G: 1: Auction term for “good” condition. 2: Insured Letter; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 3: Symbol for Guilford Gravure, which appears before the plate number on coil stamps. 4: Auction term for “good” condition. 5: German catalogue abbreviation for gold overprint or surcharge. 6: with eagle and United States of America; Pennsylvania Custom House revenue seal. 7: Gourde, currency unit of Haiti. 8: Guarani, currency unit of Paraguay. 9: Gum Disturbance. 10: Grenada; country code as used by the UPU. 11: overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope for Griqualand West, 1877-80. 12: “Gouvernement”; overprint on official stamps of Canada, replaced the previous “official” overprint O.H.M.S. as the result of complaints from French Canadians. 13: inscription, yellow background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 20¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994. 14: inscription, white background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 32¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994. 15: blue background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 25¢, placed on sale Dec. 13,1994. 16: inscription, green background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 5¢, placed on sale Dec.13,1994
GA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Georgia. 2: abbreviation for Ganzsache: (Ger.) postal stationery. 3: Gabon, country code as used by the UPU
Ga.: (Sp.) pre-adhesive postmark from Galacia, Spain
GAB, Gabon: handstamp overprint on stamps of French Colonies for Gabon, 1886-89; Afrique Equatoriale Francaise
Gabon: inscription on stamps of Gabon, 1904-07
Gabon Afrique Equatoriale: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1910-22
Gabon, Congo Francaise: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1910
Gabon A.E.F.: postage due stamps, 1928, “Afrique Equatorial Francais.”
Gabon Timbre: (Fr.) handstamps on postage due stamps of French Colonies
Gabonaise Republique: Republic of Gabon; former French Equatorial Africa -west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1862: earliest office in Libreville, routed mail via British PO at Fernando Po, used French Colonies General issues, 1886, July 31: No.1, 5 centimes red on green, stamps of French Colonies handstamped “GAB” and surcharged, 1889-1904: combined with, and used stamps of French Congo, then became part of French Equatorial Africa, 1904, Oct. 15: stamps of Navigation and Commerce inscribed “Gabon,” 1910: “Congo Française Gabon” inscription, followed by “Afrique Equatorial Gabon,” 1915: first semipostal issued, 1928: first postage due issued, P.D. stamps of France overprinted “Gabon,” 1936-59: used stamps of French Equatorial Africa, 1946: became an Overseas Territory of France, 1958: became autonomous within French community, 1959: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1960: full independence with “Republique Gabonaise” inscription, 1960: first air mail, depicting Dr. Schweitzer, issued, 1961, July 17: joined the UPU, 1968: first official with map of Gabon, issued; Chad, French Congo, French Equatorial Africa
Gabun: (Ger.) Gabon
Gadiach: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1884-1913; also known as Gadyach
Gagauzia: bogus issue from Moldova, not valid for postage
Gaguzia: Moldova, cinderella local, mid 1960s
Gahagan & Howe (G & H): U.S. local post, San Francisco, Ca.. 1849-70
Gainsville, Al. Paid 5, Paid 10: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Gairsay: Scottish local post in Orkney Islands, 1970’s
Gaither’s City & Suburban Express Company: parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp; year unknown
Galama: advertisement of German origin
Galapagos Islands: Pacific Ocean, 500 miles west of Ecuador; 1957, July 15: Ecuador issued set inscribed “Islas Galapagos,” 1959: triangular stamp issued by Ecuador, 1959: first commemorative issued, 1973: a province of Ecuador; Barrel mail
Galaroza: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937
Galata: city in Turkey, overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkish Empire, 1909-10
Galathea, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for lower Danube lines
Galati: formerly Galatz, Romania
Galben: (Rom.) yellow (color)
Galben-lamîie: (Rom.) lemon-yellow (color)
Galben-oliv: (Rom.) olive-yellow (color)
Galbui: (Rom.) yellowish (color)
Gal Courier Mail Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Galdames: (Sp.) overprint on Republican stamps issued in Burgos in 1937 for air mail; never used, city and stamps captured by Nationalists
Gales: (Sp.) Wales
Galicia, Eastern: part of Austro-Hungarian Empire; 1918: stamps of Austria overprinted “Ykp. H.P,” 1919: various stamps issued for short-lived independent state, 1920: came under control of Poland
Galioub: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1864-84
Galipoli: Ottoman Empire, Egyptian seals for overseas offices, Interpostal seals, 1868
Gallaway, M. C.: postmaster, Memphis, Tenn., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provincial stamp and envelope
Gallin: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1880
Galvano: (Fr.) electrotyped plate
Galveston, Tex. Paid 5, Paid 10: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Galvinisk fälling: (Swed.) electroplating
Gambia: polar bear; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Gambia: former British colony, west coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 bututs = 1 dalasy (1971) 1821: part of Sierra Leone, 1843: separate colony, 1869, Jan: No.1, 4 pence pale brown, first stamps, picturing Queen Victoria, 1888: British Crown Colony, 1963: became self-governing, 1965, Feb. 18: independent within the Commonwealth, name changed to The Gambia, 1970, April 24: named a republic, 1974, Oct. 9: joined the UPU, 1981, Dec.: agreed to merge with Republic of Senegal, 1982, Feb. 1: new name is Senegambia
Gambie: (Fr.) Gambia
Gambiers: ocean island group, bogus overprints, 1877
Gambilla: French bicycle fantasy
G&D: overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1903-04
Gandershe: inscription on stamps of Somalia
Gandia: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937
G and R: mark on prisoner of war mail sent by Americans captured during the War of 1812-14, while imprisoned in England
Ganzbrief: (Ger.) entire cover
Ganzsache (GA, GS): (Ger.) postal stationery, entire
Ganzachenalbum: (Ger.) cover album
Ganzsachen, postamtliche: (Ger.) official postal stationery
Ganzsachen, private: (Ger.) private postal stationery
Ganzstück: (Ger.) entire piece
GAOR: British Army on the Rhine, WWII
Gap: unprinted space between the ends of two printed precanceling lines, indicating the seam between the mat; if the gap falls on the joint line, it is known as a ‘line gap.’ plates
GAPA: Guichets d’Affranchissement Postal Automatique (Fr.) French all-digital postage meter machine, 1993
GAPO: Base Army Post Depot, British military cancel for Indian Army
Garage Hudson: local post, Barranquilla, Colombia, 1924
Garanti: (Dan., Fr.) guaranteed
Garantie: (Ger.) guarantee
Garantieschein: (Ger.) marking applied to stamps by the issuing agency indicting that the stamp is genuine and valid for postal use; also “expert’s mark.”
Garantistempel: (Dan.) guarantee mark
Garbage card: nickname given to the full-face portrait of the McKinley postal card (1902) that was supposedly destroyed; one box of 500 was sold by post office imprinted with name of a garbage firm
Garch: Nejd, currency unit of Saudi Arabia
Garder: (Fr.) to keep, to save
Gardiner, Charles K.: postmaster, Washington, D. C. 1845-49, issued provisional stamped envelopes in 5 and 10 cent values
Gardner, Beer & Co.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Gare: (Fr.) station (railway)
Gargoyle Motor Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Detroit, Mich area; used stamps, booklets; year unknown
Garrucha: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, Republican, 1937
Garstang & Knot End Railway: British local post
Garzon: Tolima, Colombia provisional label,1894
Gastado: (Sp.) worn
Gaston, N. C. Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Gates’, William Sons: Private die match proprietary stamps
Gates, Wm.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Gata, Gato: (Sp.) cat (thematic)
Gatto: (It.) cat (thematic)
Gauche: (Fr.) left
Gaucin: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937
Gaufré (papier): (Fr.) embossed paper
Gauge: number of perforation holes in a length of 20 mm
Gauthier Freres & Cie.: (Fr.) Trans-Atlantic local, 1857
Gaveradiobrev (GOL): (Dan.) radio letter combined with a gift, started in Denmark in 1932
Gayalonga: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937
Gay & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel firm that serviced eastern cities; used labels, 1847-48
Gay, Kinsley & Co.: U. S. local post handstamp, serviced Boston, Mass., and other major eastern cities; used labels, 1848
Gay’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and New York City, used labels, 1845-46
Gaza, Territory of: located on shore of Mediterranean Sea around town of Gaza, in Gaza Strip; 1917-48: Great Britain’s Palestine Mandate from the League of Nations, 1948, May 15: controlled by Egypt, 1948: first postage due, air mail issued, 1948, June 1-June 1967: “Palestine”overprint on stamps of Egypt, 1956, Oct. 29-March 7, 1957: occupied by Israel, used stamps of Israel, 1965, Jan. 15: UNEF, United Nations Emergency Force, 1967, June-Jan. 1980: occupied by Israel, used stamps of Israel
Gazeta: (Rom.) newspaper
Gazetei: Romania
Gazette Moldov: cinderella used in movie “The Truth About Charlie” a remake of “Charade.”
GB: 1: universal abbreviation for Great Britain. 2: international postal code for the United Kingdom
GB: Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Great Britain
Gb: German catalogue abbreviation for yellow overprint or surcharge
G.B. Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
G.B.S.: (G. B. Smith) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guinea, 1850-51 issue
GB used: stamps of Great Britain used abroad (mainly Jamaica)
G.C.: Gobierno Constitutionalista (Constitutional Government); overprint on Mexican revolutionary provisionals, 1913-15
G.C.M.: 1: Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico, Constitutional Government overprint on federal stamps of Mexico during the 1913-16 civil war, and also used on many of the local provisional overprints. 2: overprint for Oaxaca and Sonora revenue issues, Mexico
G D: “Grand Duchy” inscription on stamps of Luxembourg 1859-82
Gdansk: (Pol.) Polish name for Danzig; Danzig
GD Liban: overprint on stamps of France, Lebanon, during French Mandate
Gdof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1874-1912
GD-OT: (Ger., Czech.) overprint on the Bohemia and Moravia newspaper stamp in German and Czech language for commercial printed matter, 1939
GDR: German Democratic Republic, East Germany
GE: Georgia; country code as used by the UPU
G.E.A.: 1: overprint on stamps of East Africa and Uganda Protectorates for German East Africa, 1917-1922
Gebet: (Dan.) territory, Område
Gebiet: (Ger.) district
Gebot: (Ger.) bid, bid sheet
Gebraucht: (Ger.) used
Gebrochen: (Ger.) broken
Gebrüenfreiheitsmarke: (Ger.) free frank handstamp, or label
Gebt fur die Winterhilfe der freienWohlfahrtspflege Wir Wollen helfen: (Ger.) “Give for Winter Relief Welfare Care. We want to help,” Germany cancel, 1932
Gebühr: (Ger.) tax, a compulsory payment, such as a postage due tax
Gebühr bezahlt: (Ger.) postage paid
Gebührenfrei : (Ger.) free of charge
Gebürhrenmarke: (Ger.) fiscal stamp
Gebürhrenmarke für briefzutellung: (Ger.) authorized delivery stamp, correspondence
Gebürhrenmarke für paketzustellung: (Ger.) authorized delivery stamp, parcel post
Gebyr: (Dan.) late fee
Gebyrmærke: (Dan.) Late fee stamp
Gebyrmärken: (Swed.) late fee postage stamp, special services postage stamp
Gebyrmærke: (Dan.) late fee stamp
Gedda: Hejaz, Egyptian seals for overseas office; Interpostal seals, 1867
Gedenkausgabe: (Ger.) commemorative
Gedenkblatt: (Ger.) souvenir page
Gedenkbogen: (Ger.) souvenir sheet
Gedenkmarke: (Ger.) commemorative stamp
Gedruckt: (Ger.) printed
Gefälligkeits-gestempelt: (Ger.) cancelled to order
Gefälscht: (Ger.) forged, counterfeit
Gefalzt: (Ger.) hinged
Geffälligkeitsstempelung: (Ger.) canceled to order, stamps canceled by postal authorities without having been used for postage
Gegittert: (Ger.) quadrille
Gehalveers: (Dut.) bisected stamp
Geislingen: German, displaced persons camp local post, 1947
GEJ: George E. Jacobs, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Geknickt: (Ger.) folded, creased
Gelatin: a varnish coating on a postcard that produces a glossy surface
Gel./A: gelesen Abwehr (Ger.) read by military security, appears as a boxed square on outgoing military mail
Gelb: (Ger.) yellow (color)
Gelblich: (Ger.) yellowish when used in combination with other colors
Gelegenheits-ausgabe: (Ger.) special or commemorative issue
Gelibolu: formerly Gallipoli, Turkey
Gelida: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937
Gelochte marke: (Ger.) perfin
Gelsenkirchen: German local post, 1897-98
Gemeinnutziger Verein Stadtbrefbeforderung: local, Dresden, Germany about 1908
Gemini News Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Genalguacil: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937
General collection: a collection of the entire world rather than a specialized collection of one or more countries or topics
General delivery: USPS term that allows customers with identification to pick up mail at post offices
General Government of Poland: area of Poland occupied by Germany in both World Wars; 1915, May 12: occupied by Germany, 1939, Dec.1: overprint “Deutsche Post Osten” on stamps of Germany, then special stamps for area. 1940: overprint “General Gouvernment” on stamps of Germany
General Gouvernement: overprint on stamps of Poland for German Occupation, 1940-44
General Gouvernement Deutsches Reich/Grossdeutsches Reich: inscription on stamps of Germany for German Occupation of Poland
Gen Gouv. Warschau: overprint on stamps of Germany, Warsaw, Poland, German occupation 1916-17
General Grant Expedition: inscription on local/phantom post of Auckland Islands; used to raise money to retrieve gold from sunken ship General Grant, 1866
General issue: 1: stamps that are issued for ordinary postage use, rather than for air mail, postage due, etc. 2: British revenue stamps for use in America, 1765-66
General Postal Union (GPU): forerunner of the Universal Postal Union; 1863: U.S. Postmaster General Montgomery Blair organized the Paris Postal Conference, 1873: Heinrich von Stephan renewed concept, 1874: convened in Switzerland, 1878: renamed Universal Postal Union
Generalsammler: (Ger.) general collector
Geneva: in southwestern part of Switzerland, 1843-48: Switzerland local canton inscription, 1850: Swiss federal stamps issued
Geneva: United Nations Post Office(s) 1950-63, 1969-
Gennemsnit: (Dan.) average quality
Gennemstiking, gennemstukket: (Dan.) roulette perforation, rouletted perforation
Gennemstukken i kors: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of diamonds
Gennemstukken i linier: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of lines
Gennemstukken i punkter: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of pin holes
Gennemstukken i rombisk: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of lozenges
Gennemstukken i savtakket: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in saw tooth shape
Genoa: also known as Genova, Italy
Genomstick: (Swed.) roulette perforation
Geöffnet: (Ger.) censor mark from German language countries
George’s Post (Lutton): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Georgetown, S.C. Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Georg Butow: stamp dealer’s overprint on stamps of Germany
Georgia: south of Russia on the Black Sea;. currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 kopecks = 1 coupon (1993), 100 tetri = 1 lari (1995) 1918, May 22: declared independence, formerly province of the Russian Empire, 1919-1920: British occupation forces issued stamps for city of Batum, 1921, Feb. 27: occupied by the Red Army, proclaimed Soviet Republic, 1922: stamps of the Soviet Socialist Republic, 1922: first semipostal stamp issued, 1922, Mar. 12: joined Transcaucasion Federation of Soviet Republics 1924: stamps of Georgia replaced by stamps of the Transcaucasion Federation of Soviet Republics, 1993, April 1: joined the UPU, 1993, July 31: first stamp as Republic of Georgia, 1994, Mar.1: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States
Georgia: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801
Georgia e Sandwich del Sud: (It.) Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
Georgian: stamp pertaining to King George V, VI of Great Britain
Géorgie: (Fr.) Georgia
Géorgie, La: inscription used on stamps of Georgia, 1919
Georgien: (Ger., Swed.) Georgia
Georgienne, Republique: inscription used on stamps of Georgia, 1919
Georgisk: (Swed.) Georgian
Gepr.: (Ger.) expertized
Geprüft: (Ger.) Expertize
Geprüft Abwh: (Ger.) checked by military security marking
Gera: 1: Germany local, courier mail, 1893. 2: German private courier local, 1897-1900. 3: Dick & Stutz local courier service, 1890-91. 4: Hausler Express package, local,1886-92
Gerard’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gerauchert: (Ger.) disinfected (mail)
Gereiniget: (Ger.) disinfected (mail)
Gerichtskostenmarke: (Ger.) Austrian court fee revenue stamp
Geriffelt: (Ger.) ribbed
German Administration of Albania: 1943; Albania
German Administration of Danzig: 1939, Danzig
German Administration of Marianas: May 1900; Mariana Islands
German Administration of Marhsall Islands: 1899; Marshall Islands
German Administration of Samoa: 1900; Samoa
German air labels: pre-WW I, portraits of early German airmen and the royal family; privately printed for forces personnel to apply to their mail, which was post free
German-American Seapost: international sea post on North German Lloyd ships, 1890
German-Austrian Postal Union: Wurttemberg joined in 1851
German Cameroons (Kamerun): Cameroon
German Colonies Study Group: collectors of postal history and stamps of the former German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad,1870 to 1917, and WWI occupations thereof
German Democratic Republic: aka East Germany, former Soviet occupied zone; currency: 100 pfennigs = 1 deutschemark, 100 pfennigs = 1 mark of the Deutsche Notenbank (MDN) (1965), 100 pfennigs = 1 mark of the National Bank (1969), 100 pfennigs = 1 Deutsche mark (West) (1990) 1946: Allied Occupation issues, but Soviet Zone stamp issued inscribed”Deutsche Post,” 1948, July 3: Soviets had stamps handstamped with district names and numbers, followed by provisional overprint “Sowjetische / Besatzubnngs / Zone,” 1948, Aug. 29: German semipostal used in Russian Zone, 1949, Oct. 1: established inscription “Deutsche Demokratische Republic,” first used Mar. 2, 1950, 1949, Oct. 30: first semipostal “Deutsche Post” issued, 1954: first official issued, originally sold used only, 1957, Dec. 13: first airmail issued, 1990, Oct. 3: reunited with (West) Germany
German East Africa: German colony in East Africa bordering on the Indian Ocean; currency: 64 pesa = 1 rupee, 100 heller = 1 rupee (1905), 100 centimes = 1 franc (1916), 12 pence = 1 shilling (1919), 100 cents = 1 rupee (1917), 12 pence = 1 shilling = 100 cents = 1 rupee (1917) 1858: Arabian caravan route carried letters, 1876: Church and London missionary Societies had regular runners, 1887: German East Africa Co. received charter to the area, 1890, Oct. 4-Oct. 20, 1917: German stamps used, 1891: named German East Africa by Germany, 1893, July 1: No. 1, 2 pesa brown, first stamps issued by Germans, with surcharge “Deutsche Ostafrika,” 1900: inscription “Deutsche Ostafrika” used, 1914, Oct. 1-July 31, 1915: German East Africa stamps used for FPO’s, 1914-18: Allied occupation stamps of India used with overprint “I.E.F” .(Indian Expeditionary Forces); East Africa and Uganda issues overprinted “G.E.A.” 1916: stamps of Germany salvaged from cruiser Königsberg, 1916: British ceded to Belgium provinces of Ruanda and Urundi (Belgian East Africa); stamps of Belgian Congo handstamped “Ruanda,” and “Est Africain Allemand Occupation Belge,” and Kionga area to Portugal which became part of the Mozambique Colony, 1916: stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate overprinted “N.F.,” 1917: stamps of East Africa and Uganda overprint for British mandate, “G.E.A.” 1918: stamps of Belgian Congo overprinted “A.O.” Afrique Orientale (East Africa) as semipostals, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1920: mandated to Great Britain as Mandated Territory of Tanganyika, now part of the Republic of Tanzania
German Empire: 1. Australasia (Bismarck Archipelago, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Marhsall Islands, Palau, Samoa); Cameroon, German East Africa, German New Guinea, German South West Africa (Namibia), Kiauchau, Mariana Islands, Marhsall Islands, Togo. 2. just south of Denmark, on Baltic Sea; 1871: German Empire formed, 1872: first German Empire issue, 1903: first semipostal issued, 1919: first air mail stamps issued, 1919: Empire ceased to exist, then became an Empire again with the proclamation of the Third Reich in 1933. (The 1st Reigh was the Holy Roman Empire, the 2nd was in 1871.)
German Empire States that issued stamps: Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lubeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, and Württemburg
German Federal Republic: Germany
Germania: 1: symbolic figure of the German Empire from a portrait of Anna von Stratz-Fuhring, a Wagnerian opera star. 2: (It.) Germany
Germania Occidentale: (It.) Germany
Germania Orientale: (It.) German Democratic Republic
Germania, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1840s, for lower Danube lines
German Inflation Period: after World War I; due to the Versailles Treaty reparations, inflation and economic depression, value of the currency fell sharply, stamps were produced and surcharged but were obsolete by the time they reached the post offices with the peak a 50-billion-mark stamp late in 1923
German Kamerun: Kamerun
German Mailboats: Mailboats
German New Guinea: eastern portion of the island of New Guinea; former German protectorate made up of part of New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago, currency: 100 pfennigs = 1 mark 1884: Germany annexed northern area of island of New Guinea, used German stamps, 1897: German colonial stamps, boundaries of Dutch, German and British spheres settled, 1897: No.1, 3 pfennigs brown, German colonial stamps used, overprinted or inscribed “Deutsch Neu-Guinea,” 1900: first stamps issued, 1906, Nov. 8: British New Guinea stamps overprinted, 1914: occupied by Allied Forces, placed under Australian administration, renamed New Britain 1914, Oct: overprint “GRI” with value, on German colonial stamps, 1914, Dec.: overprinted stamps of Marshall Islands used, 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1915, Mar.: stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru and German New Guinea, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea. 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp, 1942: Japanese invasion, Australia and New Zealand forces post offices used in New Guinea, 1945, Oct. 30: civil administration restored; trust territory combined Papua and New Guinea; New Guinea, British; New Guinea, West; and Papua and New Guinea
German Occupation of Belgium: 1914: stamps of Germany overprinted Belgien, WW II: Belgium used own stamps, Belgium
German Occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: 1916-18: stamps of Germany overprinted “Postgebiet Ob.Ost,” 1918: stamps of Russia surcharged for use in Tartu (Dorpat), 1941, Sept. 29- April 30, 1942: Germans stamps inscribed “Eastland Eesti” with swastika, for use in Tartu district of Estonia, 1941, Sep. 29: first semipostal issued inscribed “Eastland Eesti,” 1941-43: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ostland,” then stamps of USSR used
German Occupation of France: (Alsace and Lorraine); 1870: stamps inscribed “Postes Centime,” 1916: stamps of Germany surcharged, 1940: stamps of Germany overprinted “Elsas” and “Lothringen” (Lorraine)
German Occupation of Guernsey: “Guernsey Postage” stamps issued, 1941
German Occupation of the Ionian Islands: 1943: used stamps of Greece except for the handstamp overprint “Isole Joine” for island of Zante
German Occupation of Latvia: 1919: stamps of Germany overprinted “Libau.”
German Occupation of Lithuania: 1916-17: overprint on stamps of Germany
German Occupation of Ljubljana: 1944: stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged “Provinz Ljublianska Laibach”
German Occupation of Luxembourg: 1940: stamps of Germany overprinted and surcharged in German currency, 1942-44: German stamps used
German Occupation of Montenegro: 1943: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted / surcharged “Deutsche Miltaer Verwaltung Montenegro” 1944: stamps of Yugoslavia and Montenegro overprinted for semipostal use
German Occupation of Poland: 1915, May 12: stamps of Germany overprinted “Russisch Polen” or “Gen.-Gouv. Warschau” 1939, Dec.: stamps of Germany overprinted “Deutsche Post Osten,” 1940-44: “General Gouvernement” issues, 1940, April: first official stamps, 1940, Aug.17: first semipostal issued
German Occupation of Romania: 1917-18: stamps of Germany overprinted “M.V.i.R., (Military Administration of Romania) or “Rumanien,” 1918: first postage due issued
German Occupation of Russia: 1941: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ostland.”
German Occupation of Serbia: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Serbien.”
German Occupation of Ukraine: 1919: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ukraine,” 1941-43: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ukraine.”
German Occupation of Zante: an Ionian Island; 1943: overprint on stamps of Italy, used 8 days, then used stamps of Greece
German Offices in China: currency: 100 pfennings = 1 mark, 100 cents – 1 dollar (1905) 1886, Aug.16: Shanghai postal agency opened, German stamps used, 1898: stamps of Germany overprinted “China” used, 1900: issues for Foochow and Tientsin, 1917, March 17: all offices closed because China broke relations with Germany
German Post offices in Morocco: currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1899, Dec.: stamps of Germany overprinted / surcharged “Marocco” or “Marokko” 1911: last German stamps issued, 1914, Aug. 3: French zone office closed, 1919, June 16: Spanish zone office closed, stamps became obsolete, Morocco
German Post Offices in Turkish Empire: 1870, March 1-1872: Pera office opened, used stamps of North German Confederation 1872-84: used stamps of Germany, 1884: German issues surcharged in Turkish currency 1914, Sept. 30: all offices closed
German Post Office in Zanzibar: 1890, Aug. 27: opened with arrival of German mail boat, used stamps of Germany, 1891, July 31: post office closed
German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: 1939, July 15: stamps of Czechoslovakia overprinted / inscribed “Böhmen u Mãhren, Cechy a Morava,” 1939: postage due stamps issued, 1940, June 29: semipostal stamps issued, 1941, Jan, 1: official stamps issued
German Protectorates: 1887, June 1: joined the UPU, 1902, feb. 24: changed UPU affiliation to include Africa, Asia and Australia
German Samoa: islands northeast of New Zealand, eastern half of island group; 1899, pre: administered jointly by Britain, Germany and the U.S., 1899: Britain withdrew, used overprinted stamps of Germany, 1900: first stamps without overprints issued, followed by German colonial stamps 1914, Aug. 29: occupied by New Zealand, German stamps overprinted with value in sterling, overprint “Samoa” on stamps of New Zealand, 1920: mandated to New Zealand by the League of Nations; currently Samoa; Samoa
German SouthWest Africa: north of South Africa on south Atlantic; currency: 100 pfennig = 1 mark 1884, April 24: proclaimed a German protectorate, 1888, July 8: used stamps of Germany, 1897, March: No.1, 3 pfennigs dark brown, German colonial stamps used overprinted “Deutsch Sudwest Afrika,” 1914-15: occupied by South Africa and their stamps used, 1920: country mandated to Union of South Africa by the United Nations, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1923: named South West Africa with own stamps, currently Namibia
German States: Germany consisted of large number of states prior to the formation of the German Empire; each issued their own stamps; Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lübeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Württemberg; other states used stamps of Thurn and Taxis postal administration. 1868: North German Confederation formed, 1871: German Empire formed, all states except Bavaria and Württemberg stopped issuing stamps, 1918: Bavaria and Württemberg stopped issuing their own stamps, 1945: Baden and Württemberg issued their own stamps as part of the French zone of occupation
German Togo: 1897: stamps of Germany overprinted “Togo.”
German type: a form of printer’s type seen with elaborate lettering used mainly on German stamp overprints; also called Gothic
Germany: German Federal Republic; located in north-central Europe; official name of postal administration: Deutsche Post AG currency: 30 silbergroschen = 1 thaler, 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden, 100 pfennigs = 1 deutschemark (1948), 100 cents = 1 Euro (2002) 1867: North German Confederation formed, 1871: German Empire formed, 1872: No.1, 1/4 groschen violet, first German Empire issue, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1903: first local official stamp issued for Prussia, 1918, Nov. 8: Emperor Wilhelm II abdicates, became Republic, renamed Deutsches Reich, 1919, June 1: Empire ceased to exist, Republic National Assembly issues, 1919, May 1: first semipostal issued, 1919, Nov. 10: first air mail stamp issued, 1919-21: Belgian occupation of Eupen & Malmedy portion, overprint “Allemagne Duitschland, Eupen, Malmedy”on Belgian stamps, 1920: first official stamp issued, 1923: inflation issues, 1931, Jan. 12: Allied Control Commission dissolved, 1939, Nov. 1: first newspaper stamps issued, 1942: military stamps issued for Allied occupation, 1945-46: French occupation, 1945-46: A.M.G. occupation issues for civilian use in American, British and Russian zones, 1945-46: “Zone Francaise” issues for civilian use in French zone of occupation, 1948: separate stamps for Berlin issued, Berlin Germany, 1949: Russian occupation, first commemorative, semipostal stamps, 1949: Russian occupied areas became separate country, German Democratic Republic, 1949, Sept. 7: first stamps of Bundes Republic; semipostal issued, 1949, Sept. 21: country formally divided into West Germany (German Federal Republic) and East Germany (German Democratic Republic). 1949: Republic of West Germany with Allied zones of occupation, 1950: Deutsche Bundespost inscription first seen on stamps of West Germany. 1990, Oct. 3: German Democratic Republic (East Germany) reunited with Germany (West Germany); Baden, Berlin, Rhine Palatinate, Württemberg
Germany: Zeitungs-Bucher-Spedition (Z.B.S.), local, 1896-97
Germany, Eastern Command: comprised of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; 1916: overprint on stamps of Germany “Postebit Ob Ost.”
Germany, French Zone of: 1945: general stamps valid throughout zone, then stamps for Baden, Rhineland Palatinate, Saar and Wurttemberg.1949: replaced by Federal Republic of Germany
Germany, Postal Code Districts: Postal Codes, Germany
Germany Scadta: Colombian airline postal service, 1921-23
Germany, Soviet Zone: eastern portion of occupied Germany; 1945: Berlin-Brandenberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 1946-48: occupation issues for American, British and Russian zones, 1948: separate stamps for Berlin issued, 1949: country divided into West Germany (German Federal Republic) and East Germany (German Democratic Republic) former Soviet Zone, each with own stamps
Germany, West Berlin: WW II end – Sept. 19, 1948: stamps of Anglo-American Zones of Germany valid, 1948: occupation issue of 1947 overprinted “Berlin” for Anglo-American areas, 1950, Jan. 20: stamps of West Berlin valid in Federal Republic of Germany
Gerusalemme: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices in Turkey, Jerusalem, 1909, Feb.-1911
Gescheidle stamps: (Ger.) Blue Mauritius
Geschenk-päckchen: (Ger.) presentation pack
Geschnitten: (Ger.) imperforate
Gesellschaftsstempel: (Ger.) company postmark
Gesenk: (Ger.) die
Gessata carta: (It.) chalky paper
Gestempelt: (Ger.) canceled, postmarked
Gestörengummi: (Ger.) disturbed gum
Gestrich: (Ger.) coated
Gestrichenes papier: (Ger.) laid paper
Gesundheitshelfer: (Ger.) East Germany Red Cross label
G et D: Guadeloupe et Dépendencies) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1903-04
Geteilt, Halbiert: (Ger.) bisected stamp cut in half, which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut
Getönt: (Ger.) toned
Gewerkschafts Bewegung 60 Jahre: Austria overprint
Gewöhnlich: (Ger.) common
GEX: French local, 1944
Gezähnt (Gez.): (Ger.) perforated
GF: 1: Gold Fields, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: French Guiana; country code as used by the UPU
G.F.B.: Gaue Faka Buleaga (On Government Service), overprint on stamps of Tonga officials
GFH: George F. Henlock, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Gfr: Franc, currency of Guinea-Conarky
G First-Class: Presorts United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¢, October 13, 1994
GH: Ghana; country code as used by the UPU
Ghadames: town in Libya; 1946: stamps of Italy and Libya overprinted “Fezzan Occupation Français,” 1949, April 12: occupied by Free French forces, stamps issued under French administration, 1951, Dec. 24: became part of independent Libya; Fezzan-Ghadames, Libya. Ghadames Territoires Militaire: inscription on stamps of Libya, French Occupation, 1949
Ghadames Territoires Militaire: inscription on stamps of Libya, French Occupation, 1949
Ghana: west Africa between Benin and the Ivory Coast; former British West Africa colony of Gold Coast; official name of postal administration: Ghana Postal Services Corporation currency: 12 pence = 1 shillling, 20 shillings = 1 pouni, 100 pesewas = 1 cedi (1965, 1972), 100 new pesewas = 1 new cedi (1967) 1875-1928: first stamps issued in British colonial keytype, 1957, March 6: No.1, 2 pence rose/red, renamed Ghana as independent dominion, includes British Togoland, 1957, Oct. 10: joined the UPU, 1959, Oct. 5: first air mail issued, 1958, June 25: first postage due issued, 1960, July 1: named republic within British Commonwealth. 1961: postal authorities sold remainders of their stamps canceled-to-order, 1997, Aug. 12: first semipostal
Ghana Independence: overprint on stamps of Gold Coast, Ghana, 1961
GHD: George H. Davis, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Ghent: also known as Gand, Gent; Belgium
Ghetou: (Rom.) ghetto
Ghirga: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1872-80
Ghirlandaio Christmas 1975: U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 10¢, 1975
Ghiseh: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1872-80
Ghorush: Turkey currency unit
Ghost: a light double printing apart from the normal inked stamp impression caused by mis-registration and incorrect printing procedures, may also be caused by phosphor inking picking up a design
Ghost bidder: auction term for bidding against a ghost
Ghost stamps: a portrait or scene shown in some detail of original design
Ghost towns: towns that were formerly post offices
Ghudamis: formerly Ghadames, Libya
Ghurush: unit of currency in Turkey from 1926
GI: Gibraltar; country code as used by the UPU
Giallo: (It.) yellow (color)
Giamaica: (It.) Jamaica
Giapiks: currency unit in Azerbaijan
Giappone: (It.) Japan
Gibbons Catalogue Number: number assigned to a philatelic item by British Stanley Gibbons editors according to that publisher’s criteria for such assignment
Gibbons (Stanley) Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gibilterra: (It.) Gibraltar
Gibraleon: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1936-38
Gibraltar: located on southern tip of Spain, as British colony; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 centimos = 1 peseta (1889), 100 pence = 1 pound (1971) 1857: British stamps used with ‘G’ and ‘A 26’ cancels, 1886, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 penny green, overprint on stamps of Bermuda for Gibraltar, 1886, Dec.: first own definitives, 1886-98: stamps used by the British post offices in Morocco, overprinted “Morocco Agencies,” 1907: British stamps used in Morocco, 1918, April: first War Tax stamp issued, 1956, Dec. 1: first postage due issued
Gibraltar: rock of Gibraltar, four rocks, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Gibuti: (It.) Djibouti
Gjennomstukken: (Nor.) rouletted perforation
Giessen: German local post, 1887-1900, 1923
Gilbber & Glico Islands: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Gilbert and Elise Islands: Christmas island, Tuvalu
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: British protectorate in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1966) 1892: annexed as British Protectorate, 1901: used stamps of New South Wales, 1911, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 penny green, overprint on stamps of Fiji “Gilbert & Ellice Protectorate”as first issue, 1912: stamps of the British Colonial keytype inscribed “Gilbert & Ellice Islands” issued, 1915: became Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, 1916: Fanning and Washington Islands added to group, 1918: first War Tax stamp issued, 1919: Christmas Island added to group, 1940, Aug.: first postage due issued, 1976, Jan. 1: the two groups separated; Gilbert stayed with the original name, Ellice became Tuvalu, 1979, July 11: Gilbert became Kiribati
Gilbert & Elliceöarna: (Swed.) Gilbert & Ellice Islands
Gilbert and Ellice Protectorate: overprint on stamps of Fiji for Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Jan. 1, 1911
Gilbert & Sullivan Islands: North Mikado Island inscription, eight designs; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Gilbert és Ellice Szigetek: (Hung.)Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Gilbert et Ellice: (Fr.) Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Gilbert Islands: broke away from Gilbert and Ellice Islands; 1976, Jan. 2: issued commemorative stamps and became a Crown Colony, 1979: stamps replaced by stamps of Kiribati
Gilchrist’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gillett & Co’s Express: private mail firm, serviced Boston and Newburyport, Mass., used labels, 1861-67
Gilligans Island: issued for supposed uncharted isle in Pacific created for popular television program
Gillpatrick’s Express: private mail firm serviced San Francisco and Antioch, Calif. via the steamboat Parthenius; used labels, 1874-78
Gill’s Postal Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gilman’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Bangor, Maine; used labels; 1844-48
Gilpin: name in oval handstamps “Forwarded Through Gilpin’s Exchange Reading Room and Foreign letter Office N. York” 1839-41, Gilpin received outgoing foreign mail for delivery to the post office
Gingin Islands: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Giordania: (It.) Jordan
Giori: ink delivery system allowing a single plate to print up to three colors
Giori Press: sheetfed, multiolor, intaglio rotary presses used at the BEP to print in three colors
Giornali Stampe: inscription on newspaper stamps of Sardinia and Italy, Italian States, 1861
Giresun: also known as Kerassunde or Kerason, Turkey
Girl with cap: full face, numerals in lower corners; imperforate are newspaper stamps of B & H under Austria; perforated issues are regular postage for B & H in Jugoslavia
Giro: 1: national banking group operated through post offices in several European countries. 2: on stamps of Spain; money order, fiscal use
Girona: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937
Giro postal: (Sp.) used on fiscal stamps
Gisela, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1870s
Giumulzina: in province of Thrace in Turkish Empire, now Greek town of Komotini; 1913: stamps issued by Greece after occupation
Giurgevo, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1860/70s, for lower Danube lines or delta of the river
Gjennomstukken: (Nor.) rouletted perforation
Gjirokaster: formerly known as Argyrokkastron, Albania
Glacé: (Fr.) glossy, glazed, enameled (paper)
Glaceton: Antarctic fantasy issue
Gladstone: form of roulette separation, containing approximately 4 “waves” along the length of the stamp; tested in 1852-54, devised anonymously, named after Gladstone, then Chancellor of the Exchequer.”
Glanzpapier: (Ger.) glossy paper
Glascow & South Western Railway: Scotland local post
Glascow, Barrhead & Kilmarnock Railway: Scotland local post
Glasgow: 1: local for United Kingdom strike post, 1971. 2: Circular delivery Co., local, 1867
Glasgow City Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Glasgow Parks P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Glassine: a semi-transparent paper used to make envelopes for stamp and cover storage, also used for album interleaving
Glass, James B.: postmaster, Columbia, S.C., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional
Glass, R.H.: postmaster, Lynchburg, Va., issued Confederate Provisional stamp and envelope
Glatt: (Ger.) smooth, shiny
Glauchau: German local, 1945
Glazed gum: result when stamps are stored under too much heat or pressure, melting the gum into a smooth, shiny condition that may reduce the value
Glazed paper: paper that has been given a glossy finish by glazing with friction of applied heat, instead of by coating
Glazof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1868-1914
Glb: (Ger.) abbreviation for yellow (color)
G.L.C. Courier: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
GLD: 1. Guilder, currency of Netherlands. 2. George L. Dant, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Gleiwitz: Stadtbrief-Beforderung- Flora; German local, 1896-97
Glen Ellen Star: star cancel on stamps, used at Glen Allen, Va., 1870-80
Glen Haven Daily Mail: U.S. local post, Glen Haven. N. Y., 1854-58
Glenveagh: Donald Evans issue, Ireland
Glest bottentryck: (Swed.) thin background
GLH: George L. Huber, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Glider flight: flight by unpowered aircraft; a glider or sailplane
Glider mail: mail carried by glider; first carried Aug. 1923 in Rhineland, Germany using overprints on obsolete stamps of the 1919 series
Glion-Sur-Montreux: Switzerland hotel post, 1897, Hotel Bellevue
GL. O.A. 7 Fev. 1914: overprint on stamps of Haiti, General Oreste Zamor, future president, 1914
Global Priority Mail: an international USPS service that features a 4-business-day delivery to selected countries in Europe, the Pacific Rim and Canada
Globo de correos: (Sp.) balloon mail
Glossy gum: adhesive with a hard, shiny surface
Gloucester Emergency: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gloucester Philatelic Society, 1934: triangular label to promote their local show
Glow-Bar tagging: vertical bar of tagging on some postal stationery issues
“GLOWING $5”: U. S. $5 Hamilton stamp variation printed on experimental luminescent paper
GL O.Z.: Haiti provisional overprint
Glutinous wash: term used by Roland Hill for the sticky liquid to be applied to the back of his adhesive postage so that it would affix to the envelope
Glyphography: 1842 patented process to produce printing surfaces in relief or recess
GM: Gambia; country code as used by the UPU
GMAI: Greg Manning Auctions, Inc. (USA)
GMF: general mail facility, a USPS mail processing hub
GN: Guinea; country code as used by the UPU
G.N.: (Sp.)Gobierno National, National (Official Government), perforation on stamps of Venezuela, since 1915
Gnadeloupe: spelling error of Guadeloupe overprint
Gnostis: mystical symbols, Donald Evans issue
G.N.R.: (It.) Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana, (Republican National Guard), 1943, Dec. 20: overprint on local stamps of North Italy, printing stopped Dec. 23; authorities ordered more printed in 1944 due to speculation in original stamps, 1944, Aug. 30: overprints became invalid
G NSW: perforated initials in stamps of Australia for the Government of New South Wales
G.O.: Philippines official overprint
Goat Island: Irish bogus stamps printed on water soluble paper
Goat’s eye: Brazil general issue of 1850 because they resemble eyes of a goat
Gob. Cons(t.): Gobierno Constitucionalista (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico, Cuanajuanta-Neuva Leon, 1914
Gobierno: (Sp.) (government), overprint on stamps of Peru, making them “official” for departmental use
Gobierno Constitucionalista: overprint, Aguascalientes
Gobierno Constitucionalista Aguascalientes: Mexican overprint on five stamps and one postage due label by revolutionary forces, 1914
Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico: 1: 1914 overprint on stamps of Mexico, Oaxaca revenue issue. 2: inscription for Mexico, Sonora revenue issue
Gobierno Revolucionario: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Yucatan revenue issues
God eks: (Dan.) good example, fine copy
Godahoppsudden: (Swed.) Cape of Good Hope
Goddaba: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1872-82
Goddard, Robert H.: U. S. rocket scientist who pioneered liquid-filled rocket; launched first international mail flight, carrying 1,072 covers from McAllen, Texas to Reynosa, Mexico where they were stamped and postmarked, 1926
Goddess of Liberty: first U.S. postal cards depicted a bust of the Goddess of Liberty
God eks: (Dan.) good example, fine copy
Godella: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937
Godfrey & Munros’ Express: private parcel firm serviced New Bedford, Mass., and New York City; used a label, year unknown
G Official mail: USA United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¢, 1992
Goffratura: (It.) embossing
Goffrea: bogus issue, on information available
Gogo Island: stamp designs from Editions Pen, Swiss origin
Golaleey: inscription on stamps of Somalia
Gold, G: (Ger.) used as overprint or surcharge
Goldback, A.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Goldback, A & Co.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Goldbeater’s paper (skin): a thin, fragile transparent “onionskin” security paper, made by rubbing it with resin, used on the 1866 Prussian parcel stamps; not sold to the public, affixed to heavy packages only
Gold Coast: west Africa between Dahomey and Ivory Coast; British colony and protectorate in West Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1875-pre: mail handled by Sierra Leone, 1875, July 1: No.1, 1 penny blue, issued stamps, 1880: overprinted post cards, 1888: overprinted “Gold Coast Colony” registered letters, 1899: Gold Coast envelope stationery, 1918, June: first War Tax stamp issued, 1923: first postage due issued, 1957: became independent, 1957, March: renamed Ghana as independent dominion, issued first stamps, 1960: named republic within British Commonwealth
Golden Casket: inscription on Queensland Railways stamps promoted the “Golden Casket,” a state lottery, to frank letters and packages shipped via the railroad
Golden Eagle National Park Service: issued stamp-like labels to be affixed to Golden Eagle passes, 1988
Gold foil: 1: artificial gold foil bonded to paper. 2: actual gold leaf, or very thin, fine gold bonded to paper
Goldküste: (Ger.) Gold Coast
Golfe de Benin: (Fr.) inscription, Benin
Golfing Bears: nickname for 1922 issue of Karelia Coat of Arms stamps depicting a bear holding a long slender weapon in what appears to be a golfing stance
Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) Spanish Guinea, 1907-49
Goliad, Tex. Postage 10: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Goma: (Port., Sp.) gum
Goma Molestarada: (Sp.) disturbed gum
GOMAP: Good Offices Mission to Afghanistan and Pakistan
Gomma: (It.) gum
Gomma Disturbita: (It.) original gum on an unused stamp which has been altered, usually by application of a hinge
Gomme: (Fr.) gum, the coating of glue on the reverse of an unused or mint postage stamp; never hinged, lightly hinged, original gum, partial original gum, ungummed, unused gum
Gonzales, Tex., Colman & Law: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Good: a standard of grade
Goodall proofs: proofs ordered printed by A. G. Goodall, president of the American Bank Note Co. in 1847 and 1879 of official and newspaper stamps
Goodwin & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and South Berwick, Mass.; used a label, year unknown
Goodyear Cycle: Mar. 24, 1900; Cadet Sgt. Major Goodyear on the bicycle he used as a messenger during the Mafeking siege Oct. 12, 1899 to May 17, 1900; Mafeking
Goodall (London, New York): U.S. private die playing card stamp
Goosewell Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gopshe: Donald Evans issue, a friend’s dog
Gordonia: possible Jewish colony labels
Gordon stamps: commemoratives issued by the Sudan, Jan. 1, 1935, 50th anniversary of death of General Gordon
Gordon’s City Express: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1848-52
Gorkiy: formerly known as Novgorod, Russia
Görlitz: 1: Briefbeforderung Courier, German local, 1895-1900. 2: Express-Packet-Verkehr, 1886-1916. 3: German local, 1945
Gorman, T. & Bro.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Gorman, Thomas: Private die match proprietary stamps
Gorno-Badakhshan: Tajikstan, cinderella, 1997
Gorny Slask: (Pol.) inscription on Upper Silesia private labels issued by Polish plebiscite official in 1920, some found used on mail in Poland
Gorochow: German Hilfpost, Ukraine local, 1944
Gorodskaya Uprava: (in Cyrillic) St. Petersburg City Office, fiscal, no postal validity, 1865
Görögoszág: (Hung.)Greece
Gösnitz: 1: Dick & Stutz Express-Packet, German local, 1891. 2: German local courier, 1893
Gosport Strike Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Goteborg: formerly known as Gothenburg, Sweden
Göteborg: (also Gothenburg) seaport and seat of Göteborg and Bohus province in SW Sweden, at mouth of Göta River on the Kattegat arm of the North Sea ca. 290 miles WSW of Stockholm. First local post (Göteborgs Stadpost) established by Maria Ellen Wilbergin in 1888. Several other local posts operated through the 1920s, to include Göteborg Privata Lokalpost, Göteberg Enskilda Local Post, and Privata Lokalpostem Ferm (q.v. individual Göteborg Local Post entries)
Göteborg – Göteborg Privata Local Post: Local post established by a merchant, R. W. Lindhe, who formed it into a limited compant in 1889. A lithographed triangular 5 øre blue “Lokal / Post / Göteborg” local stamp depicting a heroic figure was issued in 1888, with a similar design 3 øre dark ultramarine being issued 29 December 1889, and a similar design (no value indication) yellow being issued 22 February 1889. The yellow issues were surcharged 1 øre, 2 øre, and 10 øre in violet or blue on 17 February 1889. Remainders were overprinted “Stockholm” for the Stockholms Privata Lokalpost (q.v.)
Göteborg – Göteborg Stadspost Local Post: Local post established by Maria Ellen Willberg, with 1 øre blue, 2 øre green, and 3 øre red “Göteborgs / Stadspost” lithographed local stamps depicting King Gustav II issued on 24 April 1868. The rates were 3 øre for letters, postcards, or wrappers, and 10 øre for packages, but the rates were reduced dut to competition from Göteborgs Privata Lokalpost (q.v.). One type of local cancellation was used, usually in black, and rarely in blue; government post office cancellations are recorded, but are rare. The local post ceased operations on 23 March 1889
Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: Local post established by H.G. Hanson, with lithographed 3 öre violet and 5 øre blue “Privata Lokalposten Ferm” (Ferm = Färm = “prompt”) issued on 5 March 1926
Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: Local post established by Ivan R. A. Engstrom, with typographed 3 øre red and 5 øre yellow “Ensk. Lokalpost” (“Ensk.” = Enskilda [“private”]) local stamps depicting a castle being issued in 1926
Goteborgs Stadspost: Sweden local post
Gothenburg: Swedish locals 1: Goteborgs Stadspost, 1888. 2: Goteborgs Privata,1888-90 3: Goteborgs Enskilda, 1926. 4: Privata Lokalposten Ferm, 1926
Gothic type: an angular letter type used as old English or German
Gotour: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1879-82
Gott ex: (Swed.) good example, fine copy
Gottleuba: German local, post WW II
Gott’s Park School: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gott strafe England-Er strafe es: “God punish England-may he punish it” inscription on German propaganda labels
Gouda P.: Gouda Post, pre-adhesive postmark used 1757-93
G. O. Ulleberg Local Post: Drammen – G. O. Ulleberg Local Post
Gourde: unit of currency in Haiti
Gourieh: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1879-84
Gouss: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1879-82
Gouyave manuscript: post office in Granada where the postmaster wrote “Postage” (unauthorized action) on revenue stamps due to definitive stamp shortage
Governatorato del Montenegro: overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Italian Administration, Montenegro, 1941
Government City Dispatch: 1857, Baltimore, Md.; Carriers’ stamps
Government coil: coil stamps produced by a post service contractor
Government flight: air mail flight on which the pilot was a federal employee
Government imitation: official imitations when original plates were no longer available; such as U.S. reproductions of the 1847 stamps
Government imprinted envelope: postal stationery issued by a government postal administration whereby the postage stamp is printed directly on the envelope
Government in exile: officials that are driven in exile issue postage stamps to show their legitimacy; some stamps have postal validity, sometimes issued to raise money
Government issue: stamps issued by an established government or its agency
Government of South Russia: General Wrangel, 1918-19 issued surcharged Russian stamps; Russia, South
Government Printing Office: federal agency that has printed postal cards and aerograms since 1910
Governo Militare Alleato: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Allied Military Government, 1943
Govie’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Govt Parcels: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for official use, 1883-1902
Goya: famous nude stamp of Spain, 1930
GP: Government Printer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
G.P.: Guadeloupe; country code as used by the UPU
GPCI: Grand Prix Club International
G.P. de M.: (Sp.) Gobierno Provisional de Mexico (Provisional Government of Mexico) overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1916-18
G.P.E.: overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1884-91
G.P.M.: overprint on stamps of Mexico, for Oaxaca revenue issues
GPO: General Post Office
G.P.O. Authorized Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
G Postcard Rate: United States non-denominated yellow postage stamp, value 20¢, October 13, 1994
G.P.P.: General Post Paid, Britain, 1799-1829
G P S: Germany Philatelic Society
GPU: General Postal Union
GQ: Equatorial Guinea; country code as used by the UPU
G. R.: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Greece, such as GR-1172 Athens
GR: Greece; country code as used by the UPU
Gr: (Ger.) catalog abbreviation for green overprint or surcharge
Gr.: Grenze, pre-adhesive postmark
gr.: (Ger.) catalog abbreviation for gray, grau (color)
Gra: 1. (Ger.) catalogue abbreviation for gray overprint or surcharge. 2. (Dan., Nor., Swed.) grey (color)
Gråakt: (Swed.) greyish (color)
Gråakt blå: (Swed.) greyish-blue [dull blue] (color)
Gråakt brun: (Swed.) greyish brown (color)
Gråakt gul: (Swed.) greyish yellow (color)
Gråakt gulbrun: (Swed.) greyish yellow-brown (color)
Gråaktig: (also Grålig) (Nor.) greyish (color)
Gråaktig blå: (Nor.) greyish-blue (color)
Gråaktig mørkblå: (Nor.) greyish-dark blue (color)
Gråakt orangebrun: (Swed.) greyish orange-brown (color)
Grabado: (Sp.) Engraved
Gråblå: (Dan., Nor.) grey-blue (color)
Gråbrun: (Dan.) grey-brown (color)
Gråblå: (Dan.) grey-blue (color)
Gråbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) grey-brown (color)
Gradazione de colore: (It.) shade (color)
Grade: an expression that indicates whether a stamp is perfect or imperfect and the range of imperfections; catalogues usually address only centering and degree of cancellations on used stamps
Grado de conservación: (Fr.) grade, condition
Graduación: (Sp.) grade, condition
Grækenland: (Dan.) Greece
Græsgrøn: (Dan.) grass-green (color)
Græsk: (Dan.) Greek (adj.)
Græsk Post I Udlandet: (Dan.) Greek Post Offices Abroad
Graffin’s Baltimore Despatch: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1856
Gråfiolett: (Nor.) grey-violet (color)
Grafting: adding of margins to an imperforate stamp; paper added to a stamp
Graf Zeppelins (Zepps): three US stamps picturing the Zeppelins issued in 1930
Grågrøn: (Dan., Swed.) grey-green (color)
Grågrønn: (Nor.) grey-green (color)
Graham Land: overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands for Graham Land, Falkland Islands dependency in the Antarctic, 1944, Feb. 12-46; now part of British Antarctic Territory
Graham Memorial City: Antarctic fantasy issue
Grain direction: direction in which most of the paper fibers are aligned; paper tears more readily with the grain than against it; cutting a small rectangle piece from a page and wetting it will cause the paper to curl in the grain direction
Grålig: (also Gråaktig) (Nor.) greyish (color)
Grålilla: (Dan., Nor.) grey-lilac (color)
Gråoliven: (Dan., Nor.) grey-olive (color)
Grå-olivgrå: (Dan., Nor.) grey – olive-grey (color)
Gramenet del Besos: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937
Grana: 1: Two Sicilies, Italian States unit of currency, 1861. 2: Granada, pre-adhesive postmark
Granada: Colombia-Granada, 1861
Granada: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist and Republican,1936-38
Granadina: Colombia-Granadina, 1859-60
Granadine Confederation: original name for South American republic of Colombia, 1859-60: ‘Confed. Granadina” was on first issues, 1861: renamed United States of New Granada, 1862: renamed United States of Colombia
Gran Bretagna: (It.) Great Britain
Gran Bretaña: (Sp.) Great Britain
Grand Comoro: Comoro islands, off Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1897: No.1, 1 centime lilac/blue, stamps of French colonial period inscribed “Grand Comoro,” 1850: stamps of Comoro Archipelago; Comoro Islands. 1912: first issue surcharged with new denomination, also used in Madagascar, 1914: stamps of Madagascar used. 1923: became part of the Republic of Comoros, 1950: stamps of Comoro Islands issued, now Republic of Comoros
Grand Consommation: (Fr.) newsprint stock paper used to print stamps, 1917-20, called “papier de Grande Consommation” or paper of extraordinary emergency; printing plates were marked “GC”. during World War I
Grande Bretagne: (Fr.) Great Britain
Grande margenes: (Sp.) wide margins
Grand Fenwick, Duchy of: advertising fantasies produced for the movie, “The Mouse That Roared.”
Grand format: (Fr.) large size
Grand Liban: overprint/inscription used on stamps of France for Syria and Lebanon
Granite paper: paper containing tiny, visible colored fibers to deter forgery
Granö Ångslups Aktiebolag: (Fin.) steamship line serving Granö islands, Finland local, 1895
Grant’s Post Office: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gråoliven: (Dan.) grey-olive (color)
Graphite-lined: contains printed lines of graphite which acts as an electrical conductor to signal scanning equipment
Gråpurpur: (Dan., Swed.) grey-purple (color)
Gråskifer: (Dan.) grey-slate (color)
Gråskiffer: (Swed.) grey-slate (color)
Gräsgrön: (Swed.) grass-green (color)
Gråsort: (Dan.) grey-black (color)
Gråsvart: (Nor., Swed.) grey-black (color)
G Rate Make-up: United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 3¢, 1992
Gratis: free label used in Jan. 1871, provided by Switzerland for correspondence by French prisoners of war
Gratis Frimärke: (Nor.) free stamp
Gratuit: (Fr.) free
Grau: (Ger.) gray
Gråultramarin: (Dan., Swed.) grey-blue (color)
Gravé: (Fr.) engraved
Graver: a tool with a sharp hardened point used by an engraver to cut lines into a steel block
Gravering: (Nor.) engraving
Graves & Co., Express: private mail firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Portland, Maine; used a label, 1857
Gravesend Postal Strike: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Graviert: (Ger.) engraved
Gråviolet: (Dan.) grey-violet (color)
Gråviolett: (Swed.) grey-violet (color)
Grav.na: pre-adhesive postmark form Gravedona, Lombardy, 1835-40
Gravor: (Rom.) engraver
Gravørdybtryk:(Dan.) see Tryk – Gravørdyk.
Gravura: (Rom.) engraving
Gravure: multicolor printing process with the design below the surface; formerly called photogravure
Gravure en creux: (Fr.) intaglio
Gravure sur acier: (Fr.) steel engraving
Gravyrtryck: (Swed.) recess printing
Gray & Co. “Express”: private mail firm serviced Boston, Mass. area; used a label, 1848
Graz: formerly known as Gratz, Austria
Great Americans: US series of stamps, formerly know as the Distinguished Americans; began in 1980, ended in 1999
Great Barrier Island: located north-east of Auckland, NewZealand; 1898-99, 1948: known for the New Zealand Pigeongram Service/Agency; local stamps
Great Bitter Lake Association (GBLA): stamps issued by ships trapped in Suez Canal after the seven days war, June 1967
Great Britain: northwest of Europe, includes England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Scotland, Wales; official name of postal administration: Royal Mail currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 pence = 1 pound 1652: Council of State decreed that letters from members of Parliament and some public officials be carried free; led to British postal reform, 1840, May 6: No.1, 1 penny black, world’s first stamp issued, never printed the name of the country on its stamps, used head of its sovereign, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, includes Overseas Territories Anguilla, Ascension, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltor, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Henderson Ducie and Oeno (Islands), South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Tristan da Cunha, Turks and Caicos Islands, 1882: first official stamp, overprinted “I.R. Official” (Inland Revenue) issued, 1914: first postage due stamp issued, 1918, Dec. 1: British forces enter Germany, 1940-45: Channel Islands issued their own stamps during German occupation, 1958: regional stamps issued for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, 1975: first semipostal issued. Great Britain: Akassa, Army Official, Bahrain
Great Britain: E.A.F.: East Africa Forces; overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Italian Somaliland, 1943-48
Great Britain; Offices in Africa: Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Dodecanese and Somalia; 1942: overprinted “M.E.F.” (Middle East Forces), 1943, June: for use in Somalia, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “E.A.F.”, 1948, June: for use in Eritrea, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “B.M.A.”, 1948, July 1: for use in Tripolitania, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “B.M.A. Tripolitnia.”
Great Britain; Offices in China: stamps of Hong Kong overprinted “China,” 1917. Great Britain; Offices in Morocco: 1898: stamps of Gibraltar overprinted “Morocco Agencies,” 1928: stamps of Great Britain overprinted “Tangier,” Great Britain; Offices in Turkish Empire: 1885, April 1: surcharges on stamps of Great Britain. Great Britain Regional Issues: Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey. Great Britain Telegraph Stamps: first recorded example, 1851; a 1-shilling inscription on the message form, issued in Great Britain by the Electric Telegraph Co.; private telegraph firms were absorbed into the British Post Office in 1869-69, first issue of Post office telegraph stamps was in 1876
Great Britain; Offices in Turkish Empire: 1832: first office only handled diplomatic and military mail, 1857: office opened to the public, 1885, April 1: surcharges on stamps of Great Britain to prevent currency speculation, 1905: British stamps overprinted “Levant” to prevent resale in Great Britain
Great Britain Regional Issues: Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey
Great Britain Telegraph Stamps: first recorded example, 1851; a 1-shilling inscription on the message form, issued in Great Britain by the Electric Telegraph Co.; private telegraph firms were absorbed into the British Post Office in 1869-69, first issue of Post office telegraph stamps was in 1876
Great Central & Midland Joint Committee: British local post
Great Central Railway Company: British local post
Great Comoro: Comoro Islands
Great Eastern Railway: British newspaper local post
Great Island: Donald Evans definitive issue of 1940
Great Mail Route: eastern mail (1852) from New Orleans via water to Mobile, then by river, stage and rail to Charleston, then by sea to Wilmington, and finally by rail to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York
Great Northern Express Company: parcel firm operated on the Great Northern , ailway lines stations; used labels, year unknown
Great North of Scotland Railway: Scotland local post
Great Northern & Great Central Railway Company: British local post
Great Northern Railway: British local post
Great Northern Railway: Ireland local post
Great Post Route: In 1836, from Portland, Maine to New Orleans, La
Great Salt Lake Trail: from Omaha to Salt Lake via the Platte River via Echo Canyon
Great Southern & Western Railway: British local post
Great Western & Great Central Joint Committee: British local post
Great Western Railway: British local post
Grec: (Rom) Greek (adj.)
Grèce: (Fr.) Greece
Grecia: (It., Sp.) Greece
Greece: independent nation located in southeast Europe; currency: 100 lepta = 1 drachma, 100 cents = 1 Euro (2002) 1861, Oct. 1: No.1, 1 lepta chocolate, first stamps issued, printed in Paris, classic Hermes heads, used dot design as cancel, 1875: first postage due issued, 1875, July 1; joined the UPU, 1889: variation in original design issued, printed in Athens, 1896: first Olympic Games commemorative issue, 1912: stamps of Greece overprinted for use in parts of Turkey occupied by Greeece (New Greece); overprint reads “Greek Administration,” 1913, July 1: stamps of Bulgaria overprinted in Greek for occupied areas 1917: Venizelist Provisional Government, 1923: King abdicated, revolutionary Administration, 1924, April 16: became republic, 1926, Oct. 20: first air mail issued, 1935: monarchy restored. 1940, Dec. 10: overprinted stamps issued for occupation of southern Albania, 1944, Nov. 11: Greek stamps with new currency issued, 1944: first semipostal issued, 1973, June: second republic formed; A M, Aegean Islands, Astypalaia, Calchi, Carchi, Calimno, Calino, Chios, Icaria, Mytilene, Samos
Greek Occupation of Aegean Islands: 1912-13: stamps of Greece overprinted for use in occupation of Chios, Icaria (Nicaria), Lemnos, Mytilene (Lesbos) and Samos,
Greek Occupation of Albania: North Epirus; 1940: overprinted stamps for postage due, air mail issued
Greek Occupation of Cavalla: 1913: stamps of Bulgaria surcharged
Greek Occupation of Dedeagatch (Alexandroupolis): 1913: stamps of Bulgaria overprinted
Greek Occupation of Dodecanese Islands: 1947: overprint on stamps of Greece
Greek Occupation of Epirus (Albania): 1912-13: provisional government established, 1914: occupied by Greece, occupation issue, 1940-41: overprint on stamps of Greece
Greek Occupation of North Epirus (Albania): 1940-41: overprint on stamps of Greece
Greek Occupation of Thrace: 1920: stamps of Greece overprinted, in Greek, Administration Western Thrace
Greek Occupation of Turkey: Balkan Wars, 1912-13; 1912: “Greek Administration” overprint on stamps of Greece
Greek offices in Turkey: 1834-81: Greece operated a number of post offices in Ottoman Empire, 1861,Oct. 13-April 25, 1881: used stamps of Greece, stamps used in both areas are known only by their cancellations (Toypkia) in brackets
Greek Use in Dodecanese Islands: 1947: additional overprint on stamps of Greece
Greeley Bros. Co.: package and baggage firm serviced the Cleveland, Ohio, area; used a label and a stamp; year unknown
Greenbacks: U.S. paper money
Green, G.G.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Green goods: postal scam, Official Notice
Greenhood & Newbauer’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Weaverville and Shasta, Calif., used a label; year unknown
Green label: white oblong label printed in green use as identification on mail from Great Britain to Malta for service personnel during 1941-42 siege
Greenland: Danish territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, world’s largest island, official name of postal administration: Greenland Postal Service currency: 100 ore = 1 Danish krone 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, included with Denmark, 1905: parcel post issues of the Royal Greenland Trading Company were first stamps, 1935: Thule, a colony in north-west Greenland, issued its own stamps, 1938, Dec. 1: No.1, 1 ore olive/black, first government issued stamps, previously all letters from Greenland were carried free; WW II: U.S. protectorate when Denmark was under German occupation; 1945: issued overprint “Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945” for liberation of Denmark from German occupation, 1953, June 9: Greenland is considered as part of Danish kingdom, but issues its own stamps, 1958: inland letters were free up to this date, 1958, May 22: first semipostal issued, 1963: became part of the Kingdom of Denmark, 1979, May 1: achieved home rule
Greenland: Royal Greenland Trading Company; local 1905-38
Greenleaf & Co.: Private die match proprietary stamps
Green Mountain Principality: overprints on bogus State of Oman stamps
Greenock Delivery: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971
Green paper air mail stamps: regular stamps dipped into a chemical producing green-toned paper, 16-cent Air Mail Special Delivery issue, 1938
Green Post Express: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971
Greensboro, Ala. Paid 5, Paid 10: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Greensboro, N.C. Paid 10: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Greenslade’s Delivery Co.: parcel firm serviced Los Angeles, Calif. area; used stamps, 1885-95
Greenville: city in Liberia, registration inscription, 1893-1924
Greenville, Ala. Paid Five, Paid Ten: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals. Greenville C. (Court) H. (House), S. C. Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Greenwich-London Strike: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971
Greenwood Depot, Va. Paid: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Gregori: Louis Gregori painted Return of Columbus and Reception at Court, adopted for Ten cents Columbian stamp
Gregory’s California Express: pioneer express company handling mail to and from California
Greifenstein, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1890s, for upper Danube lines
Greig’ City Despatch: New York City post started by Alex H. Greig and Henry L. Winsor, Feb. 15, 1842; used first adhesive stamp 3¢ black on gray
Greiz: German locals 1: Express-Packet-Verkehrn Oskar Hopf; 1889-1904. 2: Courier, 1893
Grekenland: (Nor.) Greece
Grekisk: (Nor., Swed.) Greek
Grekisk Post på Udlandsk: (Nor.) Greek Post Offices Abroad
Grekisk Post på Utländsk: (Swed.) Greek Post Offices Abroad
Grekland: (Swed.) Greece
Grenada: British colony, island in the Caribbean; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1949) 1858-60: British stamps used with ‘A 15’ cancel, 1861: No. 1, 1 penny green, first issue appeared, Chalon portrait design, 1892: first postage due issued, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1967: associated statehood with Great Britain, 1972, Feb. 3: first air mail issued, 1974, Feb. 7: own stamps used, independence state overprint, 1978, Jan. 30: joined the UPU, 1981, Nov. 30: first semipostal issued
Grenada: Roosevelt’s Head & Disneyville inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Grenada Carriacou & Petit Martinque: changed name from Grenada, 1999
Grenada Grenadines: islands to the north of Grenada, islands of Carriacou and Ronde; 1973 – pre: used stamps of Grenada, 1973, Dec. 23: No.1, 25 cents multicolor, first own stamp (Grenadines overprint), 1982, June: first official stamps issued, 1986, Dec.1: first semipostal issued, Grenada Carriacou & Petit Martinque
Grenada Red Cross Society: inscription on label or sealing stamp authorized for use as a 1/2d stamp on one day only, Sept. 18, 1914
Grenadines of St. Vincent: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Grenade: (Fr.) Grenada
Grenat: (Fr.) claret (color)
Greseala: (Rom.) error
Gressgrønn: (Nor.) grass-green (color)
Grève: (Fr.) strike
Gr., Gronland: Greenland
G.R.I.: Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King & Emperor) 1: New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea, Marshall Islands, 1914. 2: overprint on stamps of German Samoa, for Samoa under Britain, 1914
Gri: (Rom.) grey (color)
Gri-albastrui: (Rom.) bluish-grey (color)
Griazovets: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1878-1918
Gridiron cancellation: a early U.S. cancel consisting of circles enclosing parallel lines; also known as grid markings
Griechenland: (Ger.) Greece
Griffin, Ga. Paid 5: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Griggs & Goodwill: Private die match proprietary stamps
Griggs & Scott: Private die match proprietary stamps
Grigio: (It.) gray
Grill: an impression or embossing made on a stamp in order to break the paper fibers so that the ink from the cancel will soak into the stamp paper and make washing for reuse impossible
Grilled gum: indentations in the adhesive caused by passing the gummed paper through a roller with a pattern to counteract paper curl
Grilled Nationals: refers to the U.S. National Bank Note grilled issue of 1870-71
Grill in relief: light engraving applied in dry relief on some U.S. and Peru stamps in order to prevent fading
Grill Z: Z Grill
GRI Long Island: inscribed local issue for island of Long Island, Gulf of Smyrna
Grimma: German courier local, 1893
Grimstad: Norwegian seaport on the Skagerrak (also Skagerak) arm of the E central North Sea in Aust-Agder county ca. 140 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established by N. Herlofson, with a set-of-5 “Grimstad Bypost” local stamps depicting a 3-masted ship being issued 15 January 1887. The stamps are cancelled with a single-ring “Grimstad-Bypost” circular datestamp having an 8-pointed star at the bottom, and the date and time in four lines at the center. The local post closed later in the year 1887
Grimstad Bypost: Norway local post, 1887
Gri-olv: : (Rom.) olive-grey (color)
GRI Postage: inscribed local issue for island of Long Island, Gulf of Smyrna
Gripper cracks: formed over slots cut in the edges of the plates curved to fit rotary press cylinders; associated with introduction of the rotary press printer
Griqualand West: district of Cape Province, South Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling 1871: annexed to Great Britain, used stamps of Cape of Good Hope, 1873: made a Crown Colony, 1874: No. 1, 1 penny blue, manuscript surcharge, 1877, March: overprinted ‘G’ on stamps of Cape of Good Hope, 1880: Cape stamps with “G”overprint withdrawn and reissued to post offices in Cape Colony; Griqualand West annexed to the Cape Colony
Gris: (Sp.) gray
Gri-verzui: (Rom.) greenish-grey (color)
G.R. Mafia, G.R. Post Mafia: British occupation Mafia Island; off German East Africa
Grn: (Ger.) grün, catalogue abbreviation for green.
GRN: international postal code for Greenland
Grodno District: overprint on stamps of Russia, Lithuania, 1919
Grodzisk: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20
Groenekrus: (Green Cross) inscription on semi-postals, Surinam
Groenlandia: (It.) Greenland
Groß: (Ger.) large, big
Großbritannien: (Ger.) Great Britain
Grobe-Altdeutschland-Katalog: (Ger.) Grobe Old Germany Catalogue
Grodno, District of: town and district in Russia, then became part of Poland; 1916-17: German occupation stamps issued, 1919: stamps of Russia with overprint “Lietuva,” 1940: overprint “LTSR” on stamps of Russia, now part of Russia
Groenekruis: Green Cross semi-postal of Surinam
Groenland: (Fr.) Greenland
Groenlandia: (Sp.) Greenland
Grön: (Swed.) green (color)
Grøn: (Dan.) green (color)
Grönakt blå: (Swed.) greenish-blue (color)
Grönakt brun: (Swed.) greenish-brown (color)
Grönakt grå: (Swed.) greenish-grey (color)
Grönakt gul: (Swed.) greenish-yellow (color)
Grönakt ljust gråblå (turkos): (Swed.) greenish – light grey- blue [turquoise] (color)
Grönakt ljust mattblå: (Swed.) greenish – light dull blue (color)
Grönakt mörkblå: (Swed.) greenish-dark blue (color)
Grönaktig: (Swed.) greenish (color)
Grönaktig blå: (Swed.) greenish-blue (color)
Grönblå: (Swed.) green-blue (color)
Grønblå: (Dan.) green-blue (color)
Gröngrå: (Swed.) green-grey (color)
Grøngrå: (Dan.) green-grey (color)
Gröngul: (Swed.) green-yellow (color)
Grøngul: (Dan.) green-yellow (color)
Grønland: (Dan., Ger., Nor.) Greenland
Grönland: (Swed.) Greenland
Grønligblå: (Dan.) greenish-blue (color)
Grønligbrun: (Dan.) greenish-brown (color)
Grønliggrå: (Dan.) greenish-grey (color)
Grønliggul: (Dan.) greenish-yellow (color)
Grønn: (Nor.) green (color)
Grønnaktig: (also Grønnlig) (Nor.) greenish (color)
Grønnaktig blå : (Nor.) greenish-blue, see Grønnligblå (color)
Grønnblå: (Nor.) green-blue (color)
Grønngrå: (Nor.) green-grey (color)
Grønngul: (Nor.) green-yellow (color)
Grønnligblå: (Nor.) greenish-blue, see Grønnaktig blå (color)
Grønnligoliven: (Nor.) greenish-olive (color)
Grønnoliven: (Nor.) green-olive (color)
Grönolive: (Swed.) green-olive (color)
Grønoliven: (Dan.) green-olive (color)
Grønoskifer: (Dan.) green-slate (color)
Grönskiffer: (Swed.) green-slate (color)
Grónsko: Greenland
Grønsort: (Dan.) green-black (color)
Grönsvart: (Swed.) green-black (color)
Gros: (Fr.) big, large
Groschen: unit of currency used in the North German Confederation
Grosion: Crete money unit
Grossbritannien: (Ger.) Great Britain
Grossdeutsches Reich: 1: semi-postals of Germany, 1943-45. 2: inscription on some issues of Germany and German-occupied Bohemia and Poland, 1943-45; Bohemia and Moravia
Grossdeutsches Reich Bohmen and Mahren: Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia
Grossdeutsches Reich General Gouvernment: semi-postals of Poland, German occupation, 1943-44
Grossecomoro: (Ger.) Grand Comoro
Grossformat: (Ger.) very large size
Grossion: currency unit in Albania
Grossräschen: German Democratic Republic local, 1945-46
Groszy: surcharge on stamps of Poland, revalidation after currency reform, 1950
Grote: currency unit in Bremen
Grouch: (Ghurush) currency unit in Turkey
Ground perforation: perforations are created by grinding up those areas of the paper that are pressed upward by passing the paper against a “pin tool.”
Groundwood: paper pulp produced by mechanically grinding wood logs making a weak, acidic paper that discolors upon exposure to light
Groundwork: background of a stamp design with the primary stamp subject shown
Groupage: bulking or combining of cargo loads; French Colony revenue inscription
Grove Hill, Ala. Paid 5 cents: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Grove Postal Service: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971
GRS: General Reconnaissance School
Grupe: (Ger.) pane
Grupo: (Sp.) pane of stamps
Gruppo: (It.) pane
Grün: (Ger.) green
Grunay Island: Scotland local post in Skeoris, Shetland Island, 1970?
Grüne Karte: (Ger.) United Nations green card
Grünlich: (Ger.) greenish, when used in combination with other colors
G.R.V., Geo. V., G.V.: King George Fifth
G.R.VI., Geo. VI., G.VI.: King George Sixth
GS: 1: Ganzsache: (Ger.) postal stationery, entire. 2: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands; country code as used by the UPU. 3. Gabriel Swart, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
G.S.: Government Storekeeper, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
Gscheidle stamp: (Ger.) the 1980 German 60 pfennig+30 semi-postal Olympic Flag semi-postal that was printed, but not issued during boycott of the Moscow Olympics, 1980
GSM: Gibbons Stamp Monthly, Great Britain
GSW: Gibbons Stamp Weekly, Great Britain
GT: 1. Guatemala; country code as used by the UPU, 2: Goolwa Tramway, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
GT: General (Ottawa) Tagging
GT. Pre: Gouvernement Provisiore (Provisional Government) overprint on provisional stamps of Haiti, 1902
GTT: George T. Tyser, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Gtr: gutter
GU: USPS abbreviation for Guam
Guadalajara: No.1, 1/2 real black white, overprint used on lengthy series of provisional stamps of Mexico for this district, 1867
Guadeloupe: French islands in the West Indies; currency: 100 centimes =1 franc 1851: used stamps of France, 1859: used French Colonies general issues, 1876, Nov. 20: locally printed postage dues, 1884: No.1, 20 centimes brown, first regular issue with overprint “G.P.E.” on French Colonial stamps, 1889: Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies, 1892: issued own stamps, 1915: first semipostal issued, 1940-44: used Free French stamps during war years, 1945: first air mail issued, 1946: became an overseas Department of France, 1947, Jan.1: became part of French Republic, used stamps of France
Guadur: dependency of Muscat; 1868: used stamps of India, 1947: used stamps of Pakistan, 1958, Sept. 8: sold to Pakistan
Guam: south portion of the Ladrine group in the Pacific Ocean; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar used stamps of Spanish Philippines, postmarked “Marianas,” 1898, June 20: ceded to the US by Spain, after Spanish-American War, considered a territory of the U.S., 1899, July 7: No.1, 1 cent deep green, first stamps were overprint “Guam” on US stamps, 1901: U.S. Post Office Department ran postal affairs with U.S. stamps used, 1930: local post to carry mail between small towns, Guam Guard Mail, 1941-44: occupied by Japan, 1950: administered by US Department of Interior
Guam Guard Mail: overprint on stamps of Philippines for local post of the army, 1930, April 8-April 8, 1931: local post; private local post exists with same name
Guanacaste: province in northwest Costa Rica; 1885, Aug: overprint “Guanacaste” on stamps of Costa Rica, sold at a discount. 1889: used stamps of Costa Rica
Guarani: Paraguay unit of currency
Guarantee mark: marking applied to stamps by the issuing agency indicting that the stamp is genuine and valid for postal use
Guardamar del Segura: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937
Guaro: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937
Guardia Nazionale Repubblica: G. N. R
Guatemala: Aereo Exterior
Guatemala: Central American Republic; currency: 100 centavos = 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos de quetzal = 1 quetzal (1927) 1847, March: full independence declared, 1867: bogus stamp produced by S. Allan Taylor, 1871, March 1: No.1, 1 centavo ocher, first stamps, quetzal bird featured on many stamps, 1881, Aug. 1: joined the UPU, 1902, Dec. 18: first official issued, 1929, May 20: first air mail, surcharged, issued, 1937, Mar. 15: first semipostal, 1971: issued a stamp with map showing Belize within its borders
Guatemala C.A.: Centro America (Central America) Guatemala
Guayana: North-East district of Venezuela; 1903, March: typeset provisionals by revolutionaries issued during Civil War
Guayas: province of Ecuador; 1899-1901: script overprint on stamps of Ecuador as control
Gubulawayo Bechuanaland: cancel on stamps of British Bechuanaland used from British South Africa, 1888-92
Guerche: Ethiopia, Nejd, Saudi Arabia unit of currency
Guerga: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1884
Guernavaca: handstamp for Cuernavaca
Guernsey: islands in the English Channel, northwest of France; official name of postal administration: Guernsey Post, Ltd. currency: 100 pence = 1 pound sterling 1925: post office opened on Sark, used British stamps, 1940, June 30: invaded by Germany, issued local post “Guernsey Postage” during occupation, 1940, Dec.-Feb. 22, 1941: officially permitted bisected British stamps during stamp shortage, 1945, May 10: islands liberated, local issues valid for one year, 1948: pair of stamps for Channel islands and GB, commemorating third anniversary of liberation from Germany, 1958: GB regional series issued for Guernsey, 1964, Oct.1: No.1, 1 penny rose-red, 1969: first postage due issued
Guernsey-Alderney: Commodore Shipping Co., local, 1962-68
Guernsey-Bailiwick: includes islands of Alderney, Guernsey, Herm, Jethou, Lithou and Sark
Guernsey-Sark: island in English Channel, local 1962?-1971
Guerra Civil Espanola: (Sp.) Spanish civil war, 1936-39
Guerre: (Fr.) war
Guerrilla stamps: stamps issued by guerrilla forces such as those printed in 1895 when the underground fighters of Taiwan issued stamps for their Black Flag Republic to fight Japanese occupying forces
Gugh Island: Great Britain local carriage label, 1972
Guiana, British: British Guiana
Guiana, Dutch: Surinam
Guiana, French: French Guiana
Guichet d’Affranchissement Postal Automatique: (Fr.) automatic postage stamp window, used for vending machines
Guide dots: dots placed on stamp plates to help in the alignment of rows of stamps
Guide line: horizontal or vertical colored lines between the stamps used as a guide for operators of perforating machines or to indicate the point of separation of the sheet into panes; also known as guide mark
Guide line pair: attached pair of coil stamps with printed line between
Guide plate: an adjustable ruler used in the perforating process to make certain that the perforations were in the gutters
Guilder: unit of currency in the Netherlands and associated areas
Guilford Gravure Inc.: private printer of postage stamps, started in 1970
Guilloche: (Fr.) delicate engraving formed by an engraved interlacing network
Guillochis: (Fr.) selvedge
Guillotine perforation: single-line perforation made by a machine resembling a guillotine
Guinea: country located on coast of West Africa on the Atlantic Ocean; official name of postal administration: Office de la Post Guinéenne currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 caury = 1 syli (1973), 100 centimes = 1 franc (1986) 1880: was under French protection known as Rivieres du Sud, 1890: became colony named French Guinea, 1892: first stamps on French colonial issues inscribed “Guinee Francaise,” 1944: became part of the French African Union, 1958, Oct. 2: Republique de Guinee established from French Guinea, 1959, July 13: first stamps overprinted “Republique de Guinee,” air mail, postage due issued, 1959, May 6: joined the UPU, 1960: first semipostal issued; Spanish Guinea
Guinea-Bissau: republic of Guinea – Bissau – former Portuiguese Guinea, west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centavos = 1 escudo, 100 centimes = 1 peso 1881: first stamps were Portuguese colonial of Cape Verde overprinted “Guine,” followed by “Guine Portugueza” and “Guine.” 1974, May 30: joined the UPU, 1974, Sept. 10: gained independence from Portugal, first stamps issued, 1976, Oct. 4: first air mail stamp issued
Guinea Contial Espanola, Guinea Espanola: inscription on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902-09
Guinea Continental: overprint on stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corsico for Spanish Guinea, 1906
Guinea Correos: fake overprint on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1914
Guinea Ecuatorial: inscription used on stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1968 to date; Equatorial Guinea
Guinea Espanola: inscription used on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902, 1949-59
Guinea, New: New Guinea
Guinea, Portuguese: 1862-71: French Colonies General issues as Assinie, 1892, Nov.: stamps first issued, 1904: stamps inscribed “Afrique Occidentale Francaise, Cote D’Ivoire, 1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1931: “Cote d’ Ivoire” overprint, 1940: first air mail stamp issued, 1945-59: stamps of French West Africa used, 1958, Dec. 4: an autonomous republic, 1959, March 26: proclamation of independence, 1959, Oct. 1: Republique de Cote d’Ivoire, inscription used, 1961, May 23: joined the UPU, 1974, Jan. 1: first official stamp issued
Guinea, Republic of: French Guinea
Guinea, Territorios Espanoles del Golfo: inscription used on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902-29
Guinee: French Guinea, 1906-42
Guinée Équatoriale: (Fr.) Equatorial Guinea
Guinée Francais: (Fr.) French Guinea
Guinee, Republique de: Guinea, 1959
Guine Portueza: overprint on stamps of Cape Verde, Portuguese Guinea
Guiné Portuguesa: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese Guinea, 1881-1973
Guine Portuguese: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese Guinea, 1948-67
Guine, Portugues(z)a: overprint on stamps of Cape Verde
Guipuzcoa: Spanish Basque province; 1937: issued Carlist stamps during Spanish Civil War
Guiza: Egypt, Interpostal seals, 1884
Gul: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) yellow (color)
Gulakt: (Swed.) yellowish (color)
Gulakt brun: (Swed.) yellowish-brown (color)
Gulakt grön: (Swed.) yellowish-green (color)
Gulakt ljusbrun: (Swed.) yellowish-light brown (color)
Gulaktig: (Nor.) yellowish (color)
Gulakt orangebrun: (Swed.) yellowish orange-brown (color)
Gulakt orange: (Swed.) yellowish-orange (color)
Gulbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) yellow-brown (color)
Guld: (Swed.) gold (metallic color)
Gulden: currency unit in Netherlands and Dutch colonial area
Guldfarve: (Dan.) gold (metallic color), Gylden
Guldgul: (Swed.) golden yellow
Guldkusten: (Swed.) the Gold Coast
Guldkysten: (Dan., Nor.) the Gold Coast
Gulf of Kotor: part of Dalmatian coast; 1943: occupied by Germany after Italy surrendered, 1944, Feb. 10: first stamps issued, 1945: part of Yugoslavia
Gulgrön: (Swed.) yellow-green (color)
Gulgrøn: (Dan.) yellow-green (color)
Gulgrønn: (Nor.) yellow-green (color)
Gull: (Nor.) gold (metallic color)
Gullig: (Dan., Nor.) yellowish (color)
Gulligbrun: (Dan.) yellowish-brown (color)
Gulligrød: (Dan., Nor.) yellowish-red (color)
Gulliggrøn: (Dan.) yellowish-green (color)
Gulligorange: (Dan.) yellowish-orange (color)
Gulligrød: (Dan.) yellowish-red (color)
Gulockra: (Swed.) yellow-ochre (color)
Gulokker: (Dan.) yellow-ochre (color)
Gulolive: (Swed.) yellow-olive (color)
Guloliven: (Dan.) yellow-olive (color)
Gulorange: (Dan., Swed.) yellow-orange (color)
Guloransje: (Nor.) yellow-orange (color)
Gulröd: (Swed.) yellow-red (color)
Gulrød: (Dan.) yellow-red (color)
Gultig: (Ger.) valid
Gultig 9. Armee: overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation of Romania, 1918
Gum: the coating of an adhesive substance on the reverse of an unused or mint postage stamp; never hinged, lightly hinged, original gum, partial original gum, ungummed, unused gum
Guma: (Pol.) gum
Gumaca, State of: bogus Philippine Island issue
Gum bend: The gum has caused the paper to bend or crease
Gum blister: happens when adhesive is dried by too much heat leaving patches of ungummed paper
Gum breaker: colorless impressions across the backs of some stamps made during manufacture to prevent curling
Gum crease: crack in the gum usually due to age and atmospheric conditions
Gum damage: could be creasing, cracking, staining or chemical reaction
Gum device: an imitation watermark on the gummed side of stamps; such as the wavy lines in the gum of German stamps of 1921
Gum flaw: variety caused by paper covered unintentionally with gum and prohibits the printing ink to reach the surfaces of the paper
Gummering: (Swed.) gum
Gummi: (Dan., Ger., Nor.) gum
Gummierung: (Ger.) gumming
Gummifejl: (Dan.) gum disturbance
Gum Ridges: vertical ridges of gum on the rotary sheet stamps, intended to make the stamps adhere better
Gums: obtained from plants, animals, trees and shrubs, can also be synthesized chemically by altering starches found in rice, wheat, potatoes and cassava (tapioca), or synthesized in the laboratory using basic chemical building blocks; Arabic gum, British gum, Chemical gum, Dextrine gum, Self adhesive gum, Water soluble gums
Gum shine: term used by collectors to differentiate three categories, the degree of reflectivity of light on the gum; dull gum, low gloss gum and shiny gum
Gum skip: area of a stamp where no gum has been applied; usually happens on selvedges
Gum Soak: Stamp with stains from the gum getting damp and staining the stamp by soaking into the paper; most often seen on perf. tips. It also usually decreases the value of the stamp as being damaged
Gum stain: a discoloring of the gum usually caused by tropical humidity, salt air, etc
Gunn’s Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label, 1864
G US: Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¢, 1991
Gut: (Ger.) good
Gutegroschen: currency unit in Brunswick, Hanover
Gutigua: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Gutter: the blank space between the panes of a sheet of stamps; gutters can be found on many of the “Farley’s Follies” stamp issue of 1935
Gutter ornaments: ornamentation in the colors of the stamps, printed in the pane gutters to use unprinted official paper
Gutter pair: two stamps with the selvage or gutter remaining between the pair
Gutter snipe: miscut of the pane leaving the entire gutter and occasionally a portion of the adjoining stamp
Guyana: former crown colony of British Guiana, northeast coast of South America; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1831:named British Guiana, 1856: issued famous 1-cent magenta, 1941: first official stamp, 1966, May 26: No.1, 2 cents dark green, became independent as Guyana, 1967: first postage due issued, 1967, March 22: joined the UPU, 1969: remainders of stamps sold as canceled-to-order, 1970, Feb. 23: Republic of Guyana formed, 1981, Nov. 14: first air mail stamps issued,
Guyana: overprint on stamps of British Guiana, Guyana, 1966-68
Guyane: (Fr.) inscription used on stamps of French Guiana, 1892-1904
Guyane Anglaise: (Fr.) British Guiana
Guyane Francais(e): (Fr.) inscription used on stamps of French Colonies, French Guiana, 1912-47
Guy. Franc.: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, French Guiana, 1886-92
Guyland, Republic of: Artistamp
Guy’s City Despatch: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa. 1879
GW: Gus. Willie, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
G.W.: Guinea-Bissau; country code as used by the UPU
G.W: .overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope for Griqualand West
Gwalior: India Convention State; central province; 1885: No.1, 1/2 anna green, stamps of India with “Gwalior” overprint valid throughout Indian Empire, 1895: first official stamp issued, 1950, Apr.1: Republic of India stamps used, 1950, Dec. 31: convention states stamps no longer valid, 1951, Jan. 1: overprint on stamps of British India for use to any point in British India, replaced by stamps of the Republic of India
GWB: George W. Barber, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
G. Wisen Local Post: Malmö – G. Wisen Local Post
G.W.R. Air Mail: Great Western Railway semiofficial air mail stamp for service between Cardiff, Wales and Plymouth, started May 15, 1933, discontinued Sept. 30, 1933
G.W.S.T.: Great Western Station, Britain
GY: 1: Marine Insurance; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: Guyana; country code as used by the UPU
Gyarmatai: (Hung.)colonies
Gylden: (Dan.) golden (metallic color), Guldfarve
Gyldengul: (Dan.) golden-yellow (color).Gyllen: (Dan., Nor.) golden (metallic color)
Gyöngszürke: (Hung.)pearl-grey (color).
Gyüjtemények: (Hung.)collections.