poor quality granite paper used by the Spanish Republican government for its numeral issue of 1938-39
Hil’s Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hilton & Sons’ Express: freight firm serviced Boston and Lynn, Mass., used a label, year unknown
Hilton’s Express: railroad parcel firm serviced between Boston and Lynn, Mass.; used a label, 1858
Himare: formerly Chimarra, Khimara, Chimara, Albania
Himera: see: Chimarra
Himmelblå: (Dan., Nor.) sky blue (color)
Himmelblau: (Ger.) blue
Himriyya: stamps for a village in the Trucial State of Sharjah, 1965, repudiated by the government
Hinckley & Co’s. Express, Denver City: handstamp for independent mail route
Hinckley and District: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hinge: small piece of gummed glassine or parchment paper used by collectors for mounting stamps on album pages
Hinged: an unused postage stamp to which a hinge or stamp mount has been applied; described as “lightly hinged” or “heavily hinged” depending on degree of gum disturbance
Hinkley’s Express Co.: Abraham M. Hinkley, U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1855
Hintergrund: (Ger.) background
Hinton: tourist mail, local post of Canada, 1978-81
H.I. Postage: inscription on stamps of Hawaii Islands
Hirlap Belyeg: inscription on stamps of Hungary as a newspaper tax, 1900-22
Hirlapjegy: inscription on stamps of Hungary for newspaper stamps, 1900-22
Hiscox & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
His Majesty’s Jubilee, 1910-1935: overprint on stamps of New Guinea, June 27, 1935
Historical cover: postmarked and cacheted for a historical event, e.g., the inauguration of a president
Hit: informal USPS term to postmark mail with a hand-stamped cancellation
Hitler Skull: parody, designed by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, of the basic letter rate German 12p Hitler Head definitive
Hivastlos: inscription on stamps of Norway and Hungary for official use
Hjalp Oss Att Hjalpa!: (Swed.) Red Cross cinderella
H.J.J. Godsfrimaerke: Danish railway parcel stamp
Hjørne: (Dan.) corner
Hjørnefold: (Dan.) corner crease
Hjørne: (Dan., Nor.) corner
Hjornetakk: (Nor.) corner perforation
H.J.Z.: overprint on stamps of Palestine for use on the Hedjaz Railway, 1919
HK: Honk Kong; country code as used by UPU
$HK: dollar, currency used in Hong Kong
HKJ: international postal code for Jordan
HLC: Harvey L. Cote, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Hlp: Magyar, Helyi lev lap local postcard, overprint on stamps of Hungary, 1946
Hlubotisk: (Czech.) photo engraving
HMA Ship: His Majesty’s Australian Ship, Australia hand stamp
HMC: Harold M. Clarvoe, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
HM / OW: Her Majesty’s Office of Works / Official
H.M.C.S: Her/His Majesty’s Canadian Ship
H.M.S: Her/His Majesty’s Ship
H.M.S. Graham: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
HMW: 1: Herbert M. Williams 2: Harry W. Wolstenholme, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
HN: Honduras (Rep.); country code as used by the UPU
Hnedá: (Czech.) brown (color)
Hnedy: (Czech.) brown (color)
Hnedavy: (Czech.) brownish (color)
Hnedocerná: (Czech.) brown-black (color)
Hnedocervená: (Czech.) brown-red (color)
Hnedofialová: (Czech.) brown-violet, brownish-purple (color)
Hnedokarminínová: (Czech.) brown-carmine (color)
Hnedoranzová: (Czech.) brown-orange (color)
Hnedosedá: (Czech.) brown-grey (color)
Hngr: USPS abbreviation in address for hanger
Hobe & Bro.: Special Delivery firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown
Hoby: Montenegro, 1874-96
Hochdruck: (Ger.) engraving, leaving a raised impression
Ho Chi Minh City: formerly Saigon, Vietnam
Hochwasser 1920: (Ger.) (high water), overprint on stamps of Austria for semi-postal use, 1920
Hockaday & Co.: transported mail from St. Joseph, Mo. to Salt Lake City, 1858
Hodgman & Co’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass, to Bangor, Maine; used a label, 1849
Hod (N.) Company: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hogar-Escuela de correos: (Sp.) Orphanage School of the Postal Authorities; on semi-postal
Hogar Telegrafico: (Sp.) Orphanage School of the Telegraph Service; on semi-postal
Högröd: (Swed.) “high red” (color), see Djupt klarröd
Högtryck: (Swed.) typography
Hohensalza: Rote Radler, German local post, pre 1900
Hohenstein-Ernstthal: Express-Packet-Verkehr; German local post, 1891
Hohenzollern: Imperial Germany rulers, name of Yacht of Kaiser Wilhelm on stamps of German colonies, 1900, known as “Yacht” or “ship” issues
Hohe-Rinne: Inscription found on local tourist stamps issued by the Kurhaus (Eng., Spa Hotel) built in 1894, and located at Hohe Rinne on the Meeresspiegel River on the Siebenburgen (Hung. Erdély, Rom. Transilvania) plateau. The territory orginally was in Hungary, but was ceded to Romania after WWI. The hotel proprietor issued various local stamps during 1895-1924 for prepayment of mail carried from the hotel to and from the post office at Keresztenysziget (Ger. Grossau), and later to and from the post office at Nagy Szeban (Ger. Hermannstadt)
Hoi Hao: Chinese treaty port, overprint on stamps of Indo-China for French Offices in Hoi Hai, China, 1902-22.Hoihow: (Chungking) 1902, Feb. 7-Dec. 31, 1922, overprint Tchongking; now known as
Hoihow: 1900, May 15- Dec. 31, 1922., first issue 1901 overprinted Hoi Hau, see: China, Indo-China Post offices
Hoi Hau: China overprint on stamps of Indo-China, French Offices in China, 1901-22
Hoja: (Sp.) sheet (of stamps)
Hoja a elegir: (Sp.) approval sheets or booklets
Hoja bloque: (Sp.) sheet of a stamp or stamps, surrounded with a paper margin issued for a specific event or purpose; souvenir sheet
Hojas de albumes: (Sp.) album pages
Hoja de licitación: (Fr.) bid sheet
Hoja de Muestra: (Sp.) specimen sheet with one stamp of each new issue affixed sent to all postmasters to acquaint them with the new issues
Hoja de oferta: (Sp.) bid sheet
Hoja entera: (Sp.) complete sheet (of stamps)
Hoja recuerdo: (Sp.) souvenir sheet
Hojita: (Sp.) small sheet (of stamps) local semi-postal issues printed during the Civil War
Højre: (Dan.) right (side)
Holanda: (Sp. Port.) Holland, the Netherlands
Holandské Antily: (Czech.) Netherlands Antilles, Dutch Antilles
Holandsko: (Czech.) Dutch
Holandsky: (Czech.) Holland (the Netherlands)
Holbaek: Seaport in Vestsjælland county, Denmark, ca. 33 miles W of Copenhagen. Local post established pre-1880 by Holbaek Steamship Company with “Dampbaaden Holbæk” local stamps used both for postal packets and parcels issued the same year (possibly earlier)
Holbaek Steamship Co.: local, Denmark, 1880
Hold-to-light card: postcard that creates a different image if held to the light
Hole in stamp: may indicate a form of cancellation, or used on telegrams, or for official correspondence, etc
Holkar: inscription Indore State, 1886-1904, India; 1904: first postage due stamp, now known as Indore, see: Indore
Holland: Netherlands
Hollandais: (Fr.) Dutch
Hollandale, Tex. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals. Hollandia: now known as Jayapura, Indonesia
Hollandia: (Hung.) Holland
Holland India: (Hung.) the Dutch Indies
Holland’s Express: baggage firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown
“Hollandshjalp”: “Help for Holland” overprint on stamps of Iceland semi-postal for flood victims, 1953
Hollandsk: (Dan.) Dutch
Hollandske Antiller: (Dan.) Netherlands Antilles, Nederlandske Antiller
Hollandsk Indien: (Dan.) Dutch (East) Indies, Nederlandsk Indies
Hollandsk Ny Guinea: (Dan.) Dutch New Guinea, Nederlandsk Ny Guinea
Hollandul: (Hung.) Dutch
Hollows: irregularities in stamp paper that caused plate “hollows” which, in turn, caused white spots after printing
Holloway’s Pills and Ointment: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Holman Liver Pad Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Holmestrand: Seaport city in Vestfold county in SW Norway ca. 30 miles SW of Oslo. Local Post established by M. Borrese, with first “Bypost / Holmestrand / Bypost” handstamped on horizonatally laid black on pale green (3 øre) or gold on cream (5 øre) papers local stamps issued 1 June 1888, with further local stamps issued through 1 December 1888
Holmestrand Bypost: Norway local post, 1888
Hologram: added to stamp to give illustration an added dimension
Hologram Omitted: holograms are affiixed with an adehesive, which can be removed with a solvent; the absence of a hologram may not an error
Holograph: a letter entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature is on the document. Holstein: former duchy, south of Denmark; pre-1864: under Danish crown, 1864, March: occupied by Prussia and Austria, issued stamps, 1866: Prussia took over, defeating Austria, German States Schleswig-Holstein, 1868: North German Confederation
Holsteinsborg: formerly Sisimiut, Greenland
Holte: a small railroad center located in the area of Holte, Denmark. Local post established by a Mr. Jessen under lease from the government on 1 July 1866, being transferred to a Lt. Baumann in June 1869, with a first “Holte / Landpost” 2-Skilling red-brown local stamp being issued 2 March 1870, and with a second similar-design 2-skilling green local stamp being issued 15 September 1872 The Holte local post was the first Danish local post to issue stamps, The post delivered the mails from the railroad station to the surrounding villages, and used the regular government-issued “206” numerical obliterator to cancel the stamps. The service was taken over by the Danish Post Office on 25 May 1873
Holte Land Post: Denmark local post, 1870-72
Holub: (Czech.) carrier pigeon
Holubice: (Czech.) carrier pigeons
Holyhead and Kingstown Packet (H & K Packet): sorted mail on board ship, first trip, Oct. 1, 1860
Holzhausen: German local post, 1945-48
Holzstempel: (Ger.) wooden hand stamp
Homan’s Empire Express: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1852
Homan’s Express: local parcel serviced Bangor and Bucksport, Maine; used labels, 1883
Home Bitters Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Homeland state: term used for South Africa territorial areas prior to their being granted autonomous authority
Homenaje: (Sp.) homage
Honah Lee: Puff the Magic Dragons kingdom
Honan: province in east-central China; 1940s: regional overprints used, 1949: stamps issued for People’s Post, Central China scott 6L63-87
Honan: Japanese occupation, 1941-45, also known as Che-Nan. China 3N
Honda: Colombia provisional overprint, Tolima, 1896; known as the Honda issue
Hondon de las Nievas: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Honduras: former Spanish colony in Central America; between Guatemala and Nicaragua; official name of postal administration: Honducor currency: 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 peso (1878), 100 centavos = 1 lempira (1933) 1865, Dec.: first stamps issued “Correos de Honduras” before postal service organized, 1877, April-78: 2 reales stamps surcharged “Media Real” and re-issued 1878: new series of stamps issued inscribed “Republica de Honduras,” 1879, April 1: joined the UPU, 1890: first official stamp, 1912: U.S. Marines land, 1925: first airmail stamp, 2000, April 7: first semipostal stamp, British Honduras
Honduras Britannique: (Fr.) British Honduras
Hong Kong: British Crown Colony, a peninsula in southeast China; official name of postal administration: Hong Kong Post Office currency: 100 cents = 1 Hong Kong dollar 1841, Jan. 26: made a British colony, local handstamps used, 1860, May 1: service passed from London P.O. to the colony, 1862, Dec. 8: No.1, 2 cents pale brown, first stamp issued, but use not compulsory, 1864, Oct. 15: use made compulsory, 1905: stamps of Hong Kong overprinted “China” for British Offices in China, 1914, Mar. 1: joined the UPU included with China, People’s Republic 1923, Dec.: first postage due stamp issued. 1945, April: surcharged stamps of Japan for occupation, 1945, Aug. 14: Japanese occupation ended. 1988, Nov. 30: first semipostal issued. 1997, July 1: reverted to Chinese rule, Special Administrative Region, stamps inscribed, “Hong Kong, China.”
Hong Kong: The Hen House Kowloon inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Hongrie: (Fr.) Hungary
Honiton Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Honolulu Advertiser: collection of Hawaii items auctioned by the Robert A. Siegel firm on Nov. 7-11, 1995
Honour’s City Express: 1849-58, Charleston, S.C.; see: Carriers” Stamps
Honour envelope: British manila envelope with a large cross and inscription in green meaning that the writer on active service , certified that on their honour that the contents did not discuss military matters
Honvéd: (Hun.) Defender of the Country, i.e., soldier
Hooded datestamp: circular datestamp with a concentric oval around the top in the shape of a hood with a description such as “registered.”
Hooper’s Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
HOP: Handoverprint Study Group
Hop Bitters Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hopedale Penny Post: U.S. local post, Milford, Mass., 1849
Hopeh-Shantung-Honan Border Area: northeast China; 1940s: regional overprints issued, 1946: stamps issued for the North China Liberation area
Hopei: Japanese occupation, 1941-45. China 4N
Hope Express Co.: private mail and parcel serviced New Jersey and eastern Pa.; used corner cards and labels; year unknown
Hopflug: overprint on Iceland’s stamps to commemorate Italian Marshall Balbo’s 1933 flight. Hopflug Itala: overprint on stamps of Iceland, Balbo airmail flight, 1933
Hop Isles: 1924 European cinderella used on private postcards that did not go through the mail
Hop-po: South Chinese local post in Kwangtung, 1949
Horario: (Sp.) time-table (of mail departures)
Horisontal: (Swed.) horizontal, Vågrätt
Horizontal bars: USPS term for the uniform, wide bars parallel to the length of the mailpiece, printed immediately below the no postage necessary endorsement
Horizontal coil: stamps that are perforated vertically and arranged in rolls
Horizontal comb perforation: perforation where the lines appear horizontally and the legs vertically
Horizontal gum: appearance of a pattern visible in the adhesive
Hörntand: (Swed.) corner perforation
Hörn: (Swed.) corner
Hornchurch Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Horní: (Czech.) up (side)
Hörntand: (Swed.) corner perforation
Hors d’usage: (Fr.) obsolete
Horsens Bypost: Denmark local post, 1883-89
Horsens – Horsens Local Post: Seaport in Vejle county, E Jutland, Denmark, ca. 110 miles WNW of Copenhagen. Local post established by a Mr. Bagger in 1883, with a first “Horsens Bypost / Brevmærke” local stamp being issued on 3 October, and with a second “Express / Express” handstamp on gummed paper local stamp being issued later in the year. The local post was disontinued in May 1884 through insolvency
Horsens – Melgaard Local Post: The Horsens local post (q.v.) was reopened as the “Horsens Telefon og Bypost” by S. Melgaard on 16 September 1886 using the original company’s remaining stamp stock, and overprinting nmerous varieties of same (when purchased, the original stock was stuck together, and was separated by soaking, so that the 1886 surcharged issues are always without gum). Other Melgaard-specific local stamps depicting a horse in front of a tree and inscribed “Horsens Telefon og Bypodst” were issued in April and August 1889. The local post ceased operations on 29 May 1890
Horseshoe Route: British commercial air mail route flown to various destinations in a large arc, which gave the route its name, 1940
Horta: Portuguese district in the Azores; 1892: stamps issued inscribed “Horta,” 1905: replaced by stamps of Portugal
Horten: Seaport in Vestfold county, SE Norway, on W side of Oslo Fjord ca. 24 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established by L. K. Hiorth, with 5 øre “Hortens / Bypost” lithographed dark blue local stamps depicting an anchor issued 1 July 1882, with additional redrawn issues of the same design issued through 1885. Hiorth employed Norwegian government mail boxes, with his mails being delivered by government mail carriers. The government objected to the use of government mail boxes, and the local post was forced to close effective 31 December 1888
Hortens: Norway, local bypost, 1882-85
Horvát: (Hung.) Croatian
Horvátország: (Hung.) Croatia
Hospitalet de Llobregat: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Hostetter & Smith: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hot case: USPS term for case used for last minute sorting of mail
Hotchkiss, J. G. Match CO.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Hotelpost: (Nor.) hotel mail
Hotel Posts: issued by hotels in remote areas to carry guest’s mail to the nearest post office, started since the Swiss post office did not provide pick up or delivery service in the late 1800s
Hot stamp: USPS term for stamp ink that contains a substance that becomes luminescent when passed through a facer-canceler
Houghton & Co’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Hudson, Mass.; used a label, year unknown
Hounslow Local post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Householder: printed matter address and words “postage paid” with or without place of delivery
Houston: NASA local post, 1970
Houston, Txs. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Hovedpart: (Nor.) the main part, mainly
Hovedsag: (Dan.) mainly
Hovedsakelig: (Nor.) mainly
Hovercraft mail: first mail carried by hovercraft took place on July 20, 1962 between N. Wales and Merseyside
Hovercraft Mail: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Howard & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel delivery serviced eastern Pensylvania; used corner cards and labels; 1855-68
Howard & Jones London: papermaker’s watermark
Howard, B & H.D.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Howe, S. D.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Howell’s Letter Express: U.S. local post, Rochester, N. Y., about 1840s
Hoyle’s Local Mail: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Høyre: (Nor.) right (side)
Hoyt, E.W. & Co.: U.S. private die perfumery proprietary stamp
Hoyt’s Letter Express: U.S. local post, Rochester, N. Y., 1844
H.P.: 1: (Followed by Cyrillic letters) Bulgaria. 2: Hamburg, Germany, pre-adhesive postmark. 3: “Hagagan Post” (Armenia Post) Armenia. 4: inscription on Austrian stamp for use in Western Ukraine during WW I period
H P O: Highway Post Office cancel used on portable mail handling equipment usually located on buses
H.P.N.: (Sp.) “Habilitado por la Nación” Validated for the Nation; overprint on provisional (Teruel) issues of Spain in 1868
HQ: Headquartes
Hr: Hryvnia; currency of Ukraine
HR: 1: hinge remnant. 2: Croatia; country code as used by UPU
H.R.: Helvetische Republik (Swiss) Swiss Republic
Hrad: (Czech.) castle
Hradcany: (Czech.) refers to the Czechoslovakia 1918-1920 definitive series depicting the “Hradcany” castle in Prague
Hranice: (Czech.) border, boundary, frontier
H rate US Stamp: United States non-denominated make-up rate, value 1¢, 1999
Hreben: (Czech.) refers to comb perforation
Hrebenové Zoubkování: (Czech.) comb perforation
H.R.R.: Housatonic Rail Road handstamp, 1847
H.R.S.: Hudson River Steamer, pre-adhesive postmark
Hrvatska: 1: inscription on stamps of the Republic of Croatia. 2: inscription on Croatian patriotic labels issued in Austria-Hungary, 1900-1914
Hrvatska: lipa and kuna inscriptions on stamps of National government issues, Croat Administration. Croatia, Jugoslavia
Hrvatska, Republika: Croatia 1992-
Hrvatska SHS: (Hung.) overprint for “Serbs, Croats, Slovenes”, 1929 when renamed Yugoslavia
Hrzgl Post F.R.M. (Frmrk): German States, Schleswig Holstein, 1864
H/S, Hndstmp: auction abbreviation for hand stamp
Hsai-Men: China; see: Amoy
HSB: Herman S. Batch, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
HT. Senegal & Niger: 1: Upper Senegal and Niger, 1906-14. 2: Haiti; country code as used by the UPU
HU: Honduras (Republic); country code as used by the UPU
Huacho: seaport on coast of Peru; 1884: provisional stamp issued due to stamp shortage caused by occupation of Lima and Callao by Chile during 1879-84 war. Hub: the circular portion of a postmark that indicates place, date, Zip code, etc
Huck-Cottrell Press: single-color intaglio press, forerunner of Cottrell presses, operational in 1969, used to print coil stamps using curved plates
Huck Multicolor Press: a nine-color, webfed, intaglio press used by the BEP from 1968-76
Hudson Riv. Mail N.Y.: in a dated circular date stamp, with separate rate marking, route agent’s stamp, used on mail carried by contract steamboats via the Hudson river, New York-Troy route, 1840s-1851
Hudson Street Post Office: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850
Huecograbado: (Sp.) photogravure, intaglio
Huejutla: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883
Huella de charnela: (Sp.) hinge mark
Huelva: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Huerfanos de correos: (Sp.) Orphans of the Post; charity seals
Huerfanos de telegrafos: (Sp.) Orphans of Employees of the Telegraph Service; found on semi-postal issues
Huesca: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Huetor Tajar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Huevar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist and Republican, 1937
Huger, Alfred: postmaster, Chapel Hill, N.C. issued Confederate postmaster’s provisional adhesive and envelope
Huile Lourde: heavy oils, petroleum distillates; French Colony revenue inscription
Huile Nocives: noxious oils; French Colony revenue inscription
Hull & Barnsley Company: British local post
Hull, C. E. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hull Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hultschiner-Landchen: 1920s: mourning label for territory annexed by Czechoslovakia in 1919 issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig
Humanity, Kingdom of: bogus South China Seas, located between Philippines and Indonesia, 1955
Human Rights: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1958, 1963, 1968
Humboldt Express: U.S. local post, Nevada, 1863, branch of Langton’s Pioneer Express
Humilladero: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Hunan: province in south-central China; 1940s: regional overprints issued 1949: stamps issued for Central Chinese Liberation Area
Hunan-Kiangsi Border Province: (Chinese Red Post),1929-30
Hunan-West Hupeh: (Chinese Red Post), 1930
Hund: (Ger.) dog (thematic)
Hundertiahrfeier: (Ger.) centenary
Hundi: (Ind.) in India, stamp affixed to a commercial paper for payment of money to the bearer
Hundre: (Nor.) one-hundred (number)
Hundrede: (Dan.) one-hundred (number)
Hundredeogti: (Dan.) one-hundred-ten (number)
Hungarian-American Messenger Service: bogus, 1919
Hungary: Bistra, hotel, local post,1909-1912
Hungary: central Europe; between Romania and Austria; Official name of postal administration: Hungarian Post Office Limited Currency: 100 kreuzer = 1 forint, 100 filer = 1 koruna (1900), 100 filer = 1 pengo (1926), 100 filler =1 forint (1946) 1850, June 1: used stamps of Austria, 1867, May 1: independent postal administration created, 1867, June 1: dual stamps issued for Hungary and Austria, Austrian-Hungarian Empire, 1868, April 1: Hungarian postal service took control of Croatia posts and Slovenia Prekomurje posts, 1868, June 20: first stamps for Hungary, 1871, May 1: No.1, 2 kreuzer orange, first stamps of the Monarchy in arrangement with Austria, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1900, Jan. 25: joined UPU as Hungary, 1903: first postage due stamp, 1913, Nov. 20: first semipostal stamp, 1918, July 4: first air mail stamp, 1918, Nov. 16: People’s Republic formed, 1918, Nov. 23: overprinted stamps issued, 1919. May: overprinted occupation stamps of Hungary for Arad region, Debrecen, Temesvar, Transylvania, 1919, June 14: stamps issued for regime of Bela Kun, Serbian occupation (Baranya, Temesvar, Banat), 1919, June 28: overprinted stamps issued for new republic, 1919, Nov. 16: overprinted stamps issued for Admiral Horthy regime, Szeged. 1921: first official stamp, 1945, May: republic proclaimed, 1949, Aug. 20: People’s Republic of Hungary proclaimed, 1989: People’s Republic abolished
Hungary, Romanian Occupation: 1919: semi-postal, postage due on stamps of Hungary
Hungary, Serbian Occupation: 1919: semi-postal, postage due on stamps of Hungary
Hungerhilfe: (Ger.) in aid of starving people
Hungria: (Sp.) Hungary
Hunter’s Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971
Hunting Permit stamp: also known as duck stamp; initiated 1934; see: Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp, State Hunting Permit Stamps
Hungria: (Sp.) Hungary
Hunt, L. G.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Huntsville, Tex. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Huo-shan: East Chinese local post, 1949, west south west of Hoi-fei
Hupeh Province: east-central China; 1940s: regional overprints issued, 1941: overprinted “Domestic Ordinary Letter Surcharge Paid” 1949, May: stamps surcharged for Central Chinese Liberation Area, 1949, June 4: stamps surcharged for Hupeh Postal and Telegraph Administration
Hunter & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced Amador, El Dorado and Placer Coubnties, Calif., used a corner card; year unknown
Hunt’s Despatch: local post
Hurricane Hattie: overprint on stamps of British Honduras, semi-postal for hurricane of Oct. 31, 1961
“Hurricane Relief”: 1: 1987 Aitutaki surcharge.2: overprint of Bahamas semi-postals 1992
Husband, J. T.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hussey’s Post: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1854-83
Husty: (Czech.) thick
Húsz: (Hung.) twenty (number)
Huszonegy: (Hung.) twenty-one (number)
Huszonketto: (Hung.) twenty-two (number)
Hutchings & Hillyer: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Hutchinson, D. F. Jr.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Hutt River Province: Australia local stamps of secessionist state
Ht. (Haute) Senegal Niger: Upper Senegal and Niger
Hvar: island off Dalmatian coast; 1944, May: charity stamps printed when occupied by Germany
Hvid: (Dan.) white (color)
Hviderusland: (Dan.) White Russia (Belarus)
Hvit: (Nor.) white (color)
Hviterussland: (Nor.) White Russia (Belarus)
Hwa-Chung Area: Anhwei Kiangsu; East China “Xuazhunbg” 1946-48
Hwa-Chung, first sub.district: East China, 1949
Hwai-Nan Area: (Anhwei, Kiangsu Border area, East China “Xuai-Nan” East China, 1942-44
Hwa-Ting: Northwest Chinese local post; 1949. ESE of Lan-Chow
HWW: Harry W. Wolstennholme, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Hybrid mail: a presort mail service run by the Taiwan postal administration
Hybrid proof: a large die proof made with various plate proofs cut close and mounted upon a card or proof paper, may be found die-sunk on the card
Hyderabad: India Feudatory State; 1869: first local stamps, inscribed H.E.H. The Nizam’s Government, 1873: first official stamp, 1937: first commemorative stamp, 1950, Apr.30: stamps of Republic of India
Hydro-Aeroplane Mail Service: marking for mail carried via seaplane across the Mississippi River at St. Louis, 1911
Hyhya: Egypt, 1880-1884; Interpostal seals
Hyphen hole perforation: Rectangular-shaped perforation such as used on some U.S. revenue stamps.

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