Glossary – D


D: 1: Pneumatic Post, (Italy) Scott catalogue prefixes to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: (With no country name, with value and Queen’s cameo) Great Britain pence, monetary unit. 3: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Denmark,1921-23. 4: Netherlands East Indies overprint. 5: US nondenominated stamp, valued 22¢, placed on sale Feb.1, 1985. 6: embossed with eagle and United States of America: Virginia Custom House revenue seal, 1813-16. 7: abbreviation of devuelvase (Sp.), to return, written on front of envelopes to be returned to sender. 8: overprint of a white “D” in a black circle on 19th century Netherlands stamps indicates it as an official stamp. 9: in three corners of triangular 50th personal delivery; postage due of Czechoslovakia. 10: precedes the country code in addresses. 11: décime (Fr.) 10% tax, 1830. 12: (Irish), used with “Post Paid” and “free” Dublin 1762 onwards. 13: disinfetto (It.) disinfected. 14: surmounted by crown (Pol.) Dubno, city in Belorussia (Belarus), 1788-90. 15: 1D, in circle, one décime (Fr.) additional 10% tax on rural letters, 1834. 16: prefix used by Dittler Bros. located in front of the plate number on its stamp production. 17: destinatario (It.) payed by receiver. 18: auction abbreviation for document
D: currency abbreviation for 1: Drachma (Greece). 2: Dinar (Algeria, Bahrain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Montenegro, Sudan, Tunisia, Yugoslavia). 3: Dalasi (Gambia). 4: Denar (Macedonia). 5: Dirham (Morocco, United Arab Emirates). 6: Dong (Viet Nam). 7: Dibra (St. Thomas and Prince). 8: Dram (Armenia)
d’, dkl’: (Ger.) “dunkel” catalogue abbreviation for dark/deep
Dabber: cloth pad, sometimes with an ink roller, which is used by the printer to apply ink to a printing surface
Dacca: now Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dachau Allach: local post, German displaced persons camp, 1945, former concentration camp
Daffodil Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Dag: registered trademark of Acheson Colloids Ltd. for their graphite, Naphthadag
Dagestan: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps
Dag Hamarsjöld: 1962 overprint on stamps of Afghanistan, in memory of U.N. Secretary General
Dahlak Islands: labels produced for scientific expedition to explore Ethiopian coastal islands
Dahomey: formerly part of French West Africa – New People’s Republic of Benin – located on west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1889, Aug. 1: decree created Établissements française du golfe de Benin, French area of the Gulf of Benin, 1894, June 22: kingdom, annexed by France, incorporated into colony of Dahomey; 1895: part of French West Africa, 1899: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, stamps replacing Benin issues, postmarked ‘Hait Dahomey,’ 1904: became part of the Federation of French West Africa, using its own stamps,1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940: first air mail stamp issued, 1945: stamps of French West Africa replaced Dahomey, 1946: made an Overseas Territory of France, 1958, Dec. 4: became Republic of Dahomey within French Community, issued own stamps, 1975, Nov. 30: name changed to People’s Republic of Benin, 1990: named changed to Republic of Benin; Benin
Daimiel: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Dai Nippon: (Jap.) Land of the Rising Sun
Dai Nippon 2602: Japanese Year equivalent to 1942, overprint on Malaya and States for Japanese Occupation
Dairen: now known as Ta-lien, China, 1946: overprinted stamps of Japan and Manchukuo; see: China, Regional Issues
DAK: 1: Dakota Territory, when used in a postmark. 2: Indian States term for mails, post. 3: Deutsch Afrika Korps
Dakar-Abidjan: 1959, Mar. 21, inscription for former country of French West Africa, used in Ivory Coast and Senegal
Dakooa: Indian State term for man who attended to horses and the couriers, as well as receive and exchange mails at post stops in India
Dakota: U.S. territory March 2, 1861; cut from Minnesota and Nebraska territories
Daley’s Express: local baggage firm serviced Newton, N.Y. and New York City; used labels; 1850s
Dalley’s Galvanic Horse Salve: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Dalley’s Magical Pain Extractor: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Dalmacija: bogus, Jugoslavia
Dalmanacia: (Sp.) Dalmatia
Dalmatia: former Italian enclave in Yugoslavia, northwestern part of Balkan Peninsula; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 corona 1919, May 1: No. 1, 1 corona brown/green, stamps of Italy surcharged, issued during occupation, 1921, Feb.: stamps of Italy overprinted in local currency for Zaro, 1922: stamps of Italy used, 1945: became part of Yugoslavia, 1991: bogus overprint from Yugoslavia, Croatia
Dalmatia, Austrian Limited Company of Steamship Navigation: lines included Trieste-Metcovich, Trieste-Curzola, and 30 additional shuttle service lines; started in 1908
Dalmatien: (Ger.) Dalmatia
Dalmazia: (It.) Dalmatia
Dalton, Ga. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Dalziel, Commonwealth of: bogus, non-existent entity
Damaged: flaw, resulting from external factors or defect printing materials, such as where the stamp design has been cut into, rubbed or seared, or paper is creased, thinned or torn
Damaged label: USPS “Received in Damaged Condition” self-adhesive label initiated Fall, 2000, can also be used to seal torn mail
Damaged mail: mail damaged in transit; may have received a special marking applied by the postal administration
Damanhour: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1864-84
Dam Batai: bogus issue from Burma
Damenbrief (German) small size cover (“lady’s letter”)
Damiette: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1864-84
Dampferpost: (Ger.) mail steamer
Damp PostSkip: (Ice.) steam postal ship or mail steamer
Dampfschiff (German) steamer
Dampskib: (Dan.) steamship, steamer
Dampskip: (Nor.) steamboat, steamer, steamship
Damus Patimus Que Vicissim: (Latin) we give and expect in return, inscription on British Guiana one cent magenta
Dán: (Hung.) Danish
Dañado: (Sp.) damaged
Da Nang: formerly Tourane, Vietnam
Dan Chu Kong Hoa: inscription on stamps of independent republic of South Vietnam; 1955, June 6
D & B S. L. S.: Constantinople & Danube Line of Steamers
DANCON: Danish Contingent; UNTAG
Dandy roll: wire roller which bears down on the paper pulp as it comes from the vats and gives the finished paper its watermark
Dänemark: (Ger.) Denmark, field post of the Danish Legion, German occupation, 1944. Danimarco: (It.) Denmark
Danez: (Rom) Danish (adj.)
Dánia: (Hung.) Denmark
Dänisch Westindien: (Ger.) Danish West Indies
Danish Antilles: 1887: joined the UPU, 1916, Aug. 4 -Mar. 31, 1917: changed UPU affiliation to Islands with the USA
Danish Colonies: 1877, Sep. 1: affiliated with the UPU, Danish Antilles added later in 1887
Danish Railway Stamps: first stamps in 1865 were issued by the Jydsk-Fysenske Railways; used for parcels
Danish West Indies: islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John, former Danish territories; currency: 100 bit = 1 franc (1905), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1917) 1840: Danish king issued Royal Grant to Royal Mail Steam Packet Company to provide mail service to and from St. Thomas. 1856, Nov. 1: Danish West Indies post office opened, No.1, 3¢ dark carmine, own stamps issued; 1865-79: British Post Office used British stamps on packet letters, postmarked C51, 1877, Sept. 1: joined the UPU, 1902: first postage due stamp issued, 1917, April 1: U.S. purchased the islands, now known as the U.S. Virgin Islands, 1917, Sept. 30: Danish West Indies stamps valid until this date
Danish West Indies, forged issues: 1: 1874 crown and post horn, Sc. 5-7, 9, 12. 2: 1902 postage dues, Sc. J1-J4. 3: 1905 postage due numeral, Sc. J5
Dankof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1873-1016
Danmark: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Denmark
Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945: overprint on stamps of Greenland for Liberation of Denmark
Danmörku: (Ice.) arrived cancel for uncanceled mail
Danneggiato: (It.) damaged
DANOR: troops from Denmark and Norway serving as United Nations peacekeeping forces in Egypt area
Dampskib: (Dan.) steamship, steamer
Dansk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Danish
Danska Västindien: (Swed.) Danish West Indies
Danske skeppspost: (Swed.) Danish ship mail (ship post)
Danske skibspost: (Dan.) Danish ship mail (ship post)
Danske skipspost: (Nor.) Danish ship mail (ship post)
Danske statsbaner: (Dan.) (abbr. DSB) Danish State Railways
Dánsko: (Czech.) Denmark
Dansk Vestindien: 1. (Dan.) inscription on early stamps of Danish West Indies. 2. (Dan., Nor.) Danish West Indies
Dansk Vestindiske Oer: (Dan.) inscription on stamps of Danish West Indies, 1874-1901
Dánsky: (Czech.) Danish
Dans l’Inde: inscription on stamps of French India; became part of India during 1949 to 1954
Dantelat: (Rom.) perforated
Dantelura, dantelurile: (Rom.) perforation, perforations
Dantelura in linie: (Rom.) line perforation
Dantelura in pieptene: (Rom.) comb perforation
Dantelura in casete: (Rom.) box perforation
Dantelurile mixte: (Rom.) mixed perforations, compound perforations
Dantzig: (Fr.) Danzig. Danube Steam Navigation (Packet) Company: founded in Vienna; 1829: secured contracts to carry Austrian Consular Post to all countries on the Danube River, 1866: issued Levant local post stamps, valid until 1880
Danube Steam Navigation Company: the “Donau-Dampfschiffahrt-Gesellschaft” (“D.D.S.G.”) was organized in Vienna in 1830, with ships sailing from Linz. Since the Vienna-Constantinople railroad was not completed until some 40 years later, the shipping line provided valuable services not only in the countries through which the Danube River flowed, but also for trade with the Turkish Empire, as well as for the Austrian public, military and consular post offices, as the Turkish authorities made no provisions for efficient communications. The D.D.S.G. was appointed an official carrier for the Austrian Post Office in 1846, but were allowed to carry private mail from the Austrian frontier eastwards from Orsova, Romania. In 1866, the Consular Post Office at Galatz (Rom. Galata) closed, becoming the D.D.S.G.’s agency. Several 10 and 17 Kreuzer local stamps were issued during 1866-1879 for use at that agency, but their use was extended to many of the D.D.S.G. offices in cities in various countries sharing the Danube River waterway. The D.D.S.G. postal services ceased in 1879 because the various countries sharing the Danube organized their own national postal services
Danubian Principalities: Moldavia and Wallachia; 1850-post: Turkish post offices handled mail, 1859: declared independence and united, 1861: became principality of Romania
Danville, Va. 5 cents, Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Danzica: (It.) Danzig
Danzig: Baltic seaport in northern Europe; currency: 100 pfenning = 1 gulden (1923), 100 pfennig = 1 mark 1657: included in British Post Office Act of commercial important towns, 1854-55: base of British Baltic Fleet during Crimean War, operated a postal service, 1872: incorporated into the German Empire, 1920: Free City created with German stamps initially used, 1920, June 15: No. 1, 5 pfennigs green, overprints for Free City and State of Danzig used, 1920, Sep. 29: first air mail stamp issued, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1921: first official, semipostal, postage due stamps issued, 1939, Sep.18: occupied by Germany, 1945: Danzig awarded to Poland and renamed Gdansk; Port Gdansk, Poland
Danziger Verkehrsbureau: Danzig Travel Office
Danzig, Exilregierunbg der Freien Stadt: bogus, Danzig for Free State, exile group
Danzig, Polish Offices: 1938: first commemorative stamp
Danzig Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society section dealing with stamps of Danzig
Daphso Island: bogus issue for island in South China Sea
Dara: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80
Dardanelles: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1871
Dardanelles: overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkey, 1910
Dar el Beida: also known as Casablanca, Morocco
Darius-Girenas/New York-1933-Kaunas: overprint on air mail stamps of Lithuania 1932 issue
Darmstadtbrief: (Ger.) experimental cover of the postal technical bureau of Darrmstadt
Darmstadt label: proof of South Africa’s Riebeeck’s ship stamp made on floral design watermarked paper as a demonstration of a new process to the South African government
Darnah: formerly Derna, Libya
Darrah overprints: John Darrah, U.S. postmaster in Shanghai, used a rubber stamp to “Shanghai, China” overprints on U.S. stamps
Darstellung (German) design
Dashes, electric-eye: marks on sheet margins that activate machines that perforates the stamps after they have been printed
Dashkhovuz: bogus, not valid for postage
Das Island: British post office in use Dec. 1960-Mar. 29, 1964, used stamps of the British Postal Agencies of Eastern Arabia; see: Abu Dhabi
Data d’emissione: (It.) date of issue
Datapost: British Post Office term for express mail service introduced in 1971 with next-day delivery in any part of the United Kingdom
Date cut: Date marks
Dated precancel: a U.S. precanceled stamp that includes a date in the cancel
Dated corners: several sheets of French area stamps have the date printed in the margin, 1922
Dated stamps: stamps that include the date of manufacture in their design
Date marks: cuts in the Jubilee Line of some of the King Edward VII British stamps show the year of printing; if under the last stamp in the bottom row, it indicates stamp printed in 1912
Date stamp: postmark that shows the date and sometimes the hour of the cancellation
Date stamp, earliest: devised by Henry Bishop, postmaster general of Great Britain, who made it in reply to criticism of letters delayed in the post.
Datia: overprint on stamps of India for Duttia, 1897; see: Duttia
Datum: (Ger.) date
Datum Vydání: (Czech.) date of issue
Dauerausgabe: (Ger.) definitive issue
Dauermarke: (Ger.) definitive series
D.A.V.: Disabled American Veterans, major user of U.S. coil stamps affixed to donation appeals
Davaar: local post, Great Britain carriage label for island off coast of Scotland, 1964-1973
Davaar Authorized M.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Davenport, Mason & Co.’s Express: local parcel firm serviced Mass. towns and New York City; used labels, year unknown
David Maxbrayne, Ltd.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Davies, Turner & Co., Foreign Express: private delivery firm that serviced all foreign points; used a corner card and labels; 1870-1900s
Davis & Co.’s Express: local parcel express firm serviced Boston, Providence and Pawtucket, Maine; used a label, year unknown
Davis’ Express-MA: local parcel firm serviced Boston and Waltham, Mass.; used labels, year unknown
Davis’ Express-NJ: local parcel firm serviced Philadelphia, Pa. and Camden, N.J., used a label, year unknown
Davis, G.W.H.: see: U. S. Private die match proprietary stamps
Davis’s Penny Post: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1856
Davis, Perry & Son: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Dawk: (Hindu) post; Scinde Hawk
Dayan Night Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Dayan’s Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Day Dream Island: publicity label produced by Queensland hotel
Day of the Stamp: started in 1936 by the International Federation of Philately (FIP) for nations to celebrate “The Day of the Stamp” on one Sunday each year
Day’s folly: the intentionally produced inverted issue of the Dag Hammarskjold memorial stamp, refers to Postmaster General Day, who authorized the invert reprint
Dayton’s Dies: envelopes manufactured by Mercantile Corp., Dayton, Ohio from dies prepared by manufacturers instead of the government
Dazio: (It.) tax or duty on letters and packages, used by Venetian government, 1667-88
D.B.: Destitute Board, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
D.B.L.: 1: overprint on stamps of Russia for Far Eastern Republic, 1920. 2: overprint with three additional bars on stamps of Russia for Siberia
D B P: 1. (Ger.) abbreviation for Deutsche Bundespost, Federal post office; 2. script monogram overprint on stamps of Russia for Far Eastern Republic, 1919-20
D.B.S.R.: Danube and Black Sea Railway, local post
D.B.S.R. Local Railroad Post: Romania – D.B.S.R. Local Railroad Post
DBZ: Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung, German language philatelic publication
DC: USPS abbreviation for District of Columbia
D.C.: District of Columbia, Washington, D.C
DCDS: Double Circular Date Stamp
DC/M from FC: boxed handstamps for diplomatic pouch mail indicating Division of Central Services/Mail from Foreign Country
DD: District Deopt
D-Day: June 6, 1944, the day the Allies invaded Europe in World War II A.: inscription for Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 1868-1904
D.D.F.A.D.B.RHIN: Dusseldorf, Armée du Bas-Rhin (Fr.) 1760
D.D.G.S.: Donau-Dampfschiff-fahrts Gesellschaft (Aust.) Danube Steam Navigation Co
D.D.P.O.: Dum Dum Post Office, India, 1843-46
DDR: Deutsche Demokratische Republik, German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
D.D.S.G.: Donau-Dampfschiff-fahrts Gesellschaft (Aust.) Danube Steam Navigation Co
DE: 1: Germany, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS abbreviation for Delaware. 3. overprint on stamps of Ecuador for Tunguraugua
Dé: (Fr.) die
Deacidification: a chemical treatment that neutralizes the acid in paper
Dead: term used when the stamp paper in nonreactive to longwave Ultraviolet light
Dead country: a country that has ceased existence as a political entity, and no longer issues stamps
Dead horse: U.S. Trans-Mississippi issue of 1898, showing a family with wagon and a dead horse
Dead letter: an item of mail that is undeliverable due to poor address or addressee is deceased or untraceable
Dead Letter Clerks: postal employees in Dead Letter Office; only federal officials authorized to open and read mail without a court order
Dead Letter Office (DLO): a post office branch that opens undeliverable mail to ascertain the name and address of the sender, if possible
Dead mail: mail that is undeliverable as addressed and cannot be returned to sender, may be nonmailable, sender unknown, or the mail class paid for does not provide return service
Dear Doctor: a series of postcards, sponsored by Abbott Laboratories in the 1950s, mailed to doctors in the US from various countries, touting an anesthetic
Deasupra: (Rom.) above
Death mask: term given to Serbian commemorative series of 1904; when stamp is inverted, the features of the previous assassinated monarch, King Alexander, is revealed
DEBRA: (Ger.) DEutsche BRiefmarken Austellung; German stamp Exhibition
Debrecen: city (capital) in Hajdú-Bihar county in East Hungary occupied by Romanian forces in 1919; occupation stamps issued during 1919-1920 are known as the “1st”and “2nd-Debrecen Issues.”
Debreczin, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1850s: built for Lower Danube lines, express mail service
Deb’s Colony Postage: fantasy from American Journal of Philately
Début: (Fr.) beginning selling price of the lot; can represent one bid over the second highest book bid, the highest book bid or the reserve price for the lot
Decal: design or text affixed to a cover to act as a cachet
Decalco: (It.) offset
Décalé(e): (Fr.) shifted, displaced
Décaler: (Fr.) offset
Decalomania: the study of labels and posters
Decazeville: local provisional, France, 1944
Décédé: (Fr.) deceased, dead
Decembrie: (Rom.) June
Décentré(e): (Fr.) off center
Déchirure: (Fr.) tear
Dechna: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-82
Dechromed: softened state of a printing sleeve, after the removal of the chrome coating, so that the surface can be repaired and then rechromed
Decimal denomination: a stamp whose value includes hundreth’s of a pound (e.g., £1.50) vs £/shilling/pence
Decimal provisionals: provisional surcharges on the stamps of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland for the introduction of decimal currency in 1961
Decja Posta: children’s stamps; Toy stamps
Deckel: (Ger.) cover (booklet)
Deckle straps: papermaking term for straps on machine to keep the pulp from flowing over the sides to maintain width of sheet
Decoder: a clear acrylic lens sold by the USPS, that can be used to find hidden messages as part of the design on recent U. S. stamps; see: Encoded designs, Scrambled indicia
Decorative banner: name given to the margin on top of some commemorative panes; with no postal value
Decorative watermark: usually a coat-of-arms or various ornaments
Découpage: (Fr.) the cutout or built up “overlay” of the printer to produce a better impression of the printed stamps; parts of the printed sheet were “cut away” or scraped out, or pieces added to change the pressure of parts of the printing plate to give a lighter or deeper impression
Découverte: (Fr.) discovery, find
Decreto de 27 Juni’o 1870: decree overprint on Escuelas stamps, Venezuela, 1879
Dedeagh: city in Greece; 1874, Jan.1: French post office opened, seaport named Dedeagatch, 1874-93: French stamps used canceled 5155, 1893: No.1, 5 centimes green, stamps of France overprinted Dedeagh, Offices in Turkey for city in Greece, 1912: overprints on stamps of Greece and Bulgaria during Balkan Wars, 1913: occupied by Greece, 1915, April 16: French Post office closed, 1919: ceded to Greece, called Alexandroupolis; Alexandroupolis
Dedesubt: (Rom.) below
Deep edge: variety with excessive color along one, or more edges of the design
Def: abbreviation for definitive; see: Definitive
Defaced plate: printing plates after end of usage are sometimes marked or scratched as defacement to prevent misuse
Defaced stamp: stamp marked with written, printed or stamped characters; private perforations of a company is not considered defacement
Défaut: (Fr.) defect, fault
Defective stamp: a stamp with one or more major faults such as a piece of the stamp is missing or a tear
Defecto: (Sp.) defect, fault
Défectueux: (Fr.) defective
Defectuoso: (Sp.) defective
Defekt: (Ger.) defect, imperfection
Defensa Nacional: (Sp.) National Defense, postal tax stamps of Ecuador
Deferential cancel: cancellation designed so that the effigy of the ruler is not defaced when canceled
Deficiencia de Franqueo: overprint and inscription on postage dues of Ecuador
Deficiency: marking that indicates shortage of postage on item and post due should be collected
Deficiente: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Ecuador, Nicaragua postage due
Deficit: (Sp.) inscription and overprint on postage dues stamps of Peru, 1874
Deficit o Franqueo: inscription of first postage dues of Peru
Defin.: abbreviation for definitive
Définitif: (Fr.) definitive
Definitive: a term used to distinguish a normal, everyday issue of stamps; term developed after World War I to indicate the new stamps made to replace the many temporary issues of new countries
Definitivo: (It., Sp.) definitive
Deflocculated: separation of ink pigment into very fine particles; when inks dry, the particles join or flocculate
Dega: (Sp.) Degovia, Spain, pre-adhesive postmark
De Gaulle: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1971-72
Degerö: (Fin.) local post, steamship carrying mail, serving Finnish cities, late 1800s
Degrain: painting by Munoz Degrain, known as “Isabella Pledging Her Jewels: is depicted on the $1 Columbian stamps
D Grill: grill used on US stamps in the 19th century
dehnen (German) to enlarge
Deh Sedang: cinderella for an imaginary postal state in Indo-China
D.E.I.: abbreviation for Dutch East Indies
Dekernes: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1884
Del: inscription on French Colonial stamps, Latin word for “drew” followed by the name of the artist. Also appears on stamps of other countries besides French Colonial. Del often appears after the name, not only before.
Del.: abbreviation for Delaware prior to Zip Code usage
Dél: (Hung.) South
Delacryl: secret printing process developed by de La Rue printing firm that is supposed to combine four different printing methods, such as the 1969 Great Britain post office set
Dél-Afrika: (Hung.) South Africa
Dél-Afrika Köztársaság, (Hung.) Republic of South Africa
De la Rue paper: a famous British stamp printing firm; paper used by New Zealand post together with dies and plates for printing their 1874 stamps
Délavé: (Fr.) washed out (color)
Delayed mail: mail held up in delivery and marked by means of a label or cachet applied by a postal authority
Delaware: 1: State Revenue issue, Oct. 1, 1793-Feb. 7, 1794. 2: Federal Revenue issue, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801
Delaware & Hudson Canal Co’s Express: regional parcel firm that serviced towns on the Delaware and Hudson Canal R.R., New York State, issued labels, year unknown
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Express: regional parcel firm serviced stations on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad; issued labels, 1876-86?
Del Canaveral: (Sp.) (place of canes) inscription on postal stationery envelopes provided by the Cuban government for use by urban residents transported each year to work in the sugarcane harvest
Delegacoes: (Port.) Red Cross franchise stamps of Portugal, issued 1926 in Lisbon, elsewhere in 1936
De leon: (Sp.) control overprint for Ecuador to prevent unauthorized use, 1902
Delgado: (Sp.) thin
Del Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Spanish Guinea
Deliberate error: mistake repeated by a postal administration; such as the reprinting of the U.S. Dag Hammarskjold stamps with the background color inverted
DeliverAbility: Pitney Bowes name for their software as a service that permits customers to purchase and print postage from their computer
Delivery confirmation: provides date and time of delivery for Priority Mail and Standard Mail for small fee; USPS term; see: Electronic option, Retail option
Delivery grippers: mechanism that grips the paper between descent of the perforation pins
Delivery tax stamps: Spanish postage due labels issued in 1931, but later used as ordinary postage stamps
Delivery zone number: two-digit number included in mail addresses immediately following the name of the city
Delle: local provisional, France, 1944
Deltiology: 1: study of post card collecting. 2: Ansichtskarte-sammler (Ger.), Collection de Cartes Postales Illustrée (Fr.), Collecione di Cartoline (It.), Colleción de Tarjeta Ilustrada (Sp.)
Délnyugatafrika: (Hung.) South-West Africa
Deluxe sheets: usually ungummed and feature a single stamp; produced mainly by French-area countries as a presentation piece
Demandé: (Fr.) wanted, required
Demarcacion postal: (Sp.) postal district
Démenage: (Fr.) postal term for “gone away” return to sender
Demerara: province of Guyana, inscription on 1931 British Guiana issue
Demiansk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1868-78
Deming’s Penny Post: United States local post, Frankford, Pa., 1854
Demnat Marrakech: local post, Morocco, 1906
Demnin (Vorpommern): (Ger.) local post, Germany post WWII
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Congo
Démonétisé: (Fr.) see: demonitized
Demonetization: the Washington Star advertisement, Sept. 12,1861, read, “Notice is hereby given that all persons having in their possession Postage Stamps of the old issue can exchange same for stamps of the new issue for six days from the date, and not after that time.” On Sept. 28, 1861, the Star carried an ad staying that the new stamps were ready
Demonitized: term given stamps that are no longer valid for postage; usually done by a government proclamation
Demopolis, Al. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Denaro: (It.) money
Denia: local post, Spanish civil war, 1937
Denikin,General, Government of: 1919, Jan.: issued imperf. stamps inscribed “United Russia,” 1919, April: stamps issued by General Denikan, 1920, April 4: General Denikan resigned his command to General Wrangel, 1921, July 1-pre: stamps of Russian and Russian Levant surcharged; inscription reads “United Russia.”
Denis Hire Cars: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Denmark: on peninsula separating North and Baltic Seas; official name of postal administration: Danmark Post currency: 96 skilling = 1 rigsbank daler, 100 ore = 1 krone (1875) 1624: royal mail service established, 1851, Apr. 1: No.1, 2 rigsbank daler blue, first stamps issued, numeral in three concentric circles used to indicate town of origin, 1871: first official stamp issued, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU; includes Faroe Islands, Greenland. 1905: wavy line and figure denomination first used, still current, 1921, May 1: postage due stamps issued, 1921, June 17: first semipostal stamps issued, 1925: first air mail stamp issued, 1940-45: Danish stamps surcharged for Faroe Islands while occupied by Germany
Denmark – 1911 Middlefart-Fredericia Flight: On 2 September 1911, pioneer aviator Robert Svendson flew a distance of ca. 8 miles from Middlefart (q.v.) to Fredericia (q,v.) by crossing the Little Belt, a strait between Fyn Island and the Danish mainland. The mail carried incl 200 photo postcards depicting the biplane, and signed by “Rob. Svendson”, with a further hand-written “Beltflyvingen 1911” inscription. The return flight to Middelfart carried 80 of these cards. The flight is credited as being the first postal flight in Denmark, and in Northern Europe
Denmark – 1912 Hareskov Demonstration Flight: On 29 July 1912 during the High Summer Festival in Harestov, pioneer aviator Ulrich Birch demonstrated airplane flying. Postal cards exist with the framed rectangular “Hojsomerfesten / i Hareskov 1912” handstamp and Hareskov cancel, and also with an additional oval “FLYVEPOST / No. 1 / * ULRICH BIRCH * ” cachet. Contemporary sources do not document that these items were flown, but the oval cachet indicates that an airpost transportation had been scheduled; they are considered the second Danish airpost despatches
Denmark – 1912 German Zeppelin “Hansa” Visit: The “Hansa” 19 Setember 1912 Copenhagen-Hamburg return trip was authorized to carry the Danish mails. These mails are considered the third Danish airpost despatches
Denmark – 1912 International Balloon Despatches: On 22 September 1912 at the Århus International Balloon Competition, three balloons (representing Denmark, Germany, and the United States) each carried souvenir cards depicting a view of Århus from the air. The cards entered the regukar mails after the balloons landed
Denmark – 1914 Copenhagen-Roskilde Flight: On 12 May 1914, Lt. Ussing, flying a “Henry Farman” biplane, carried a special airmail from Copenhagen to Roskilde, a city ca. 27 miles W of Copenhagen. Approximately 4,500 cards were carried
Denning’s Express: local baggage firm serviced the Erie Railway depot in New York City; issued a label, year unknown
Denominated Postal Cards: US postal cards printed by vending machines, early 1900s
Denomination: the face value appearing on a stamp
Dent(s): (Fr.) perf(s)
Dentado: (Sp.) perforated
Dentado de peine: (Sp.) see: Comb perforation
Dentélé: (Fr.) perforated
(non) Dentelé: (Fr.) (im)perforate
Dentellato: (It.) perforated
Dentellatura a pettine: (It.) see: Comb perforation
Dentelure en peigne: (Fr.) see: Comb perforation
Denticulated, Dentilated: stamps with a series of small teeth, or commonly called, perforated
Dents: suggested term, 1800s, for perforations
Denver & Rio Grande Express: private mail and parcel firm serviced the Denver & Rio Grande Railway; issued free franks, labels and stamps, year unknown
Denver Eagles: nickname for Mexico issue of 1914, printed in Denver, during Mexican civil war
Den Waisen Sirotam: overprint on stamps of Italy, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia for German occupation, 1944
De Oficio: (Sp.) overprint of stamps of Peru or El Salvador, inscription on El Salvador for official usage
Deok Sensor Oopgemaak: (Afrikaan) South African censor tape
D.E.P.: Députés (Fr.) Chamber of Deputies Post Office, 1826
Departmentals: official stamps intended for use in certain government departments; official stamps used by all departments are known as “Service Stamps” (e.g., War Dep’t. in U.S.)
Departmento de Rezagos: (Sp.) Dead Letter Office
Departmento del Tolima: inscription for Tolima, Colombia
Department of Foreign Affairs: officials for Hawaii
Department stamps: official stamps valid only on official mail of a government agency, or their agents; when inscribed or overprinted for specific departments, they are known as department stamps
Dependency: area administered from a different location
De Pinedo: Newfoundland’s 1927 issue honoring Marchese de Pinedo, Italian aviator
DEP. Limit: Départements Limitrophes (Fr.) common frontier, 1845-56
Deporte: (Sp.) sport topic or theme
Depositado Despues de Salir el Expreso: (Sp.) Too Late marking; item received after train departure
Dépouillé(e): (Fr.) well-contrasted engraving
Déprécier: (Fr.) to lose value
Depredation: USPS Inspection Service term for robbery or pilfering of funds from the mail
Deprisa: private delivery firm labels, Colombia, S.A., started 2001, for delivery in Colombia and worldwide through FedEx
Dept: USPS abbreviation in address for department
Dept. of Agriculture, Interior, Justice, State: inscriptions on U.S. officials
Dept. of Foreign Affairs: inscription on official stamps, Hawaii
Depto Zelaya: Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya
Dept. of Agriculture, Interior, Justice, State: inscriptions on U.S. officials
Dept. of Foreign Affairs: inscription on official stamps, Hawaii
Der Berliner Philharmonie: inscription, semi postal, Germany
Derecho de Entrega: (Sp.) delivery fee in addition to normal postage, collected by postman, except for mail from abroad
Derechos de Firma: (Sp.) documents fee, revenue issue of the Philippines, re-overprinted as provisionals, 1880-90
Derecho Judicial: Judicatory Fee; revenue stamps of Philippines, re-overprinted as provisionals, 1880-90
Dereham Pirate Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Derna: now known as Darnah, Libya
Derry, Free: fantasy from National Lampoon
Deruluft: airline formed by Lufthansa and the Russian government in 1922 to carry mail and passengers from Berlin to Moscow via Konigsberg and Smolensk
Des.: abbreviation for ‘designed by.’
Descentrado: (Sp.) off center
Deschis: (Rom.) light (as referencing the color of a postage stamp)
Descolorido: (Sp.) faded (color)
Desconocido: (Sp.) unknown at address indicated
Descriptive filler: term for an insert placed inside the envelope that may have additional information about the event being commemorated; also known as a stuffer; may be illustrated
Desde el Canaveral: Del Canaveral
Desember: (Nor.) December
Deseret: a Mormon “state” created March 5, 1849; never recognized by the U.S.; ceased to exist when Utah Territory created on Sept. 9, 1850
Desert Island: unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
De service: (Fr.) official (philatelic)
Design: artwork, printed portion of a stamp, that which is not blank paper
Design and Development Inc.: U.S. postage meter machine manufacturer, 1973 to current
Designer: the person who creates the artwork that is eventually used for a stamp
Design error: errors in the printed design, such as wrong number of stars on a flag, or misspelling of a name
Desinfekteradt: (Swed.) disinfected handstamps by the Infectious Disease Hospital, Stockholm, after 1900
Desinfectado: (Sp.) disinfected (letter)
Desinfiziert: (Ger.) disinfected
Deska: (Czech.) (printing) plate
Desková Cislo: (Czech.) plate number
Desková Vada: (Czech.) plate flaw, plate fault
Desková Znacka Hvezdicka: (Czech.) “star” plate marking
Desková Znacka Krízek: (Czech.) “cross” plate marking
Deskovou Znackou: (Czech.) plate marking
Desmit Rbl: desmit rubli, ten rubles overprint on stamps of Latvia
Desmit Rub., Rubli: 1920-21; two rubles surcharge, stamps of Latvia
Despatch Post: several U. S. locals are inscribed with this term
Dessau: overprint on a surtax Province of Saxony stamp is a fake
Dessouk: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868-82
Despacho: (Sp.) office
Despues de la salida: (Sp.) too late markings, applied to mail which was received after mail dispatch
Dessin: (Fr.) drawing, see: Design
Dessinateur: (Fr.) designer
De status: (Fr.) rule
Destinaire: (Fr.) one to whom anything is addressed
Destinatario: (It.) “Carrier” inscription on Italian tax revenue stamps
Détaché(e): (Fr.) (stamp) off cover
Detachment U.S.A.: bogus, overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo
Détaillé(e): (Fr.) lot broken up for sale individually
Det danske Kommando I Tyskland: (Dan.) the Danish Command in Germany, post WWII
Detmold: local post, German displaced persons camp, 1946
Detroit River Service: established so that crews of lake vessels could receive their mail without paying forwarding charges, Jule 17, 1895-June 30, 1948
Dette Publique: public debt; French Colony revenue inscription
Deuda pública: (Sp.) public debt, overprint on fiscal stamps
Deuil: (Fr.) mourning (letter), black bordered cover
Deutlich Schreiben: (Ger.) “Write clearly” hand stamp
Deutsche Abstimmungsgebiet: (Ger.) plebiscite area
Deutsche Auslandpostämter: (Ger.) German post offices abroad
Deutsche Besetzung Zara: (Ger.) overprint for German occupation of Zara
Deutsche Bundepost: (Ger.) postal administration of German Federal Republic, from 1951-89
Deutsche Demokratische Republik: (Ger.) inscription German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Soviet occupation zone, 1949
Deutsche Demokratische Republik Luftpost: (Ger.) imperforate label for German Democratic Republic essay in various colors
Deutsche feldpost: (Ger.) military field post, Germany
Deutsche feldpost durch U-boot: inscription to frank soldier’s mail to be sent by German submarine from base on Hela Peninsula, 1945
Deutsche Lufthansa (DLH): (Ger.) German airline
Deutsche Militaer-Verwaltung Montenegro: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Montenegro, German Occupation, 1943
Deutsche National Versammlung: (Ger.) National Assembly, inscription on the 1919 issue of Germany, called the Weimar Issue
Deutsche Neu-Guinea: (Ger.) German New Guinea
Deutsche Osterreich: (Ger.) Austria overprint for German Austria, 1918
Deutsche Oestr. Postverein: (Ger.) German-Austrian Postal Union
Deutsche Ostafrika: (Ger.) German East Africa
Deutsche Post: (Ger.) inscription Allied sectors, Berlin, Germany, 1948, Sept.-Sept.1949
Deutsche Post Berlin: (Ger.) “Berlin” overprint for use in American, British and Frenchoccupied sectors of Berlin, Sepbemter 1, 1948
Deutsche Post Osten: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany for Poland, German Occupation, 1939
Deutsche Privat-Post Lloyd: (Ger.) local post, Berlin, Germany, 1906
Deutsche Reich: (Ger.) 1920 overprint on Bavaria officials and stamps of Germany
Deurscher Raketenflug 1934: (Ger.) inscription, first German rocket flight to benefit the “Winter Relief,” January 28, 1934
Deutscher Schulhausbar: (Ger.) series of labels to raise funds to build schools; value 2 heller
Deutscher Schulverein: (Ger.) series of labels to raise funds for a school organization
Deutscher Wehrschatz Sudmark: inscription on a German label, early 1900s
Deutscher Wert gleich 140 Pfg. Wählt Deutsch!: (Ger.) “German Value equals 140 Pfennig / Vote German” overprint on Polish stamp (actually a label) printed as propaganda for plebiscite on future of Upper Silesia, 1921
Deutsche Seepost / Linie / Hamburg / Westafrika: (Ger.) 1. German Sea Post, Hamburg West Africa Line; staring operating in early 1880s. 2. Overprint on stamps of Bavaria, 1920; Bohemia and Moravia. 3. Overprint on stamps of Danzig for Danzig
Deutsches Reich: (Ger.) inscription for Germany Empire; see: Bohemia and Moravia
Deutsches Reich General Gouvernment: (Ger.) inscription on stamps of Germany for use in Poland, WW II occupation
Deutsches Reich Post: (Ger.) 1: inscription for German Imperial Post, 1872-89
Deutsches Reich: (Ger.) 1: inscription on stamps of Germany, 1902-44. 2: overprint on stamps of Bavaria, 1920
Deutsches Reich General Gouvernement: (Ger.) Poland, German Occupation, 1941-44.
Deutsche Versicherungs Bank Berlin Wertbrief Beförderung Deurschland-America: (Ger.) on stamps of Germany for insured mail sent via U-Boat prior to World War II
Deutschland: (Ger.) German World War I commercial submarine that carried mail to the U.S
Deutschland Amerkanische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, American Zone
Deutschland Britische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, British Zone
Deutschland Franzosische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, French Zone
Deutschland Sowjetische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, Soviet Zone
Deutsche Mark: (Ger.) (DM) German currency
Deutsch-Neu-Guinea: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, inscription for German New Guinea
Deutsch Oestr. Postverein: (Ger.) German-Austrian Postal union inscription on Thurn and Taxis, early Baden and Württemberg
Deutsch Ostafrika: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany and inscription for German East Africa
Deutsch Österreich: (Ger.) overprint, German Austria on stamps of Austria, 1918-1921
Deutsch Sudwest Afrika: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, inscription for German South West Africa, also Deutsch Südwest-Afrika
De valor: (Sp.) valuable
Devanagari: alphabet that appears on some stamps of India, Nepal and Bhutan as an inscription
Devant: (Fr.) front (of a cover)
Devastacion de la Ciudad de Santo Domingo: inscription, postal tax on stamps of Dominican Republic, for destruction of city
Development Bank: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1969
De Villayer, Jean-Jacques: may have operated a mail service in Paris in mid-1600s, installed first mail boxes
Devolucion: (Sp.) mail marking not accepted by addressee and returned to sender
Dewey’s South Yuba Express: local private mail firm serviced the Omega, Nevada County, Calif. area; issued a label, 1863
DeWitt’s Express: local baggage firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y. and New York City; issued a label, year unknown
DEX, Dextrine gum: form of starch, when used in gum for stamps, is heated in a solution alone, or with other chemicals, gets any color from the heating temperature of the solution
Dezentriert: (Ger.) off-center
DF: 1. dull fluorescence 2. currency abbreviation for Franc (Djibouti). 3. David Finkelstein, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
DFB: “Dansk Frivillig Bataillon (Danish Volunteer Battalion) Danish armed forces serving with Finnish forces fighting Russia
DG: 1: catalog abbreviation for disturbed gum. 2: (Latin) By the Grace of God
DGK: (Ger.) Deutschland-Ganzachen-Katalog, Michel German Postal Stationery catalog
D’Haiti: Republic of Haiti
Dhaka: formerly Dacca, Bangladesh
Dhar: India Feudatory State; 1897-1901: first local post stamps, 1901, Mar. 31: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of British India, then stamps of India
Dhufar: bogus, anti-Omani, Arabia; in exile, propaganda labels sold as stamps
Dia de la Hispanidad: (Sp.) Spanish National Day, Oct. 12th
Dia del sello: (Sp.) day of the stamp
Diadem: circlet of gold and jewels forming Queen Victoria’s headdress on the earlier issues
Diagonally laid paper: where wires, used in the papermaking process, are laid diagonally across the paper
Dial: circular portion of a postmark, usually containing the city, date and time
Diamond Parcel Delivery Company: local package delivery firm; issued a label, year unknown
Diamond roulette: cuts that are X shaped, giving appearance of diamond shaped perforations
Diamante: (It., Sp.) diamond topical or thematic specialty
Diamond Jubilee Label: name given to British charity labels made in 1897-98 for the 50th anniversary of Queen Victoria accession to the throne
Dia Mundial del Sello: (Sp.) World Stamp Day, May 6th
Diana, Princess of Wales: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1998
Diapositive: thick photographic plate used for multiple repetitions of the design, made from the master negative; also known as multipositive
Dicitura: (It.) inscription
Dick: (Ger.) thick
Dickinson paper: continuous silk thread paper containing one or more silk threads to make counterfeiting difficult
Didactic: “educational, once used as the generic term for topicals or thematics
Die: 1: a block of metal that has been hand or machine engraved from which plates are prepared to print stamps. 2: terms Die I, Die II, etc. denote first and later states of the same die. 3: terms Die I, Die II, etc. are also used to designate stamps printed from these dies
Die crack: damage done to the original engraved die, before printing plates are created
Die cut: a mechanical process that cuts through the stamp paper but not the backing paper that keeps the stamps together, is used to separate most self-adhesive stamps; accomplished by crushing the stamp paper fibers
Die cut missing: error on self-adhesive stamps where the die cut is absent between the stamps
Die cut size: the number of peaks of either side of a die cut stamp, usually written as L10/R10; indicates 10 peaks on both the left and right sides of the stamp
Die Cut Gauge: tool that measures the total of peaks or valleys within 20mm on die cut stamps
Die essay: print made from a die engraved with an incomplete or unadopted design
Die flaw: blemish or unusual mark on a die and shows on every stamps reproduced from that die
Diego Suarez: French naval base, northern part of Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100centimes = 1 ariary (1976) 1885-pre: overprint on stamps of French Colonies General Issues, 1890: No.1, 15 centimes blue, first stamps issued as a naval base, 1891: first postage due stamp issued, 1892: stamps of French Colonies overprinted Diego-Suarez, 1896, May 30: replaced by issues of Madagascar
Diehard: nickname for a stamp dealer who has the knowledge to buy and sell anything of a philatelic nature
Die imprint: any item printed directly from a die
Dienst: (Ger.) official
Dienstbotenpost: (Ger.) official courier mail
Dienstkarte (German) official card
Dienstmarke: 1: inscription for officials of Bavaria, French Protectorate of the Saar, Germany. 2: overprint for official use in Saar, Danzig, Liechenstein. 3: with numeral 21, Prussia. 4: overprint on stamps of Danzig, 1924-25, for official use
Dienstsache: Liechtenstein official overprint
Dienstsiegel (German) official seal
Dienstzegel: (Dut.) Netherlands official stamps
Dientes: (Sp.) perforations
Die plain: embossing without the use of color
Die proof: a die made print or impression, usually in black ink on a smooth white card or fine-calendered or coated paper, inspected in great detail, to show what a stamp design will look like
Die-Reducing machine: makes a relief steel die in a smaller size
Die sinkage: the impression of a die block which appears as a depression in the cardboard of a die proof
Die sinker: an engraver of dies used for stamping and embossing
Diessbach C.G.: Diessbach Canton Glarus (Swiss)
Die stamping: raising of colored reliefs on an uncolored ground using a recessed die in the stamping press
Dietz & Nelson’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced British Columbia, used labels, 1862-67
Die Welt: (Ger.) The World, Germany overprint produced for “War Stamp Exhibition in London in 1915 as a jocular allusion to the much vaunted German aspirations to rule the earth.”
Die wheel: a wheel drilled with holes that accept the pins of the rotary perforator
Die Winterhilfe O/S ruft dich! Wir wollen helfen: (Ger.) “The Winter relief calls you. We want to help.” Germany cancel, 1932-34
Di favore: (It.) (It.) by favor (cancellation)
Difetto: (It.) defect, fault
DIFF: auction abbreviation for different
Digital postage: postage applied by a mechanical device such as a printer attached to a computer
Di gran valore: (It.) valuable
Dijbouti: formerly Afars and Issas – East Africa; Afars and Issas
Dilar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937
Diligence d’eau: (Fr.) water coach, carried mail on canals in France; see: Canal Boat Mail
Diligencia: (Sp.) stagecoach carrier issue of Uruguay, 1856-57
Dimension: tax based on size of the document; French Colony revenue inscription
Diminué(e): (Fr.) partly removed or thinned (gum), cut down, trimmed
Din: dinar, Yugslavia currency
Dinamarca: (It., Port.) Denmark
Dindings: 1874-1935, Feb.: used stamps of Straits Settlements
Diner: U.S. presorted First-Class mail with nondenominated postage, used by mass mailers, issued June 5, 1998, value 25¢
Dinero: inscription on arms design, stamps of Peru
Dinsin: (Ire.) Ireland postage due inscription
Dios Patria Libertado: (Sp.) God, Fatherland, Liberty, inscription on stamps of Dominican Republic
Dios Patria Rey: (Sp.) God, Fatherland, King, inscription on stamps of Spain, Carlist issue
Dios, Union y Libertad: (Sp.) God, Union and Liberty, Honduras, 1865
Diplomatic mail: correspondence transported by diplomatic pouch or indicated diplomatic mail
Dippoldiswalde: Bavaria, Germany post office burned, emergency handwritten labels were created and used to cover the shortage of postage stamps, 1923
Diptique: (Fr.) a pair of stamps of which the illustration covers both stamps together
Direcció Geral dos Trabalmos Geodesicos e Topograpnicos: (Port.) advertising mapmakers of Portugal
Dirección: (Sp.) the place to which mail can be sent
Direct mail: 1: industry term for advertising mail sent to targeted markets. 2: mail of the pre-Universal Postal union era that went direct between countries; rate differences ceased when prepaid international rate went into effect July 1, 1875
Directory markings: postal markings that indicate delivery attempts, stating reasons
Direct printing: any form of printing where the printing plate is in direct contact with the paper
Dirigere: (It.) the place to which mail can be sent
Diriginte de posta: (Rom.) postmaster
D’Irlande du Nord: (Fr.) Ulster, Northern Ireland
Disaster mail: mail being transported that was damaged in transit; the post office usually puts special marking on the item to explain the damage; also known as wreck mail
Discontinued Post Office: a post office that is no longer in operation
Discount postage: stamps sold by stamp dealers at a discount from face value; usually denominations that are no longer current but valid for postage
Discovery copy: first known
Disegno: (It.) design
Diseño: (Sp.) design
Disinfected mail: mail that has been fumigated so that the letter will not be a carrier of disease
Disinfection seal: see: Seal, disinfection
Disney stamp: stamps issued by several nations with a Walt Disney movie theme
Dispensé d’affranchissement (de timbrage): (Fr.) free of postage
Display Division: American Philatelic Society term for exhibition classification to include display exhibits and social philately
“Disp prohibited by Order 19687”: dispatch handstamp prohibiting certain oversize or overweight parcels addressed to overseas personnel, effective Jan. 7, 1943
Diss Pirate Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
DIST: auction abbreviation for disturbed
Distilled Spirits Excise Tax: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1950-59; usually found with staple holes or punch cancels, indicating payment of excise taxes on distilled spirits
Distinguished Americans: series of stamps issued by the U.S., renamed Great Americans on July 20, 2000
Distretto: (It.) district
Distributeur automatique (de timbres): (Fr.) stamp vending machine
Districto: overprint on stamps of for Arequipaco, Peru, Cuzco provisionals, 1881-85
District Overprints: during the classical period, stamps were sent from the main post office in Mexico City without district overprints. These stamps were not valid for postage. This was done to prevent the theft of stamps as they were shipped to the outlying districts. Once received in the districts, they were overprinted with the name of the district and thus validated into postage stamps, into as many as sixty districts
Distriktsovertryk: (Dan.) district overprint, district surcharge, Lokalovertryk, Lokaloverstempel
Distrito: (Sp.) district
Distrito sur de la Baja Cal: (Sp.) inscription on 1915 stamps of Mexico; Baja, Calif. (State in Mexico)
Disturbed gum: original gum on an unused stamp which has been altered, usually by application of a hinge
Dittler Bros.: private printer of U.S. postage stamps
DIV: DisVision
Divided back: postcard, allowing the message and address to appear on the same side
Dividing marks: circular floral ornaments on plates produced by Perkins, Bacon on 1851; placed between rows J and K, helps placement to cut sheets in half, replaced by an arrow
Divi Rub: 1920-21; surcharge, stamps of Latvia
Diwan: Indian States term for chief revenue officer of province
Diwi Rubli: two rubles, overprint to change value, stamps of Latvia
DJ: overprint on stamps of Obock for Djibouti, 1894-1902
Djambi: local post overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45
DJI, DJF: Djibouti
Djibouti (Djibuti): Eastern Africa, formerly French colony of Somali Coast and Afars and Issas; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1888: French constructed port on the Somali Coast at Djibouti, 1894-1902: French Somali Coast overprint “DJ” or “Djibouti” on stamps of Obock for Djibouti, 1902: French replaced this with stamps of Somali Coast as a Protectorate, 1940, Aug. 6: Italy invades British and French Somaliland, 1941: Italy driven out, 1967, Mar.19: name changed to the French territory of Afars and Issas, 1977: Afars and Issas stamps overprinted and surcharged “Republique de Djibouti,” 1977, June 27: Afars and Issas became the independent republic of Djibouti, Republique de Djibouti stamps, 1977: first air mail stamps issued, 1978, June 6: joined the UPU; Afars and Issas, Benadir, Obock, Oltre Giuba, Italian East Africa, Italian Somaliland
Djubaland, Republic of: cinderella, “Worldwide Fund for Nature” uses WWF logo illegally
Djup: (Swed.) deep (as referencing the color of a postage stamp)
Djupt lila: (Swed.) deep lilac (color)
Djupt klarröd: (Swed.) deep bright red, “high red” (color)
Djupt ultramarinfärget påtryck: (Swed.) deep ultramarine surcharge
Djupt violett: (Swed.) deep violett (color)
DK: 1: Germany volume of the Michel catalogue, Deutschland-Katalog. 2: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Denmark, such as DK-2770
DL: auction abbreviation for double line (cancellation)
DLDC: double line, double circle postmark
DLH: see: Deutsche Lufthansa
D.L.H.: (Ger.) Deutsche Luft Hansa Aktiengesellschaft; renamed Lufthansa, 1933
D.L.O.: see: Dead Letter Office
DLR: De La Rue; stamp printers, Great Britain
D M: 1: Dienst Marke overprint on stamps of Danzig, 1921-23, for official use. 2: Deutsche Mark, German currency June 21, 1948-Dec. 31, 2001. 3: Dominica, country code as used by UPU
DMC: Daniel M. Clancy, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Dmitrief: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-74
Dmitrof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1874
DMM: USPS term for domestic mail manual
Dnieprovsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1866-95
DND: Department of National Defence
DNK: Deutschland Netto Katalog
DNVP: letters on German stamps stands for Deutschnationale Volkspartei (German National People’s Party); looks like DNBB
DO: Dominican Republic, country code as used by UPU
Doane cancels: Doane cancels have a number in the killer bars to the right of the circular date stamps; introduced in 1904
Doar Ivri: (Heb.) Hebrew Post inscription on Israel’s first stamps
Dobbelt: (Dan., Nor.) double
Dobbelt påtryk: (Dan.) double overprint, double surcharge
Dobbeltsidig: (Dan.) double sided (front and back sides)
Dobbeltsidigt tryk: (Dan.) printed on both sides
Dobbelttakning: (Dan.) double perforation
Dobbelttryk: (Dan.) 1. double impression 2. re-entry
Dobeln: local post, Germany, 1945
Dobírka: (Czech.) payment upon delivery
Doble: (Sp.) double
Doboj: local post, republic Serbska occupation issue for Bosnia, 1995
Dobrudja: overprint in Cyrillic with dates “1916-1917” on stamps of Bulgaria for use in this occupied territory of Romania
Doc: abbreviation for document; physician
Docket[ing]: a brief statement of when received and maybe when answered, usually found on the outside of covers, legal or commercial documents
Dockwra’s Post: private postal service covering London and its suburbs established by William Dockwra; introduced his own distinctive postmark in 1680; used from 1680-82
Doctor blade: device used to wipe excess ink from a printing press cylinder
Documentary stamps: U.S. Inter. Rev. inscription; revenue stamps that are applied to documents such as bills of lading, mortgages, wills, etc., 1871-1958
Documents Philatelique Oficiel: (Fr.) Official Philatelic Document; issued by France, include a copy of the issued stamp cancelled on the first day, a monocolor engraving of the stamp, descriptive text and a larger topical engraving with an embossed control seal
Dodds Express: local baggage firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City, N.Y and Long branch, N.J.; issued labels, year unknown
Dodecanese Islands, Greece: islands in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1912-pre: used stamps of Turkey, 1912-43: stamps of Italy overprinted “Egeo,” 1924: Turkey ceded islands to Italy, stamps of Italy overprinted with name of island, 1943: stamps and postage due stamps of Great Britain overprinted “M.E.F.” (Middle East Forces), 1943, Sept.: Italy surrendered and islands proclaimed union with Greece, 1943-45: Germany reoccupied islands, 1947-summer: stamps of Greece used; Aegean Islands, MEF, SDD
Dodge & Co. Express: nationwide express firm that serviced California, Boston and New York City; used a label, 1849-51
Dogra: alphabet in the Indian language that appears on some stamps of India as an inscription
DOG – Disturbed O.G. Disturbed original gum
Dogs: hauled mail carts in Sussex, England, late 19th century
Dog team mail: used to carry mail in Alaska and Quebec province, Canada
Doha, Qatar: British postal service established in 1950 using stamps of the British Postal Agencies of Eastern Arabia; now known as Ad Dawhah
Doi: (Rom.) two (number)
Doisprezece: (Rom) twelve (number)
Doland: Donald Evans bogus issue, 1960-70
Dollfus Issue: Austrian Dollfuss stamp, issued on July 25, 1936
Dollar Error: wine revenue stamp for the $1.60 4/5 cents where dollar is spelled “dolllar,” 1951-54
Dolní: (Czech.) down (side)
Dolores: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
Domain name: a name that identifies a computer or computers on the internet
Domestic mail: USPS term for mail transmitted, among, and between the U. S., its territories and possessions, army and fleet post offices and United Nations, N.Y
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM): directive that contains basic USPS standards for domestic mail services
Domestic stamp: also known as nondenominated stamp used for rate increase period, not valid for international mail
Domestogramme: Canadian version of the aerogramme, introduced Oct. 13, 1973
Domfil: Spanish publisher of thematic catalogues and albums
Dominica: an island in the British Leeward islands group, became part of the Windward islands; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 Dollar (1949) 1858-60: British stamps used at Roseau, with ‘A 07’ cancel, 1860: Dominica handstamp used, 1874, May 4: No.1, 1 penny violet, own stamps with design similar to Tobago, 1890, Oct. 31-1903: stamps of Leeward Islands used, 1903-40: Dominica used own stamps again along with those of Leeward Islands, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1940, Jan. 1: Dominica became separate island, no stamp issued, 1958, Apr. 22: joined the West Indies Federation,1968: became an Associated State of Great Britain, 1978, Nov. 1: became independent as the Commonwealth of Dominica with overprint “Independence / 3rd November / 1978,” 1980, Jan. 31: joined the UPU
Dominica: essay, engraved and recess printed on white card, made public in 1870 with no information as to its origin
Dominicaine: (Fr.) Dominican Republic
Dominical label (tablet): a small label attached by perforation to the bottom of some Belgium stamps stating “Do not deliver on Sunday”
Dominican Republic: part of Hispaniola island in West Indies official name of postal administration: Instituto Postal Dominicano currency: 100 centavos = 1 peso 1861-65: Spain used stamps of Cuba/Puerto Rico, 1865, Oct. 18: No. 1, 1/2 reales rose, first stamps, 1868-71: British stamps used in Puerto Plata with ‘C 86’ cancel, 1876-80: British stamps used at Santa Domingo with ‘C 87’ cancel, 1880, Oct. 1: joined the UPU, 1901: first postage due stamp issued, 1902, Feb. 25: first official stamp issued, 1916, May 5 – July 24, 1924: occupied by American forces, used Army post offices, 1925, 1927: special delivery stamps copied from those of the U.S., 1928, May 31: first air mail stamp issued, 1957, Feb. 8: first semipostal stamp issued
Dominican Republic, forged issues: 1: 1879 coat of arms, Sc. 34, 34a, 35. 2: 1900 map, Sc. 111-19. 3: 1931-33 Solar, Sc. C10-C17
Dominika: (Hung.) Dominica (West Indies)
Dominikai Köztársaság: (Hung.) Dominican Republic
Dominikanska Republiken: (Swed.) Dominican Republic
Dominikanske Republik: (Dan., Nor.) Dominican Republic
Dominido: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers”
Dominikanische Republik: (Ger.) Dominican Republic
Dominion Express Co.: private parcel firm operated over Dominion Express Lines throughout Canada, used labels and stamps, 1882-1926
Dominique: (Fr.) Dominica
Dommagé: (Fr.) damaged
Dom Pedros: Brazil’s 1866-79 issue featuring portraits of Emperor Dom Pedro
Donaldson’s Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865
Donaldson’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Donau: (Ger.) Danube
Donau Dampschiffahrt Gesellschaft: Danube Steamship Co. issued stamps, 1866-74, for mail carried on the Danube River
Don Cossack Government: republic in Southern Russia; 1917, Oct.: leader was Hetman Aleksei Kaledin; formed republic proclaimed Russia “arms” types surcharged at Novocherkask, Rostov and Taganrog, plus the “Ermak” currency stamp which was valid for postage until Soviets reclaimed area in Feb.1920
Donegal Railway Company: Ireland local post
Donetsk: local post provisional, USSR 1990s
Donez: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1879-90
Dongola: Sudan, Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1872-82
Don River Railway Society: Tasmania fantasy sheet
Don Territory Government: 1918-19: stamps included used surcharged Russian stamps; Russia, South
Doolittle, W.E.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Dopis: (Czech.) letter (mail)
Dopisnice: (Czech.) postal cards
Doplata: (Pol.) inscription on stamps of Central Lithuania and Poland, postage due
Doplatit, Doplatne: overprint/inscription labels on stamps of Czechoslovakia, postage due
Dopis: (Czech.) letter (mail)
Doplatné: (Czech.) postage due
Doplatni známky: (Czech.) postage due stamps
Doporucené: (Czech.) registered, registered mail
Doppeladler (German) double headed eagle: Aus/Hun Empr’s symbol
Doppeldruck: double struck
Doppelkreisstempel (German) double circle postmark
Doppelseitig (German) both sides
Doppia stampa: (It.) double impression, re-entry
Doppia Incisione: (It.) re-entry
Doremus Machine Co.: manufacture of canceling machines used from the 1890s-1930s
Doreset Village Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Dorpat: also known as Tartu, now part of the USSR, WW I: surcharge on stamps of Russia by occupying German forces, WWII: Germans issued specially designed stamps
Dorso: (It.) back, as opposed to the front of a philatelic object
Dorucní Známka: (Czech.) personal delivery stamp
Dos: (Fr.) back
Dospisnice: (Czech.) postcard
Dospinice: (Czech.) postal card
Dotisk: (Czech.) reprint
Dotted paper: paper with small dots forming a greyish-appearing pattern
Dottergelb: (Ger.) golden yellow
Dot in S: variety in the 5-cent U.S. Franklin stamp caused by a small bit of metal adhering to the transfer roll during the “rocking in” process
Douane(s): (Fr.) customs; French Colony revenue inscription; overprint on stamps of South Africa
Douazeci: (Rom) twenty (number)
Double cancels: covers with two separate postmarks
Double centre: (Fr.) having the middle part of the design printed twice on the same side of the paper
Double comb perforator: perforates, in one operation, a single row or column of stamps on all sides and perfs (the legs) between the next row or column
Double Deficiency: marking on mail that postage due is owed at double the amount of short postage
Double embossing: two impressions of embossed stamps on the same piece of paper, one impression may be colorless
Double flown: cover flown once, then readdressed and flown again
Double frappe: (Fr.) re-entry
Double Geneva: 1843 issue by the Swiss Canton of Geneva of a 10¢ stamp printed in a double design of two 5¢ stamps, each half being usable as a 5¢ stamp
Double grill: stamp showing two or more separate grill impressions
Double gum: a second layer of gum was applied to the Egyptian issue of 1887 when the Egyptian government complained that the original layer was not adhering to envelopes
Double heads: nickname for Rhodesia commemorative issue of 1910 depicting Queen Mary and King George V
Double impression: two impressions of the design of a stamp; see: Double print
Double joint line: a joint line that seems to be two parallel lines on rotary press stamps; caused when the gap between two rotary plates is wider than normal
Double line watermark: term for the USPS watermark when it is made up of double lines
Double overprint: clear double impression of the entire overprint due to the sheet having been passed twice through the printing press
Double paper: a stamp printed on the overlapping portion of a paper joint
Double perforations: two sets of perforations caused by the sheet being cut off center; found on early U.S. revenue stamps
Double plate: two printing bases that are used to print a monochrome or bi-colored stamp
Double postal cards: postal cards with a paid reply portion
Double print: two impressions of the same stamp done intentionally; such as the 20 öre 1876 Sweden issue
Double ring c.d.s.: circular date stamp contained within two concentric circles
Double roulette: rouletting applied twice to the same part or entire sheet
Double security paper: safety paper made up of two layers bonded together to discourage stamp cleaning and reuse
Double strike: die molds where the registration varies slightly, causing doubling of lines in the design
Double surcharge: an error when a new denomination overprint is mistakenly applied to a stamp twice
Double transfer: this term is used for a stamp printed from a design which in error was impressed, either wholly or partially, twice by the master die in preparing the plate; can be identified by its “out of focus” appearance
Dougerthy & Hesperies islands: bogus Pacific island group, 1966
Dougherty, A.: U.S. private die playing card stamp
Douglas City Dispatch: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1879
Douglas double paper: patented paper used 1881-82 in the U.S. to prevent cleaning and re-use of used stamps
Douanes: (Fr.) customs
Dounane: customs duty
Dove: add-on rate U.S. nondenominated stamp, valued 3¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994
Down: any non-printing area within a design
Downey heads: British stamps designed by W & D Downey showing a three-quarter view of King George V
Down’s Dispatch: S. Allan Taylor label
Down Under: refers to Australia, New Zealand and environs
DO-X: international registration number of the German Dornier multi-engine plane; 1932: first to fly the Atlantic from West to East
D.P.: 1: (Fr.) “Dette publique” public debt overprint; 1925-26: revenues of Syria and Lebanon for French occupation. 2: private overprint by Daily Press newspaper to prevent misuse in Hong Kong
DPO: discontinued, or dead post office
D.P.O.: (It.) “debito pubblico Ottomana” Ottoman public debt, see: A.D.P.O.D press: six-color offset and three-color intaglio Goebel combination press used by the B.E.P.DPRK: abbreviation for North Korea, 1977 to present
D Press: a six-color offset and three-color Intaglio Goebel webfed combination press used by the BEP starting about 1984; officially called Press 902
D.P.T.: Diligenze Postali Trasporti (It.) Diligence Postal Transport, 1794
D.R.: Deeds and Registration, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
Dragonera: Greek island “stamps” repudiated by government in 1963
Drake & Co’s “Express”: local firm that serviced Providence, R.I, Taunton and New Bedford, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown
Drake, P.H. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
Drake’s Island: Great Britain local carriage label, off Devon coast
Drammen: Seaport and seat of Buskerud county, S Norway, at mouth of the Dramselva River on a branch of the Oslo Fjord ca.40 miles SW of Oslo. Site of 19th century local posts established by Borresen, Eckholdt, G. O. Ulleberg, I. B. Hagen, and J. Eriksen (q.v. individual local post entries)
Drammen – Borresen Local Post: Local post established by a Mr. Borresen, with the first 5 øre “Berresens / Bypost / Drammen” typeset red on blue paper local stamp issued 15 June 1888, and with several other handstamped or typographed “Bypost Drammen” or “Drammens post” local stamps depicting a posthorn issued through 1888
Drammen bypost: Norway local bypost, 1869-88
Drammen – Eckholdt Local Post: Local post established by a Mr. Eckholdt, with first 2 Skilling “By / Drammen / Post” handstamped blue and dull blue local stamps issued in 1875
Drammen – G. O. Ulleberg Local Post: Local post established by G. O. Ulleberg, with first “Bypost / Drammens / Bypost” lithographed 2 Skilling pale green local stamp issued 4 May 1869, and with two different designs 1 skilling blue stamps issued later in the month of May. The local post was taken over by I. B. Hagen (q.v.) later in 1869
Drammen – I. B. Hagen Local Post: Local post established by I. B. Hagen, with first 1 and 2 Skilling “Brevmærke / fra / I. B. Hagen / Bybudkontor” typeset on colored papers local stamps issued in 1868, and numerous other designs typeset, handstamped, and lithographed stamps issued through 1887
Drammen – J. Eriksen Local Post: Local post established by J. Eriksen, with the first elaborate design “Drammens / By & / Pakkepost // Joh. Eriksen” local stamps depicting a pigeon in flight with a letter issued 15 June 1887, and a later similar-design stamp set issued 1 October 1887
Drapp: (Hung.) beige (color), béz
Drau, S. S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1870s; built for the middle Danube lines
Draw out: printer’s term for a piece of type “drawn” out of the form by the printing roller, leaving a word with one letter
Drazba: (Czech.) auction
DR CDS: auction abbreviation for double-ring circular date stamp
DRC: Democratic Republic of Congo
Dr.D.J. & S.: overprint on U.S. Proprietary revenue stamps for Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, first issued July 1, 1898
Dreieck (German) triangle
Dreierstreifen: (Ger.) auction term for strip of three (connected stamps)
dreifarbig (German) printed in three colours
dreizeilig (German) of three lines
Dresden: city in Germany; inscription on local post stamps, Germany post WW II
Dresdener Transport und Lagerhaus A.G.: (Ger.) local post, Dresden, Germany 1898-1905
Drift cards: specially printed Business Reply Card encased in plastic envelopes sent adrift by the National Institute of Oceanography in Jan. 1954 to test Indian Ocean currents
Drijvende Brandkast: (Dut.) inscription on Marine Insurance stamps, Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies
Drina, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1870s: built for the Middle Danube lines
D.R.L.S.: despatch rider letter service
DRMcL: Donald R. McLeod, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; Plate Finisher, Siderographer
Drobná: (Czech.) minor
Drobny: (Czech.) very small, tiny
Drobná Vada Lepu: (Czech.) minor gum fault
Droits de l’Homme: (Fr.) human rights
Droits des Pauvres: (Fr.) tax for the poor; French Colony revenue inscription
Droit fiscal: (Fr.) fiscal tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Droit judiciaires: (Fr.) judicial fees; French Colony revenue inscription
Droit notarial: (Fr.) notary tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Dronning: (Nor.) queen
Dronning Elisabet den annen: (Nor.) Queen Elizabeth II (England), QEII
Drop: USPS term for lobby slot or opening where customers deposit mail
Drop addresses: scheme used to circumvent restrictions on mail between countries at war whereby mail from one country to another was routed through a neutral country; address was crossed out and resent to the true destination; also known as undercover addresses
Drop letter: letter delivered from the same post office where originally posted
Dropped letter: 1: a missing letter in typesetting caused by letter being lost of broken off during printing. 2: a letter which is out of alignment with rest of letters; usually found in typeset overprints
Dropped mail: mail dropped from the air for forwarding to destination
Dropped transfer: an impression on an engraved printing plate occurs when a transfer roll touches the blank plate before being positioned correctly
Druck: (Ger.) printing
Druckabart (German) printing variety
Druckauflage: (Ger.) printing quantity
Druckausschuß (German) printers waste
Druckbogen (German) printing sheet
Druckerei (German) printing works
Druckfarbe (German) printers ink
Druckfehler: (Ger.) printing error
Druckform (German) cliché, printing block
Druckmangel (German) imperfection in printing
Druckprobe: (Ger.) essay, proof
Drucksache: (Ger.) printed matter
Drucksachen & Circularbeförderung: Frankfurt, Germany local, 1886-91
Druckvermerk: (Ger.) imprint
Druckwerk (German) publications
Druk-Pu: bogus Bhutan overprint on stamps of India
Drumso: (Fin.) local post, steamship mail, Finland, 1914-36
Dryden Brothers: London manufacturer of an embossing press used for cameo stamping
Dry dock: Bermuda 1902 stamp design given that name because design looks like a dry dock
Dry print: stamp image or overprint deficient in ink
Dry printing: printing method which allows the use of heavier, stiffer paper creating a whiter, high-sheen printing surface
Drying book: after a stamp is soaked from an envelope, the stamp must be dried and pressed flat; the stamp drying book, made of blotting paper, is used for this purpose
Drzava, Drzavna: Yugoslavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Drzava S.H.S.: Serbs, Hrvats (croats) and Slovenes; inscription on stamps of Yugoslavia for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1918
DS: date stamp
DSB: (Dan.) Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways)
Dschibuti: (Ger.) Djibouti
D.S.I.L.: Diritto Sardo Italiane Lire, Italian accountancy mark on mail going to an Austrian territory to indicate amount owed to the Sardinian Post office, result of 1853 treaty between Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia
DSK: (Ger.) Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog, Michel Germany Specialized catalog
DT: abbreviation for double transfer
DTP: Distinguished Topical Philatelist award from the American Topical Association
Dual cancel: two related or unrelated cancellations on a cover, each cancelling a stamp
Dubai: Persian Gulf Sheikdom, member of United Arab Emirates; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee, 100 dirhams = 1 riyal (1966) 1909, Aug. 19: stamps of India used at Indian post office, 1909-47: stamps of India canceled “Dubai Persian Gulf,” 1947, Oct.-Mar.31, 1948: used stamps of Pakistan, 1948, Apr. 1-Jan. 6, 1961: used stamps of British Postal Agency, 1961, Jan. 7-71: used own stamps inscribed “Trucial States,” 1963, June: British postal agency withdrawn, 1963, June 15: No.1, 1 naye paise blue/carmine rose, first pictorial, air mail, postage due stamps 1964, March: first stamps inscribed “Abu Dhabi,” 1971, Dec. 2: became part of the United Arab Emirates
Dubbel: (Swed.) double
Dubbellinjer: (Swed.) double lines
Dubbelprägling: (Swed.) re-entry
Dubbeltryck: (Swed.) 1. double print. 2. re-entry
Duben: (Czech.) April
Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford Railway: Ireland local post
Dublu: (Rom.) double
Dubrovnik: formerly Ragusa, Yugoslavia
Duc.di.Parma: inscription for Duchy of Parma, Italian States
Ducie Island, Dependency of: Pitcairn Islands bogus overprint
Due: (It.) catalogue name given by Stanley Gibbons to Portuguese keytype used for colonial postage dues
Dues: postage due stamps
Duckstad: bogus, Donald Duck’s own country; from the Netherlands
Duck stamps: U.S. Bird Hunting Permit stamps
Due Grana: (It.) Italian States, Two Sicilies
Dues stamp: 1: adhesive label to record postage due on delivery because of insufficient payment. 2: stamp that indicates membership dues or fees; may be considered a cinderella
Duitschoost Afrika Belgische Bezetting: (Ger.) German East Africa overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo, Belgian occupation, 1916-22
Dukhovstschina: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1873-82
Dulac, Edmund: 1882-1953, designer of British stamps including the 1973 Coronation issue
Dull gum: water activated stamp gum having no light reflective quality, incorrectly referred to as dry gum
Dulwich mark: double arc dated postmark started in Britain in 1894, used for many years
Dumbarton & Balloch Railway: Scotland local post
Dumb cancellation: postmark that shows neither the date nor place of cancellation
Dumfries Pony Express: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Duminica: (Rom.) Sunday
Dummy: term usually used for booklets with stamp and cover layout in blank printed outline
Dummy Stamps: stamp-like labels used for training and test purposes; have no postal validity
Dunblane Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Dundee Circular Delivery Co.: local post, Dundee, Great Britain, 1867
Dunaburg: now known as Daugavpils
Dundalk, Newry & Greenore Railway: Ireland local post
Dundee & Arbroadth Joint Railway: Scotland local post
Dundee Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Dune countries: Trucial States or South Arabian issues, most not listed by Scott
Dungarpur: Indian State, 1933-47
Dunham, E. P.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps
Dunhams Post Office: local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850-52
Dunkelgrau: (Ger.) dark/deep grey (color)
Dungarpur: India Feudatory State
Dunhams Union-Square Post Office: U.S. local handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850-52
Dunham, E.P.: matches, private die proprietary stamps
dunkel (German) dark
Dunkelblau: (Ger.) dark blue (color)
dunkelblaugrau (German) dark blue-grey
dunkelblaugrün (German) dark blue-green
dunkelbläulichgrün (German) dark bluish-green
dunkelbraun (German) dark brown, sepia
dunkelbraunkarmin (German) dark brown-carmine
dunkelchrom (German) dark chrome
dunkelgelbgrün (German) dark yellow-green
dunkelgrau (German) dark grey
dunkelgraublau (German) dark grey-blue
dunkelgraugrün (German) dark grey-green
dunkelgrün (German) dark green
dunkelgrünblau (German) dark green-blue
dunkelgrüngrau (German) dark green-grey
dunkelkarmin (German) dark carmine, purple, brown-lake
dunkelkarminbraun (German) dark carmine-brown
dunkelkobaltblau (German) deep violet blue
dunkellila (German) purple; deep lilac
dunkellilabraun (German) dark lilac brown
dunkellilagrau (German) dark lilac grey
dunkelolivgrau (German) dark olive grey, greenish-grey
dunkelolivgrün (German) dark olive green
dunkelorange (German) deep orange
dunkelpurpur (German) purple
dunkelrosalila (German) dark rose-lilac
dunkelrötlichlila (German) dark reddish-lilac
dunkelsämisch (German) deep chamois
dunkelsiena (German) dark sienna, sepia
dunkelviolett (German) deep purple; slate-violet; dark violet
dunkelviolettblau (German) dark violet-blue
dunkelviolettbraun (German) dark violet-brown
dunkelviolettgrau (German) dark violet-grey
Dunlop & Co.’s Express: package delivery service; used a corner card
Dünn: (Ger.) thin
DUPL: auction abbreviation for duplication
Duplex cancel: a two-part cancel, one part containing the postmark, and the other part with the cancellation, first recorded use was in the London District Post, 1853 for stamping “too late” mail
Duplex paper: two-ply paper; see: Safety paper
Duplicates: extra copies of stamps that are already in the collection; they should be examined carefully for varieties and variations of color, watermark and perforation
Dupuy & Schueck: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y.,1846-48
Durability: paper’s ability to withstand wear and tear; storage and other factors affect durability
Durando’s Express: local baggage express firm serviced New York City, used a label, year unknown
Durango: 1. local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937. 2. overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883
Durazzo: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices in Turkey postage due, 1909-16, now Durres
Durcal: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-37
Durch Eilboten: (Ger.) by means of Special Delivery
Durch Finnische Feldpost: (Finn.) via Finnish fieldpost
durchlöchern (German) to put holes in, to perforate
durchschlagend (German) transparent, visible on the back
Durchschnitt: (Ger.) cut
durchsichtig (German) transparent
durchstechen (German) to cut through, to perforate
Durchstich (German) roulette
durchstochen (German) rouletted
Durchstreichung (German) pen cancel
durchstrichen (German) barred, crossed through
Durfee’s Express: local private firm; unknown area; used a label, year unknown
Durland Catalog: lists all known plate numbers on U.S. stamps
Duryea’s Express: local baggage firm serviced New York City and Flushing, Long Island, used a label, year unknown
Dutch Auction: the item being sold is called out a maximum starting price, and descends by increments until the winning buyer places his bid
Dutch Flat Express: S. Allan Taylor local fantasy
Duttia (Datia): India Feudatory State; 1893-21: first local post stamps, 1921: separate stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India
Duty die: back up die made from the master die, with no country name, figures or other symbols of denomination
Duty plate: plate used to print the value, or the name and value on stamps; used in conjunction with the head or key plate
Dvojité, Dvojity: (Czech.) double
Dvojity Tisk : (Czech.) double print
Dvoupáska: (Czech.) pair
D.V.R.: Far Eastern Republic overprint on stamps of Russia
D.W.I.: Danish West Indies
DX Mail: division of New Zealand Document Exchange, a private postal service that produces its own stamps for various mailing services
D.Y.: (Turk.) Demir Yol Railroad
Dyeaskagway: U.S. local post
Dyp: (Nor.) deep (as referencing the color of a postage stamp)
Dyp blågrønn: (Nor.) deep blue-green (color)
Dyp fiolett: (Nor.) deep violet (color)
Dyp crønnligblå: (Nor.) deep greenish-blue (color)
Dyp gulgrønn: (Nor.) deep yellow-green (color)
Dyp mørkeblå: (Nor.) deep dark blue (color)
Dyp olivengrønn: (Nor.) deep olive-green (color)
Dyp rosa: (Nor.) deep rose (color)
Dyptrykk: (Nor.) Trykk – Dyp
Dyr: (Dan., Swed) expensive
DZ: Algeria, country code as used by UPU
Dziedzice: city in former Austrian-occupied Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.

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