To commemorate the centenary of the founding of Fort Victoria in 1943, Gerald Wellburn designed a pictorial slogan postmark, which cancelled regular letter mail in Victoria from March 15, 1943 until March 31. Below is a local letter mailed on the second day of the slogan’s use.

The cover is addressed to Mrs. A.D. Muskett, Pentrelew, 1201 Fort Street. Madge (Margaret Adelaide Muskett) was the widow of Aubrey Dashwood Muskett (1877-1941) who had been headmaster of the Collegiate School for Boys from 1910 to 1929. Madge was a grandaughter of Sir Henry and Sarah Crease.
The cover (next page) was written and sent by “Aunt Zeffie”, i.e. Josephine. Pentrelew was the name of the Crease family home on Fort Street. It subsequently became the Victoria Truth Centre church facilities. It is now the site of the new Bellewood Park residential development.
A Second Day Postmark and an Historic Letter

Cover dated March 16, 1943 with the Fort Victoria commemorative slogan postmark. Letter written by Josephine Crease to her niece.
by Gray Scrimgeour