E: 1: Special Delivery; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: (Sp.) abbreviation of “Entrada” in censor marks. 3: auction abbreviation for essay. 4: uction abbreviation for Euro; European Economic Community/EEC. 5: abbreviation for escudo, currency unit of Portugal, etc. 6. Europe: British stamp introduced in 1999, as a non-value-indicated stamp to prepay the letter rate to any of the European countries. 7: Engineer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 8: Bavaria overprint (Eisenbahn railroad), 1908. 9: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Spain. 10: “E” inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 25¢, placed on sale Mar.22, 1988. 11. international postal code for Spain
e: (It.) and
£E: auction abbreviation for pound (Egypt)
EA: 1: overprint on stamps of France for Algeria. 2: Greece overprint for Chios; Aegean Islands
E.A.F.: East Africa Forces; overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Italian Somaliland, 1943-48
Eagle: originated as a post office symbol in 1970, also used for name change for Post Office Department to United States Postal Service; see: Mercury, Post rider
Eagle Card Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp
Eagle City Post: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa., 1848-50
EAK: international postal code for Kenya
Earee, Rev. Robert: (1846-1928) author of the two-volume work Album Weeds, which described every known forged stamp of that period
Earle & Prew’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, and towns in Mass., R.I., and Conn. issued labels; 1872-1909
Earle Express Co.: private mail and parcel firm serviced Boston, and towns in Mass., R.I., and Conn. issued labels; 1839-73
Earliest documented use (EDU): the date when the stamp was first used in the U.S. mails
Earliest known use (EKU): term applied to earliest date on which a stamp is recorded to have been used
Earliest surviving letters: clay tablets in a cuneiform script, that was baked and hardened, then placed in clay envelope type containers
Earl of Crawford: James Lindsey, 1847-1914, enthusiastic stamp collector, The Catalogue of the Philatelic Library of the Earl of Crawford was 923 pages
Early Empire Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society section that studies the postal history of the first 30 years of the German Empire: 19870-1899
Early impression: a stamp that has been printed from a plate which has just begun to run on the press; distinguished from later printings taken from the same plate that will not be as sharp as the “early impressions.”
Earth stamp: undenominated U. S. stamp of 1988 showing the planet Earth
EAS: Eugene A. Smith, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Eas, Easa: overprint variety in British East Africa overprints
Easdale Island: local Scottish island, 1996
East Africa and Uganda: central East Africa, on the Indian Ocean; 1903: first stamps replaced separate issues for British East Africa and for Uganda, 1922: inscription Kenya and Uganda, 1933, July 1: East African Posts and Telecommunications Union formed, 1935: first commemorative, air mail and postage due stamps, 1959: stamps overprinted “Official” used in Tanganyika at first, then permitted in all areas, 1959: first official stamp, 1964: issued stamps inscribed Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar for the East Africa Common Service Organization (Community), 1964: first commemorative stamp, 1976: stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania bear only one country name, stamps only valid to prepay postage in the specific country, 1977, June 30: individual country’s postal services took over that function
East Africa & Uganda Protectorates: central East Africa; currency: 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 cents = 1 shilling (1922), 20 shillings = 1 pound 1894: Uganda Protectorate declared British Protectorate, 1903: No.1, 1/2 anna gray-green, first stamps replaced separate issues for British East Africa and for Uganda, 1906: first stamps as East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, 1922: inscription Kenya and Uganda, 1933, July 1: East African Posts and Telecommunications Union formed, 1935: first air mail and postage due stamps, 1959: stamps overprinted “Official” used in Tanganyika at first, then permitted in all areas, 1962: Uganda became independent, 1963: colony became independent as Kenya, 1964: issued stamps inscribed Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar for the East Africa Common Service Organization (Community), 1976: stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania bear only one country name, stamps only valid to prepay postage in the specific country, 1977, June 30: individual countries postal services took over that function
East Africa, British: see: British East Africa
East Africa Forces: see: E.A.F
East Africa, German: see: German East Africa
East Africa, Italian: 1936, June 1: Italy declared its East African possessions to be an “Empire,” consisting of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland, 1941: Italy occupied British Somaliland Protectorate, Italian forces driven from East Africa, Ethiopia liberated, 1938: Italy issued stamps for this territory inscribed “Africa Orientale Italiana.”
East & West Junction Railway: British local post
East Anglian Valentine: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
East Boston Express Co.: local parcel firm serviced Boston and East Boston, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown
East China People’s Post: regional issue; includes Anhwei, Chekiang, Fukien, Kiangsu and Shantung provinces; 1941: postal services started in Shantung, 1948, Mar.: first issue of stamps, 1948, July: became East China Posts and Telegraph General Office, 1949, May 30: became East China Liberation Area; China, People’s Republic, 1949
East Coast: local overprint on Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45
East Elloe Post Lutton: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
East End Package Delivery and Express: local package firm serviced the Pittsburgh, Pa., area; issued a label, year unknown
Easter Island: inscription on stamps of Chile, 1992, Sc. 1010-11
Easter Island: bogus with frame used on St. Vincent stamps
Eastern & Midlands Railway: British local post
Eastern Arabia, British Offices: 1948, Apr.1-Jan. 6, 1961: Dubai open, 1948, Apr.1-April 29, 1966: Muscat open, 1950-57: Qatar open, 1960, Dec.-March 29, 1964: Abu Dhabi open, 1951, 1953: Kuwait, Bahrain open, 1963, Mar.30: first British agency post office opened, 1963, Mar.30-March 29, 1964: used stamps of British postal administration in Eastern Arabia, 1967, Jan.1: local post service starts; replaced by stamps of the Trucial States or nation’s own stamps
Eastern Express Co.: parcel firm serviced Boston, towns in Maine and the British Provinces; issued labels, 1857-79
Eastern Karelia: “Ita-Karjala/sot hallinto” East Karelia Military Occupation, overprint on stamps of Finland, Karelia, 1941-43, Karelia
Eastern postal areas: “Postgebiet Ober-Ost ,” Lithuania, German occupation, 1916-18
Eastern Rumelia (Roumelia): in southern Bulgaria; currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster 1880: No.1, 1/2 paras yellow-green, “R.O.” (Roumelie Orientale) overprint on stamps of Turkey, 1881: vertical overprint “Roumelie Orientale” on stamps of Turkey, 1885: broke Turkish rule, replaced by stamps of South Bulgaria; “Roumelie Orientale” inscription on stamps of Turkey, 1886: replaced by stamps of Bulgaria after Serbia-Bulgaria war
Eastern Samoa: also known as American Samoa, 1900: U.S. issues without overprint used, can only be recognized by cancel
Eastern Saxony: “Bundesland Sachsen” on stamps of Germany, Russian occupation, 1945-46
Eastern Scottish Bus: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Eastern Siberia: 1: bogus Russian local overprint. 2: surcharged stamps used, Jan. 1923
Eastern Silesia: former duchy in northern Austro-Hungarian Empire between Prussian Silesia and Moravia. After the Polish-Czech 1920 military confrontation, the western two-thirds became the Czech province of Silesia (Czech., Slezsko), and the eastern portion was given to Poland. Ceskoslovenska polní posta – Tesínko ,Celistvosti – SO 1920
Eastern Szechwan: stamps of China overprinted for use in the 1940s
East Germany: common name for German Democratic Republic, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR and GDR
East India: 1855: inscription for use throughout India; called that because territory was administered by the Honourable East India Company up to 1858, 1882: name stopped being used when Queen Victoria took the title of Empress of India in 1877
East India Postage: 1: overprint with a crown and new values, Straits Settlement. 2: inscription, see: Bangkok. 3: Inscription East India Company, Sc. 19-35, Government issue, 1860-77
East Indies: see: Netherland East Indies
East Kent Circular Deliv.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
East Liao-ning area: regional issue, Northeast China, 1945-48
East London Railway: British local post
Eastman College: Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; 1859 used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter
Eastman’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Lynn and Salem, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown
East of Jordan: Jordan issues, 1920-25; see: Arab Government of the East
East River Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1852-55
East Silesia: former Austrian crownland, 1920: League of Nations plebiscite, issues of Czechoslovakia and of Poland overprinted “S.O. 1920” during this period
East Sussex County: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
East Szechuen People’s Post: Southwest China, regional issue; see: China, People’s Republic, 1949
East Timor: territory seeking independence from Indonesia; United Nations Transitional Administration (UNTAET), 2000; 1973, Dec.16: last stamps issued under a Portuguese administration, 1975, Dec.: Indonesian forces invaded East Timor, 2000, April 29: issued two nondenominated stamps, one for internal mail, one for international mail under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET); 2002, May 20: issued first stamps as new country; also known as Timor Lorosae
Eaton, Jas.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps. Eatonton, Geo. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
E.B.: 1. semipostal Special Delivery, Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2. Education Board, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
E.B.C. Postage: Eastman College
Eboue, Felix: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1945
EC: 1: European Community, now known as European Union, EC. 2: Ecuador; country code as used by UPU. 3. “Ejercito Constitucional” local overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1914 for Constitutionalist forces
£EC: auction abbreviation for dollar, Eastern Caribbean Community
E.C.A.F.E.: Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
Eca-Gard Postage and Mailing Center: manufacturer of vending machine that prints computer vended postage
Écarlate: (Fr.) scarlet (color)
E.C. de M.: “Ejercito Constitucional of Mexico” local overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1914 for Constitutionalist forces
E.C.D.S. Strike Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Echar al correo: (Sp.) to mail
Echecs: (Fr.) chess (topical)
Echo cards: Japanese postal stationery, with an imprinted stamp, and paid ads on front
Echt: (Ger.) genuine
Echt gelaufen: (Ger.) postally used
Ecija: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-37
Eckartsberga: local, Germany, 1945-48
Eckholdt Local Post: Drammen – Eckholdt Local Post
Eckrand: (Ger.) sheet corner
Eckrandstück: (Ger.) corner stamp with sheet margins attached
E-COM: Electronic Computer Originated Mail, began in Jan., 1982 by the USPS for large mailers to transmit computer-generated messages to 25 post offices throughout the nation
Economat: inscription on Interpostal Seals for the post office bursary or office; used 1871-74, see: Interpostal seals, 1871-84
Economy gum: gum applied in patterns or blocks immediately after WWII
Economy label: used throughout British Empire during war period, to be applied to covers that were refolded and reused
Ecosse: (Fr.) Scotland
ECU: 1. European Community Currency unit. 2. international postal code for Ecuador
Ecuador: South America, on the Pacific Ocean; currency: 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 sucre (1881) 1779: handstamps used, beaded oval type (1819-30), 1830, May 11: Republic of Ecuador formed, 1849-80: British Post Office at Guayaquil for external mail using handstamps, 1865, Jan. 1: stamps first issued, 1865-80: stamps of Great Britain used on overseas mail, with C 41 cancel, 1868-75: stamps of France used at Guayaquil, in connection with Pacific Ligne, 1872: No.1, 1 reales yellow, 1880, July 1: joined the UPU, 1886: first official stamp 1896: first postage due stamps, 1928, Aug. 28: first air mail stamp, 1929: first postage due stamp. 1944, May 9: first semipostal stamp
Ecuador: overprint on stamps of Colombia air mails, 1928-29
ECV: auction abbreviation for estimated cash value
ECW: Edward C. Wildt, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
ED: 1. auction abbreviation for edition. 2. Edward Doe, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
EDC: Earliest documented cover or the earliest known cover for a stamp when verified
EDD: Greece overprint for Dodecanese Islands
Eddy, E. B.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Edelweiss, Kingdom of: label, imperial residence in Winston-Salem, NC, Artistamp
Eden Island: parady of possible Swiss origin
Edey “Express”: private mail firm serviced area east of the Mississippi River; used labels affixed to envelopes, 1862
Edfou: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-82
EDG: Everett D. Green, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Edge stamp: stamp not perforated on one side and end; 1887 definition
Edgware post: Great Britain, local strike post, 1971
Edicto: (Sp.) official notice with details of various matters including the mail arrival
Edificios postales: overprint on stamps of El Salvador, postal tax
Edifil: Spain and Spanish Offices & Colonies Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog
Edinburgh and Leith Circular Delivery Company: Great Britain local, 1865-66
Edinburgh Strike Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Edirne: formerly Adrianople, Turkey
Edizione principe: (It.) first printing
Edkou: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-84
Edona: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880
E. D. Prince Letter Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label
E.D.U.: earliest documented use
Educacion Nacional: (Sp.) inscription for postal tax, El Salvador
E.D.W.: (E.D. Wight) Initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, 1850-51 issue, British Guina
Edwa: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-84
Edwardian: refers to stamps of Great Britain’s King Edward VII
Edwards & Co.’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston, and Bangor and Portland, Maine; issued a label, 1855?
Edwards, Sanford & Co. Transatlantic Express: letter delivery firm that forwarded letters into the U.S. mails, used a corner card, c1849
EE: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Estonia, such as EE 2000 Narva. 2: Estonia; country code as used by UPU
EE Bars: electric eye bars
EEC: European Economic Community
E.E.F.: 1: Egyptian Expeditionary Forces; Palestine Inscription, British Occupation, 1918-27. 2: (with Arabic overprint) Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cilicia
EEN 1 GLD: Netherlands overprint
Een Penny: currency surcharge, Transvaal, 1882
Eendragt maakt Magt.: “Union makes strength” South African Republic
Eesti: stamps of Estonia inscription 1928-35, 1991-current
Eesti post: overprint on stamps of Russia, Estonia, 1918-40
Eesti Post Virumma: bogus, Estonia inscription, Bolshevist occupation, Virumma, 1918-19
Eesti Vabriil: Estonian Republic, stamps of Estonia inscription, 1918-1940
Eesti Varbarik: Inscription, Estonia, 1919-25
EE.UU.: (Sp.) Estados Unidos, abbreviation for United States
EE.UU. de C.: (Sp.) Colombia, Department Tolma, 1870
EE.UU. de Colombia: (Sp.) inscription, Colombia, 1886
EE.UU. de Venezuela: (Sp.) inscription, Venezuela, special delivery
EF: international postal code for Estonia
E.F.: auction term for extremely fine, exceptionally large margins with near perfect centering; usually command premium of catalog value
E.F.: with year 1899 overprint on stamps of Bolivia
Efectos de Comercio: (Sp.) commercial drafts; bills of exchange; found on fiscal stamps for duty payable on such items
Effets de Commerce: commercial bills of lading; French Colony Revenue inscription
Effets Negociables: negotiable bills of exchange; French Colony Revenue inscription
Efigie: (Sp.) portrait, likeness
EFO: errors, freaks and oddities
EFO: “Etablissments de l’Oceanie” (French Oceanic Settlements) overprint on stamps of French Polynesia, 1915
EFOCC: Errors, Freaks and Oddities Collectors Club
Eftergravering: (Dan.) re-engraved
Eftergummiering: (Dan.) regummed
Eftertakning: (Dan.) reperforated
Eftertryck : (Swed.) reprint
Eftertryk: (Dan.) reprint, Nytryk
Efterporto: (Dan.) “postage to pay” Danish West Indies, postage due inscription
Eftertaxering: (Swed.) card mailed to sender advising of postage due; postage could be affixed to the card and mailed back to the sending office
EFTS: Elementary Flying Training School
EG: Egypt; country code as used by UPU
Egée iles de la mer: (Fr.) Aegean islands
Égei-Tengeri: (Hung.) Aegean Sea
Égei-Tengeri Szigetek: (Hung.) Aegean (Sea) Islands
Egeo: Aegean. 1: overprint on stamps of Italy for use in Aegean Islands occupied by Italy in 1912. 2: Aegean Islands, General Issue; Calino
Egipto: (Sp.) Egypt
Egitto: (It.) Egypt
EGK: (Ger.) Michel catalog; Europa-Ganzachen-Katalog
Eglise: (Fr.) church (thematic)
E Grill: grill used on US stamps during the 19th century
Égszinkék: (Hung.) cerulean-blue, sky-blue (color)
Egy: (Hung.) one (number)
Egyenlitói Guinea: (Hung.) Equatorial Guinea
Égyiptom: (Hung.) Egypt
Egykrajczar: one Kruezer, inscription, Hungary
Egypt: Northern Africa, on the Mediterranean and Red Seas; currency:40 paras = 1 piaster, 1,00 milliemes = 100 piasters = 1 pound (1888) 3000 BC: postal service started, used papyrus; Papyrus, 1146: pigeon posts used, 1821: “Posta Europea”, (It.) private posts to Europe by an Italian firm, 1835: “Overland Route” of Lt. Waghorn delivered mail between Britain and India through Egypt, 1843: inland posts operated by a private firm, 1857: Posta Europa operated inland mail, 1860-85: stamps of Great Britain used at British post office in Alexandria (B 01 cancel) and Suez (B 02 cancel), and by the British Army Post office in Egypt, French stamps overprinted for use at French post offices in Alexandria and Port Said, Suez Canal Company also issued its own stamps, 1865: private Italian firm bought by Egyptian government used Italian cancellers “Poste Vice-Realiegiziane,” 1866, Jan. 1: No.1, 5 paras slate-green, stamps first issued, Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Northern Sudan, 1869-85: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Eritrea (Massawa), 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1881-84: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Ethiopia (Harar), 1881-84: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used on the Somali coast, stamps also used Italian, Poste Khedivie Egiziane for territories occupied by Italy, 1884, Jan.1: first postage due stamp, 1893, Jan.1: first official stamp, 1914-pre: considered part of Turkey, 1914, Dec.18 – Feb. 28, 1922: British protectorate declared, 1922-53: kingdom after British protectorate ended, 1926, Mar.10: first air mail stamp, 1932, Nov. 1: “British Forces in Egypt” military stamp, 1940, May 17: first semipostal stamp, 1953, June 18: republic established, 1958: joined with Syria to form United Arab Republic (U.A.R.), 1961: Syria left U.A.R., 1971: Egypt named Arab Republic of Egypt
Egypt, British Forces in: 1932, Nov.1-Feb. 29, 1936: seals issued to British forces and their families with a special postage rate for mail to Great Britain, applied to the back of mail, 1936-Apr.1943: Army Post inscription used; also used by British forces in Sudan
Egypt, British offices: Alexandria, 1839; Suez 1847; Cairo 1859, 1860-79 stamps of Britain used at Alexandria, cancel B 01, Suez cancel B 02
Egypte: (Fr.) Egypt, 1926-56
Egypten: (Dan., Swed.) Egypt
Egypt, French Offices: Alexandria, Port Said; 1857-59: stamps of France, 1830-1931, Mar 1: stamps of France, 1857-76 issues, cancel 3704, 5080, 1830-March 31, 1931: Alexandria, used stamps of France 1857-76, 1867, June-March 31, 1931: Port Said, used stamps of France, 1867-99 issues, 1899: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, 1899-1928: “Alexandria” (Alexandrie) overprint/surcharge stamps of France, 1899-1928: “Port Said” overprint/surcharge on stamps of France, 1922: postage due stamp issued, 1928-30: Alexandria and Post Said, joint issue of postage due
Egyptian occupation of Palestine: 1948-67: stamps issued for use in Gaza area; Palestine
Egyptisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Egyptian
Egypt, Italian Post Offices: 1863-84: used cancel 234
Egypt Postage Prepaid: handstamp applied to front of envelope bearing special rate stamps,
Egyptiennes postes: Egypt, 1879-1906
Egypt postage: Egypt, 1914-22. stamps of Egypt, established at Constantinople in(1866, other cities in 1870
EH: Edward Hein, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
E.H. (Edward Heston): U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
EHH: Edward H. Helmuth, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
E.H.Lake: bogus Confederate provisional stamp
E.I.: (Heb.) Eretz Israel (Land of Israel)
Eichele & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Eichele, Aug.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Eichele, P. & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Eighth Avenue Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1852
Eilauftrag: (Ger.) rapid inquiry hand stamp, German post office card to verify address
Eilbert & Celice islands: British colonial royal wedding frames from book, “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.”
Eilbot: (Ger.) express
Eilmarke: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Eilpost: (Ger.) express mail, expedited delivery
Einband: (Ger.) binder
Einfaches papier: (Ger.) wove paper
Einfarbig: (Ger.) monochrome color
Einfassung: (Ger.) frame
Eingepresst: (Ger.) embossed
Einkauf: (Ger.) purchase
Einlieferungsschein: (Ger.) receipt for registered letter
Einringstempel: (Ger.) single circle cancel
Einschreibebrief: (Ger.) registered letter
Einseltig: (Ger.) imperf on one side
Einsteckbuch: (Ger.) stock book
Einwandfrei: (Ger.) perfect, faultless
Einzig dastehend: (Ger.) unique
Einzelmarke: (Ger.) single (stamp)
Einzuziehen: Danzig, postage due
Eire: see: Ireland
Eireann: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for Ireland, 1922-23
Eisenbahn: (Ger.) train (thematic)
Eisenbahnmarke: (Ger.) railway postage stamp
Eisenhart’s J.W., Matches: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Ejdern: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1915
Ejemplar: (Sp.) example, specimen (of a stamp)
Ejercito: (Sp.) army
Ejercito constitucionalista: (Sp.) “Constitutional Army” inscription, Mexico, Sonora revenues provisionally used as postage, 1923
Ejercito Español en Africa: (Sp.) 1860 postmarks from Morocco for Spanish army in Africa
Ejercito renovador: (Sp.) inscription on Mexico-Sinaloa revenue, 1923, may not have been placed on sale
EK: (Ger.) Michel catalogs; Europe-katalog
Ekaterinodar: now Krasnodar, USSR
Ekko: private cinderellas produced by Ekko Co. of Chicago in 1924 to verify reception by various radio stations
Ekspresmærke: (Dan.) special delivery stamp, express mail stamp
Ekspresporto: (Dan.) special delivery postage, express mail postage
Ekspress: (Dan.) express
Ekte: (Nor.) genuine
Ekvador: (Hung.) Ecuador
EKU: see: Earliest known use
EL: 1: auction abbreviation for envelope letter (folded letter). 2: entire letter
El-Abiad: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80
Elass-Lotherin: (Ger.) revenue stamp for German occupation of Alsace-Lorraine
El-Ayat: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-82
Elbow and eyeball: USPS informal term to open and examine supposedly empty mail sacks to make certain that it does not contain any mail
El-Boulak-Dakcrour: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-84
El Burgo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1938
El Campillo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937-38
El Cerro de Andevalo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936
Elche: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
El Che de la Sierra: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Elda: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
El Djezair, Algeria: also known as Algiers
El Dorado, federated state of: fantasy from the American Philatelist
Eldridge Brothers’ Express: private mail firm serviced Kansas; issued a label, year unknown
Electric Express & Storage Company: parcel firm operated via electric trolleys, issued a stamp, area unrecorded, year unknown
Electric Express Company: parcel firm operated via electric trolleys, Portland, Ore. area; issued a stamp, year unknown
Electric Eye Dashes: vertical dashes in the vertical gutter used by the electric eye during the perforating process, 1933
Electric Eye Frame Bars: horizontal lines in the left sheet margin used by the electric eye during the perforating process, 1939
Electric eye mark: mark, or bars used in positioning stamp sheets during printing process
Electric eye perforating: machines that are equipped with electric eyes that guide the perforating pins up the center of the stamp margin with the aid of distinctive marks, thus creating well-centered stamps
Electric Telegraph: inscription on Indian telegraph stamps, issued 1860
Electric Telegraph Co.: stamp of British private telegraph company
Electronic Commerce Services (ECS): includes a time and date stamp, return receipt, registered, certified, verification of sender and recipient and archival services, all via electronic means
Electronic Communications: developed computerized post office meters in 1974
Electronic mail: method of sending written material from one location to another without physically carrying the material from point of mailing to point of delivery
Electronic option: an electronic file that includes details about the pieces in the mailing, delivery information is retrieved electronically, ether by electronic file transfer of Internet inquiry; USPS term
Electronic postage: a postage imprint that features a two-dimensional bar code containing data necessary for revenue protection
Electronic postmark: an electronic time and date stamp on electronic mail that will authenticate a document’s existence at a particular point in time
Electronic return: U.S. Postal Service term for return of undeliverable mail by electronic means with incorrect address, rather than physical return of the mailing piece, started in 2002
Electroplate: a printing plate made by duplicating the original plate which is available for additional duplication in very large press runs
Electrotype (Electro): an obsolete method for reproducing dies by applying a costing of copper to a mold from the original die
Elefántcsontpart: (Hung.) Ivory Coast
Élénk: (Hung.) bright (color)
Élénkék: (Hung.) bright blue (color)
Élénkpiros: (Hung.) bright red (color)
Élénksarga: (Hung.) bright yellow (color)
Élénkvörös: (Hung.) scarlet-red (color)
Élénkzöld: (Hung.) bright green (color)
El espacio: (Sp.) space (thematic)
Elevator stamp: inspection stamp issued by Connecticut from 1846 through 1957, nondenominated
El-Facher: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80
Elfenbeinkopf: (Ger.) Ivory Head silhouette on Queen Ivory
Elfenbeinküste: (Ger.) Ivory Coast
Elfland: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate
El-Gisr: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868
Elisabeth, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for the middle or upper Danube lines
Elizbeth: error on 40p June 25, 2004, stamp of Jersey, should be Elizabeth
El Iskandariya: also known as Alexandria, Egypt
Elizabeth II Coronation: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1978
El-Kalabat: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80
Ellas (Greek letters) and 2-x-43: used in Zante, Ionian Islands to Italy under German occupation
Elleore: labels used to support children’s holiday trips
Elfenbenskusten: (Swed.) Ivory Coast
Elfenbenskysten: (Dan., Nor.) Ivory Coast
Elleve: (Dan., Nor.) eleven (number)
Ellichhpur, India: now Achalpur
Ellington-Zwisler Catalog (E-Z): rocket mail flight information, 2 volume set
Elliot-Fairchild: local, Canada, 1925-26
Elliptical perforations: odd-size perforation, usually two per stamp to make it difficult to counterfeit stamps
El Masnou: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
El-Meslemieh: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80
Elobey, Annobon and Corisco: islands near coast of Guinea, western Africa; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1868: used stamps of Fernando Poo, 1903: No.1, 1/4 centime carmine, issued their own stamps, 1909: stamps of Spanish Guinea used, Elobey and Corisco use stamps of Rio Muni, Annobon uses stamps of Fernando Poo
El parlamento a Cervantes: (Sp.) Spain, overprint, official stamps, Cervantes death anniversary, 1916
El Qahira: also known as Cairo, Egypt
ELS: 1: auction abbreviation for entire letter sheet, with contents. 2: Express Letter Service. 3: Edwin L. Shankle, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
El Salvador: see: Salvador
Elsass: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, occupation of Alsace, WWI, 1940
Elsass-Lothringen: (Ger.) Alsace-Lorraine
Elsie: nickname for Electronic Letter Sorter
El Skandariya, Egypt: also known as Alexandria
Elsonapi Boriték: (Hung.) first day cover, FDC
ELT: Edward L. Tucker, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
El-Tarieh: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880
Elua Keneta: Hawaii, 1861-93
Elusive: a stamp that is hard to find, but is not rare or scarce
Elwa: city in Estonia; 1941: stamps of Russia provisionally overprinted “Eesti post” by Germans for use in city
El-Wastah: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880
E L Z N: inscription on illegal issue of Mexico, reported to the UPU March 25, 1996
E-mail: letters sent electronically via the World Wide Web (WWW)
Embabe: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868
Embajadas: (Sp.) embassies
Embarkation Army post offices: During WW II, when a wounded man was evacuated to the U.S., his name, rank, APO and serial number were sent ahead by air to this office to hold mail for arrival of the wounded serviceman
Embedded phosphor paper (EP): stamp printing paper with taggant that penetrates the surface of the paper, applied prior to printing; has a highly mottled appearance under short wave ultraviolet light
Embedded Silk Threads: threads embedded in stamp paper as a security measure
Embedded taggant: a term used for taggant applied to the surface of uncoated paper, with a tendency to be absorbed unevenly into the fibers, giving a mottled appearance under shortwave UV light
Emerson Drug Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; Private die proprietary stamps
Emblems: Great Britain watermarks, 1856 roses for England and thistle for Scotland
Embo: label, Scotland seceded from Great Britain for one day in 1985
Emborronado: (Sp.) blurred, smudged
Embossed: stamps, usually envelope stamps, that are raised in low relief in relationship to the surface of the paper on which they are printed
Embossed revenues: revenue stamps that are raised in low relief in relationship to the surface of the paper on which they are printed; applied to 18th and 19th century documents by New York and Massachusetts, to pay taxes
Embossing: 1: the process of impressing a design in relief into the paper of an envelope or sheet of paper. 2: a form of printing in relief
Em circulacâo: (Port.) current
EME: Edwin M. Earle, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Emergency Air Mail Service: United Kingdom, Australia, strike local post, 1971
Emergency flight: flight taken in response to an emergency such as floods, breakdown of rail transportation, strikes, etc
Emergency Mail (Ajax): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Mail (AZIM): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Mail (CHF): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Mail France: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Mail Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Manx Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Post Falkiner: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency postmark: used by First Division, Railway Mail Service, St. Albans & Boston R.P.O. when the regular handstamp was misplaced
Emergency Post Serv.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency service stamps: usually refers to stamps portraying emergency equipment, such as ambulances, fire trucks, etc
Emergency Strike Export: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emergency Strike Grant: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Emfänger: (Ger.) addressee
Emgültig: (Ger.) definitive
Emiprinte: (Fr.) reprint
Émirats Arabes Unis: (Fr.) United Arab Emirates. English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.: British telegraph stamp may be the world’s first, 1853
Emirdites: Albania, unauthorized issue
Émis: (Fr.) issued
Émis (non): (Fr.) stamp prepared but not issued due to various reasons
Emisión: (Sp.) issue
Emisión cenicienta: (Sp.) cinderella issue
Emisiunile de Eliberare: (Rom.) liberation issues
Emissione locale: (It.) local issue, post
Emisión falso: (Sp.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors
Émission: (Fr.) issue
Emission cendrillon: (Fr.) cinderella issue
Emission commemorative: (Fr.) commemorative issue
Emissione: see: Issue (stamp)
Emission falso: (It.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors
Émission faux: (Fr.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors
Émission premier jour d’: (Fr.) first day of issue
Émission provisoire: (Fr.) provisional issue
Emitido: (Sp.) issued
Emlékiv Postai Bérmentesitésre Nem Alkalmas: (Hung.) a commemorative sheet having no postal validity
Emory, Va. Paid 5, Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Empalne: (Sp.) 1: coil joint. 2: postmark for railway junction
Empastado: (Sp.) blurred, blotchy
Emp. Cubat: (Sp.) Empresa Cubatéchica, part of a canceling device used by Cuban technical troops in Angola starting in Jan. 1985
Emperor of the world: label, India produced in 1892
Empfänger verstarben: (Ger.) “recipient deceased” hand stamp, WW II
Empire: France, 1853-70 issues, released during reign of Emperor Napoleon III
Empire Air Mail Scheme: see: All-up service
Empire Centrafricain: Central Africa
Empire City Dispatch: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1881
Empire d’Ethiopie: Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia
Empire Express and Parcel Delivery: parcel delivery firm service New York State?; issued a label; 1906
Empire Franc, Francais: inscription 1853, August-1872, France, French Colonies in 1871-72
Emp. Ottoman: 1: with R.O. or Roumelie Orientale overprint, Turkey. 2: with crescent and Turkish inscription on stamps of Turkey, Eastern Rumelia, Turkish Empire 1876-92
Empreinte: (Fr.) imprint
EMS: U.S. Express Mail Service
EMU: early matching usages; collection of earliest usages as documented by previous announcement of early date
En: (Nor.) one (number)
E.N.A.: Empresa Norte America (Sp.) a shipping line mark, 1790-1856
Enamelled paper: highly glazed paper producing a glossy, brittle surface
Enapiomon: inscription on stamps of Greece, postage dues
Encart: (Fr.) presentation pack
Encased postage stamp: a stamp within a protective covering that was used as a coin, invented by John Gault, started in 1862 when there was a shortage of change due to the Civil War
Enchasse: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-84
Enchère: (Fr.) beginning selling price of the lot; can represent one bid over the second highest book bid, the highest book bid or the reserve price for the lot
Enchèrisseur: (Fr.) bidder
Encima (de): (Sp.) above, over
Encinasola: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Encomendes postais: (Port.) parcel post for Portuguese language countries
Encomienda: (Sp.) parcel post
En creux: (Fr.) line engraving
End delivery: coil in which postage stamps are arranged “one above the other” and sold through vending machines
Endereço: (Port.) address, the place to where mail is sent
Endgültig: (Ger.) definitive
Endommagé: (Fr.) damaged
Endorsement: marking on a mail piece that indicates handling instructions, a special service, or another request
Endwise: another term for vertical coil
Ene: (Sp.) “enero” abbreviation in postmarks for January
E.N.E.: Empresa Norte Europa (Sp.) a shipping line mark, 1790-1856
“Enemy Action Delayed by”: (picture of bomb) marking applied to mail during WW II by British Post Office for mail delayed by enemy bombings
En Épargne: (Fr.) “in relief” type of printing plate used in letterpress process
Enfant: (Fr.) children (thematic)
Enfantine: children’s stamps; Toy stamps
En forma de arco: (Sp.) Canadian set of King George V of 1930-31 to differentiate them from previous series Eng: 1: auction abbreviation for engraved. 2: England. 3: German for narrow
En franchaise: (Fr.) post free
Engelberg: Switzerland hotel post, 1880, Hotel Pension Sonnenberg
Engelsk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) English (adj.)
Engelska kolonier: (Swed.) British colonies
Engelske Kolonier: (Dan.) British Colonies
Engelt bezahlt: (Ger.) postage paid
Engine turning: use of a geometric lathe to produce intricate engravings, also known as lathework
England: a regional issue solely for England; not sold in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, etc
England Winners/World War II 1939-45: inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
English School of Philately: classified stamps by the difference in design; French School of Philately
English’s Intern. Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Engomado: (Sp.) gummed
Engr.: abbreviation for engraved
Engraved cachet: a printed cachet on which the design is slightly raised above the surface of the paper or envelope
Engraved stamps: 1: stamps printed from plates into which a design is cut or chemically etched; the plate is applied under heavy pressure to the paper being printed, leaving the ink raised above the surface of the paper. 2: implies that the stamp is printed by the recess or line-engraved process
Engraver: the person who engraves a die
Engraver’s initials (mark): the initials of the engraver which may appear in the sheet margin or in smaller letters below the bottom frame line of a stamp design
Engraver’s proofs: proofs taken from an engraving to give an idea of how a stamp design will look when completed
Engraving: 1: art of cutting (stamp) designs on metal, wood, etc. 2: Gravieren (Ger.), Gravure (Fr.), Incisione (It.), Gravadura (Sp.)
Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post
Enguera: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Enkelte: (Dan.) few
Enniskillen Civil Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Enos: French post office in Ottoman Empire opened Jan. 1874, closed April 1875
En. Numbre: En numéraire(Fr.) payment for mail from abroad is to be made in coin, 1796
Enpfänger: (Ger.) addressee
En primeur cards: postcard-style announcement of new issues from Canada Post
Enrigistrationment: (Fr.) registration fee; French Colony revenue inscription
Ensayo: (Sp.) see: Essay
Enroulement: (Fr.) coil (of stamps)
Enschede, Joh.: printer of stamps for postal administrations, located in Haarlem, the Netherlands, founded 1703, produced its first postage stamps in 1862
Ensemble: (Fr.) complete set
Ensfarget: (Nor.) single color, monocolor
Enskilda lokalpost: (Swed.) private local post
Ensk. Lokalpost: Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post
Entero: (Sp.) see: Entire
Entero postal: (Sp.) postal stationery
Enteros: (Sp.) postal stationery with impressed stamps
Entier: (Fr.) see: Entire
Entier postal: (Fr.) postal stationery
Entire: 1: a complete envelope or postal card with stamp, postmark, address, etc. as originally received. 2: before the advent of envelopes, refers to part bearing the address of a multi-page letter
Entrada: (Sp.) entry, arrival; used on Spanish civil war covers to indicate arrival of letter in censorship department
Entraga immediata: (Sp.) U.S. military occupation of Cuba, error in spelling
Entrega: (Sp.) delivery
Entrega especial: (Sp.) special delivery
Entraga immediata: (Sp.) U.S. military occupation of Cuba, error in spelling
Entraga inmediata: (Sp.) immediate delivery, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, 1910-14
Entresuelo: (Sp.) mezzanine floor, found in addresses
Entry: subject made by rocking a transfer roll on to a printing base, used for intaglio or relief printing
Entwerten: see: Demonitize
Entwertet: (Ger.) see: Canceled
Entwertung: (Ger.) see: Cancellation
Entwurf: (Ger.) essays of proposed design for a stamp, used by Austria
En uso: (Sp.) see: Current
ENV: 1: estimated net value. 2: see: Envelope
Envasado: (Sp.) wrapped or bottled, found on Cadiz local tax stamps
Envelope: 1: form of wrapper or cover for letters. 2: machine made envelopes first made in France about 1790, but were not popular since they added to the weight. 3: first used by Egyptians and Assyrians to enclosed clay tablets in 3000 BC
Envelope cut square: the stamp portion of a stamped envelope that has been cut from the envelope in a square or rectangular shape
Envelope seal: usually circular paper seal used to seal envelopes; many also announced who sent the letter
Envelope stamp: stamp printed or embossed directly on the paper of the envelope, distinguishing it from an adhesive stamp
Enveloppe: (Fr.) cover, an envelope or a postally used envelope or one with a postal cancellation cover
Enveloppe premier jour(vol): (Fr.) first day cover (flight)
Envers: (Fr.) reversed, upside down
Envio: (Sp.) consignment
Envois Insuffisament: (Fr.) short paid or postage due handstamp
Envio no Normalizado: (Sp.) marking for irregular cover which does not conform to postal regulations
Envoyer: (Fr.) to send
EO: Special Delivery Official; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage
Eonikh: (Gr.) Greece postal tax stamps, 1914
Eo. So.: “Estado Soberano” sovereign state, Colombia
EP: see: Embedded phosphor paper
EP: 1. characters that look like this are parcel post or revenue issue in China, Japan or Korea. 2. occurs where an extra piece of paper falls across the plate blocking the printed ink from reaching the actual stamp paper
Épargne: term en epargne, “in relief” engraving to produce a die in relief printing where the non-printing surface is cut away
Épargne: (Fr.) savings plan; French Colony Revenue inscription
Epaulettes: term used for Belgium’s first issue of 1849 due to the epaulettes shown on the uniform of King Leopold. Epila: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Epire: (Fr.) Epirus
Epirus: part of Albania and Greece; currency: 100 lepta = 1 drachma 1912-pre belonged to Turkey, 1912-13: assigned to Albania after Balkan wars, issued postage stamps, 1914, Mar.2: proclaimed independent state, 1914, Feb.: No.1, 1 lepta black/blue, provisional stamps issued for Epirus as Chimarra, Koritsa and Greek occupation issues, 1916: occupied by Italians and French, 1940-41: Greece issued occupation stamps, Republika Korce
Epirus- “Hneipoe”: bogus, 1914-15, supposedly occupation stamps, never issued
EPJ: The Essay Proof Journal
Eplegrønn: (Nor.) apple-green (color)
EPM: Electronic Postmark, proof of who signed what documents, at what time and for what reasons
Epmakb: South Russia, Don issues
Epmpkb: South Russia, 1919
EPMM: auction abbreviation for erased pencil mark(s) in margin(s) on stamp sheets
Épreuve: 1. French Colony Revenue inscription. 2. (Fr.) proof, triail, essay
Épreuve d’artiste: (Fr.) artist’s or engraver’s proof
Épreuve d’couleur: (Fr.) color proof or color trial
Épreuve de luxe: (Fr.) presentation die proof
EPS: 1: encased postage stamp. 2: Emergency Postal Service, used at Shanghai, China. 3: Epsom’s Pirate P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Épuisé(e): (Fr.) out of print, out of stock, sold out
Equateur: (Fr.) Ecuador
Equatorial Africa, French: see: Chad, Gabon, Congo People’s Republic, Ubangi-Shari-Tchad
Equatorial Guinea, Republic of: Gulf of Guinea, West Africa; formerly Spanish colonies of Fernando Po and Rio Muni, currency:100 centimos = 1 peseta, 100 centimes = 1 ekuele (1973),100 centimes = 1 franc (1985) 1902: first stamp as Spanish Guinea, 1941: first air mail stamp, 1951: first semipostal stamp. 1968, Oct. 12: became independent, first stamps, 1968, Oct. 12: No.1, 1 peseta multicolor, 1970, July 24: joined the UPU
Equipaje: (Sp.) cancellation from railway baggage office
E.R.: 1: Great Britain (Without country name), 1952-67. 2: Eritrea; country code as used by UPU. 3: Delivery Tax, Spain. 3. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage
E.R.: “Edward Rex Imperator” overprint Transvaal
Eräffnung: (Ger.) inauguration
Erb: (Czech.) coat of arms
ERD: earliest recorded date
Erediti Gumizással: (Hung.) mint, never hinged
Erehwon, principality of: fantasy for Nowhere spelled backwards, by George Fabian
Erganzungsmarke: (Ger.) makeup-rate stamp without a value indicated
Erhalt: (Ger.) receipt
Erhaltung: (Ger.) condition; the quality of a stamp regarding color, centering, cancellation, and gum if mint all go into making up the term “condition.” Typical condition descriptions are Superb, Very Fine, Fine, Good, Average, or Poor. “Superb” means that everything about the stamp is perfect
E.R.I.: Edward Rex Imperator, overprint on stamps of South Africa for Transvaal
Erie & New England Express Company: parcel delivery firm serviced New England cities and towns; issued frank labels, and labels, year unknown
Erie Express: parcel delivery firm serviced the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad; issued frank stamps and labels; 1886-88
Eriksen Local Post: Drammen – J. Eriksen Local Post
Erinnerung: (Ger.) collection of commemorative labels
Erinnerungskarte: (Ger.) non-postal vignettes, reprints, etc
Erinnophilie: (Fr.) collection of labels, Cinderella collection
Erith City and Thanet: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Eritrea: former Italian colony in Northeast Africa, on Red Sea; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 liro, 100 cents = 1 birr (1991), 100 cents = 1 nakfa (1997) 1869-85: stamps of Egypt used, 1883-pre: Italian post offices used, 1885: Italian post offices, using stamps of Italian post offices abroad, 1890: united by Italy as colony called Eritrea, 1892: No. 1, 1 centesimi bronze/green, 1892-1930: stamps of Italy overprinted “Colonia Eritrea,” 1903: first postage due stamp, stamps of Italy overprinted, 1910: specially printed stamps released, 1910-30s: stamps inscribed “Eritrea Poste Italiane,” 1915: first semipostal stamp, stamps of Italy overprinted, 1934: first air mail stamp, 1934: stamps inscribed “Colonie Italiane Eritrea,” 1936, May: Italy took control of area, 1936-41: part of Italian East Africa, stamps also used in Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland, 1941, Jan.: Britain occupies area, 1941-52: British occupation, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “M.E.F,” (Middle East Force), 1948-50: No.1, 5 cent green; “B.M.A.Eritrea,” (British Military Administration Eritrea), overprint on stamps of Great Britain, offices in Eritrea, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept. 52: stamps of Britain overprinted “B.A.Eritrea” (British Administration Eritrea) when troops withdrew, 1952: annexed by Ethiopia, 1978: local provisional issues, EPLF (Eritrean people’s Liberation Front), 1991: Eritrean rebels issued own stamps, 1993, May 24: people voted for independence as Eritrea, 1993, Aug. 19: joined the UPU
Eritrea, British Administration of: 1950-52: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.A. Eritrea.”
Eritrea, British Military Administration of: 1948-50: stamps of Great Britain overprinted /surcharged “B.M. A. Eritrea.”
Eritrea, British Offices Abroad: 1948-50: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.M. A. Eritrea”. 1950-52: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.A. Eritrea”
Eritrea liberta: “Free Eritrea” bogus, by anti-Ethiopian groups, 1978, mostly in Switzerland
Erläuterungsblatt: (Ger.) black prints on publicity pages
Eroare: (Rom.) error
Eros Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Erreur: (Fr.) see: Error
Erreur d’couleur: (Fr.) color error
Error: 1: a philatelic item that has something wrong in the design or in its production that makes it different from the stated design; this can be in the perforations, color or printing, not to be confused with flaw. 2: a consistent abnormal variety created by a mistake in stamp production or in a postmark. 3: USPS term for a missorted piece of mail that must be rehandled within the post office before dispatch
Error de color: (Sp.) color error
Error de impresion: (Sp.) printing error
Error de reporte: (Sp.) error in the transfer of design from the master die to the transfer roller
Errore di colore: (It.) color error
Error of value: two different face values printed on one stamp; Sweden 1876-78
Errors, freaks and oddities (EFO): all postal items that are not made in the form or condition intended
Error stamp: the 1916 2¢ carmine printed with a 5 for a 2, reported by a P.O. circular May 2, 1917
Erseka: city in Albania, occupied by Greece in 1914, issued local stamps
Erstdruck: (Ger.) first printing
Erste k.k. pr. Donau Dampfschiffahrt Gesellschaft: inscription on stamps of Danube Steam Navigation Company, 1866-71
Ersten Weltkreiges: (Ger.) first World War (WW 1) (1914 / 1918)
Erstflug: (Ger.) first flight
Erstflugbrief: (Ger.) first flight cover
Ersttag: (Ger.) first day
Ersttag-Langstempel: (Ger.) first day special cancel of a non-circular date stamp
Ersttagsblatt: (Ger.) first day stamp on a commemorative page
Ersttagsbrief: (Ger.) first day cover
Ersttagstempel: (Ger.) first day cancellation
Ersttags-Zusatzstempel: (Ger.) first day supplemental postmark
E.R.T. (E.R. Tyler): see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Érték: (Hung.) value
Ervenyes: (Hung.) overprint for “Valid” on obsolete stamps of Hungary
Erweiterer aufdruck: (Ger.) overprint
Erythräa: (Ger.) Eritrea
Erythrée: (Fr.) Eritrea
ES: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Spain, such as ES 28013, Madrid. 2: Spain; country code as used by UPU. 3: auction abbreviation for Escudo (Portugal, Cape Verde). 4. overprint on stamps of Mexico for Sonora, 1914-15
ESA: European Space Agency, a consortium of 14 European nations to deal with space activities
ESC: “escudos” currency in Spain
Escarlata: (Sp.) scarlet (color)
Eschede, Joh.: stamp printer located in the Netherlands, founded in 1793, prints stamps for more than 60 countries
Escocia: (Sp.) Scotland
Escompte: (Fr.) discount
Escudo: currency unit used in Azores, Cape Verde, Madeira and Portugal
Escudo de armas: (Sp.) coat of arms
Escudo del Departamento de Managua: (Sp.) “Shield of the Department of Managua” Nicaragua, officials, 1905
Escuelas: (Sp.) “schools” Venezuela revenue inscription, when overprinted, for three patriots, stamps used for postage during shortage of regular stamps, March 1871-Aug. 1873 and in 1879-80
Escuelas de Tiro Naval: (Sp.) Naval gunnery schools, used on civil war postmarks
E.S. de Antioquia: (Sp.) “Estado Soberano,” inscription, sovereign state, Colombia-Antioquia
E.S.del T.: Colombia, Tolima Department
E.S. de Panama: (Sp.) “Estado Soberano” sovereign state, Panama, when state of Colombia
Esemplare: (It.) specimen
Eseu: (Rom.) essay
Esmeraldas: (Sp.) Ecuador with a control mark overprint, 1902
Esmerado: (Sp.) exact or correct, accurate
Esne: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1872-84
ESOC: European Space Operation center; ESA control center for tracking satellites
Esoterica: any item, besides a cover, postcard or envelope, that has been cancelled on the First Day and doesn’t fit any of the regular collecting categories
Espace: (Fr.) space (topical)
Espacio: (Sp.) space, used for gutter
Espagne: (Fr.) Spain
España: (Sp.) inscription for Spain and Spanish, 1863 and 1929, tilde may not appear in some inscriptions
Espana Franqueo: (Sp.) inscription for Carlist issues, Spain,1874-75, portrait of Carlos VII
España Sahara: (Sp.) Spanish Sahara
España Valencia: (Sp.) Spain Carlist issue of Valencia, 1874-75
Española, Republica: (Sp.) Spain, 1931-38
Esparraguera: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Esparto paper: made in Europe from esparto grass, smooth dense appearance similar to writing paper; used for stamps of New Zealand
Especial movil: (Sp.) adhesive fiscal stamps
Esperanat respubliko insulo rosoj: Republic of Isle of Roses; a 400 square meter platform constructed in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Rimini, Italy
Esperimento Posta Aerea Maggio 1917 Torino-Roma-Roma-Torino: world’s first air mail stamp overprint for experimental air mail flight between Rome and Turin, May 22, 1917
Espinardo: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Esplorazione Polare 1928/Ricerche Dirigible Italia: (It.) unofficial overprint on the 1.20 Lire stamp of Italy supposedly to honor Nobile’s polar flight
Espluga de Francoli: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Espluges de Llobregat: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Espot: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
ESSt., Ersttag-Langstempel: (Ger.) first day special cancel of a non-circular date stamp
E-Stamp Corp.: commercial firm selling computer-generated postage via the Internet
Esqiumeux postage: fantasy from the American Journal of Philately
Essai: (Fr.) see: Essay
Essay: 1: a trial design for a proposed postage stamp. 2: rejected and unused stamp design
Essequibo is Ours: overprint on stamps of Guyana as propaganda for possession of Essequibo river area from Venezuela, 1896
Essex Letter Express: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1856
Essex, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for Levant lines
Est.: 1. auction abbreviation estimated net value of an item. 2. (Rom.) east
Estacion: (Sp.) railway station, found in postmarks
Estacion de Invierno: (Sp.) winter resort, used in postmarks of Málaga
Estado(s): “state(e),” Spanish language countries
Estado da India: (Port.) inscription, Portuguese India, 1946-62
Estado de jipijapa: (Sp.) bogus Mexican state
Estado de Nicaragua: (Sp.) inscription, Nicaragua
Estado Español: (Sp.) Spanish state, used by Nationalists during the Civil War
Estado Guyana: (Sp.) inscription on locals, ships or arms design, Venezuela-Guayana
Estado S. del Tolima: (Sp.) inscription, Colombia-Tolima
Estado soberano de Bolivar: (Sp.) “sovereign state of Bolivar” Colombia-Bolivar
Estado Soberano de Santander: (Sp.)”sovereign state of Santander,” Colombia-Santander
Estados Pontificios: (Sp.) Papal States
Estados Unida de Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia-New Granada, 1861
Estados Unidos: (Sp.) United States
Estados Unidos de Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia (United States of New Granada)
Estados Unidos do Brasil: (Sp.) “United States of Brazil,” Brazil
Estafeta (de correos): (Sp.) post office
Estafeta de cambio: (Sp.) cancels refer to Foreign Section Sorting Offices
Estafeta de campaña: (Sp.) field post office
Estafetero: (Sp.) postmaster
Est African Allemand Occupation Belge: (Ger.) 1: overprint on stamps of Congo, Belgian East Africa overprint with new value; Belgian occupation, 1916-22. 2: without value for German East Africa
Estampado a mano: (Sp.) handstamped
Estampilla(e): (Sp.) handstamp (South America)
Estampillas de Correo-Contrasena: (Sp.) overprint on Escuelas stamps of Venezuela for provisional issues
Estampille à main: (Fr.) handstamp
Estanco: (Sp.) store licensed to sell postage and fiscal stamps
Estensi post: Italy, Modena, 1852
Estepona: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-38
Estero: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices Abroad, 1874-90
Estevan-Winnipeg: local, Canada, 1924
Estimated value: the valuation of a lot based on the auctioneer’s or consignor’s experiences, and not taken form any catalog or other pricing reference
Estland: 1. (Ger.) Estonia, German occupation, 1918, 1941-42. 2. (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Estonia
Estnisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Estonian
Eston: (Rom) Estonian (adj.)
Estonia: Baltic province of Russia, 1916-18: German Eastern Military Command and Russia overprint using Eesti Post, 1917: became independent from Russia, 1918: issued its own stamps and German occupation issues as surcharge on stamps of Russia, 1919, May 7: stamps of Russia handstamped Eesti Post, 1920: first semi-postal and air mail stamps, 1928: first commemorative stamp, 1939: Soviet forces occupied country due to Russo-German non-aggression pact, 1940: admitted into USSR, 1941, Sept. 29-April 30, 1944: German occupation stamps inscribed Estland and Ostland, 1944: re-occupied by Soviet Union, Russian stamps used 1991, Aug. 20: declared independence
Estonia: northern Europe, on the Baltic Sea; official name of postal administration: Eesti Post currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble (1918, 1991), 100 penni = 1 mark (1919), 100 sents =1 kroon (1928,1992) 1916-18: German Eastern Military Command and stamps of Russia overprint using Eesti Post, 1918: became independent from Russia, occupied by Germany, 1918, Feb. 24: issued its own stamps as well as German occupation issues as surcharge on stamps of Russia, 1918, Nov. 22: No.1, 5 kopecks pale red, Russian invasion, 1919, May 7: stamps of Russia handstamped Eesti Post, 1919, June 15: republic established, 1920, Mar. 13: first air mail stamp, 1920: first semipostal stamps, 1922, July 7: joined the UPU, 1940: Soviet forces occupied country based on Russo-German non-aggression pact, 1940: admitted into USSR, 1941, Sept. 29-April 30, 1942: German occupation stamps inscribed Estland and Ostland, 1944: re-occupied by Soviet Union, Russian stamps used 1991, Aug. 20: declared independence from USSR, 1992, April 30: rejoined the UPU
Estonie: (Fr.) Estonia
Estonsko: (Czech.) Estonia
Estonsky: (Czech.) Estonian
Estopost: local strike post, Canada, 1978
Estrella: (Sp.) star, Carlist overprint of 1872-73
Estucado: (Sp.) chalky (paper)
E. S. Wester Local Post: Hälsingborg – E. S. Wester Local Post
Észak: (Hung.) north
Észak-Borneo: (Hung.) North Borneo
Észt: (Hung.) Estonian
ET: 1: Ethiopia; country code as used by UPU. 2: “state,: French language countries
Et: (Dan.) one (number)
ETA: Brazil, private airmail carrier
Etablissements dans (de) l’Inde: (Fr.) French India, 1892-1907
Etablissements de l’Océanie: (Fr.) French Oceania, 1892-1955
Etablissements des Détroits: (Fr.) Straits Settlements
Établissements Français dans l’Inde: (Fr.) “French Indian Settlements ,” French Empire in India, 1859-92: French Colonies general issues, 1892, Nov.-1907: first stamps issued
Etappenpostamt: (Ger.) Austrian Base Post Office
État: (Fr.) 1: state, condition (of stamps or covers). 2: “state, French language countries.”
Etat Autonome du Sud-kasai: South Kasai overprint on stamps of Congo, not recognized as a state
État civil: local registry office; French Colony Revenue inscription
Etat Comorien: see: Comoro Islands
Etat domino: Donald Evans issue
Etat du Cameroun: Cameroun
Etats du Golfe Persique: (Fr.) Trucial States
Etat du Inchi ya Katanga: province of Katanga
Etat Francais: (Fr.) inscription, France, German occupation, 1940-44
Etat Ind. du Congo: (Fr.) Congo Free State, 1886-1908
Etats de l’Eglise: (Fr.) Roman States
Etats Feudataires de l’Inde: (Fr.) Feudatory States of India
Etats Indiens: (Fr.) Indian States
Etats Malais Federes: (Fr.) Federated Malay States
Etats Unis d’Amerique: (Fr.) United States of America
ETB: (Ger.) abbreviation for first day
Etching: the eating away of metal to produce a design drawn by hand
E.T.E.D.: (E.T.E. Dalton) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guina, 1850-51 issue
ETF: (Fr.) Espagne Transit Francaise, used as a pre-adhesive postmark on Spanish mail in transit from France
Ethics, Philatelic Code of: American Philatelic Society, American Topical Association and Society of Philatelic Americans jointly adopted a code in 1979
Ethiopia: formerly known as Abyssinia, Northeastern Africa; currency: 16 guerche = 1 menelik dollar = 1 maria theresa dollar, 100 centimes = 1 franc (1905), 40 paras = 1 piaster (1908), 16 mehalek = 1 thaler = 1 talari (1928), 100 centimes = 1 thaler (1936), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1946), 100 cents = 1 birr = 1 dollar (1978) 1895, Jan.: No.1, 1/4 guerche green, stamps first issued, first postage due stamp, 1908, Nov. 1: joined the UPU, 1929, Aug.7: first air mail stamp, 1935-36: occupied by Italy, 1936, May 22: Italian Colonial stamps inscribed Ethiopia, 1936, Feb. 24: first semipostal stamp, 1938: incorporated into Italian East Africa, 1941: liberated by British force, British and Kenya stamps used at Addis Ababa, 1942, March 23: first stamps on restoration of independence, 1945, Aug. 7: “V” overprint for liberation from Italy, 1952, Sep.11: Ethiopia included former Italian colony of Eritrea
Ethiopia, free: charity labels made to look like postage stamps
Ethiopia, French Offices: 1906-08: first stamps inscribed Levant, with values in French instead of Turkish currency, 1908: offices closed when Ethiopia joined the UPU
Ethiopie: (Fr.) handstamp overprint, Ethiopia.1901
Ethiopiennes: Ethiopia, 1909-17
Ethopia: Ethiopia, 1950-, see: Abyssinia
Ethiopie: Ethiopia, 1901-49
Etiketter: (Nor.) Portoetiketter
Etiopia: (It., Sp.) inscription, Ethiopia, Italian Occupation, 1936
Etiopien: (Swed.) Ethiopia
Etiopisk: (Swed.) Ethiopian
Etiqueta: (Sp.) etiquette, label, sticker
Etiquettes: any sticker or label prepared by a government, airline and private firms to denote a type of service such as air mail, registration, certified, etc
ETO: European Theater of Operations, also used as a military postal abbreviation
Étoile: (Fr.) star (cancel)
Étranger: (Fr.) foreign, abroad
Ets. Francs. de l’Oceanie: French Oceania, Polynesia
Etsning: (Swed.) etching
Ettlingen: local, displaced persons camp, 1946
EU: 1: auction abbreviation for topical Europa. 2: Eustice: The Australian Air Mail Catalog Europa: stamps issued since 1956, in the PostEurop nations, with a common generic design
EU: Colombia-Scadta consular overprints, sold in the United States
E.U. de Colombia: (Sp.) Colombia air mail overprint
E.U. do Brasil: (Port.) “Estados Unidos ,” United States of Brazil, inscription on newspaper stamps, 1890-93
EUM: Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Sp.) watermark on stamps of Mexico
Eupen, Eupen and Malmédy: eastern part of Belgium; 1850: used stamps of Prussia, 1867: stamp dealer J. B. Moens issued own cinderellas, 1868-71: used stamps of the North German Confederation, 1871: used stamps of Germany, 1920, Jan. 15: ceded by Germany to Belgium by Treaty of Versailles, 1920-21: Eupen and Malmédy overprints on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation of Germany, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1925: Belgium stamps used, 1940, May: incorporated into the Third Reich, 1940, July 25: German semipostal issued for reunion of area with Germany, 1945: now part of the eastern cantons of Belgium, includes Moresnet
Europa: (Nor.) Europe
Europa Courier M.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Europafrica: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1963-64
Europa Mail Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Europarådet: (Dan.) Council of Europe
Europarat: (Ger.) Council of Europa
Europasamlinger: (Swed.) European collections
European Union (EU): a union of independent states took effect Nov. 1, 1993, to enhance political, economic and social cooperation; formerly known as European Community (EC) or European Economic Community (EEC); members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
European Year of Languages: celebrated in 2001 to celebrate linguistic diversity among Europeans
Européisk: (Nor.) European
Euskeria: propaganda label with Basques name for their own country in Spain, 1900s.
E US postage: United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¢, 1988
Eustis: Australia Airmail Catalogue Numbers
Euzkadi: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937, Basque republic
Evaluation: (Fr.) see: Estimated value
Évalué(e): (Fr.) estimated
Evans, Donald: 1945-76, artist who painted stamp art as nations, did over 4,000 stamps, see: World of Donald Evans by Willy Eisenhart
Evenkia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage
Event cover: cacheted cover made as a souvenir of an event or an anniversary of an event
Event program: list of speakers or events in a stamp release program
Everywhere Mail Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Evesham Stamp Club: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Evreiesc: (Rom.) Jewish
Evreu: (Rom.) Hebrew
Evridoor Emergency Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Evropa: (Czech.) Europe
Evropsky: (Czech.) Europeean
EX: 1: Personal Delivery (Czechoslovakia, Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: auction abbreviation for topical exposition. 3:Exercise
Ex-(Ferrari): Ex- followed by name of famous collector indicates that the philatelic item was once in that philatelist’s collection
Exaccion: (Sp.) tax, fee, levy, found on fiscal locals
Examiner’s mark (Examined): postmark applied to denote examination by censors
Excelsior Match: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Excelsior Match Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Excess ink on stamps: caused by ink splatters, smears, wiping flaws or undried ink from previous stamps
Exchange: send mail to, or receive mail from, another country
Exchange: on U.S. registration label; used for registered mail that originated in another country and went through the U.S. to ultimate destination
Exchange club: stamp club where members circulate material by mail, usually individually priced
Exchange labels: term for registered mail labels in postal facilities authorized to handle inbound and outgoing foreign registered mail
Exchange offices: post office designated for dispatch and receipt of mails from foreign countries, can receive and send closed sacks of mail
Exchange ship mail: WW II ships met in neutral ports to exchange civilians that were stranded overseas due to the ear’s outbreak, and also exchanged mail at the same time
Executive: inscription on U.S. officials
Exelgram: technique used by Australia Post to cover a printed image with embossed plastic foil to scatter the light reflecting two different colors depending on how it is viewed
Exemplaire: (Fr.) example, unit (of a stamp, book, etc.)
Exenta de censura: (Sp.) exempt from censorship
Exercito/en operacoes/contra/o Paraguay: (Port.) “Army on Operations against Paraguay” inscription on stamps of Brazil in war with Paraguay, 1865-70
Exeter Emergency Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Exhibice: (Czech.) exhibition
Exhibition cover: envelope or post card issued in connection with an exhibition, as determined by stamp, cachet or postmark; Italy may have issued the first in1894
Exhibition labels, postmarks: poster stamps to advertise an exhibition; first commemorative labels, 1845; first commemorative cancels, 1855
Exhibition sheets: souvenir sheets issued at an exhibition, containing a stamp(s) with postal value
Exile stamps: issued by governments operating in exile when invaded
Exiled government posts: postal services forces into exile and operated by governments in time of war, Belgian government exile post established at le Havre, France in 1914 due to German occupation
EXP: Expeditionary
EXP. I: (Ger.) first delivery of the post
EXP. II: (Ger.) second delivery of the post, 1847
Expatriated post: country overrun by enemy transferred their governments and continued to issue stamps; frequently issued by ships at sea
Expédier: (Fr.) forward
Expediteur: (Fr.) sender
Expédition: (Fr.) dispatch fee; French Colony revenue inscription
Expedition stamps: stamps made for use of scientific or exploratory expeditions, first Indian stamps overprinted for China Expeditionary Force in1900
Exped. Scient: (with Oriental characters); China
Exemplair: (Fr.) specimen
Expendido: (Sp.) issued and placed on sale
Experimento del Cohete Postal: (Sp.) experimental postal rocket flight; first official stamp issued
Experimento posta aero: overprint on special delivery stamps of Italy, air mail, 1917, world’s first air mail stamp, Torino-Rome and back
Expert committee: a recognized body who, for a fee, will examine and render an opinion relating to stamps or covers, judged by their acknowledged experts to be genuine or false
Expertisé: (Fr.) see: Expertized
Expertizacion: (Sp.) expertization
Expertizado: (Sp.) see: Expertized
Expertized: a postage stamp or postal history item which has been examined by an authority as being genuine, accompanied by the expertizer’s signature on the item, or by a signed photo certificate
Expertizer / Expertizing committee: mutually agreed upon competent authority recognized as being qualified to certify the identification, authenticity, quality attributes and/or status of philatelic materials
Expertizing: the process of conducting an examination of a philatelic item
Expertizing certificate: document stating the opinions arrived at by one or more experts in the course of examining a philatelic item
Exploded booklet: disassembled booklet including stamp panes, interleaves, covers, and staple
Exploded cover: cover opened on three sides to display front and back
Expo: abbreviation for exposition
Exponat: (Ger.) stamp exhibit
Exponát: (Czech.) exhibit
Exp on de Industrias de Madrid: (Sp.) Madrid Industrial Exhibition, 1907, although stamps marked “Correos” they were only valid for postal use within the exposition grounds; considered a cinderella or local post
Exporta issue: Mexican definitive stamp series featuring export products
Export Letter Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Exporters Letter Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Exposant: (Fr.) exhibitor
Exposicion conmemorativa (centenario) del sello español: (Sp.) Stamp exhibition for centenary of first Spanish stamps, held in Madrid, Oct. 12-22, 1950
Exposicion de Barcelona: Spain exhibition, 1929-30
Exposicion General Espanola: Spain general exhibition
Exposicion Gral Sevilla Barcelona: Spanish exhibition in Barcelona
Exposition 1949: overprint Ethiopia
Exposition Coloniale Internationale Paris 1931: (without colony name) France colonial exhibition
Exposition Industrielle Damas 1929: Syria
Expozitie: (Rom.) exhibition
Expozytura Zan. Polowek w Kowel: (Pol.) field military police office in Kowel handstamp, 1919, local issue
Expres: (Czech.) express, express mail
Exprès: (timbres) (Fr.) express, stamps indicating that the mail piece should be delivered as soon as possible
Expres-Compagni: local, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1880-82
Expreso: (Sp.) 1: inscription/overprint for special delivery. 2: night express train, found in postmarks
Expreso Caribe: local post, Colombia
Expreso Colombiano: produced by private firm, Ribin e Hijo (Ribon and Sons) who were granted the right to carry mail in 1923; issued express stamps, including pigeon-design labels that were never used
Expreso Tobon: local express stamp, Colombia, 1928
Express: stamps indicating that the mail piece should be delivered as soon as possible
Express air mail: 1: stamps expressly made for air express services. 2: priority air mail service at a higher rate than regular air mail
Expressbrev: (Swed.) express letters
Express-Compagnie: local, Dresden, Germany 1861-67
Express company labels: labels used for mail handled by private U.S. carriers, with a new label being added when the parcel was passed to another carrier
Express Courier Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Express delivery: (Sp.) 1: overprint for special delivery, Mauritius. 2: inscription for special delivery, New Zealand
Express Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Express delivery stamps: used by private firms to indicate prepayment of charges on mail transmitted by their services
Express d’Orient: (Fr.) Orient Express, local post, Levant, 1883
Expresses: firms that delivered mail between cities; some issued their own adhesives
Express labels: adhesive labels made to denote express and special delivery services
Express Mail (Perron): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Express mail: USPS premium delivery service with guaranteed overnight delivery service Espresso: (It.) “express,” Italy, domestic express mail
Express Shipping Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Expresso: special delivery, Spanish and Portuguese languages
Express-Packet-Beforderung Schumann: local, Chemnitz, Germany, about 1890
Express-Packet-Verkehr: 1: local, Cologne, Germany, about 1886-1900. 2: local, Dresden, Germany, 1885-1916
Express Parcels Delivery Co Ltd.: London, Great Britain parcels local post, 1864-66
Express Post One Cent: label of unknown origin
Express stamps: postage stamps stating fee paid for accelerated mail, first government issue was the U.S. in 1885
Extension: the time period allowed by the auctioneer for certification of lots purchased at auction by an Expertizer/Expertising Committee
Extension perf hole: perforation pattern where row of perforations is extended by one hole into either or both margins
Exterior: with Mercury design, inscription on stamps of Uruguay, parcel post
Extensive cleaning: covers which have had a considerable portion cleaned by either chemical or mechanical methods
Exterior: (with Mercury design) Uruguay, parcel post
Extra fine (XF): stamp condition
Extraneous paper (EP): paper, that doesn’t belong in that spot, when removed, may show an unprinted portion of stamp paper with partially or totally missing colors
Extranjero: (Sp.) foreign, from abroad
Extraordinary surcharge: General Postal Union regulations permitted extra fee on two routes due to long distances; mail within India and mail which traveled the continental USA between San Francisco and New York; see: G.P.U
Extremely Fine: almost perfectly centered, imperforate stamps will have margins slightly larger than normal, perforated issues will have the design clear on all sides; ref.: Scott Catalogue
EXUP XI 1978: overprint on Canadian stamp applied privately for an exhibition in Montreal
EY: Authorized Delivery, Italy; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage
Eynhallow: Holy Island, Scotland local carriage label,1974-84
EZ, E-Z: Ellington-Zwisler: Rocket Mail Catalog
EzGrader: computer program used to grade stamps
Éztország: (Hung.) Estonia
Ezer: (Hung.) one-thousand (number).